Who are you, Percy Jackson or...

By GoBlueNYC

3.8K 60 16

After the Giant War, Percy was broken. He had lost everything. However, so had another family. Moira Queen, w... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 1

854 10 5
By GoBlueNYC

AN: Hey guys, welcome to my story! This is my new Percy Jackson and Arrow crossover. This will be Percy Jackson in Oliver Queen's life. That is kind of an ambiguous statement, but I don't want to give too much away. Also, this is in the Arrow timeline, so the dates in Percy Jackson will not be involved in this story, as the timelines do not match up. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy my story!

Perseus Jackson was broken. He had lost his mother, stepfather, sister, and girlfriend in the space of one week. He was supposed to be the strong leader of Camp Half-Blood, the fearless Percy Jackson, Bane of Kronos and Gaia, Slayer of Monsters. However, he was just another demigod who failed his friends and family. It all started with the end of the Giant War.


The seven watched as Gaia rose from the earth at Camp Half-Blood after being awakened in Greece due to Annabeth and Percy's blood.

Percy stood at the front of the demigod forces as Gaia stood there in all her glory with a horde of monsters behind her. All of the Giants had been killed in Greece by the seven and the Olympians, and they were brought back to help fend off Mother Earth.

"FOR OLYMPUS!" Percy shouted and the demigods rushed forwards. The Greeks ran forwards, charging in like madmen, while the Romans got into their cohorts and began working like the well oiled machine they were.

However, both tactics worked, and both groups of demigods were destroying monsters left and right while Gaia stood watching her army get picked apart by the demigods. While there were many losses in both groups, they kept fighting, none more than Percy himself.

He was a whirlwind with Anaklusmos and his powers helping him destroy monster after monster. He brought his sword down on a dracaenae and impaled a hellhound right afterwards. Looking at the destruction on the battlefield, he raised his arms, and all the water from the battlefield and some from the Long Island Sound came to the call of its master. He had a hurricane surrounding him, and he was floating in the air, being supported by the vapor in the air. He closed his eyes, and when they opened, his eyes were like a raging ocean. He let the water go, and it wiped through the monster forces, killing almost every monster remaining. He then slowly fell to the ground, where Annabeth caught him, in awe of the power he had just shown.

The rest of the demigods finished off the monsters before Gaia came into the battle. She immediately came down and raised razor-sharp vines from the ground, impaling a few demigods. Before any more lives could be lost, Percy and Annabeth came into the battle. Annabeth put on her baseball cap and unsheathed her drakon bone dagger and Percy came forward and shot a spout of water at the Protogenoi.

Gaia turned to Percy and smiled. "Perseus Jackson! Come to meet your doom?" she asked sinisterly.

"As a matter of fact, I am here to defeat you. If I die trying, so be it," he said. "However, you will die before I let that happen," he continued as he shot some more water at the Primordial. Gaia made an earthen wall from the ground to block it. After it cleared, the rest of the 7 were standing next to Percy, with Annabeth on the end wearing her cap.

The seven, besides Annabeth, charged the goddess, while Annabeth snuck around her. Jason and Piper came in to the Primordial, with Piper using her charmspeak to slow Gaia down while Jason sent lightning through his spear at the Portogenoi. In retaliation, Gaia sprouted vines from the ground, wrapping them up, and keeping them trapped to the side.

Frank, Leo, and Hazel charged together, with Hazel on top of Frank, who was a horse, and Leo shooting fire from his hands, screaming "Flame On!" Gaia was still able to wrap them up in vines and place them next to Piper and Jason.

Lastly, Percy and Annabeth, who was still wearing her cap on his right, stood and faced Gaia. "It's over Perseus! I have your friends. Now all I have to do is find that pesky daughter of the wisdom goddess so I can kill them in front of you for what you did to my children," she snarled.

Percy gripped Anaklusmos. "You will never kill my friends, and we will destroy you!"

As he started to charge, Gaia made an earthen spear and threw it towards Perseus. Fortunately and unfortunately for him, it wizzed past his right side, and he heard the spear break skin. He looked over as the cap fell off of Annabeth's head as she fell towards the ground. Percy rushed over and caught her before she landed. "Annabeth, stay with me," he pleaded. "Wise Girl, I love you, please!"

"Seaweed Brain, I love you," Annabeth croaked. "Move on, I will always love you, and if you find someone else, I will be happy. Live your life, and be a hero. Be my hero." With that, Annabeth fell limp in his arms and the battlefield was silent.

