Enemies Or Lovers || Naruhina...

By Powerful_Niya

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"Your next hunt is in twelve minutes, Prince Naruto. The vampires are scared so, they should be easy prey." A... More

Chapter 1: The First Time Feeling
Chapter 2: The Two Beings
Chapter 3: The Rivals
Chapter 4: The Battle Within
Chapter 5: Secrets
Chapter 6: The Mate Process
Chapter 7: Odd Changes
Chapter 8: Turned Events
Chapter 9: Consequences
Chapter 10: Following The Heart
Chapter 11: Better Together
Chapter 12: Trust Issues
Chapter 13: Locked Away
Chapter 14: Bad News
Chapter 15: Troubled Lovers
Chapter 16: Distractions
Chapfer 17: The Next Step
Chapter 18: Reuinted Again
Chapter 19: A Different Way
Chapter 20: Leaving The Past
Chapter 21: Old Faces
Chapter 22: Cutting Ties
Chapter 23: A Change Of Plans
Chapter 24: Friends and Lovers
Chapter 25: The Best Night
Chapter 26: Things Change
Chapter 27: A New World
Chapter 28: Nowhere Left to Run
Chapter 29: Sadness Strikes
Chapter 30: The Hidden Truth
Chapter 31: Mark My Words
Chapter 32: Strength And Weakness
Chapter 33: More Help
Chapter 34: Making A Plan
Chapter 35: Game Time
Chapter 37: The Set Up
Chapter 38: The Road Down To Peace
Chapter 39: The Battle Between Beasts
Chapter 40: A Fight For The Future
Chapter 41: Change
Epilogue: A New Life

Chapter 36: Too Late

678 38 17
By Powerful_Niya

Naruto's P.O.V
Night Fall

Night settled in on the earth faster than we had expected, my eyes peeking outside of the cave we've been lounging in.

All day long, the sun has been keeping Sai, Ino and Sasuke from leaving the wonderful shelter we all found but now that it's nighttime…

Our plan can officially start…

I smirked, excitement filling my entire body. I've been so jittery and impatient all day, and now that it's time for us to officially start, I couldn't seem to contain my emotions. I smiled wide and large, just staring up at the night sky in anticipation.

Mm.. Just a little while longer…

I nodded but froze when a hand suddenly tapped my shoulder from behind, getting my attention immediately. The tap was soft and quite friendly which signaled that it wasn't one of the guys that touched me..

I grinned and turned around slowly to be met with Ino who I expected it to be all along, a kind smile rooted on her light pink lips.

I smiled back just as friendly, truly liking how I was deeply close to all of Hinata's friends. It felt good that they could trust me, even if I'm not like them.. That makes me appreciate them even more.

We need more people like them, in the world…

Suddenly though, I was broken out of my thoughts by Ino who cleared her throat, her body tittering and tottering back and forth on her feet.

"Well Naruto, the time is finally here. Are you ready?" She asked softly, quickly checking on what I felt for our upcoming mission. Because we all know, there's a chance that one of us could get hurt or, our plan could just fall apart. But I have total faith in our plan. It can't fail..

It won't..

So, I turned towards her with confidence in my blue eyes, my head nodding without any hesitation. "Of course I am, Ino. Tonight is the night, I'll reunite back with my mate… And put that Toneri bastard in the dirt, once and for all. We will finally, have peace, again." I responded back with seriousness coating my words, Ino's smile widening largely by them in agreement.

She eyed me brightly, moving over to give my shoulder a friendly pat. "You're definitely right, Naruto. And no matter what happens from here on out, we'll all be standing right there, with you. There's no more rivalry between us. No.. We'll fight, as one. Never, forget that." She commented back which warmed my whole body, causing me to feel accepted once more.

My heart fluttered at her heartwarming words, for I appreciated them very much. I cherished them, dearly.

I lowered my head and allowed myself to smile large and wide, one that would make me look like a total idiot. But at the moment, I just didn't care one bit.

The smile was done to only hold back the many tears that wanted to spill down my cheeks, undying happiness and relief flooding my entire being. This, has always been my dream.

To be accepted for who I, truly am…

I'm finally being looked at as a friend and not, as a stoic killing machine.. And that alone, has made me, the happiness being alive.

