Fire and Fury (Beyblade Metal...

By _25days

8.1K 245 84

This is the sequel to the "Burning Hearts" book (if you haven't read it yet I would advise you to do so since... More

Important Info
Chapter 1 - Legendary Blader
Chapter 3 - Gateway to Success
Chapter 4 - The Legendary Blader In China
Chapter 5 - Ace's Birthday
Chapter 6 - Mist Mountain
Chapter 7 - The Temple
Chapter 8 - The Sun
Chapter 9 - Fire and Fury
Chapter 10 - The Four Seasons Bladers
Chapter 11 - It Has Begun
Chapter 12 - Nemesis Revived
Chapter 13 - Nemesis' Whereabouts
Chapter 14 - The Lost Kingdom
Chapter 15 - Fury
Chapter 16 - Goodbye
Chapter 17 - Nemesis
Chapter 18 - Aftermath
Chapter 19 - The Stars
New Projects' Info

Chapter 2 - Different

427 15 6
By _25days

'Kira, what are you doing here?' Kyoya asked with a serious expression as Leone returned to his hand.

'I'm here to talk to you,' she replied in the same tone and the looked at Benkei. 'Alone.'

The big blader left as soon as he heard the female's words.

The two bladers approached each other. The atmosphere was tense between them.

'I assume Benkei already told you the news,' she spoke and judging by the male's expression Benkei had explained everything to him. 'So, are you helping or are you still on your rebel phase?'

'Why should I even help?' he asked bluntly. 'I don't have any interest in doing so.'

'You only care about defeating Gingka, I know,' Kira's voice started to become a little more aggressive. 'Your selfish attitude will take nowhere! Oh, and just a little reminder, with no world there won't be any Gingka for you to battle and there won't be any Kira.'

And with that, the female turned around and left to join the others at the airport where they would get in a WBBA private jet to travel to that island Yuki talked about. Her lover was blinded by the new power...

She was the first to arrive but soon Gingka and the others joined her. Kyoya was there as well, but the two didn't speak to each other until they arrived at the island.

According to Yuki, there was a village there, but the group only found woods and more woods.

'Wait!' Madoka exclaimed. 'Wait a second, my bag is stuck!!!'

'Nothing ever changes with you either,' an annoyed Kyoya spoke turning around. 'If you're just gonna slow us down, head back home!'

Kira's teal eyes darted at the green-haired blader. Was he being a douche on purpose?

'What's your problem!? Rebel phases normally end when you're fourteen! And that was four years ago!' Kira said angrily walking to him. 'What's up with the shithead attitude!?'

'What's my problem!? The question is what's your problem!' the blader argued. 'You're the one with an attitude problem here!'

He stopped talking suddenly as he saw a village in front of him.

'Woah! There it is! The village!' Gingka exclaimed with a sparkle in his eyes and soon the group was in the small town.

However, the villagers didn't seem to like bladers and they ended up being kicked out. It was like they had something against beyblades..-

'Man, that was off the grid!' Gingka exclaimed once the bladers were at a safe place far from the town. 'What is up with these people anyway?'

'I think it was pretty obvious, they don't like bladers,' Kira spoke ironically.

'What could have gotten into them, I wonder...' Kenta commented.

No one could understand why the villagers were so against beyblades, but they were and that would make their work harder.

The group was thinking of their next move when they heard someone launching a bey. Everyone, except Kira and Kyoya, got up immediately to see who was beyblading, leaving an awkward silence between the couple.

'Why are you so mad at me!?' Kyoya broke the silence. He knew the girl had something to say and the fact that she wasn't saying anything made him angry. He didn't like it when people weren't frontal.

'Why!? Are you serious?' the female asked getting up. 'You've been acting like a complete dick lately and you don't know why I'm mad!? First, you refuse to help a kid in trouble, then you become all selfish and self-absorbed and, on top of that, you still decided to be hella rude to everybody!'

'You talk as if you wouldn't do the exact same thing!' the blader said raising his voice. 'You and I aren't so different!'

'You're wrong!' the girl said. 'I'm nothing like you!'

Then, Kira picked her bag and left. Kyoya wanted to ask her where she was going but his pride kept his mouth shut.

The British blader didn't know where she was going but she kept walking until night fell. Her lover never left her mind... he was being so rude lately. She couldn't stand it! It hurt her to know she loved someone so arrogant. He had never been so insensitive... the new power was getting to his head.

Anyway, she had to find somewhere to sleep. The village was out of the equation, so the only option was to use the sleeping bag she had brought with her. But, before she could do anything, the earth shook and the volcano showed signs of life. That energy, however, it was familiar. It was from a bey battle. She had to see what was going on.

The path to the volcano was confusing and hard to walk and the trees everywhere made it seem like a maze to Kira. The scenery looked the same everywhere she went.

When she got to the volcano crater, she kept her distance from the others. Then, she saw him. Ryuga was there and he was battling Yuki. The kid was losing as expected but still, he didn't give up.

