Dear Jazmyne 2

By HeyRandom12

150 1 0

As stated in book one "All Jazymyne wants in life is a happy ending. This is a short story for one person you... More

The Start Of Jr Year
High School &First Day Of College
The Secret Date 
Birthday Coming Soon
Happy Birthday To Me
For Me?
Happy Anniversary
As The Days Go On
Todays The Day
Happy thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Continued
Before Christmas Break
The Set Up
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Whats To Come After Graduation
Last First Day &Valedictorian
Moving Foward
I Miss Who You Used To Be
Doing Me
This Is The Sappy Part
What The Future Holds 

Spring break

13 0 0
By HeyRandom12

We've been in school for two months now and spring break is  coming up. Haven't decided what I'm going to do for the week I just know I want to go on vacation with my Bestfriend and my man just something cute you know. I might get together with some of the people from the school and plan a trip to get like an air bnb or something nice I'd have to see how many people would be willing to go. I sit through the rest of class making a list of people to ask and then I think about Dontae and Mia I haven't seen them in a few months we went on our group date then the stuff happened with the store and I just stopped replying and pushing them away I'll find them at lunch after I talk it out with Adrian. The bell rings and I go find Adrian first and we're talking about it and he agrees to it so I look for any availability for an air bnb. I'm looking and looked on a page and there was a group that wanted to cancel and to get a full refund they needed someone to book their days and it was just one day off but it would work and we would come back a day sooner. I message the guy and ask him to hold it for me and see if they want to go. I tell Adrian text Andrea and see if they want to go and then I go find Mia and Dontae and fill them in on it and they are down for it even tho Mias going alone. I ask Blaze if he wants to go I'm trying to find eight couples to go and right now I have six I have two more I'll just have to see if the girl I work with wants to go and then someone can invite one of their friends. I go find blaze and see if he wants to go he declines they have something else planned so now I need to find two more the girl I work with said yes so I create a group chat with all of them and tell them we need two more or we can just split it between the eleven of us. Everyone says we can just split it I message the guy back telling him we'll take the days. He cancels and I book it and just tell them to cashapp me the money by Friday afternoon or they can't go simple as that and then Adrian texts back into the chat that there will be 12 people going one of his homeboys wanted to go. We all agree and then I tell them Thursday we'll meet up to plan out the details of how we're getting there the bell rings and I head back to class the rest of the school day blows by and I text Adrian and say mmh you don't talk about having friends much when do y'all even hang out.

Adrian😌- I have friends too what do you think I be doing when you not around.

I laugh at his text and see him coming towards me and I grab his phone to get his attention and he laughs and then he goes so with this meeting on Thursday can we do our usual date night with it?? I agree and we go our separate ways I have to go to work In an hour so I head to the house and change I go in a little early to make sure everything is in order I greet the security guard and go straight to my office I clock in and sit for a moment before going to the front getting on register. We have been moving smoothly since the incident and we actually got more customers it was weird but it was also a thank you from some of the parents to the teenagers that went missing. It didn't really bother me much I just wanted to move past it but the family's and the girls were so grateful.  Moving past that it's been smooth I haven't had any problems out of Kennedy since she's been here she's mostly on different shifts unless she changes and ends up same shift as me. I don't think Jennifer knows yet that she knows blaze and dated him but that's also not my business. I just think about it often and how crazy she really is.  I shake my head and get back to work. We're supposed to get a shipment today around seven so I have to clean out the back before they get here. So I start cleaning up moving boxes around and emptying out the ones that had shirts in it sitting them on the carts for them to put out and stock. I start cleaning out the rest of the boxes in the back I'm on the last box when the buzzer goes off for the back door. I toss the last box out and open the door for shipment his back is turned to me but when he turns around I swear my mouth drops a little. He was FINE as mfn wine almost made me forget I had a man for a moment. I zone back in and he's just looking at me trying to get me to read over the paper work and count the boxes as he moves them out of the back of the truck. I'm standing and watching and slowing counting the boxes his muscles popping out and all I'm thinking is damn he strong he's about halfway through and I offer him some water he pauses and drinks it and I break away from looking at him to count how many boxes he brought in I lost count I count out that he's brought in 45 of the 75 were getting he sits his water down and starts working on the rest and I'm just dazed. I feel a slight slap to the back of my head and instantly get mad like who the fuck and it was Sasha and she was like damn I been here five minutes and you haven't even greeted me and I've been calling you but you sitting here drooling I laugh and say girl whatever and she smirks and says bet you won't be saying whatever when I call Adrian and tell him you in here acting like you single the guy comes back in and steps into the office where we are and says that was the last box I count and sign off on the paper work. He thanks me for the water and when he grabs the clipboard back his hand brushes over mine and I start to blush and my dumb ass smiles and says now you have a fine day sir. Sasha yells damn why didn't you get down on one knee and ask him to marry you. Cause I feel like I felt all the love in this lil room anyone else HOT. I tell her shut up and go help the girl out front. She laughs and says it's our secret I won't tell cause he was kinda cute if I wasn't with someone rn I would have asked for his number. I laughed and said well he's the new delivery person so get used to seeing him. She goes well next time don't leave your mouth on the floor to long wouldn't want him thinking you're interested. We go our separate ways and I go to write out all we received and the rest of the day goes by smoothly.