I chuckled softly before turning back to my mate's friend, giving her a satisfied nod. "Thank you, Ino." I spoke thankfully which made the blonde vampire giggle, her hand patting my shoulder once more.

"Oh you're welcome, Naruto. But I mean it. Really, I do." She added with a wide smile, one that arose the happiness in my whole entire being.

I smiled at her once more but just when I opened my mouth to try to say something to her previous response I was interrupted by a deep voice.

"Hey, what are you guys doing over there? It's almost time to start the plan." Sasuke called out in the dark part of the cave, getting our attention. And immediately at the sound of him, we snapped our heads toward his direction, our keen eyes picking up his figure in the darkness.

Ino's body tense up a bit, her lips letting out a deep sigh. "Well, here goes." I heard her whisper before she left to stand before the vampire men. But she didn't leave without sparing me a warm glance, my head nodding back at her.

I smiled and just watched her go, remaining in my spot by the entrance of the cave. My body was super pumped and ready. I felt absolutely no fear or doubt anywhere in my mind.

I, was ready to kill Toneri.. And save…


I smiled even brighter at that, a longing  held in my heart.

The vampires which was located behind my body just stared after me as I leaned forward a bit, just to catch the moon in the distance which was in the waxing gibbous phase. I hummed at that, breathing in the pleasant night air..

Ahh.. It's almost a full moon.

And once that night comes and the moon is full, my kind would become stronger than ever.

But lucky for me, I don't need a full moon to build strength…

I have all the strength I need, right now, and I will use every last bit of it tonight…

For you, Hinata…

I nodded at that, my eyes glowing a deep dark red. I clenched my fists and let out, a low growl, fully ready now..

"Let's, do this…"

A Few Minutes Later

Finally, the team was all ready to depart from the cave we've been lying in to run discreetly through the rustling forest, our speeds immense. Especially mine.

My eyes were narrowed, the color no longer blue but an monstrous red, my mouth set in a scowl.

My body ran faster than the speed of wind, faster than my teammates who all ran closely behind me.

The only person that seemed like they could match my speed was Sasuke, my head turning to glance at him who practically ran beside me, his red eyes glowing brightly in the darkness giving him a creepy look.

I sent a playful smirk his way which made the black emo haired vampire chuckle, his head nodding at me.

Quickly, I turned my head back to look at the other two vampires which made up the team, my red glowing eyes picking up the two individuals who ran side by side, hand in hand as mates.

Sai and Ino held serious faces as they ran along, tagging behind the two of us as we made it closer and closer to the vampire kingdom, completely working ourselves away, from the werewolf side. A side which was unknowingly important.

Soon the huge dark kingdom was granted to use which screamed, vampire lair, my eyes glaring upon it.

There.. That's where that Toneri bastard is holding my Hinata...

But no matter. Tonight I will save her, and make that crazy, diabolical vampire perish.

He needs to be punished for his crimes. And silencing him forever, will do just the thing to bring justice to everyone, who's suffering from his reign… Everything will be, as it should once he's dead.

I couldn't help but grin at such a wonderful thought but suddenly, a hand was placed up to my far right, which my eyes luckily caught sight of, my feet quickly coming to a halt.

Every person in the team stopped dead in their tracks and just stared down at Sasuke who was now in a crouch position behind a large bush, his head whipping back to face us.

He then waved us over. "Come on. Get down." He only whispered out, giving us our first order to the plan that we were just about to execute, our heads instantly nodding.

We followed Sasuke's demands and moved quickly down into a crouch, the large green bush hiding our massive bodies from view.

Ino gasped as she just looked out towards her kingdom, her eyes running over the two guards that stood motionless by the gates, large spears held in their hands which reached higher than their own heads.

I took note of that, my own eyes moving to survey the entire place.

The kingdom was huge, ranging from 800 to 850 meters in height, reaching to a point where the clouds seeped over the large building. The place was mega large which meant that there have to be many guards in total.

But lucky for us, we have a plan involving them.

I looked up when Sasuke clicked his tongue, getting my attention. My eyes landed on him who nodded towards Sai, the pale vampire slowly working over towards me.

