Strawberries and cigarettes

By KiRa83280

4.3K 214 66

Taehyung and Jimin actually just wanted to finally move in together and get a break after high-school-graduat... More

31- Jimin


45 4 1
By KiRa83280

"You, get up and come with me.", a familiar voice ripped him out of his thoughts and Jungkook's eyes opened slowly. He was wrapped in a dirty blanket, leaning against the railing of Ayang Railroad, a bridge that connected the two sides of Daegu over the Geumho River, trying desperately to fall asleep despite the cold wind.
A little startled, and too tired to think about it, he obeyed the order and got on his feet, rubbing his eyes to be able to recognize who he was talking to.
"What the hell?", he groaned when he saw Yoongi standing in front of him, a hat covering his forehead and hands buried in his pockets. He looked like he was running away from something with this huge bag he was carrying and his all-black clothing.
"I need your help, we don't have much time."
"How did you find me?"
Jungkook crossed his arms when a cold breeze hit his chest and his body started shivering due to the cold. When Yoongi saw that, his eyebrow flinched upwards for a moment and then he sighed, taking off his jacket.
"Does it matter? Here, put that on, and then please come with me. We don't have much time, I can explain on the way."

It didn't take long until they arrived at the spot Yoongi wanted him to come to where the older started looking for a place to hide. They were at a street-corner quite far on the outside of Daegu with bushes growing onto the sidewalk and hugging the lights which dimmed them down by a lot. Jungkook was still really confused since, of course, Yoongi didn't explain to him what they were doing on the way here. He'd been as silent as a grave and he'd been walking in a quick, hectic step so that the younger almost had struggles following him. The black-haired had had to open the borrowed jacket again since he was feeling way too warm after this little workout and he was slowly starting to get annoyed by his elder.
"Would you ple-"
Yoongi's hand landed on his mouth before he even ended the question and Jungkook clenched his jaw to try to calm down. He wasn't going to freak out now.
Calm down, Jungkook, calm down!

"You need to be quiet, they could be here any minute.", Yoongi hissed and pulled him down on his knees, making them hide behind a bush with a view on one of the trash cans.
"Perfect.", the older whispered, more to himself than to Jungkook which made him roll his eyes. At least he finally stopped shutting him up with his hand and Jungkook cleared his throat, getting ready for a big argument but before he could say something, the grey-haired got up on his feet, rushed towards the trash can, and tossed his backpack. The younger couldn't even blink, that was how fast Yoongi was back by his side, invisible from the streets. Slowly, he was starting to get the picture of what they were getting themselves into and what he was doing here in the first place. Yoongi was dropping off the ransom for Jimin, wherever he got that from, and apparently, he was scared to do this alone.

"Where did you get the money?", he asked as soon as the older was by his side again but he didn't get an answer. Slowly, he was starting to genuinely think about whether he should just stand up and run away. He didn't know what he was doing here anyway. Yoongi owned a gun for christ's sake, couldn't he protect himself? When the two of them fought he seemed to be doing just fine but now he wanted his help? Jungkook simply didn't understand.
"Where did you get the money, answer me idiot!", he repeated his question and finally got Yoongi's attention. The older stared into his eyes for a few seconds then he swallowed.
"Seokjin gave it to me. I'm not planning on actually giving it to them, we need to follow whoever comes to get the money to get to Jimin and finally find out who the fuck is trying to mess with me."
Jungkook felt goosebumps appear all over his arms at how harshly he hissed and he formed a fist with his hand. It didn't feel right what they were doing, Namjoon would have never agreed on this since he didn't want his boyfriend involved at all but it seemed like he had no idea about it.


They sat there for another twenty minutes and it was really getting uncomfortable behind these bushes, kneeling on the hard asphalt ground. Jungkook's knees were aching and his legs were tingling crazily since he hadn't moved a muscle for all this time. Yoongi said they could be here any second and now they were waiting for them? It was messed up, he could just be sleeping now. Jungkook didn't even understand why it was him who had to come here with Yoongi, why not Hoseok? He was strong just as well, wasn't he? Maybe they had another argument, maybe Yoongi didn't want him to know about the situation since the brunette was loyal to Namjoon who would for sure be against this entire plan from the beginning.
"You know what?! If nobody shows up in the next five minutes, I'm leaving. I don't know why you brought me here in the first place. Fuck you Yoongi! Can't you just leave me alone?"
"I needed someone in case the guy wasn't alone and you were the first I could come up with who wouldn't be busy for sure. Now shut up."
"Why would you need someone else anyway? You have a gun, that should be enough.", Jungkook complained and shifted his weight to his left heel so that he could turn to Yoongi and look at him.

