King of Games II: Electric Bo...

By Winter_Wanderer

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This is the tale of a young man named (Y/N) (L/N), Prince of the Seas and the King of Games. After taking car... More

Character Bio
Prologue: Hellos and Goodbyes
Chapter 1: They Grow Up so Fast
Chapter 2: Kono DIO Da
Chapter 3: Home Makeover
Chapter 4: Arrancar
Chapter 5: Kurumi
Chapter 6: Date with a Killer
Chapter 7: Cram Course
Chapter 8: Redemption
Chapter 9: The Beginning of the Festival
Chapter 10: Helping Blake
Chapter 11: Silver Gospel
Chapter 12: Attempted Attack
Chapter 13: The Rules
Chapter 14: SPOON
Chapter 15: Careful not to Cut Yourself on all that Edge
Chapter 16: May the Rain Guide You
Chapter 17: Are We the Bad Guys?
Chapter 18: Revenge and Pumpkins
Chapter 19: Ornstein and Smough's Faces
Chapter 20: Salad? What's That?
Chapter 22: Where's Ursula's Palace
Chapter 23: Training Camps and Dragons
Chapter 24: Oh Great, There's Two of Them Now
Chapter 25: Investigation
Chapter 26: Hand Holding is Lewd
Chapter 27: The Sword and Shield
Chapter 28: Waltz of the Nightingale
Chapter 29: An Unlucky Crow
Chapter 30: The Accused Ones
Chapter 31: Father
Chapter 32: What is Fear?
Chapter 33: Missing in Action
Chapter 34: Return of the King
Epilogue: The Empress, The King, and The 69 Warriors

Chapter 21: Yamai Twins

340 15 28
By Winter_Wanderer

(Your POV)
I was currently on the Thousand Sunny going towards the island with the spirit, since the spirit appeared to be causing a tornado. I made sure to bring Sujin, Jack, Valentine, Sora, and Dark with me for various reasons. Sujin is obviously here for sealing, Jack's powers can likely counter anything wind-related, Valentine is here to treat injured people, and the other two I brought along to help me distract the spirit. The Strawhat pirates were having a meeting, so they were in a cabin. The ocean waters were mostly calm, but were only forced to move out of the whims if harsh winds. I was forced to use [Lord of the Sea] on the waters to calm them down, but doing so forced me to the crouch towards the front of the ship, leaving me vulnerable to the harsh winds. Everyone didn't seem too bothered by the winds, except for Jack, he was struggling to keep his head on his shoulders.

"Cursed spirit, how dare she embarrass me like this!" Jack shouted as he attempted to catch his flying head, much to Sora and Dark's amusement. "I'll take her head if it fits on my shoulders!"

"I recommend you don't." Valentine is once again the voice of reason in this situation, and now she was wearing a rain jacket over her usual uniform. "Your body is entirely decomposed except for your bones, it's a miracle you're able to stand, and a curse you're able to talk."

"Shut up booby lady!" Jack retorted, finally catching his head before Valentine walked over to him and threw his head over the boat. "You whore!"

"Will you two stop fighting!" I shouted while using water to catch Jack's head and toss it back on deck. "Jack, make yourself useful and take care of the wind, also stop calling Valentine a whore! She's our doctor!"

"Shut up you devil!" Jack shouted at me while desperately clinging onto his head, making sure the wind didn't send it flying again. "It's your fault I'm here anyways!"

"No, it's Arthur's fault!" I shouted, shifting the blame onto my mouse familiar because he was the one who sealed Jack away in the first place. "Also, how did my jackass mouse of a familiar seal you away?!'

"What on earth are you talking about?" Jack stopped his temper tantrum to look at me confused. "Despite his name, Arthur isn't a mouse."

"Eh?" I cocked an eyebrow before Sora started screaming about something and tackled me before hugging me tightly. "What on Earth?!"

"The ship's haunted!" Sora shouted as Dark walked over to the two of us with his hands in his pockets. "I was grabbing some snacks, and suddenly I heard a crunch from the pantry, the food supply is haunted!"

"I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for this." I reassured before the door to the cabin suddenly opened, but I saw no one open the door. "Well, god has left us, it was nice knowing you guys."

"Please don't tell me you're scared of a little ghost." Jack walked up to the door confidently and popped his gloved hands. "For you see, I AM THE GOD OF FEAR AND HALLOWEEN ITSELF!"