"Hey, Blondie. It's time to do the first part of the plan. Remember Sai is to enter the scene first to get the guards that we all see, distracted. Then we all, will enter inside behind them. Once we're inside, I will handle the other guards while you all settle on finding a spot to hide. Got it?" He whispered out, going over the plan a third time.

But it didn't matter how many times he went over it, by now, I knew it all by heart. There were so many times in my life where I had to be in situations like these, of course alone, to outsmart the vampires. So this, wasn't anything new to me.

But I only settled on nodding, soon moving my attention on Sai who sat crouched before me, ready to start his part in the plan.

He smiled brightly at me, nodding. "Well it's crazy to ask but.. May I get some of your blood now?" He asked lowly which caused me to chuckle, his words weirdly taking me back to..


I melted at the thought of her but quickly shook it off, returning back to my task..

We have to hurry this up..

So with that, I nodded at Sai and instead moved my right arm up, slanting it so it was shown to the both of us. I put up a smirk and with that, I opened my mouth wide to bite down onto my own arm, making sure to pierce far enough to work up plenty of blood.

The others watched me in awe as very dark red blood began to travel across my skin, sliding down the limb, revealing itself.

But I stayed put, just tearing into my own skin which luckily only caused me a bit of discomfort. But other than that, I felt fine. Only the feeling of seeing Hinata again won over everything else which brought me to do things I thought I could never do.

Like this...

I growled lowly as I just chopped at my flesh, my eyes picking up Ino who was slowly working her way over, so she could help.

And as soon as she made it beside Sai, I removed my teeth, watching as the blonde woman immediately moved to dive her fingertips into the blood that was there, the deep gash into my arm quickly healing up, leaving all the blood we needed.

I sat and just waited as she touched all over the sore flesh that resided on my right limb, she quickly whispering out a sorry, because of the matter.

I smiled at that and just watched as she turned to apply the blood onto Sai's pale throat, tapping at it lightly with her soft fingertips to add the dark red blood to his skin.

Further down the bush, Sasuke glanced over at us as we quickly worked, his eyes taking in everything.

Ino's fingers were quickly starting to turn a dark red as she moved to dip them into all the blood that still resided on my arm, her body soon turning to add it to Sai's neck who sat completely still before her.

His eyes were not visible, for he held them closed, completely calm to his mate's touch.

I just watched with a faint smile in front of the both of them, my red glowing eyes just taking in how bloody the vampire male's neck was starting to get.

I nodded at that, turning to look down at my right arm which now held smeared blood prints where it was rubbed into my skin.

But I ignored that little detail and remained still for Ino as she quickly finished up, coating one side of Sai's neck completely in a way which resembled a wound with a large amount of blood trailing it.

She blew out a sigh and leaned back, taking in her work. And she hummed in delight, at what she saw. I smiled as well, nodding in approval.

I turned to her, giving her arm a nudge which made a huge happy grin to come upon her face. "Good job, Ino. That looks perfect." I announced quietly, making sure to keep my voice low, almost to a whisper so the guards won't hear me.

Ino nodded thankfully at me, soon moving her fingers through Sai's hair, to add a little blood there too, to make his whole look realistic. "Thanks, Naruto. But I hardly did anything." She responded back but Sai was the one to answer this time, one of his hands waving at her.

"Don't be silly, love. You've done plenty. Give yourself some credit, will ya?" He teased and soon moved over to reward her with a peck on the lips, completely making her day.

I grinned at the romantic sight of them but looked over at Sasuke who was still looking out at the castle, surveying the area.

I narrowed my eyes upon that, my body slowly leaving the two love birds to regain my position beside the black haired vampire.

He raised an eyebrow at the sight of me but then looked over at Sai and Ino. He smirked. "I see you're all done painting. Good job." He spat playfully, his voice also mighty low.

I glared upon his comment, shaking my blonde head. "Heh, that's weird coming from you. But yeah, we're all finished. The plan is now in motion." I responded back to him, letting him in on where we were in the plan. And I watched as his smirk grew at my words, he nodding in approval.

He turned back to the kingdom up ahead and snorted. "Alright then. What are we waiting for.. Let's start this…"

Sai's P.O.V

With a mighty push from my mate, I was forced out of the bushes I hid in with everyone else to stand before the path that officially leads to the vampire kingdom.