"I will, Wise Girl, I promise," he said as he cried into her shoulder. He picked up her invisibility cap and stuffed it in his pocket before facing Gaia. His expression was emotionless, but his eyes were full of it. It was as if tsunamis were consuming the world, and Percy was in the middle.

"You killed Annabeth," Percy said, his voice full of rage. "You will pay!" he shouted as he charged the goddess. Gaia blasted bolts of earthen energy at the charging son of Poseidon, but when the dust settled, Percy wasn't there. He reappeared behind her, and when she turned around, he swung down with the might of a god, causing Gaia to create an earthen sword and forcing her to block it and enter a duel with the raging demigod.

His rage combined with his skill kept Gaia on the defensive, and she got nervous that he would actually beat her when silver blood started to fall from her shoulder. Gaia looked to her shoulder before looking back at the demigod, whose face was stoic. He took this opportunity to take Anaklusmos and stab it into Gaia's chest.

"I told you, you will pay," Percy said softly. "Now die, you bitch." He pulled out Anaklusmos, causing Gaia's form to slump over and disappear, causing the vines around the seven to break. Percy ran over to Annabeth and lay down next to her body. He turned over to face her. "I'm sorry Wise Girl. We never will be able to go to college or have kids or get married, and I'm sorry. I will always love you. I will try to move on, but just for you, and I will see you in Elysium," he said sadly, before passing out.

LINE BREAK (still in flashback)

Percy woke up on Olympus, which made him sad because Annabeth had designed it. He woke up to see the rest of the seven, who had been given one gift, along with godhood. Jason and Piper kept their gift, while Frank and Hazel asked for each other's curses to be removed. Leo asked for Calypso to be freed from Ogygia, and she immediately hugged Leo when she appeared.

Percy stepped forward and gave them all hugs, before they were teleported back to Camp Half-Blood. Percy stood there, along, in front of the gods.

"Perseus Jackson!" Zeus boomed. "Again, we would like to offer you godhood. Do you accept?" Percy numbly shook his head. He wanted to see his friends again.

"No Lord Zeus," he said shakily. "I humbly reject your offer, as I want to see my friends again once I live my life to its purpose. However, I would like a few things, as you guys didn't really acknowledge my requests last time."

Zeus was seething in his seat, but Hera calmed him down. "Firstly, I would like a passage between the two camps," Percy said. "I believe that the camps need to create a strong relationship, and if they can get to each other easily, then it would be easier to create a strong relationship." Zeus nodded, and all the gods murmured their agreements.

"Secondly, I would like the power to change my appearance," Percy said, causing uproar from Zeus.


"I don't want more power," Percy said, deathly calm. "As you know, I am powerful enough to defeat Gaia. Also, the love of my life just died, something you don't know anything about, considering how much you cheat on your wife. So, I would like to create a new life. Which goes into my third request. I want my demigod scent removed. I want to have a normal life. I already saved you twice Zeus, not to mention I've gone on countless quests, one to retrieve your weapon, and another to save your demigod daughter, and another to save your Olympian daughter. So yes, I think I deserve a break."

The room was silent for a moment, before Zeus exploded


Perseus sighed. "Fine. As you know, I suck at archery because of my parentage, so I want the curse removed so I can actually learn how to do archery." Zeus looked at Apollo and Artemis, who nodded.

"Fine, Apollo, Artemis, do it," Zeus said. Apollo and Artemis muttered some words in Ancient Greek and Percy felt as if something had left him. "Thank you, Lord Apollo and Lady Artemis," he said respectfully.

The twin gods smiled at the demigod before taking a seat back in their thrones. "Is that all?" Zeus asked annoyingly.

"Yes, Lord Zeus, thank you," he said with a bow.

"This council is adjourned!" Zeus said, cracking away.

"Drama queen," Percy muttered. The rest of the gods flashed away, but three of them remained: Hephaestus, Hestia, and Hera.

The forge god walked up to Percy. "Hullo Perseus," he said.

"Hello Lord Hephaestus," Percy said respectfully.

"I would like to make Anaklusmos be able to affect mortals, will you give me your blade for a few hours so I can adjust it?" Hephaestus asked.

Percy was stunned. "Yes, Lord Hephaestus, thank you," he said gratefully.

Hephaestus grunted. "I am doing this because of your relationship with my children, especially Leo and Beckendorf," he said before flashing away. After the forge god left, the Queen of the Gods came up to him.

"Hello Perseus," Hera said.

Percy bowed. "Hello Lady Hera, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I would like to thank you for the words you said to Zeus, he really needed that," Hera said. "Also, I am here to grant you your second and third wish," she said, shooting a beam of light at Percy, causing him to stumble. When he stood up, he felt knowledge racing through his brain. He tested out his new ability, and found that he now had brown hair. He changed his hair back to its original raven color before looking at Hera.