Soon enough Thursday rolls around I text out in the group were doing date night and talking about or trip this weekend for spring break. Everyone reply's okay and I just say we're gonna do game night at Adrians place so they don't have to dress up. I have an appointment then I'm going into school late I text Adrian and let him know then he goes ok I'm omw to take you I laugh and say okay. He takes me to my appointment then we go get breakfast before going to school right as the bell rings for the second class. He walks me to class and we go our separate ways the classes blow by quickly now it's lunch we meet up with everyone and discuss what games we want to play tonight we talk about all the stuff so I tell Adrian let's go to the 99cent store and get some stuff before lunch is over. We grab a bunch of stuff for this little date night get together and a couple of decorations. We check out throw the stuff in the trunk and head back to school the rest of the school day goes by quickly but slow in my math class we ended up having a ten page test. I go to my locker and put my books up and text Adrian that I'll be waiting at the car. I go and sit on the hood of his car and scroll through Instagram and see a picture of myself and it's a post from Sasha the caption say by far the best person I've let in my life 🥰😌 I like it and comment love you too wish I could like it a thousand times. I smile seeing Adrian coming my way talking to one of his friends that I've actually met before but rarely see so I forgot he even had friends. He gets to the car they finish up and I say Hey Bryant long time no see how have you been? He laughs and says good you been holding my boy hostage. I hear Adrian laugh and I say no I'm not and him and Adrian just give each other a look. I say wow that's fucked up. You seeing anyone Adrian goes you nosey and I was like I'm just asking I was seeing if he wanted to come to game night. Adrian smiles and say nope he's the homeboy that's going with us he already invited beat you to it. They dap up and Adrian opens my door for me and we get ready to go. I'm sitting there quite then I go hey you think Mia is his type he laughs and says don't go there mind your business & I say but they both gonna be single. So they can get to know each other so they not odd man out he looks over and says last time mind your business. I do a little pout face and say fine. Then I send out in the group text his address and to come at six thirty. Then I switch over and text Sasha and tell her to come at six we gotta talk about something. I smile to myself we get to his place and set up I put some pretzels in the oven and put some cheese on and make some more snacks I go to the bathroom turn on some music then turn the shower on to heat it up and lay my clothes out to take a shower and change for the party. I turn my music up and wash up I was in there jamming I get out and brush my hair up into a messy bun because who cares. I open the bathroom door to Adrian sitting on the bed looking at his watch and he goes umm I think we've got time? I say nope cause I've got food cooking and Sashas coming before everyone else & I just took a shower nope nope nope. He smiles and just keeps looking at me. Then gives me this little fake ass sad face and I cave. He smiles and says we'll shower together. We ended up loosing track of time and hop up and rush to shower then the door bell rings and I finish washing up and I peep out it's just Sasha I open the door and laugh and say sorry was taking a shower I'm about to get dressed & she gives me a knowing smirk and says yea you was taking a shower alright I say mind your business I'll be right back. I go back in the room and peek my head into the bathroom and say Sashas here. I get dressed and go into the living room I sit for a moment and tell her so you remember Bryant? She goes yea so he's gonna be here tonight he's going on the trip with us and him & Mia single so you tryna help me out so they won't be alone on the trip?? She smiles and then Adrian opens the door and I give her a look of hush and he looks at us and says so what y'all talking about and I say nothing then we get up to set up and everyone starts to show up. Sasha sits next to Mia until Bryant shows up and she moves when she moves when he walks in I smile a little and say Hey then I introduce him to everyone. Then I get to Mia and he goes I already know her she's in my Ap science class Mia right and she blushes and says yes that's me. He sits down next to her and I look at Sasha like girl what ??? Adrian looks at me and says why you looking at her I laugh and say we shook I didn't know they knew each other. He goes Sasha don't go to our school so why would she be shook I laugh and say mind your business she asked me if she was gonna be going alone since we had to find another person. So we set out all the food and start talking about the trip we leave Friday and we're taking 3 cars so Adrian agreed to drive them Bryant says he will drive and the girl from my job said she would drive so it'll be me Adrian Sasha her boyfriend then Bryant Mia donate and his boyfriend then in the last car Andrea my coworker and their boyfriends. We set it and a time to meet up to leave and then we start playing uno and of course I won twice we played a couple more games in teams and the night went on and everyone was starting to slowly leave I'm talking with Mia and she says she's about to go and Bryant's talking to Adrian and goes hey wait up I'll walk you to your car. I look over at Adrian and he mouths MIND YOUR DAMN BUSINESS. I laugh and say whatever and start cleaning up.