I groaned at that, quickly moving my arm up to the left side of my neck, to start the whole acting thing.

I have to feign as if I'm injured.

That's easy..

I can do this..

I blew out a deep breath before stumbling along, making sure my legs were wobbling as I moved forward, my hand clutching the side of my neck which was bloody.

My body worked away from the bushes my team hid behind in no time, my mouth opening so pleads can spill out of them.


"H-H-Help me, please!"


I shouted out desperately as I slowly made my way before the guards who had to squint their eyes on my trembling form, my figure slowly revealing itself from all the tall trees.

But as soon as I made it in front of them, they both gasped, quickly leaving their posts to help me out.

But just to stay in character, I purposely collapsed onto the floor, my hand still clutching my neck tightly. "A-Ahh.. H-Help." I whined as the two men dropped down to my trembling form, their eyes running over me quickly.

One of them cursed, immediately spotting the bloody wound on my neck. "Shit. We gotta take him inside to the infirmary. He's a goner if we don't." A deep voice spoke above me which made my breath hitch, my eyes widening..

No, no! I can't let them take me inside..

That'll ruin the plan..

I gotta think of something…

Quickly, I skimmed my brain for something, anything to distract the two fellows from taking me away, from my spot.

The other guard clicked his tongue, eyeing my wound deeply. "Yep. That werewolf gotcha good, lad. Well, let's get ya up." He spoke and was just about to reach over to pick me up but I shook my head, moving my arm over to grab a hold of the front of his armor, gripping it tight.

I made sure to use my clean hand, my other one still latched around the bloody spot on my neck.

I breathed shakily before the two men, my eyes hooded. They stared down at me with widened, concerned eyes, their heads tilting.

But I kept up with the plan I so happened to conjure up. "N-No.. The werewolf, wanted me to tell you all something. She left me alive, for a reason.. As a warning. A-A-And…" I carried on with my lie the best I could, my eyes suddenly catching sight of three figures working to zip inside the kingdom, my eyes lighting up at that.

But the guards still stared down at me in confusion, their eyes blinking rapidly. I watched as they turned to look at each other, trying their best to wrap their heads around my words.

Suddenly one cleared their throat and turned back to me, shaking his head. "That's impossible. I thought the rest of you all moved out to ambush the werewolves.. They shouldn't have heard you coming. How the hell?" One of them trailed off which made my eyes shoot wide open, his words running through my ears and striking my heart…


Ambush the werewolves?

What are they talking about?

I was completely lost to his words so I decided to just lay there, clutching my neck which confused the guards even more.

But for the most part, they were both distracted. But I can't help but think of what he meant by that…


Sasuke's P.O.V

Quickly the three of us worked past Sai and into the gates of the kingdom, my eyes watching as Naruto slowly opened the large doors, letting us all in.

And once they were opened, we vanished inside, leaving Sai with the guards to stall.

I blew out a deep breath, now inside. But what I saw, startled me a bit.

The lights were turned down low which made it a little dark in the large room, a creepy silence floating around in the air.

We all gulped at that, not at all knowing what was going on. But we were still going with our plan anyway.

We never know what that crazy bastard is doing...

So, I turned towards Naruto and Ino and nodded, giving them the signal to turn and hide, their heads nodding back at me. And with that, they vanished off to find a great place to wait it out, my body slowly working forward into the large main hall, my red eyes looking around slowly.

I blinked, not liking how quiet everything was..

What's going on?

Did Toneri know, we were coming?

But how?

I don't understand.

I sighed but just quickly settled on finding the guards in this place, making sure to reel them in to what's happening outside.

I worked myself everywhere in the kingdom in the search of guards, surprisingly finding only a handful of them.

And with those handful, I told each and every one of them what was happening outside with Sai, making sure to stumble over my words a bit to seem like I was panicking.

And that, did the trick.

All of them ran like mice towards the front door to soon join Sai who was still acting injured, leaving the place rid of guards.

But that, only made the place much quieter, if that was even possible.

I frowned at that, slowly making my way back to the main hall, in search of Naruto and Ino.

But it didn't take me long, for I saw them creeping into the middle of the room, their eyes set on me who were standing on the second floor, my red glowing eyes staring down at them.

