Harmione: A Forever Bond

By HP_Nerd

26K 602 113

(Legitimately, do not read this if you are looking for quality content. This is absolutely horrible and was t... More

The Meeting of 2
The Grangers
The Lake
Hogwarts Express
The end part 1
The end part 2


540 16 4
By HP_Nerd

Author's Note: Thank you for 180 reads!!! When I started this fan fiction  I didn't expect for anyone to read it. I was writing purely for fun. I still am writing for that purpose. I'm just glad that somebody is reading my work. Everyone I know laughs at my fanfic and calls me an idiot for misspelling this or writing that. When I saw that this fanfic is ranked 107 in the Hermione category, it blew my mind. Once again I thank you for reading this piece of trash. Also I managed to get this chapter out before I went camping, yay! Sadly I have to break the POV cycle I have going on for obvious reasons. Hermione is petrified so I literally can't do anything from her view. I know for a fact that this will be the last chapter I publish until I get back from camping. There should be a new chapter up in about 5 to 6 days. Maybe less than that if I can.


Saturday May 23 6:00 pm

It took a lot of self restraint to not charge directly into the basilisk's lair. I had to find a proper way to kill it and I had to find a way to get into the chamber. I spent the past 21 days getting better at creating sharp sturdy swords and trying to get into the chamber. Earlier today I figured out how to open the chamber. I had to speak Parseltongue. I spent hours teaching myself how to say one word, Open. As I entered the bathroom I walked over to the sink I had seen the basilisk slither down. Doubt crept into me as I hissed out "Open". After A few seconds the sink shifted out of the way revealing a large hole. As scared as I was I had to kill the basilisk so that it wouldn't terrorize the school any longer. I had to do it for Mione'. I took one large long breath before jumping feet first into the darkness.

15 minutes later

I was running circles around the basilisk, sword in hand . I rolled out of the way right as the basilisk struck the spot where I was standing moments before. I saw an opening and stabbed it. My sword went right through its brain and after a few seconds it went completely still. I sighed and looked at my arm. I had been bitten by the basilisk about 30 seconds earlier. I picked up Ginny Weasley and the ripped diary of Tom Marvolo Riddle aka Voldemort and left the chamber. I had barley left the bathroom before I collapsed onto the floor. I wasn't able to hold on any longer so I slipped slowly into unconsciousness.

Tuesday May 31  12:30 pm (Harry POV)

I woke up slowly to see the very worried face of a girl above me. As I put on my glasses and things became more focused I practically screamed in delight. Mione' was right above me. Without thinking at all I grabbed her and pulled her on top of me. I then kissed her with as much passion as I could.

Saturday June 26 12:00 pm

I happily flung myself onto one of the seats of the compartment Mione' and I had  just entered. Mione' triple checked that the door was locked before sitting down next to me. I had been getting tons more fans since I took down the basilisk. A lot of the rumors going around  about how I killed it were much more impressive than what actually happened. Some people were saying stuff really stupid like that I glared at the beast and daggers shot out of my eye, killing it instantly. Mione' and I had a really good laugh when we heard that one. But now wasn't the time to be thinking about that beast. Now was the time to be hanging out with my girlfriend.

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