Jack summoned an orange flaming aura around himself, within the flames, the fire took the shape of a giant pumpkin head. The head started laughing, sending chills down all of our spines. Jack walked through the doorway, but stopped midway for some reason. That's when I heard the sound of something falling to the ground. This resulted in silence covering the area before Jack suddenly disperses into a series of bats and flies behind me before reappearing.

"God is dead and we are soon to follow." Jack solemnly says from behind me and Sora, while I was getting pretty annoyed with the fact that none of the readers know what Jack's abilities are, even though he's not really an OC.

"Sujin, Valentine, could one of you go see who's in there?" I sighed in defeat before turning to my two pawns, both of whom agreed. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Valentine and Sujin both peered into the room, with Sujin breathing a sigh of annoyance and Valentine shooting a glare at whoever was in the captain's cabin. "If you girls don't come out right now I will personally throw you six overboard."

"Waah!" I heard a familiar voice shout before six girls suddenly leaped from the captain's cabin and onto the main deck, then I realized it was team Hanzo and Kotori, then I realized that the voice was Asuka. "Please don't!"

"Oh would you look at that, there were no ghosts." Valentine sarcastically shrugged her shoulders while looking at us, but mainly glaring daggers at Jack. "It appears the deity of fear is afraid of ghosts."

"He guys, what's going on up here?" Zoro came up from the lower decks to see the six girls hurled over from the doorway. "...what on earth?"

"Kotori, Asuka, Katsuragi, Ikaruga, Hibari, and Yagyu all appeared to be hiding on the ship, and we just found them." Sujin explained to the swordsmen, who looked at the toppled girls and nodded in understanding. "So what's everyone talking about down there?"

"Franky told us that there's another pirate currently on the island, and we're not entirely sure who it is yet." Zoro announced, gaining all of our attention because we thought there were just the spirits there. "(Y/N), could you help us with this pirate?"

"Sure thing, but our top priority is the spirits, if at all possible, I'd like to get them a safe distance away from my [Breath of Rain] style." I explained, knowing full well that my style could kill just about anyone who's caught within range of it, unless they have a healing factor.

"That would see, like the better idea, but I don't think I've seen your breathing style." Zoro reminds me, knowing full well I don't use it that often.

"Guess you'll have to wait and see." I looked off in the distance, still trying my best to control the waves and watching as the island we were approaching grew closer and closer. "Also, have you guys ever heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise?"

"Oh god here we go again..."

(Timeskip, brought to you by (Y/N) telling everyone the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise while Valentine looks on in mild disappointment)

Once we docked, I learned that the six girls apparently wanted to train on the island once they can, so I decided to let them stay on board the ship. With that said, the rest of us went towards the source of the intense winds to see if we can calm the spirit down a bit. Not the smartest idea, but it's better than nothing.

Sora, Dark, Sujin, Jack, and I went ahead to meet the spirit, and we played it safe by sneaking towards the spirit's known location. Valentine and I took the lead, just to make sure there weren't any traps or anything else that could alert the spirit to our location. Once we made sure the path was clear, we signaled for the others to come closer to us until we finally found a bush we could hide in. I crouched into the bush next to Sora, followed by me adjusting the leaves in front of me slightly to get a better view of the area.

Surprisingly, there were actually two spirits fighting in front of us, both of whom looked rather similar to one another. The main difference however was the fact that one of them had a spear and the other had a pendulum, I watched as the two kept on fighting but they appeared to be evenly matched in almost every category. In fact, they were so similar the only way one was able to win was if one of them tripped or slipped. Since this little fight seemed to be going nowhere, I decided to intervene by walking in the middle of it.

I made sure to order Hack to help with the winds first, however, that ruined the element of surprise a bit. Jack's technique forced his pumpkin head to glow brighter, giving away our hiding spot. On the bright side, the spirits' Wind was completely canceled out and left them confused. I took this moment to calmly step out of the bushes with my hands at my sides, revealing that I was unarmed, despite being a one-man arsenal.

"Hey there you two." I greeted casually like a friend, this led to one of them walking up to me and the other glaring at me cautiously. "Name's (Y/N), and mind telling me what you're doing on one of my islands?"

"I don't see your name on it." The glaring girl told me, almost like she was intentionally trying to get me to leave.

"We're sorry (Y/N)!" The other girl apologized and bowed slightly before me, like she was genuinely sorry. "My twin and I were having another fight."

"I'm sorry, another fight?" I raised an eyebrow at the mention of these two being twins, I instinctively looked at both of them, noticing that they did indeed look similar to one another. "What are you two fighting about?"