It's Saturday and we're at the school waiting for everyone to be dropped off so we can all leave at the same time everyone finally gets here we go to Walmart all the girls get out we're getting snacks while the guys get gas. I grab chips candy juice water and cashews because they are my favorite i grab Adrian some of his favorites. We check out and wait for them to park we go to the car while they go to the bathroom me and Sasha jump in the back seat so they can ride up front cause we gonna be sleep 😴 We make the drive there with a stop in between we get to California we stop at the Walmart to get some stuff we needed for the trip and some cleaning supplies we get to the air bnb i message the lady for the code to the door and we all get out do a little stretch and the sun is looking nice and warm it's soo pretty here we get in take the grocery's in and then pick out rooms me and Adrian pick the biggest room because well it was my idea. It has a jacuzzi tub in it. The back yard is really nice has an in ground pool and a fire pit with hanging swings around it.

It all looked so lovely we all shower and head to the kitchen to make chicken Alfredo and discuss our plans for our week here. They aren't on spring break yet so everything is going to be packed this weekend so we'll just go and do some shopping tomorrow and on Monday we'll start doing the major stuff. We finish up eating make a plan to be out of the house at 9 and all head to bed.
My seven thirty alarm starts to go off I get up and turn on the shower while it heats up I grab my things I put my shower cap on and turn some music on. I take my shower get out and dry off I start putting on lotion when Adrian walks in and says good morning love and leans down and gives me a kiss on the forehead then he goes and turns the shower on and gets in I finish up and then start brushing my teeth before picking out clothes I'm still singing songs and then my favorite song comes on I roll my towel up so that it will stay on and start rapping the song my phone dings saying I have a notification
Bestfriend💚🤞🏽🥰 you are most definitely the reason we are late places!
I don't even reply I just keep going then I go and dig in my bag and grab my clothes I throw on a cute black crop top shirt with some shorts and black Sandals I go out into the hall to grab some hair stuff from Sasha I get to the door way and she's starting at herself in the mirror I yell you look dusty let me get the hair stuff. She looks at me and goes uh you're being rude for someone who needs something from me. I laugh and say kidding and she hands me the hair stuff I go into my bathroom and slick down me a high ponytail. I wash my hands and clean up the bathroom it's now 8:30 I go downstairs and almost everyone is ready only people left are Andrea and Mia I grab a bowl and make me some brown sugar oatmeal. We all finish up eating and head to the aquarium. We got out of the house at exactly nine.  The aquarium is a 15 minute drive from the house we  get to the aquarium it's pretty empty. We pay and make a plan of how we're going to go through the entire aquarium by 2. We make it through the entire aquarium at 205 then we race to the car to make it to our sky diving appointment. We make it there just in time they were about to start the class on what and what not to do. We slide into the back quietly and pay attention I mean it is just indoor skydiving how could you go wrong with that? They finish up and everyone goes in the order they came in so we go last watching everyone and what mistakes they make so we know what not to do. It's our turn and I make Sasha go first and she starts just rolling around and we're laughing then the boys go then it's my turn I go and instantly start flipping I watched enough people go do I knew what I was doing but I ended up getting dizzy and couldn't make it out they had to come in and get me out I was just sitting slumped over for a second trying to pull myself together and I can hear Sasha laughing at me I manage to flick her off and stand up and tell her now you go do a flip and she thinks about it for a second and says okay but I'm gonna stop unlike you she goes in and does two and then just floats till they turn it off. We leave there and head to get some street tacos and head back to the house.  We get there and I change into a swimsuit and go straight to the pool and just back float for what seems like hours but I know it hasn't been. I sit up and Adrian's in the water too he's just been sitting there looking at me float. I splash him and call him a creep. He laughs and says I just can't admire what's mine. I smile and float towards him and say you can but don't be creepy. He laughs and says it's not creepy if I was peeping through a fence that would be creepy. We move to the hot tub and just sit till we're prunes. We get out and go take a shower the house is quiet everyone is in their rooms after I shower I go sit in the living room and turn the tv on and start watching catfish and everyone starts to migrate out of their rooms just to watch tv  with me. We're still trying to figure out how people still get catfished. But we watch tv for awhile and then we all go to bed. We spend the rest of our days here to site see and really this vacation was to get my mind off of what's to come with Adrian after graduation but I'm still thinking about it.

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