The Story of Us (Book 1 of "T...

By karahtheadultfangirl

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She was a little bit country/pop and he was a little bit pop/rock & roll, but together it was a story like no... More

Chapter 1 - Hello, Goodbye
Chapter 2 - Enchanted
Chapter 3 - Truth or Dare
Chapter 4 - The End of May
Chapter 5 - I Wanna Be With You
Chapter 6 - Love Gets Me Every Time
Chapter 7 - You Thought Wrong
Chapter 8 - Starts With Goodbye
Chapter 9 - The Way I Loved You
Chapter 10 - Don't Waste Your Time
Chapter 11 - Inside Your Heaven
Chapter 12 - For My Broken Heart
Chapter 13 - Starts with Goodbye
Chapter 14 - It Ain't Easy
Chapter 15 - The Truth
Chapter 16 - Rumor Has It
Chapter 17 - Better Than Revenge
Chapter 18 - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Chapter 19 - What It Feels Like For A Girl
Chapter 20 - If I Knew Then
Chapter 21 - I Was Wrong
Chapter 22 - Relentless
Chapter 23 - Easy
Chapter 24 - I Drive Myself Crazy
Chapter 25 - Endless, Helpless, Hoping
Chapter 26 - Bittersweet World
Chapter 27 - I Still
Chapter 28 - Dirty Little Secret
Chapter 29 - Head Over Feet
Chapter 30 - I Won't Let Go
Chapter 31 - Papa Don't Preach
Chapter 32 - Lie To Me
Chapter 33 - That's The Way The World Goes 'Round
Chapter 34 - Just A Dream
Chapter 35 - The Hard Way
Chapter 36 - Grenade
Chapter 37 - Desperation
Chapter 38 - Back to December
Chapter 39 -Put It In A Love Song
Chapter 40 - Stay With Me
Chapter 41 - This Is Us
Epilogue - Love Story
Sequel Link

Chapter 42 - Our Song

419 9 0
By karahtheadultfangirl

[September 2009]

Harley and Nick looked at each other as Oprah Winfrey asked them if they were together as a couple or still just friends. They didn't know who should speak first. Finally Oprah spoke up.

"Or is it possible that you're not sure what you are?" Oprah smiled as Nick shook his head.

"We know," he smiled. "By the way, Harley, I forgot to give this back to you earlier after your performance," Nick said, reaching in his pocket. He handed Harley something and Oprah watched as Harley slipped a heart-shaped diamond ring onto her left ring finger.

"Wait, is that a ring?" Oprah asked as she started yelling. "OH MY GOD! It's a ring, ya'll!" Harley held up her left hand and Oprah practically leaped up to look at it. "Heart shaped, that's cute, Nick. So you two are more than just in a relationship now."

"We're engaged," Harley smiled as Oprah sat back down in her seat.

"Wait, can I jump up and down like Tom Cruise did?" Nick asked as he stood up and jumped up on the loveseat and started jumping up and down, screaming 'I'm engaged' at the top of his lungs. The audience laughed as Nick flounced back down, sitting next to Harley who just shook her head. "Okay, I wanted to do that, so there. It's done."

"How did this crazy fool propose?" Oprah asked as Harley started to laugh. "How long have you been engaged? Do we find this out on the CD?"

"No, it just happened last week," Harley said, looking over at Nick who had a grin on his face. "We were over in London because the guys had to do some press for their new album coming out and we arranged it so I could do the same, and Nick could be there with me since he had a big part in making the album."

"And if you know Harley well enough and even the people who listen to her music, you know she has this whole fantasy of being a princess and living in a fairy tale and finding her Prince Charming," Nick said as Harley smiled, looking down at her ring. "Well, she had a photo shoot on one of the days outside of London at, what's it called, the big huge Castle..."

"Windsor Castle," Harley smiled, looking at Nick.

"Right, so when the photo shoot was over, most of the people were gone because they limit the people who are in there," Nick said as Oprah nodded. "She still had this huge princess dress on and I realized that we were basically alone. So I took her around the corner, on the outside with this huge castle around us and I did the whole getting down on one knee thing."

"I thought he was joking at first..."

"So wasn't joking..."

"He even asked my Dad for permission first, which I'm sure was tough because they don't have the best relationship," Harley said as Oprah looked at her questionably. "He's really overprotective and with everything that Nick and I have been through..."

"Well, after about an hour long talk, he gave me his blessing, but threatened me," Nick said as the audience laughed.