I gave them a nod, letting them know that my part of the plan was all done.

They nodded back and quickly vanished up to stand beside me, we now moving onto the last and final step of our plan…

To get, Sakura and Hinata…

And kill, Toneri…

But looking around the place, something just felt, off. It seemed like no one was actually here which made me very confused.

I blinked, looking back at Naruto who's eyes were a bloodshot red, his body trembling in rage within his spot.

I sighed at that but moved to nudge his shoulder, getting his attention which seemed to do the trick.

He snapped his head over to me but bared his teeth. "What?" He spat which made me narrow my eyes, but I settled on ignoring his little tantrum. I know it's only because we're about to see Hinata.

I lowered my head and sighed, once more. "Listen, guys.. Don't you feel like something is off? It's quiet in here.. Too, quiet." I whispered out suspiciously and turned to Ino who was looking around as well, her head nodding to my previous words.

She turned to me and frowned. "You're absolutely right, Sasuke. This is just, weird. The lights are never off in this place. I wonder, what's going on." She trailed off in a low whisper, her blue orbs turning to look down the dark halls of the second floor, our backs posted on the fence that separated the second floor from the bottom. I nodded slowly at her words, not knowing what to do..

Should we just go with our plan or.. figure out what's going on..

I gritted my teeth at that, a little stuck..

This could, be a trap…

Ino's right. The lights are never off in this place and because Toneri's leader, he could try and do anything at this point. I just think..

We should resume, our plan..

Just in case..

So with that, I turned towards the two strong beings beside me with narrowed eyes, just settling on nodding my head.

"Let's just keep going with our plan. Sai's still dealing with those guards outside so we have to be quick." I announced in all seriousness which caused the two blonde haired beings to immediately nod as well, agreeing.

I nodded too and soon we were off, splitting up to do the last part of the plan, my feet taking me away from them as they ran towards the room Hinata was in while I ran towards Sakura's room to retrieve her.

I couldn't help the faint smile that came upon my lips, my heart beating faster…

Yes… I'm finally able to see you again, Sakura.. 

Naruto's P.O.V

Quickly, I pumped my legs forward to run down the long hallway where rooms littered each side of it, Ino running close beside me.

She pointed at the last door up ahead, her long hair bouncing along with her. "There! She's in there, Naruto." She exclaimed which was all I needed to hear, my legs picking up in speed to get there in no time.

My hands launched out for the door and I grabbed it once it was in front of me, not at all friendly in forcing it open.

I growled, yelling loudly. "Hinata! I'm here!" I screamed out once the door was fully open, the inside of it now revealed. But what I saw shocked me deeply, my body slacking.

W-What the..

Nothing but darkness granted me as I stared inside the large room, not a being in sight inside of it.

Ino panted as she finally made her way beside me, quickly looking inside the room as well. And just like me, her body slumped in devastation, her eyes widening largely.

"What? How can this be? She, should be here." She whimpered out into the quiet world around us, the whole situation confusing the both of us.

First, there's only a few guards. Then, we enter inside the kingdom to only be granted with darkness and now..

Hinata and Toneri, are not even here..

What the hell is going on around here?

Did they leave? If so, where did they go? Why did they take everyone in the kingdom with them?

What the hell?

I groaned, moving my hands up to grab at my bangs, a little part of my heart withering…

No, no, no!

How can this be?

Our plan was set, it was all ready… It was damn near perfect. But now…

We've arrived too late…

Damn it!!

I whimpered, sulking to my knees on the ground, my heart broken. "No.. Hinata.." I cried out, just completely hurt at the moment. I wanted to see her, to save her, so bad.. But…

Things didn't go our way…


Ino frowned at the sight of my trembling form and turned back to the front gates where Sai was located, her shoulders slumping…

We both stood silent in defeat in front of the room Hinata should've been, our hearts broken, failure haunting us..

Hinata… Where are you, my love..


Well, things didn't go to plan... 😬😬

Poor Naruto...

But you don't have to wait! 😆😆

The next chapter is out now, since I did promised to do a double upload so...

You're welcome! 💕💕

I really hoped you enjoyed!

Tell me how you think!! 😉😉


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