'I will not give up!!!' the kid yelled when L-Drago was about to attack and suddenly a blue aura surrounded him.

Yuki was a Legendary Blader. Kira couldn't believe a kid like him actually was one of the chosen ones. Then, she noticed Ryuga's bey. It wasn't Meteo L-Drago anymore. It was different. Could it be? Could Ryuga be a Legendary Blader as well?

Kira had no doubts that the white-haired male was chosen. After all, he was one of the strongest bladers there were. And he lived up to his reputation by winning the battle against the young blader.

'Now, I see,' Ryuga said while taking his Beyblade back. 'It looks like that story of yours isn't a lie after all.'

'Join us, Ryuga!' the red-haired female heard Gingka's voice.

'Don't be ridiculous!' the Dragon Emperor replied. 'A new star fragment, huh? The Black Sun too? Very cool! So, in order for me to rise to even greater heights myself, I will take control of it all with my own hands!!!'

If he ever tried to do that, it would be the end of him. They needed Ryuga on their side. Kira had heard the legends and had read the stories. If they didn't join their forces, it would be the end. That was why she decided to intervene and walked out of the shadows approaching Gingka's gang.


He stopped on his tracks and turned around to see Kira walking to him. Gingka and his friends were also shocked to see the girl there.

'It's been a while since I've heard you scream my name,' the blader spoke in a suggestive tone that made Kyoya's eyes widen with rage. If he wasn't injured due to his battle against the Dragon Emperor, his hands would be in the white-haired male's collar.

'And you miss that a lot, don't you?' the female teased back before getting closer to him. 'I don't think you're seeing the dimension of this problem. If you don't help, there will be no world for you to walk around with your new power.'

'What is she doing, Mister Gingka?' Yuki asked still weak.

'I think she's trying to change his mind,' the ginger blader replied.

'Do you think she can do it?'

'If she can't, no one can,' Madoka answered Yuki while Kyoya wished he could listen to what the two bladers were saying.

Suddenly, they heard a clash. L-Drago and Phoenix were battling. Now, everyone would see what Eternal Phoenix was all about. Kira might not have been able to train a lot with her new bey, but their connection was the strongest.

The magma from the volcano was coming out as the two strong beyblades clashed fiercely against each other.

'Finally, a worthy opponent!' Ryuga spoke when he noticed how powerful the red Beyblade was.

'Appreciate it while you can, because you'll never get your hands on this power!' Kira shouted. 'Now, Phoenix, Rise From the Ashes!'

The red Beyblade changed its rotation creating a great explosion that made both Kira and Ryuga fall on the ground.

'I thought you only used that as a last resort,' the male blader spoke.

'Not anymore,' Kira replied revealing that it was no longer a problem to use Phoenix left rotation. Then, the two beys collided again. 'Crush him, Phoenix!'

L-Drago attacked as well, but the red bey was too strong. He had to use a special move.

'Special move: Dragon Emperor Supreme Flight!'

A great explosion occurred just like when he used that special move against Cosmic Pegasus. Everyone thought it was the end of Phoenix, but, when the dust settled, they all saw it was still spinning perfectly.

'Did you really thought it would be that easy?' Kira teased. 'Watch and learn, Ryuga. This is the true power of the star fragment. Rise, Phoenix!'

The fiery and majestic bird reached for the sky and, when it was at her highest point, it shone like the sun.

'Now, Phoenix, unite the fire and sky! Eternal Fiery Flaming Strike!'

The light created by the attack made it impossible to see who was winning and the group could only hear the two strong bladers screaming.

When the light was gone and the dust was settled, there was only one Beyblade spinning: Eternal Phoenix.

Everyone was shocked. She actually did it. And that final attack... it was unbelievable.

Kyoya couldn't believe she actually did it. He had never doubted her but seeing all that power coming from her was hard to process. Now he really needed to defeat all the Legendary Bladers.

L-Drago Destructor was at Kira's feet. She picked it up and then walked to Ryuga.

'Even I know I can't take that power. What makes you think you can do it?' she said pressing his Beyblade against he's chest. 'Open your eyes and accept that you're not invincible.'

And with those words, she turned away and walked to the group while Ryuga just walked away from there making everyone believe that he was still determined to find the other Legendary Bladers on his own. But, deep inside, Kira's words had an effect on him and left him thinking.

Gingka and his gang were still shocked that she had been able to defeat the Dragon Emperor. Nor Gingka nor Kyoya had been able to do so. However, the white-haired blader didn't join them like they wanted.

'So, then Ryuga's going to try to find the other Legendary Bladers on his own?' Madoka spoke as Kira approached.

'Looks like it,' she replied.

'That guy is just a total menace,' Kyoya showed his rage.

'With you makes two,' the female said walking past the group. She wasn't in a good mood and she was more than done with selfish people, so she decided to spend the next day alone training. That battle with Ryuga made her realize she still had many things to work on in order to become stronger.