"You see, we're fighting to decide who will become the new Yamai Kazamachi." The glaring sister informed me as she walked forward to stand beside her sister. "So far, the record is 25 wins for Kaguya, 25 wins for me, and 49 draws."

"The fact that you two fought almost 100 times concerns me." I sweatdropped after hearing what the two girl's said. "However, I have a simple question, why not settle the score with a game?"

"A game?" The girl apparently named Kaguya raised her head in curiosity, and lucky for her, she's talking to the King of Games. "What's that?"

"Games are a friendly way of settling scores, and like fighting, the more skilled you are, the better." I explained, knowing most games operate under that rule. "Or a contest could work, I'll even be the judge."

"A contest..." The robot sounding girl then began thinking about something before suddenly coming up with something. "I know, 'who can seduce (Y/N) the fastest'."

"I'm sorry, what the fuck kind of contest is that?"

"Great idea Yuzuru!" Kaguya shouts as the two suddenly begin to walk closer to me, with Kaguya smiling mischievously and Yuzuru bearing an emotionless expression. "Now (Y/N), you have to judge honestly and fairly, got it?"

"I would pay actual money to find out what is going on in your heads right now." I calmly said as I accepted my fate, which led to giggling being heard from the bushes. "Also, you guys come out now. The situation's just become more confusing."

"What is it (Y/N)?" Jack overdramaticalky slid towards me, acting as high and mighty as he usually did. "Need the genius of Pumpkin Jack Frost to solve the mystery?"

"If by 'genius', you mean struggling to do simple math, then I'm certain (Y/N) will pass." Valentine calmly walked out of the bushes with her arms crossed. "So now I suppose you two girls will stop your bickering and calm down?"

"Did we really cause all that trouble?" Kaguya looked at the trees that were towards the center of the island, finally realizing all the damage they've done. "Sorry..."

"It's fine, but now you kind of have to make up for it." I looked at the now destroyed trees before coming up with an idea. "Say, how good is your guy's control over your spirit powers?"

"They're decent enough, why?" Yuzuru answers, allowing me to form an idea that allowed me to keep my promise to Kotori and help with the pirate Zoro told me about.

"Well there's another spirit with us, but she's back at the ship." I explained with a smirk. "You see, she's a fire spirit that needs to learn how to control her powers a bit better, I was hoping you two could help her out for me. Maybe if the one who trains her first were to help her, I'd give a special reward..."

"On it!" Yuzuru and Kaguya both ran towards the Thousand Sunny, allowing me to laugh quietly to myself, since my 'special reward' was a rubber duck, of course, Jack looked at me with wide eyes.

"You've been hanging around Khun too much."

(Timeskip, brought to you by (Y/N) cosplaying Gilgamesh and perfectly replicating Gate of Babylon)

It was now dusk, and we hadn't encountered that pirate Zoro warned me about. I'm not saying he was wrong, but I decided to let everyone stay here and train. The Team Hanzo girls were all training on different parts of the beach, while Kotori and the twins trained on the other side of the small island. The rest of us were on the ship, mostly chatting and training. I was talking with a woman named Nico Robin to test each other's knowledge in history. Apparently she was very knowledgeable in history, but she wasn't entirely sure about history that was lost in the ocean and mythological history, my specialties.

"So you mean to tell me Hades was actually a good person?" Nico pondered the thought out loud before sparking her head. "Admittedly it's hard to believe, so do you have evidence to back this up?"

"Yep, Hades is one of the only ancient greek gods to NOT fuck everything under the sun." I explained, recalling a meeting that my grandfather had with Hades. "Plus, his relationship with Persephone was actually relatively normal. Sure he did kidnap the girl, but compared to Zeus, it's basically nothing. What's more, Hades actually tries his best to be a good husband."

"Well that's rather surprising, but since you have experience in meeting gods, I suppose I'll have to believe you." Robin shrugged and sighed as the two of us looked at Sora and Zoro, who were in a sword fight. "So any other mythological facts I should know about?"

"Most mythological beings have children and are pretty open about, unless their believers say they shouldn't, then they keep their descendants a secret, even their own descendants." I informed Robin, who cocked an eyebrow. "So you could be the descendant of a god and not even know it."

"That's rather interesting, so there could be descendants of Jesus Christ scurrying about as we speak?" Robin smiled slightly at the thought, not that I could blame her, the thought it entertaining.