"But to answer your original question... we've been back together for a little over two years now," Harley said. "We just, we didn't hide it really but we didn't really go around bragging about it either. After everything that happened with him and rehab and me and the baby, we decided to just let things go naturally. If we stayed best friends, fine. If it grew into more again, it would."

"And it did, after a lot of hard work on my part," Nick said as Harley smiled at him.

"So have you had any thoughts about the wedding?" Oprah asked, looking at the two of them. "With your tour coming up soon, I would assume you're not going to have much time."

"We were talking about next fall, after the tour, but nothing has been decided yet," Harley smiled. "I'm just happy that he actually asked me. I didn't think he would ever do it, even though he made a promise to me years ago that he would."

"What would your dream wedding be?" Oprah asked as Nick started laughing.

"I used to have it all planned out, but since Nick asked me to marry him at a castle... I kind of want that whole fairy tale princess type wedding, like Princess Diana," she said as Nick cracked up laughing. "He thinks it's hilarious, but I do. I never wanted anything big and fancy before, but I think I do now."

"So in England?" Oprah asked as Harley shrugged.

"It can be wherever," she smiled. "Doesn't necessarily have to be in England, but I think that's the type of wedding I want."

"Why are you so fascinated with fairy tales?" Nick asked, looking over at Harley. "I don't think I've ever asked you that."

"My Mom used to read me stories when I was little," she shrugged. "I just got all wrapped up in the whole Disney princess movies and fairy tales and I just wanted that for myself."

"And now you have it," Oprah smiled.

"Yes, I finally turned Nick into a Prince Charming," Harley laughed. "It was a lot of hard work, eleven years of work, but finally."

"So basically this album, the album that you say is basically the story of your relationship, it brought you back together," Oprah asked as they nodded. "What do you see next for you two besides the joint tour that you're doing? Harley, are you going to do anymore movies?"

"I want to, but I think it's best to stay out of that Hollywood lifestyle. Not only for me, but for Nick too," she said. "Living out in Los Angeles is toxic not only for your health, but your career, your mind, your soul and relationships. Ever since he got out of L.A., he's been clean and perfect," she said, looking at Nick.

"I think the worst mistake I ever made was moving to L.A., well, besides the other mistakes I've made, but that mistake lead to the other mistakes," Nick said as Oprah nodded.

"And you've been clean for how long?" she asked.

"Over three years, from drugs," he said. "I have the occasional drink now and then. Maybe a glass of wine with dinner or a beer while watching a football game, but I don't drown myself in alcohol like I once did. I know the limits. In fact, it was never about being an addict with any of it, to be honest. It was just an escape mechanism so that I could forget about the things that were falling apart around me."

"That's why living between Atlanta and Nashville is perfect because he doesn't have the temptations," Harley said.

"I know you guys just talked about your daughter that passed away for the first time today, but do you see children in your future again?" Oprah asked.

"We haven't really talked about it," Harley said, looking at Nick. "Someday, maybe, but not right now."

"Ella was a surprise, a great surprise, but deep down, we weren't ready for her and I think God knew that," Nick said as Harley smiled. "But yeah, one day. I'm sure we'll have another surprise like that one day."

"When we come back, we're going to have some video surprises for Harley and Nick," Oprah said, sending the show off to a break. "Yeah, I already knew you were engaged, but you could have told me!" she laughed.

"Figured it would make for a good show," Nick grinned as Oprah shook her head at them. "What's this video surprise stuff?"

"You'll see," Oprah smiled as the show came back from break. "We got some friends of The Oprah Show to congratulate Nick and Harley on their album and everything they've accomplished so far," she said as they looked back at the big screen behind them.

First person to come up on the screen was Ashton Kutcher.

Harley, I just wanted to congratulate you on the new album. I know we haven't talked much since we dated and were engaged, but I still think you kick ass as a singer and I'm really happy that you and Nick are in a good place now. Nick, you take care of her or I'll punk your ass again!

Nick rolled his eyes as the audience laughed and AJ came on the screen.

Harley, Nick, it's about damn time you two finally got together and got engaged. Wait, was I supposed to say that? Oh well, I'm happy for you two and Harley, the album kicks ass. I'm proud of you and Carter and I can't wait to have sleepovers on the tour! Make room in bed for me!

"He's crazy," Nick laughed as Jay DeMarcus from Rascal Flatts came on the screen.

