Camp camp x male reader (hare...

By dummy_thicc_boi1234

41.4K 508 795

A kid who wants to get away from his dad. So what does he do? He signs himself up for camp. But what he doesn... More

Chp. 1
Chp. 5

Chp. 2

5.4K 75 81
By dummy_thicc_boi1234

David: And here we have our time-honored camp mascot, Larry the hamster.
David: Say hi, Larry!

>Hi, there, campers! I hope you're ready to have fun today!<
>Don't forget to respect David and everything he does for you!<
David: Oh! He talked! Did you hear that?!

Yn: That's convincing.

Nikki: Are you a gypsy?!

David: Uhhhh...

Max: *A-hem*

*Noises of a masterfully-built Rube Goldberg machine*

A rock that said "Fuck the police" yeeted the hamster into spooky island.

Max: Aw, man... That was supposed to kill you.

Yn: Don't worry you'll have plenty of chances.


David: Alrighty, kids! Today, we'll be on the hunt for a brand-new mascot!

Max: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Why you gotta put that shit on us? We don't work here.

David: Well, Max, we were GOING to make hand-made ice cream, But someone killed our mascot and now we need a new one becAUSE EVERY GOOD CAMP HAS A MASCOT, MAX!

Yn: He does have a point.

David: ...Also, Gwen's feeling...
Under the weather, and this is one of the few activities I can do without her!

Space kid: Under the weather?

Nikki: Lady-sickness. My mom used to get that all the time.

Space cure: ...How do you cure it?

WOO! Mascot hunt! I'm going for one with a lot of teeth!

Ered: It should be cool.

Nerris: Yeah! Like a unicorn!

Dolph: It should be fierce! Und pure!

Max: I need a break from David, just one day. Just one. Hey, David!

David: Yes, Max?

Max: Why don't you have the quartermaster take half of us?

Quartermaster: Huh?

Max: I'll bet he would have a unique outlook on the forest!

David: Why, Max, what a wonderful idea! He's such a beloved member of our family.

Yn: Pretty sure he has a corpse in that bag.

David: I would love for you all to get to know him better!

Max: I for one, would LOVE to learn from my elders.

Nancy: You SERIOUSLY want to go in the woods with the bad guy from every horror movie EVER?!

Yn: He has bloodstains on his clothes.

Nikki: Yeah, he's gonna turn you into a skin suit.

Max: Calm down, it'll be fine. Besides, anything's better that hanging with DAVID.

David: Sorry everyone, just... really overwhelmed by all this friendship right now. Alright, who else would like to embark on a friendship walk?

Yn: I want to live a little longer so imma head with David.

Max: Pussy

Yn: Bite me.

David: Who knows, maybe some of our esteemed quartermaster's wisdom will rub off on you! 

Quartermaster: Eeeup. Rub off un ya. 

David: Alright Max! Looks like you're gonna be our trail-blazer! I'm just so proud! 

*Angry kid noises* 
David: Everyone else is team David! 

David: That means you too, Magic Kid... Magic Kid. 

Harrison: Illusionist! 

Nerris: Sorceress!

David: Everyone keep your eyes peeled! You'll never know what you'll find! 

Space Kid: I FOUND A BUG! 

David: That's... great! 

David: Why don't you hold onto him? 

Space Kid: I'll put him in my helmet for safekeeping! 

Space Kid: >Whoa! Oh god, he's in my eyes!< 

Nikki: How many talons would you say we're looking for here? 

Yn: I'd say about four or five.

David: Heheh, um... 

Nikki: You know what? I'm just gonna go do my thing. We'll talk after. 

David: What's wrong, Nancy? 

Nancy: What's WRONG?! I wanted to spend my summer in an air-conditioned laboratory! Not walking around a future Wal-Mart parking lot! 

Yn: Nah I see this place as a amazon warehouse.

David: Aw, come on, Nancy! Nature can be your friend if you just give it a chance! 

Nancy: ...There's a raccoon trying to scavenge Nerris. 

Nerris: It's resistant to charms! 

David: Nerris! Play dead! 

Nerris: >I'm out of mana!< 

Nikki: Look!  *points to paw prints

Yn: Those look like bear prints.

Nikki: I smell a mascot! Come on, let's go! 

Nancy: This isn't what the buddy system is for! 

Yn: Are we not going to mention that we're following bear prints? No? Ok then.

*Owls hooting* 
Max: Look, man, we can just go back to the camp and relax. Gwen can be the mascot. 

Max: *Thud* Oof! 

Quartermaster: You kids think you're so SMART! 

Max: What? Uh, how does that relate to... 

Quartermaster: You need to see BEYOND the camp. Into the true beauty of nature! 

Max: Uh... this looks like the place where teenagers go to get stabbed. 

Quartermaster: ...Probably. 

Nikki: Ha-ho! Jackpot! 

Inside the cave are the remains of a bear.


Yn: It was a good try at least.

