Crash X Bridgett: The happy c...

By TopCrashFan17

439 15 65

Crash has a special Suprise for his Love, Bridgett. Will she except, or reject? More

A present.
Getting Ready
Fancy dessing and Memeries
Announcement Time

The Wedding

71 4 21
By TopCrashFan17

Today is the day. The day that Crash and Bridgett become husband and wife. It was all happening in Wumpa Island, on N-sanity Beash, the clearest, and cleanest beach around. The Multiverse have been invited as guests of honer, and inkopolis's famous teams even showed up as just guests. The Squid Sisters and Off The Hook were doing their special soundtracks, and CTR TV was streaming the wedding live

Crash and Coco as the first ones to step up. The crowed began clapping with joy and excitment. Crash's heart was racing from all the cheering, but Coco was as able to calm him down easily. Next up, the Groomsmen and bridemades came in as pairs. TC was first, along with his little brother, and girlfriend, Lustivora The crowed cheered as the three stand in their place. Fake Crash then came next, in his Dashing Outfit. Suprisingly, everyone cheered pretty loudly, even if he was very hated by a few people. He did a little special dance while going down the line, before standing in his spot. It maneged to get a few laughs from the crowed. Mindy, who was the flower girl, shyly walked down the line, while gently tossing little flowers along the path. Mario then came running down the line, with a bowl of spaghetti and wumpa sause in his hands. Nobody was suprised at all by his silly shit. Meggy was also hold his hands, do he would get distracted. Desti and Crunch both came down together. Desti blushed, and smiled. Crunch noticed, but looked proud. Next, Ryan and Jake showed up wearing matching suits. Jake was trying his best not to smile, but Ryan was just too crazied up, he couldbt help it. Agent 4 and 3 both walked down the path. 4 cheerly waved and blew kisses, and 3 just smiled, while covering the green stain on her face. Lastly, the pets, Polar, Pura, and Penta cheerfully walked their way to the podium. Everyone awwd at them. Crash was getting more nerves by the minute.

Crash: *in his head* 'Calm down Crash! This is your day. Nothing bad is gonna happen'.

Crash then called in King Chicken and Baby T, who are in charge of holding the rings. The two came in, with Baby T holding a pillow in his mouth, holding the rings. King Chicken just looked everywhere unknowingly. The too stood beside Crash.

After about 5 more minutes, The room went silent. Everyone looked behind them... to see the Bride herself, Bridgett. She was wearing a white dress with Pink aligning, her gold toothpick, and a gold band around her head. The whole room looked in aww. She began walking down the path, with Captain Cuddlefish by her side. Pearl started play her version of 'Here comes the Bride'. Crash's heart melted at the sight of his soon to be wife. Bridgett could'nt stop smiling at her soon to be husband. Captain Cuddlefish then whispared something in her ear.

Cuddlefish: Im so proud of you bucko. Now go, and make him the happiest fox alive.

Bridgett nodded, and soon found herself standing in front him Crash.

Crash: *ears are down* Wow...

Bridgett: *giggles* Cutie~

Aku-Aku warped himself into the room, as he was the prist.

Aku-Aku: Greeting civilians of Wumpa Island, Inkopolis, and The Multiverse. We are all gathered here on this very special day for one thing, and one thing only. To witness the marriage of Beloved Crash and Bridgett.

Everyone began Clapping with joy. Aku-Aku began reading everything about what it means for Crash and Bridgett, and telling what is the importance of marriage.

Aku-Aku: Now, have you two written any vows that you would care to share?

Crash and Bridgett both nodded. Bridgett took out here Notebook she had while in the DSM, and began reading.

Bridgett: Crash... Your the light that shined my way through the Deep Sea Metro. Even when I thought it was over, you proved me wrong. You may have a sleeping problem, a tiny brain, and you may be having fleas, but we all have our flaws, and our flaws are what make us Special. Your sleeping reflects all the work you've done. Yout tiny brains reflect that you can be smart without one. And the fleas mean your not afraid to get you hands dirty. I still remember that day, you comferted me during the storm, and your willing to stay close, still causes me to cry tears of joy. Which is why, our love can never die. My orange little dumb dumb~.