"Hey guys, we got some company!" Chopper suddenly ran up to us then pointed at the make-shift bridge between the ship and coast, finally revealing three individuals walking towards. "That's Crocodile!"

I looked on to notice that there was a rather rich looking guy with a stitched scar walking towards us, at his side was a familiar robot and a rather tall knight. I instinctively summoned [Rebellion] and used [Lord of the Sea] to make a water orb in my spare hand. The one supposedly named Crocodile took a look at the ship, noticing that only me, Robin, Nami, Sora, Dark, Jack, Zoro, Chopper, and Frankie were here. Then the man pulled a cigar out of his pocket and placed it in his mouth before igniting it with a lighter.

"It appears Luffy isn't here, would you idiots mind telling me?" Crocodile asked us while Robin glared at him.

"Where he's at is none of your business." I walked forward and pointed [Rebellion] at him. "Now tell me what the hell your business is here, if you don't, I'll show you the wrath of the seas."

"So you're this (Y/N) (L/N) punk eh?" Crocodile looked at me with disappointment. "Your clothes are in desperate need of repair for someone Ursula considers a viable threat. Anyways, I'm not here for you. Kiibo, Anilla, you two can take him on, right?"

"Certainly." That confirms it, Kiibo is the robot standing before me, but now I'm fairly certain he's gotten some enhancements.

"..." The one supposedly named Anilla was wearing bright pink armor, their height was managed to rival Smough's, but their face was covered by a pink helmet fashioned like a bull helmet. "...yes..."

"Must be that damn virus DIO gave her that made her nothing more than a puppet." Crocodile sneered and proceeded to walk off, leaving the robot and knight to fight us. "Until then, see you later."

"Kiibo, you're still alive!" I shouted in glee, confusing the robot greatly as the pink knight looked at us, trying to understand how I know him. "You had me worried at the end of Danganronpa V3!"

"Sorry sir, but I don't know you, but now it appears my master wants you dead." Kiibo then turns his left arm into an arm cannon and points it at me as Anilla prepares a great axe.

"Of course they'd reboot you." I shrugged and got into a battle stance, costing my blade with water, lightning, and wind chakra to increase the damage. "Dark, Sora, Chopper, Zoro, you four go and help our shinobi friends. Frankie, Nico, I need you two to help Kotori and the twins. Nami, I need you to go find Luffy and the others."

"Are you sure you don't need actual help?" Dark said, glancing at Jack, who was now holding his enhanced axe I got him. "I'm sure Zoro and Chopper can handle whoever's going for the shinobi themselves. Plus they have Valentine with them."

"I know, but I'm hoping you guys can finish this mission up quick and launch a surprise attack on your way back." I said as Kiibo activated his jet booster function and took to the air, while Anilla walked towards us with an axe/hammer in hand. "Besides, we're out on the open water."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Sora asked while I signaled downwards with my eyes, causing Sora and Dark to look down to see I made tentacles made of water. "Got it."

"Let's show these fuckers what true fear is!" Jack shouted as the candle in his head started glowing brighter, causing flames to poke out of the holes of Jack's head. "You guys get going, I have a feeling only (Y/N), Sung, and Jihan are immune to my Hallows Eve power."

In response to this, everyone quickly ran off the ship, with Anilla ready to crush them with their axe, but I used the water tentacles I summoned earlier to constrict the knight's movements, allowing everyone to pass. Kiibo fired a series of plasma balls at us, but Jack merely let out a deep, creepy laugh before summoning a series of pumpkin heads with their mouths open. Each of the pumpkin heads ate each of the plasma shots, then their stumps ignited like bombs and they threw themselves at the robot.

Kiibo didn't have much time to react, but he managed to dodge all of the pumpkin bombs with ease, while Jack's laughter only increased. At the same time, I jumped from the ship and towards the one named Anilla, attempting a downwards swing. However, Anilla broke free and managed to block my strike with their axe. Luckily, I managed to send an electrical current through the blade and through the metal axe, forcing Anilla to drop their axe.

Since I'm a man of honor, I dropped my sword and hit Anilla with my orb of electrified water. However, this didn't have much effect because Anilla's armor appears to cancel out my magic, leaving Anilla unphased as they picked up their axe and began attacking me with it again. I ducked under the first swing and was forced to move back to dodge the second. However the next one was an overhead swing, forcing me to swing below the make-shift bridge we were standing on. I focused my chakra into my hands to enhance my grip on the board as I swung below my original spot then I swung back into the bridge.