"Thank you, Lady Hera, for this gift," Percy said. Hera gave him a smile before flashing away. After she left, her sister Hestia came up to Percy. "Hello Percy," she said softly.

"Hello Lady Hestia," Percy said respectively.

Hestia waved him off. "None of that lady crap Percy, you are my favourite demigod, just call me Hestia."

Percy smiled. "Alright, Hestia, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

Hestia took a deep breath. "Iwouldlikeyoutobemychampion."

Percy looked at her with a confused expression. Hestia sighed and repeated it slowly. "I would like you to be my champion, do you accept?"

Percy gave the goddess a shocked expression. "I...I accept, Hestia, but what does this mean?" he asked.

Hestia smiled happily. "It means you get some of my powers. You can now summon fire, home cooked meals, and can give people hope like you do normally, except it is more powerful."

Percy looked at her, before Hestia shot him with a beam of orange light, but instead of it hurting, it felt good. He stood up confidently, and the goddess, in her eight-year old form, came up to her and gave him a hug. "Thank you Percy," she said happily.

Percy gave her a nod and a lopsided grin before she flashed away.

LINE BREAK (still in flashback)

As Percy walked back to his house, he experimented with his new powers, especially his appearance changing one. He was happily skipping, as he knew he didn't need to bother looking for monsters. When he reached his house, he knocked on the door, which opened, revealing a very pregnant woman on the phone with someone.

"Let me call you back, Moira," the woman said. "PERCY! I missed you so much."

Percy gave her a smile. "Hi mom. I see you and Paul got busy," he teased.

"Hey!" Sally said, shoving him playfully. "It's a girl, and we are naming her Estelle Blofis."

"Congrats mom," he said. "Who was that you were talking to?"

Sally sighed. "It was my friend in Washington, Moira Queen. She has a son your age, but he is a bit of a troublemaker. They are very rich, so he thinks he can do whatever he wants. He is having some problems, and she thinks he will overdose soon."

"I'm sorry Mom," Percy said. "However, I can so see them if you want, give them something."

Sally shook her head. "Percy it isn't necessary. Besides, I can just email them."

Percy sat down on the couch. Sally looked at her son, concerned. "Percy, what's wrong."

Percy looked at Sally with a distraught expression. "Annabeth died," he said softly. "But I am trying to be strong for her."

Sally gave her son a huge hug. "I'm sorry Percy. I know how much you loved her. However, she is smart, and I believe she told you to move on. Is that why you want to see the Queens?"

Percy looked at her and nodded. "They live across the country, and I have some new powers I want to try out," he said trailing off.

Sally looked at her son sadly. "Okay Percy, but at least stay a few days. I will miss you when you leave," Sally said. Percy nodded and gave his mother a hug before heading into his room.

The first two days he stayed with his mom Percy was fine. Anaklusmos had come back to him with a note from Hephaestus, saying it was now able to affect mortals, but other then that, he was a little bit sad, but he managed. However, on the third day, tragedy struck. When Percy went to get groceries, he came back to see his apartment building on fire. He started to run into the building, knowing his ability to control fire, but firemen stopped him. "My family is in there!" he screamed.

"I'm sorry kid, you gotta go," the fireman said, pushing the heartbroken demigod away from the scene. Percy ran away from his apartment, and when he was far enough away, he disappeared into mist and reappeared in his apartment. He found his mother and Paul lying together, dead, and he scampered around his house, finding a picture of the seven, a picture of him and Annabeth, and the address to Moira Queen's house, and he disappeared.


Percy spent his time going to Washington. When he wasn't mist travelling, he was training his new abilities. Overall, it took him a week to get to Starling City, and by the time he did, he could use his fire powers more effectively, and was able to change his appearance at will.

When he reached Starling, he changed his appearance to that of a blonde hair blue eyed man and walked through the city, noticing how different it was to New York. The Glades were the poorer section of town, and even he could tell.

When he reached the address that his mother had given him, he saw it was one of the most beautiful houses he had ever seen (he had been to Olympus multiple times). He changed back into his raven haired sea-green eyed self and knocked on the door. When he got there, a man who looked like he was in his forties looked at him strangely.

"Um, sorry, but does Moira Queen live here?"

AN: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this crossover. Sorry for not posting this right away, I kind of messed up, but here it is! I will try to upload as much as possible, so please let me know how you feel about this idea, because I really want to continue it. Anyways, enjoy the story and please review!

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