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One of the things that he could never understand were the plastic bags people used when they bought vegetables. Like, they were going to wash them later anyway, or even peel it, why produce so much waste with these unnecessary bags? Sure, carrying them around without anything to put them in was really not very comfortable so then he could understand a little – though you could just bring your own made of paper or cloth – but some people wrapped the vegetables in bags only to then put them into their grocery bags and then into a basket and so on.
Jimin's mind was circling around this topic as he was walking home from grocery shopping until he recognized a street sign and stopped abruptly. This was where they had first heard Jungkook's screams all those weeks ago. Since then, not much had changed in his and Taehyung's situation. Their moving-boxes were still standing around in the hallway of their small, unfinished apartment and they didn't have anything to do. The pink-haired had tried numerous times to convince the other that they had to do something but it only worked a few times since Tae was busy reconnecting with his former hometown.
He wanted to stroll around, see all the tourist attractions and enjoy his time as if they were on a big summer vacation whereas Jimin was collecting every newspaper he found to finally get a hold of a job. They could barely pay the rent with the money he got from his parents and Taehyung's family wasn't wealthy either so all he could spend was what he'd saved his entire life.
Maybe shopping for groceries would be a nice job. He would just have to find a nice old lady who paid him for bringing her what she needed, the only problem was that he didn't know anyone around here.
He'd talked to some of their neighbors a few times when they were in the lift together but other than that he and Taehyung kept to themselves.
Not that he minded that, Jimin loved spending time with his friend and he loved going on trips with him, buying silly decoration-articles for their bedroom and playing videogames with their terrible Wifi-connection but it was nothing he could do for a longer period of time.
Jimin was the kind of person that needed something to do wherever he went. He needed a project.

It was almost funny how simply walking home on their first night here had gotten them into such a mess but honestly, looking at it from a bigger distance now, it hadn't changed them at all. Probably because they hadn't seen the others since then despite what Hoseok had told them. Jimin had to admit he was a little disappointed in how it all turned out. He thought that agreeing to team up with this "gang" or whatever it was would make them part of something bigger. Something fun.
Jimin liked the idea of having a group of friends, connected by one big secret they shared, and even though dealing drugs wasn't really his dream job it made him feel somewhat special. He was just so curious about everything and he loved the adrenalin so why didn't they show up anymore?
Should he maybe just....
Just maybe...
go to the secret basement again and see what they were up to?
He thought about it for a while but then decided that even if he was going to do that someday, now wasn't the best timing since the ice-cream he bought was already melting in the pot.
"Ah shit", he cursed and finally started walking again, this time a lot faster than before and with a clear destination: their apartment. It was only ten more minutes of walking away, if he ran maybe five or six then the ice cream wouldn't be lost entirely.

His hair was bouncing up and down and hit his face again and again as he jogged down the streets, mind still set on what happened three weeks ago and the – somewhat strange – people they met back then.
Did Yoongi like ice cream? He couldn't really imagine him eating any.
On the other hand: Who didn't like ice cream? It was the kind of food that everyone enjoyed. Maybe not every taste but there was something for everyone. What would Yoongi choose if they would have ice cream together?
Wait, why would they have ice cream together? That was so absurd, they can't even be in the same room for two seconds without arguing. But then why didn't Jimin hate him? Or did he?
Actually, Jimin was a person who didn't like the word hate at all so he was convinced that he didn't despise anything this much to be forced to use it. It just wasn't his style, but this Yoongi had him so fired up that he couldn't imagine what else it might be. If they would ever be in this situation, he would probably sacrifice his own ice cream just to smear it across his pale face.
Only for once, Jimin wanted to see that stupid smirk gone and replaced by a shocked expression. A shocked, overwhelmed, and totally upset expression.
Yes, he'd like that.

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