Anilla was too slow to react and accidentally struck the bridge we were standing on and broke it. This forced both of us into the water, luckily, the water only reached a meter high. I stood right back up after falling, but Anilla was having trouble moving thanks to the armor. I felt kind of bad and moved Anilla to the shore using a new pair of water tentacles. I waited for Anilla to get their act together before using the water tentacles to create ice spikes at the end.

Anilla tried coming closer to me, and to make things easier for them, I walked towards them until the water was at my ankles. Despite the handicap on my end, I managed to use my ice tipped tentacles to block Anilla's axe swing before attempting to complete my plan. I then thrusted my ice needles towards the visor of the armor, blinding Anilla's only ability to see. I then summoned [Gilgamesh] to enhance the power of my next attack.

"[Fist of the Black Turtle]." I covered my fist in a black aura before punching the center of the chestplate of Anilla's armor, cracking it and sending the knight stumbling back.

"[Kick of the Red Phoenix]." I slammed my fist in the sandy ground in front of me, confusing Anilla until a red pillar of flames suddenly emerged around the poor knight.

"[Dance of the White Tiger]." Once the flames dispersed, I delivered a kick to Anille's side, a punch to her neck, an axe kick on the shoulder, and an enhanced punch to the chest.

"[Wave of the Blue Dragon]!" I decided to finish the fight off with this move, gathering energy I got into the palms of my hands before realizing a wave of energy in front of me, that's when I got a pop-up in front of me.

Doctor V's Super Special Mega Requirements Met!
Rule Activated!
Desc: When an opponent you defeated wishes to join you with 100% of their heart, you can choose to accept them with a pop-up! Why did I put this rule on you? Well I don't want you killing an opponent who wants to join you, smartass!

Anilla wishes to join your peerage!
Yes No

Kiibo wishes to join your peerage!
Yes No

I was understandably confused by this, but given how Doctor V did this, I accepted my fate and rolled with it. However, I turned around to look back at Jack and Kiibo, and wasn't really all that surprised when I saw that Kiibo was entangled in a series of tree branches. The tree branches were so numerous that they practically covered Kiibo, who was trying his best to break free. At the same time, Jack was walking slowly to the robot with his axe at the ready, 100% ready to commit murder. To prevent another murder, I quickly accepted both members into my peerage, causing (f/c) pawn shogi pieces made of an unknown crystal to come flying out of both people and into my hands.

Anilla and Kiibo joined the peerage!
Anilla's vampire squid has been neutralized!
Kiibo's "adjustments" have been neutralized!

"Hey Jackass!" I shouted at my lancer, who stopped what he was doing to look at me. "He's one of us now, so let him go."

"Got ya!" Jack shouted, dismissing the flames from his head and the tree branches as he did so. "Welcome to the team, Metal Boy, name's Pumpkin Jack Frost! The embodiment of fear, Halloween, winter, and badassery!"

"Oh, hello." Kiibo replied shortly, having a hard time adjusting to the situation. "I'm Kiibo, the Ultimate Hope Robot. My apologies for almost killing you two."

"No need for such an apology!" I shouted from the sandy banks before turning my attention to Anilla, then I heard the sound of armor falling and saw that Anilla was a minotaur woman, that would explain her height. "Sorry for the whole roughing up bit, I hope you understand."

Anilla didn't respond, however, instead, all of her armor dropped revealing that she was wearing nothing both a white t-shirt and a blue swimsuit bottom for some reason. Though the part that really confused me was the fact that the cow-part suddenly starts at the knees instead of the hips. Despite this, Anilla had no trouble running towards me and tackling me to the sand. Anilla then wrapped her arms around me and nearby broke my spine, and I would have pushed her off if I didn't hear the sound of crying.

"T-Thank you..." Anilla sniffed, making me feel kind of bad for her, since she was under the direct control of Ursula and DIO, so I started rubbing her back and let her cry into my shoulder as the two of us lied in the sand.

Still, one question remained in my mind; What did Ursula put Anilla through?

(A/N:...What? I was losing my "What the fuck is going on in this guy's head" touch! As for why I added a Minotaur know how Jack is based off of Folklore's Jack? Well I decided to do something similar for Anilla, except she's a descendant of the Brown Bull from Cu Chalain's story. How does a bull have a Minotaur descendant? Aye, look here comes ZEUS! As for the last quote, it's me trying to remind you guys Ursula's the villain.

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