Broken Angel

By Ezynnn

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Sylvia Olvera......the one who is always seen as weak........ the one who is always being taken advantage of... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17

Chapter 16

110 20 4
By Ezynnn

Sylvia's POV

This chapter is not edited so there may be some grammatical errors. Please bear with me.

Samantha entered the room and interrupted my thoughts.

"What are you doing there? Follow me." she said and left the room.

I stood up from my chair and left the room. We went outside and stopped at the back of the building. I saw men and women dressed in black learning how to shoot a gun. Different gunshots could be heard from different areas of the surrounding as they were all aiming at the target.

"Since you will be joining the business,you need to learn how to protect and defend yourself in any situation. We have a lot of enemies from Mexico,Venezuela and a lot of other countries so we have to be alert at all times.Victor demanded you start immediately,though you aren't dressed for it." Samantha said.

"So am I starting now?" I asked.

"I don't really know Sylvia."

"You should have told me to dress up properly before we came here."

"I didn't know you would start practice today."

"Albeiro!" Samantha called a man who wasn't very far from where we were standing. He turned towards our direction once he heard his name and came towards us.

"Good day Miss Samantha,what can I do for you?" He asked.

"This is Sylvia. Victor's new mistress."

"Nice to meet you miss. You are one lucky woman." He said as she stretched out his hand for a handshake.

"Thank you." I replied while responding to the handshake.

"Now Victor wants her to learn how to use a gun. And I know you will be the right person to teach her what she needs to know." said Samantha.

I looked at Albeiro with a fake smile on my face.

"Of course Miss Samantha." He replied.

"Sylvia I am going to leave you with him now. If you need anything just let me know." Samantha said.

"Sure." I replied before Samantha disappeared into the building.

"Follow me miss."Albeiro said and I did as he said. I followed him further down as I looked around and observed the surroundings. The gunshots were bursting my eardrums and I prayed that none of them would miss their aim and hit me.

Albeiro interrupted my thoughts as he handed me a small gun.

" Miss Sylvia,this gun will do for now."

"No problem." I said.

"So do you know how to activate a gun?"

" I have never used a gun."

Let me teach you then."Albeiro said.


Samantha's POV

"Go tell Victor I want to see him." I said to one of the workers nearest to me. As he went off,I headed to Victor's office and sat on a chair. Few minutes later,Victor arrived.

"What do you want now Samantha?" He looked quite frustrated.

"What do you mean by that? Of course you know what I want. Where is my money?" I demanded.

"I went through a lot of stress trying to convince Sylvia so I need my money now."

"Look Samantha,I know you are angry but just be patient. I have a whole lot on my mind. I promise to give you by the end of the month." Victor said.

I calmed down and relaxed."OK then. So what is making you so moody?"I asked.

"That bastard nurse doesn't want to tell me who the other Olvera was. And she's at the peak of death. I don't know what to do to get the truth out of her." He said angrily.

"I just think you should forget about the second sister. She may not even know we exist. And besides,you haven't been focused lately because because of this matter. You should let it go."

"Let it go?! Did you just say I should let it go?!"


"Get out of my office! Now!" He spat out. He was really losing his mind.

"Victor calm down,you......" He looked at me with a death glare and I knew I had to go.

"Fine then. Call me when you need me." I said before I left his office.

I decided to go back outside and check on Sylvia. I arrived and could see that she was getting a hang of it. I really liked Sylvia. I envied her sometimes. She was so pretty and gorgeous and Victor didn't deserve her. I knew Victor would still go around sleeping with other women. I always wondered what she saw in Victor when she was always pressuring me to make him notice her. She had been acting strange lately. We were not as close as before. I wondered why.

I arrived and approached them.

"So how is it going?" I asked no one in particular.

"She's actually doing very good. I'm impressed. She has good aim." Albeiro replied.

"Good to know."

"I wasn't really expecting myself to be this good at it." Sylvia said with a smile on her face.

"I think she is done with this one."


"Well yes. She hasn't missed.

"I think you should still teach her,just to be sure before she moves to another gun."

"OK then."

I looked around for any chair I could see. I saw one and went over there. Since I had nothing to do,I decided to watch Sylvia practice.


Victor's POV

I was mad and furious. I couldn't stay at work again. I decided to go back and kill the nurse finally. If she wasn't going to talk,it was high time I killed her.

I finally arrived home and went straight to the warehouse where I kept her. I barged into the room and went to the drawer to get a knife.

"I think it is about time I kill you. I should have done that a long time ago." I said and turned my gaze to my bodyguard.

"Hang her and strip her naked." I ordered.

He did as I instructed and tore her uniform to shreds.

"You are going to die a slow and painful death." I said to the nurse.

"You are a bastard Victor Soleire. You..."

I interrupted her sentence with a slap to the face. I had finished cutting her fingers and toes off her body. I wondered how she was still alive.

"Have a nice life in hell." I said before I started to cut her head off. She was screaming and crying. Blood was coming out of her mouth and nose. Soon,her head had fallen off her neck with blood gushing out.

"Do the rest Emilio. Cut off every single part of her body. Her arms,legs,breasts,stomach and the rest. It should be done by 7pm."

"Yes boss." Emilio said. I threw the knife at his direction and went to the sink to wash my bloody hands. I also had to change my shirt too. I was about to leave the room and remembered something. I turned to Emilio.


"Yes boss."

"I hope you didn't burn the other body like I said you shouldn't."

"Yes boss. I cut it into pieces like you said I should."

"Good. I hope you know where to put those parts. I don't need to tell you."

"Yes boss."

"Good." I said before I left the room.