Nikki hugs Yn for comfort and Nancy gets jealous.

Nikki: I would've fed them porridge. 
And it would've been just right! 

Nancy: Oh well, I guess we should turn around and go back to live a normal life. 

Platypus: *Hissssss!* 

Nikki: Pssh, what's that? Doesn't look very cool. 

Nancy: That's a platypus. It's actually quite dangerous. I think it has a little poison spur on it's hind- 

Nikki: POISONOUS?!?! Awesome! You're coming with mama! 

Yn: Total disregard for her own safety.

Platypus: *Hissss!* 

Nikki: Whoa! Too feisty! 

Nancy: Run! Don't let it kick you! 

*Nancy screaming,Nikki laughing and Yn running * 

*Angry platypus noises* 

Max: Hey, so how'd you lose that hand anyway? 

Quartermaster: *Grumblerumblerumble* an' the JEWS. *Grumblerumblerumble* 

Max: ...I feel like you should be more specific. 

Quartermaster: We're here. 

Max: *Sigh* Well, I guess Nikki was right. Enjoy wearing my skin! 

The quartermaster cuts down a bush to reveal a beautiful land of Mother Nature her self.

Max: It's... beautiful... 

Squirrel King: >Welcome to the forest.<   >I am the king of the forest and I thank you for coming.< Now I wish you will be our ambassador to the huma .... gurk< 

Quartermaster: Mascot. 


Quartermaster: ...Oh. I AM YOUR KING NOW! THE THRONE IS MINE!  *Starts fighting the squirrels*

David: Alright, everyone! Let's take a look at our candidates! We've got... a caterpillar... Which will blossom into a beautiful butterfly! Just like all you campers! Next, a... tin.. can...? 

Nerris: It's a wizard's amulet. 

David: ...Which can be recycled, and become anything it puts it's mind to! 

Nerris: It gives me +1 Dexterity! 

Harrison: >I have something!< Look, and be amazed!  *Pulls our a rabbit out of its hat*

David: Harrison, that's incredible! 

Harrison: ...Is it? Or is it.... Magic? Ta-da!  *makes the bunny disappears

David: Wh-where'd it go?! Bring it back! 

Harrison: Oh... I don't know how. 
This is kinda why I'm here. 

*Screaming and laughing* 
Nancy: Run! Run! Run! 

Platypus: *Rawrawrawrawr* 

David: AH! Kids, get to the pier!  Wait where's Yn?!

Nancy: I don't know he trailed of somewhere! Where do we go now?! 

David: I don't know! This was a really bad idea in hindsight! 

Platypus: *Growling* 


Platypus: *Hisssss* 

Gwen: What the hell is going on?! 

Yn and Gwen appears.

David: We're.... Finding a mascot? 

Gwen: ...Why do you always have to make things weird and complicated? 

Yn: In hind sight this is pretty fun... apart from getting eaten by a platypus.

David: Well, I mean, I think this is all pretty normal... 

*Horns blowing and fanfare* 

The Quartermaster arrives on a throne being carried by squirrels.

Gwen: ...I need more Midol. 

Yn: You and me both.

David: Alright. Well, seeing as I just accidentally stepped on the caterpillar, 
And a tin can would be ridiculous, I guess the platypus is our new mascot! 

Platypus: *Disgruntled quack* 

Yn: So, what'd you do? 

Max: I dunno, man, I think he tried to teach me a lesson? 

Nancy: ...What, like about nature? 

Max: I guess? 

Yn: Maybe it's that we should appreciate nature and treat it with proper care?

Dolph: >Look! Ind zhe vater!<  *Larry the hamster swims up shore.*

David: Well how about that? Larry's back! Alright, original mascot! 

Platypus: *QUACK!*  *eats Larry*

*Intense Squealing*

David: *Sigh* Fine, whatever, it's the platypus. 

Nikki: Does this mean we'll be the Camp Cambell Platties?! 

David: No, I don't think so. 

Nancy: ...What about the pussies? 

David: DEFINITELY not. 

Nerris: Yeah, I like that! 

Ered: Pussies for life. 

Campers: >YEAH!< 

Yn: *chuckles* That's a cool name.

Ered: *blushes* Thanks dude.

David: You guys, no! 

Campers: >Pussies! Pussies! Pussies!< 

Dolph: I'll maken zhe flag! 

Max: ...So what's with the quartermaster and Jews? 

Platypus: *Quack.* 

Back with Yn

Ered: Sup.

Yn: Yo. Ered right?

Ered: Yep you one of the new campers right?

Yn: Yea arrived yesterday. You were the one who crashed through that half pipe right?

Ered: Yea it's part of being extreme.

Yn: Maybe I'll give it a shot sometime.

Ered: You should. Hey you wanna head to the mess hall?

Yn: Yea Im down.

Ered: Cool.

As they both walked off together the girls behind them were jealous and Gwen has wondering why she was jealous.

(Yooooo might upload again later in the night)

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