"Yeah but that doesn't matter when there are three big guys twice my height against me. I'm short, you're strong; I have a gun, you can punch; why wouldn't I bring you?"
Jungkook groaned and ran his hand through his long, messy hair. He had to take a shower soon if he didn't want to have to cut it all off because it was going to mat for sure. Yoongi had a point and apparently, he wouldn't take no for an answer. It was true though, he didn't really have anything better to do anyway so he couldn't excuse himself just like that.
He was about to open his mouth again when he noticed a change in Yoongi's face. It was rare that he even used his facial muscles so Jungkook figured that he must have seen something important and his head snapped around. He had to narrow his eyes a little to see it properly but then he could make out a silhouette sneaking towards the trash can, opening it, and taking the money. As far as he could tell, it was a male wearing a black hoodie and jeans with dirty sneakers. He had the hood pulled into his face and his hands buried in his pockets, walking quickly but without making a sound. The guy was around 5'9 and when he turned his head to look over his shoulder and check if someone had seen him, Jungkook noticed a few strands of red hair falling into his small eyes.

With a sign of hand, Yoongi motioned for him to start following the kid as soon as he turned around the corner again. The red-haired had taken the backpack and shouldered it, sneaking off with big but light steps. Jungkook tilted his head to ask if the older was sure about this but when he rolled his eyes and nodded, they both got up and started running after the other guy. To be honest, he still wasn't sure what they were planning to do but it didn't take long for him to understand when Yoongi pulled out his gun and called out a husky "hey" to the one only a few steps away from them. He really wasn't that fast with the backpack on.
His head snapped around and Jungkook could see the shocked expression on his face when he noticed he was being followed. His slim legs stumbled and he tried his best to keep up his balance but Jungkook was fast enough to catch up to him before that happened. They dropped to the ground with a dull sound and the black-haired held the other down without any effort, first taking the backpack from him, then placing his knee on his shoulder blades and held him down with ease.

"You again...", Yoongi groaned when they finally managed to take off the hood and pull him towards a weak streetlight a few meters away and Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows.
He knew the guy? From where? And why?
He looked about his own age so that explained why the grey-haired felt so superior, apart from the fact that the redhead was close to tears with widened eyes and flushed cheeks. His breath was going fast and he was clearly scared of Yoongi, making Jungkook wonder even more where they'd met before and if he was younger or older than the guy.
"Please don't hurt me! I-"
Yoongi interrupted him with a sigh while rolling his eyes, obviously annoyed with the situation. He got back on his feet, running his hand through his hair in frustration, leaving the black-haired in confusion.
Should he keep holding the boy on the ground? Was it really necessary?
In his eyes, he was way too scared and slow to escape them but he didn't want to risk it so he just tightened his grip and watched Yoongi walk a few steps before returning to them, the gun loosely swinging with his hand.

"I should have known you were too stupid to understand what I was trying to tell you. Back off of my business, back off of my friends, back off of my entire city. Get out of here and leave me alone! Why do you have to be such a pain in the ass?", the grey-haired spoke up, louder than usual and Jungkook's eyebrows shot up at his harsh and sort of emotional tone. He hadn't thought it was possible for his elder to get upset this easily, they must have a history together that made his lose his cool so quickly.
Now, what did that mean though? He now knew who was holding Jimin hostage?
Not that Jungkook honestly cared, he just wanted to go back to sleep and be left alone. If possible, he'd like to fall asleep and not wake up ever again. That thought made him bite his lip and close his eyes for a second. He wanted to get back to his bridge where he felt safe, almost felt home, and never see any of these people again. He was sick and tired about not knowing what was going on and being dependant on Yoongi and his strange mood swings.

"Alright, just tell me one thing: Who's the brat giving you orders? I want to know whose idea it was to try mess with me because that dumbass needs to realize that I'm going to kill them."
The red-haired didn't answer and so Yoongi rolled his eyes and put the gun to his head.
"You still don't get it, do you? Answer me or don't answer to anyone ever again, that's how it works kid."
Jungkook was slowly starting to get nervous.
What if Yoongi really freaked out?
He didn't necessarily want to be a witness to a murder on the streets. And as far as he knew his elder so far, he didn't doubt that in a rush of rage, he'd actually pull the trigger.
"Seriously, just say who you're working for and we'll let you go.", he tried to calm the situation and Yoongi's head snapped around to him.
"Let him go?!", he hissed and stared at him with his dark and piercing eyes. Jungkook just lifted his shoulders and tried to sign to him that threats weren't working so they had to choose another strategy but before he could even say anything else, the other boy – who was still pressed to the ground by his knee – spoke up:
"Okay, if you promise you'll let me leave and not hurt me. I'll tell you everything just please, don't-"
"Stop whining, bitch, give me a name!", Yoongi cut him off through his clenched jaw and lowered his gun.
"Yoonjin Shelsey."

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