I went to the mansion to have a shower and a change of clothes. Some minutes later,I came out of the shower and put on fresh clothes.

I remembered that Samantha and Sylvia were still at the cartel. I picked up my phone to call Samantha. She picked the phone at the second ring.

"How is Sylvia doing?" I asked.

"Surprisingly she is doing very well. I was looking for you but someone told me you had gone home."

"Yeah. I had to finish my business with the nurse." I replied.

"Did she say anything?"

"No. I killed her."

"So you are done with looking for the other sister."

"Not actually. You and Sylvia should come back home."

"If you say so. Is that all?"

"Yes. She should be with you at all times. Makes sure nothing happens to her."

"I know,no need to tell me."

"Good. " I said and cut the call. I was planning on making a special dinner for Sylvia and I. I left the room and went back to the warehouse.

Sylvia's POV

"Sylvia it is time to go." Samantha said.

"Let's go then." I replied.

"I look forward to seeing you again Miss Sylvia." Albeiro said with a smile on his handsome face.

"I look forward to seeing you too. Thank you." I said. He smiled again and left Samantha and I.

We left the building and entered the car. There was silence for some time before Samantha decided to talk.

"I can see you enjoyed yourself." she asked.

I can't say I really enjoyed myself. But the fact that I could use the gun very well made my day and increased my motivation to get revenge on Victor. I always imagined the target as Victor. Maybe that was why I was getting it right.

"Yeah. You?"

"It was nice."

Silence took over again and it was quite uncomfortable. We arrived at the mansion and we entered inside.

"Victor is home right?" I asked Samantha.

"Yes. He came back very early today."

"He must be in the room then." I said. I didn't want to see him.

"Let's watch a movie. I'm really tired." I said to Samantha.

"I know the perfect movie we could watch." she said. I realized that Samantha and I weren't as close as before. I didn't want to be close to anyone in this house,but I'd rather stay with Samantha than Victor.

15 minutes later, I heard footsteps and looked up to see Victor coming down.

"Sylvia I am so happy you are back home." He said while coming towards me and gave me peck on the lips.

"I have a surprise for you." He said.

"Surprise?" I asked.

"Follow me upstairs and come and see for yourself." Victor said.

"Let's go. Can't wait honey."

"Sylvia and I won't be coming for dinner. Tell the rest." Victor said to Samantha.

"Why?"asked Samantha but Victor didn't respond. We went upstairs to our room. Victor opened the door and I saw a small table with two chairs with different types of food.

" You made dinner?"

"Yes. I cooked it myself."

"So you used our kitchen?" I asked.

"Yes. I didn't want anyone to see what I was cooking for you." Victor said and went closer to the table. He gestured for me to sit and I did. He went over to his chair and sat down too. I picked up a spoon and fork and had a taste.

"Oh my God. This is actually very good." I said honestly. It tasted very nice.

"Thank you Sylvia. I'm glad you are enjoying it." Victor said.

I took another one and it tasted so good. I picked up one that looked like a very little ball.

"I have never seen this before. So tiny." I said to Victor. It was very tiny and unusual. I had a taste of it.

"Victor this is so good. Where did you get this recipe from? I would love to learn."I said.

"It doesn't matter where I got it from. Just eat and enjoy." He replied. Dinner went on and I enjoyed every single bite. I had never tasted something like it before.

We finished eating and I was really satisfied.

"Thank you Victor."

"No need for that. An angel like you deserves to be treated like a queen."

Suddenly my mind went back to the nurse. I planned on going to the warehouse but Samantha spoilt my plans. I had to ask her why she didn't snitch on me. I hope Victor hadn't killed her yet.


"Yes baby."

"I would like to go check on my horse."

"Isn't it too late for that? You can check it tomorrow."

"No Victor I need to check it now. I think it has a problem."

"Well I will tell one of my bodyguards to check it. You don't need to worry yourself."

"I would like to check it Victor. Myself." I said.

Victor looked at me with a questioning look. I think I had said it the wrong way.

"OK. But be careful." Victor said. I stood up and pecked him on his cheek.

"Thanks honey." I said and left the room. I left the house through the backdoor. I still remembered the way to the warehouse and went there. Luckily for me, there were no bodyguards. I tried to remember the way to the room. I found it and opened it,happy that it was not locked. I entered but didn't see the nurse.

"Victor must have killed her. Or taken her somewhere else." I said to myself. I was angry at myself for not coming here earlier. I decided to look for anything important, so my coming here wouldn't be a waste. I looked around and saw a small drawer. I opened the first one and saw different varieties of knives. I picked one and took a look at it. I put the knife in the drawer and closed it. I tried to open the second drawer but it was locked. I looked around again and saw a fridge. I thought it strange for a fridge to be in this kind of place so I went to check it out. I opened it and what I saw made me cry.

"The nurse?" I saw two arms,two legs and two breasts. I felt like vomiting at the sight of it. I looked down and saw two hearts in two different jars.

"What the fuck!" I looked down again and what I saw made my body stiffen.

"Charlotte?" I saw the nurse's head and Charlotte's head.

"Oh my God. What is all this?" I saw another set of arms and legs and breasts. The arms were caught halfway and so were the legs. I guessed them to be Charlotte's. The nipples of two of the breasts were cut off. I recalled the dinner I had with Victor.

"No. No no no."

"I have never seen this before. So tiny."

"Victor this is so good. Where did you get this recipe from? I would love to learn."I said.

"It doesn't matter where I got it from. Just eat and enjoy."


"I ate......I ate..." I felt like vomiting and went to the sink.

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Love you all❤😘

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