However, Kyoya never left her mind. Was she too harsh? No... he was the one being selfish... right? He was the one who only cares about himself and he's only helping so he can battle Gingka in the end. He was the one in the wrong, not Kira. She didn't want to believe she was in the wrong.

Suddenly, while she looked for a nice new place to train, she felt the ground shake. Then, she heard an explosion. The girl looked in the volcano's direction immediately. It was erupting.

'I need to find Kyoya,' she thought.

'Kyoya!' she yelled as she ran through the woods.

The smoke from the volcano and the ash plume began to catch her making it hard for her to breath. She called her lovers name again but there was no answer. Her echo was the only answer she ever got.

Then, she felt something approaching her from behind. Kira turned around quickly and saw a small volcanic bomb heading in her direction. She tried to get her launcher ready, but she wasn't fast enough, and the rock hit the left side of her gut making her fall in the ground.

The female tried to get up but the sharp pain in her belly didn't let her and soon she felt her lungs being filled with the intoxicating smoke as her eyelids became heavier and it was getting harder to stay awake.

'Kira! Kira!' she heard a faded voice calling her.

She tried once again to move. She was lying on her stomach and the pain she felt when she tried to move made her let out a painful scream.

Then, the female saw Kyoya. He was running to her.

'Kira, can you hear me?' he asked kneeling beside her and helping her lay on her back. 'You're bleeding!'

He ripped the shirt off his body and placed it on the bladers wound.

'It hurts, Kyoya,' her weak voice said.

'Don't worry, babe. You'll be fine,' Kyoya said trying to stay calm when, deep inside, he was even more worried than the girl herself.

Soon, the others arrived with some villagers.

'Oh my God! Is she alright?' Madoka asked with her eyes full of worry.

'Does she look fucking alright to you!?' the green-haired male asked as he picked the girl bridal style.

'We have a doctor in the village!' an adult with dark brown hair and brown eyes informed and the bladers followed his lead to the doctor.

When they finally arrived at the village, Kyoya didn't lose any time and walked to the house the man had indicated.

He knocked at the door using his foot and a woman opened it not long after that. She looked at the girl in the male's arms and let them in immediately. She told the green-haired blader to take the girl to her room where she would examine her.

'She was lucky that the bomb wasn't too big,' the doctor spoke to Kyoya after taking care of the girl. 'She will just need to be careful and take it easy for a week or two.'

Soon Kira walked out of the room. She was a still a little weak, but with enough strength to stand in her own two feet and walk.

'Oh, you're already up!' the woman spoke happily. 'Just try not to push yourself! You need to rest!'

'Thank you, doctor,' the British girl said and then left with her lover.

'Are you sure you don't need any help?' a worried Kyoya asked as the couple walked to their group.

'I am,' she smiled. 'You don't need to worry so much!'

'I don't need to worry!?' the male exclaimed stopping in front of the female. 'I almost lost you and you're telling me not to worry!?'

Kira's eyes stared into Kyoya's ones as he talked. He was really worried about her... and all that happened because she was angry and decided to do it all by herself and leave the others behind. She was selfish.

'I'm sorry,' she spoke and right after her words she felt Kyoya's arms wrapping around her as he hugged her.

'No,' he said. 'It's not your fault. And you're right, I've been acting like a douchebag.'

'I guess we're not that different after all,' the female confessed before Kyoya kissed her forehead.

'Does that mean they made up?' Yuki asked Madoka and the others as they watch the couple from a distance.

'I would say so,' the brunette spoke.

Then, the couple kissed passionately and joined the group so they could walk to the boat together.

Kira spent the trip laying down with her head resting on Kyoya's lap while listening to everyone's conversations.

Apparently, Kenta was leaving the group to start a journey to become a Legendary Blader. He was determined and no one could make him change his mind.

Fortunately, Gingka and the others accepted his decision well and when they arrived in Japan, they accompanied the kid to the boat he was about to board in. He said his goodbyes and began his journey.

But Kenta wasn't the only one who would start an adventure. Dashan informed Kira and the others about a rumour that a mysterious blader had been attacking all those who were expelled from Beylin Temple and that there was a possibility that he was a Legendary Blader.

'They may have been expelled,' Mei-Mei joined the conversation between Dashan and the bladers in Japan, 'but all of them had trained in Beylin Temple, for sure! Their skills are second to a nun's!'

'Did she say second to a nun's?' Yuki asked confused.

'I think what she meant to say was: second to none!' Madoka corrected the Chinese girl.

'Anyway, whoever's behind those attacks must be strong,' Kira commented. 'And by strong, I mean strong enough to be a Legendary Blader.'

'Yeah,' Gingka agreed. 'Beylin Temple's training is really hard. I've done it myself! But this person was able to defeat those who have survived it!'

'So, there's definitely a chance, right?' Yuki asked.

'Right,' the red-haired female confirmed. 'I'll book the flights. We're leaving today.'

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