Everyone clapped loudly. Crash then began reading his vows.

Crash: Bridgett... your positive attitude has a power over me, that I dont think you can fully understand. I cant get through one time trial witout stopping to think about you. You do sometimes lose the point of fear, sometimes you can be pretty bossy, and your clumsy nature can be slow at time, but that all makes you, well... you!. You loosing fear mean your not afraid to takle new challenges. Your bossy nature means you could be a great leader in certain times and places. And your clumsy nature adds to your cuteness. I will litterly climb Stormy Assent, The High Road, and The dark depths of The Lab to be with you. Till the day I die. My little Veemo~.

Everyone clapped with joy.

Aku-Aku: Now, is there anyone in this room that think the wedding should not continue? Speak now, or forever hold your peace.

???: I do...

The room began muttering. Crash and Bridgett looked worried. The person who said it slowly walked up the Path, with a raygun in his hand. Crash noticed, and balled his fists up

Crash: *teeth gritting* Cortex...

Cortex: Why of course. Who else would it be? The tooth fariy?

Aku-Aku: What do you want Cortex?

Cortex: Oh nothing. I just feel violated that I never recieved an invitation tp your wedding. I felt... angry...

Cortex pointed his gun at Crash, with the setting at Devolution. The audience gasped.


Cortex: Now is that anyway to speak to the person who created this mistake?!

Cortex pointed the gun at Bridgett now. Crash stood in front of her.

Crash: Dont. You. Dare!

Cortex: Oh why should I? You wont stand! I can easily turn you back into the miserable little marsupial you once we-



Gabe whacked Cortex upsisd the head, knocking him out. Gavin topk the gun, and destroyed it. The audience began laughing at the unexpected event. The gang began laughing too. Gabe and Gavin threw Cortex back to his lonely castle. Crash and Bridgett both looked at each other, and Smiled.

Aku-Aku: Now. Lets finish shall we? May we have the rings?

Baby T and King chicken both proudly handed the two the rings.

Aku-Aku: Crash... do you take Bridgett to be your lawfully wedded wife? May you promise to protect, care, and love her untill death does you two apart?

Crash smiled, took Bridgett's left hand, and slowly placed the ring on her ring finger.

Crash: I do.

Aku-Aku: Bridgett. Will you take Crash to be you lawfully wedded husband. May you promise to protect, care, and love him, untill death does you two apart?

Bridgett also smiled, while taking Crash's Left, and and places the second ring on his Pinky.

Bridgett: I do.

Aku-Aku began to tear up.

Aku-Aku: I now proudly announce Crash and Bridgett... Husband and Wife! You... My son, may kiss your bride.

Crash slowly leaned Bridgett close to him. Bridgett, with tears filled him her eyes, came closer. And the two shared a kiss. The crowed went wild, as people began cheering, and crying.

Desti and Coco looked at each other, while smiling, and hugged. They were now sisters.

TC tipped his crown to them, while hugging Lusty close to him, and his younger brother cryed in his shirt.

Fake Crash pulled the biggest smile he had ever done. Mindy smiled, as her tentacles turned yellow. Crunch straight up cheered like it was the super bowl. Ryan and jake both gave thumbs up. The pets all began playing around with joy.

The Squid Sisters played 'Fresh start', while both dancing happily. Marina bawled her eyes out, and pearl even softly made a baby face. 4 cheered loudly like normaly, and 3, even with her face shaded, tears pourd down her face. Cuddlefish clapped like there was no tomorrow. 

Chick just smiled, while Stew also bawled his eyes out. Aku-Aku simply chuckled to himself. The multiverse all cheered the loudest.

Crash then took Bridgett's hands, and led her to walk across the path back over to where they started. The two looked into each others eyes, and walked off into the sunset.

The End.
(Yes. Crash and Bridgett are officially married! I hope you all anjoyed this book.)

(So now... whats in store for the future? Ask TC and The Gang!! Nitro Fueled! Yup, im bringing Ask TC and the gang back. So you ask anything you want.)

(This is all I have to say... see ya later:)

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