The Hidden Love

By Mollie_writes_

16.8K 341 354

After an encounter with an assassin, Chat Noir becomes injured and doesn't have enough time to make it to hos... More

From friendship, to feelings
A new love blooming
Nathaniel's feelings
The Cat and Princess
Their Secret Is Revealed
The Photo
Lady MissFortune
The Fight Begins
The End Battle
Battle Scars
A Day Out
Happy Again


2.4K 31 22
By Mollie_writes_

Keep in mind that this is set before the reveal)
also, THEY ARE 18!

Part 1:
"Pound it!"
The two heroes have done it again! They have saved the city from another akuma. However, it wasn't a normal akuma.

This akuma was secretly an assassin out to get the two heroes with or without the powers given to them.
Just when they thought that their days work was finished, Chat's was going to turn out differently.
Ladybug and Chat Noir waved each other goodbye and Ladybug flew into the distance.

Chat Noir turned around to check in the victim. "Where did he go?!"
He shouted with a crack in his voice of worry. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain strike his stomach, he turned around to find the assassin staring into his eyes with a big smirk on his face. The assassin had stabbed Chat Noir from behind leaving him bleeding and in pain. He held tightly on his wound to calm the bleeding while watching the assassin run into the distance.
He could not keep up the tightness for too long, he was getting tired and could feel faint. There wasn't enough time to make it to the hospital. He knew where to go and who he could trust. Nearby was a small bakery where a good friend of his lived.

*at Marinette's*

Marinette: "Tikki, do you think I should tell Adrien how I feel tomorrow?"

Tikki: "Of course Marinette! But only if you're ready to tell Adri-"

Tikki was interrupted by a loud bang on Marinette's balcony.

Marinette: "Tikki hide!"

Marinette rushes up to her balcony to find a familiar cat lying there unconscious.

Marinette: "CHAT!"

The worried girl bolted to his side trying to wake him up. "CHAT, CHAT, CHAT...Please... wake up."

Marinette out her head down in sadness not knowing what was wrong with Chat Noir.

Suddenly, she felt something running down her hand, she lifted her hand to see Chat's blood on her hands. She was in shock and completely traumatised. She panicked and immediately tried picking him up.

Unable to pick him up by herself, she waved at Tikki who was watching. She knew it was a dangerous idea, but she knew it was the only way to get him inside, Marinette and Tikki carried Chat inside and got him out of the cold.

The constant thoughts going through her head made her worry even more. 'Why is he here? Why didn't he go to hospital? How did this happen? He wasn't hurt when I saw him.' While she was in constant thought and distress, she tried her best her best to make him comfortable and had pressure on his wound.

"Oww P-Princess?"
Chat Noir had become conscious again and constantly cracked in his voice, he was tired and in pain.

Marinette: "don't speak Chat, I'm here to help, please don't speak you need to save your energy.
I'm going to have to stitch it up Chat, it's going to hurt so I need you to trust me." She spoke with pure confidence but the tears flowing down her cheeks were telling a different story.

Chat noticed the tears flowing down her cheek.
Chat: "Princess... please... don't cry." Moving his hand slowly to Marinette's face wiping away her tears.

Marinette: "what do you expect me to do Chat?! You just crashed on my balcony unconscious AND with a wound that could have killed you Chat... you should have went to hospital."

More tears began to flow down her cheek and her hands started to shake as she was about to start stitching.
Chat Noir reached for her hand and helped calm her down before she could thread the needle.

Chat: "I'm so sorry Mari, I just- I didn't think I would make it to the hospital and you were the closest to where I was and I knew I could trust you. I'm sorry I'm putting you through this. Your hands are shaking, calm down first, take a deep breath Mari. I can try to do it." He tried to sit up putting all of his strength into getting up but couldn't keep his screams of pain in but couldn't. "ARGH! Maybe i can't do it, I'm so weak..."

Marinette: "you're not weak at all Chat." She took a deep breath, wiping her tears away and started threading the needle.

Chat Noir watched Marinette and stared into her red eyes as she started stitching his wound. Not long after, Marinette finished sewing and helped Chat sit back up. They sat and took deep breaths to recollect themselves.

Chat: "thank you Mari, again I'm so sorry for putting you through this."

Marinette: "it's okay Chat, wouldn't you help a friend in need."
She smiles at Chat with relief knowing that she was able to help a friend in need.

Chat Noir blushes a little bit and smiles because he knows that Marinette will always be there for him, as Adrien and Chat Noir.

Marinette: "I'll be right back, I'll go grab some food, water and a blanket for you I want you to get comfortable because you're not moving anytime soon."

Chat: "a-are you sure Princess? Are you sure you really want to look after me? I'm practically a stranger to you?"

Marinette: "oh Chat." She giggled at Chat and replies "you're a superhero, you save Paris on a daily basis with Ladybug. Think of this as a thank you for always saving us from Akuma and HawkMoth." She smiled at Chat and her cheeks were flooded with a hint of red.