Harley Harper, I want to be like you when I grow up, even though I'm older than you are and less attractive. You are an amazing writer and performer and if I wasn't already happily married, that Backstreet Boy of yours might have to try and steal you away from me. I'm proud of you, kid.

"Awww, I love Jay," Harley said as the lights came back on and Harley was trying to wipe her tears away.

"Did the Ashton video surprise you?" Oprah asked as Harley shrugged. "The press said that you had a bad breakup."

"We didn't," Harley sighed. "I was thinking about ending it and he was thinking about ending it and we just ended it. He's an awesome guy and I'm glad that he found someone to make him happy with Demi Moore."

"Do you guys mind taking questions from the audience?" Oprah asked as Harley and Nick shook their heads. "We had the audience write down questions before the show," she said, going through some note cards. "Here's one. From Sofia. Sofia, raise your hand," Oprah said as a woman in the audience stood up and waved. "Harley, what is your favorite song that you've written about Nick and why?"

"That's a good question," Nick said as Harley sat back and crossed her legs, thinking.

"I would have to say 'Enchanted'," she said as the audience applauded. "I was inspired the night that I met him and that became my first number one hit. I went back to my room and wrote the song in 20 minutes. Other than that, I would have to say 'Last Kiss,' because that song is just us. The lyrics, that all really happened and was the truth. The sweatshirt I wore in the Grammy performance of that song, which became the music video for it, was Nick's and I still wear it today sometimes."

"Nick, here's one for you," Oprah said as Nick rubbed his hands together. "Does it bother you that Harley writes songs about personal matters since you've always been so private? This is from Jessie," she said as Nick looked over to see a short brunette stand and wave.

"Yes and no," he said as he shrugged. "She's so good at it, that it's hard for me to be mad at her. The songs on her 'Better than Revenge' album were basically all about me and it didn't bother me. At the time, the song 'Better than Revenge' did, but not anymore. It's her therapy. My therapy now is working out and exercising. Her therapy is writing about what a dumbass I am sometimes."

"One final question," Oprah said, looking at the note card. "This is from Brittany," she said as a blonde stood up in the audience and waved. "You've known each other for over ten years now. Where do you see yourself in ten more years?"

"Wow," Nick said, looking at Harley. "I know with Harley, that's where I see myself in ten years... celebrating our tenth or ninth anniversary as a married couple. A few more platinum albums on the wall... few more awards... maybe a kid down the line."

"Same with me," she smiled, looking at Nick. "As long as Nick and I are good and happy, that's all I really care about."

"When we come back, Harley and Nick are going to perform their duet off of Harley's new album to close out the show," Oprah said as they went to commercial.

Harley stood later that evening, staring out the window of their Chicago hotel suite. She couldn't believe that in two days, the episode was going to air for everybody to see and even though Oprah had its audience sign a confidentiality agreement not to release what was said until the show was aired, she knew word would slip out. Everybody was going to know about Ella and her and Nick being engaged.

There was a part of her that was nervous about what people would think, but then there was the part of her that didn't really give a damn. She and Nick were finally together, for real and it was going to stay that way. They had been through so much already that she didn't know if anything could tear them apart again.

"Thinking?" she heard Nick ask as he walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. She looked over her shoulder and smiled. She nodded, looking back out the window, snuggling into the white hotel robe that she had on. "About everything coming out on the show today?"

"Yeah," Harley said as Nick wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on her shoulder. "I know it was my choice and you were fine with everything. Knowing it's going to be out there in two days... for everybody to know... Kind of makes me nervous, but I don't really care at the same time. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah," he smiled. "I'm kind of glad it's off my chest. They were going to find out anyway when the album is released because we talk about it on the DVD. She's a part of us... our story."

"She would be three," Harley whispered, looking at Nick. "I know we don't talk about it much, but do you..."

"Yeah, I do," he said, interrupting her. "What Oprah asked kind of threw us for a loop today, about if we ever wanted to..."

"Again," Harley said as she leaned against Nick's chest. "We've never talked about it."

"When it's meant to happen, look what happened last time," he said as she smiled. "It'll happen like everything else."

"Not to change the subject, but I think we should do a remix of 'The Story of Us' and take out the part about the tragedy," Harley said, feeling Nick kiss her on the neck. "I think our story is going to have a happy ending after all."

"It better," Nick said as Harley turned around to face him. "I paid a fucking fortune for that ring," he said as Harley started to laugh, standing on her tip toes so that her forehead was resting against his. "Our story will have a happy ending, I promise."

"You promise?"

"I'm never breaking another promise, I promise."

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