Chat: "aww thank you Princess, that means a lot." He can't help but smile and get a little blush on his cheeks.

Marinette: "it's fine Chat really!" Also is there any specific food you want, since I don't know what you're allergic to."

Chat: "do you maybe have camembert? If so can you get a couple of pieces and I don't mind what else you get, thank you again Princess you're amazing."

Marinette smiles and makes her way downstairs, without Chat Nour seeing, Tikki follows.

Tikki: "Marinette that was really kind of you to do that for Chat Noir, you have a heart of gold."

Marinette: "aww, thank you Tikki I'm only helping a friend in need even though he should have went to the hospital."

Tikki: " know in his condition... he might not have made it there."

Marinette: "I know Tikki but I was so scared of messing up and hurting him even more."

Tikki: "but you didn't, you should be proud of yourself Marinette, you have proved yourself that you are brave as Ladybug and Marinette."

Marinette: "thank you Tikki, even though I cried like an absolute baby."
They both giggled and returned back upstairs and Tikki hid without Chat seeing her.

Marinette: "Chat, I'm back and I've got some pillows, blankets, food and water for you."

Chat: "you're unbelievable Marinette, thank you so much, I owe you big time! I'll have to go to the bathroom quickly to detransform and recharge my miraculous. In the meantime, please go to bed Princess, you look exhausted ..." he tried to stand on his own but fell to the floor being caught by Marinette's arms.

Marinette: "let me walk you there at least then call me when you're done, then I'll go to bed, okay?"

Chat: "okay Princess, thank you for this." Marinette helped Chat get to the bathroom and sat him down with a pillow behind his head sitting in front of the wall.

Chat: "thank you Princess." He smiled and Marinette left the bathroom closing the door behind her.

Marinette threw herself on her bed and took a deep breath to recollect her thoughts once again.

Tikki: "sooo, you and Chat?" She whispered to Marinette.

Marinette: "wait-what, a-are you serious, of course not, you know I love Adrien." She spoke with confusion and hesitance.

Tikki: "okayyy" her and Marinette continued to talk while Chat Noir was in the bathroom.

*in the bathroom*

Chat Noir: "claws in" he detransformed and Plagg came flying out of his ring.
Adrien screams in pain. Shocking Marinette making her rush to the bathroom.

Marinette: "Chat... are you okay I heard you scream, can I come in?"

Adrien: "sorry Mari it just hurts a lot more when I'm detransformed I'll be back in a minute I promise I'm okay."

Marinette: "okay if you say so... I'll leave some water and pain killers here outside the door please take them it will help with the pain."

Adrien: "thanks Princess." Both of them smiled and Marinette made her way back to her chair and sat worried.

Plagg: "well, that was a new one, being evil without a costume. Now... where's my cheese?"

Adrien gave Plagg his cheese. "Please eat it quickly Plagg, it hurts a lot more out of costume."

Plagg might not of sounded worried but he was scared and therefore threw his cheese down whole.
"Come on kid, take those pills and transform."
Adrien nods at Plagg and takes the pills to help with the pain. "Plagg, claws out," Chat opens the bathroom door and walks out leaning on his baton.
Chat: "Princess? Are you here?"

Marinette was dozing off in her seat and was scared by Chat causing her to spin off her chair.
Chat giggled a little bit "im sorry Princess I didn't mean to scare you, why don't you go to bed. You're tired, I can tell by your eyes."

Marinette: "I'm okay, sorry Chat, why didn't you call me I would have helped you walk!"

Chat: "it's okay Mari I didn't want to trouble you. Now please go to sleep. I should probably head home."

Marinette: "are you serious! You can't go anywhere in that condition! What if the one who stabbed you wants to finish the job and besides it's late at night nearly 1 in the morning. At least stay for a couple of days. I don't want you to leave in that condition." She gave a chat a glare that gave him no choice but to stay.

Chat: "my father wouldn't approve of this... but since you're not giving me a choice, I will if it makes you happy. I'll have to make up a good excuse though."

Marinette: "tell him that you're staying over a friends place for extra study for a couple of days."

Chat's face lit up. "That's a good idea Princess! Thank you, I will go and text him now."
Chat Noir texted his father and returned back to Marinette.

Marinette: "what did he say?"

Chat: "surprisingly, he allowed it this once."
Marinette and Chat both smiled and they climbed up to her bed. Marinette laid down on one side of her bed leaving Chat the other half.

Chat: "a-are you sure you're okay with sharing your bed?"

Marinette: "of course! This way I can keep an eye on you if something happens."

Chat: "thank you so much for this Princess, you truly are an amazing person. You're always putting people before yourself. To be honest, you remind me of Ladybug."
They both smiled and Marinette started to doze off to sleep. After a couple of minutes, she had completely fallen asleep.
Chat looked at Marinette and thought:
'She's so cute. Wait, I'm in love with Ladybug how can I like Marinette?!' Soon enough, Chat Noir fell asleep

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