Little Problems (Black Butler...

By AnAliensPet

17.2K 570 306

(Y/n) was your normal anime lovin' girl. Then they started showing up. She now has to take care of a house fu... More

Little Trancy
Mini Troublemakers
How They Got Here
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Ready For Bed

Little Phantomhive

4.2K 115 79
By AnAliensPet

While walking to my favorite bakery, Sweatie's Sweets, I hear a bunch of yelling. My curiosity gets the best of me so I head behind a nearby building.

A small boy with navy blue hair and dark blue eyes is struggling in another boys arms. He starts slapping the taller boy while yelling at him.

"Put me down, Sebastian!" His little voice yells.

"I really think it would be best if I carry you, young master. I don't want your tiny legs to get tired."

"I can walk by myself! Put me down!"

Before the black-haired boy can put the other down another one with white hair and red eyes runs over to them on all fours. He grabs the bluenette and throws him to the ground. He lands with an 'oof' and slowly sits up.

The white-haired boy jumps into the ravenette's arms and rubs their cheeks together while whining.

His eyes soon meet my (e/c) ones. He stares at me curiously before getting out of the boy's arms. He runs over to me and sniffs me before barking. My eyes grow wide and I back away.

He's naked!

"What are you doing out here naked?!"

He stares at me with an open mouth smile and his tongue hanging out.

"Pluto, get over here!" the bluenette commands.

Pluto ignores him and continues to stare up at me. I quickly take off my sweatshirt and wrap it around him.

"What are you boys doing out here?" I ask, picking the wiggling boy up. After he gets comfortable his moving stops.

    "It's none of your business. Now release him!"

    I scoff and hold the small boy closer. "Why? I think he likes me." I giggle as he rubs our cheeks together.

    The little boy looks about ready to kill.

    "We don't have time for this! Sebastian, get Pluto. We need to figure out what has happened to us!"

    The ravenette bows and turns to me. His red eyes look into my eyes. I unconsciously take a step backwards.

    It feels like he's staring into my soul.

    He walks over and holds his hands up, reaching for Pluto.

    "I am sorry for concerning you, my lady, but may I have the hellhound?"

    I look down and examine the boy. His small hands are gloved and he wears a fancy lookin' suit. His black hair is neat and his red orbs watch me carefully.

    "Wait... the what?"

    "Boy. I said boy, did I not?"

    "I don't know if I should. Your friend kinda hurt my feelings," I fake pout.

    "I apologize for my young master's behavior. He's a bit cranky right now."

    I smile, putting the small boy into his arms. "It's fine. You know what might make him feel a little better? Sweets! You guys can come to the bakery with me then I'll walk you home."

    The tall boy looks back at the shorter one. The blue-haired boy thinks for a bit then nods. The ravenette turns back to me with a closed-eye smile.

    "Sounds delightful."

    I smile and take the blue-haired boy's hand into my (s/c) one and lead the way to the bakery. His eyes grow wide and he starts struggling against my tight hold.

    "Let go of me!"


    "Are you guys like famous or something? You look familiar."

     The boy grumpily eats his cookie, so I look over at Sebastian.

    Sebastian. Now that I think about it that name sounds familiar.

I bring my cupcake up to my neck. Pluto sticks his head out of the sweatshirt that I'm wearing again.
He sniffs the cupcake before taking a large bite. His head disappears into my sweatshirt after he's done with chewing. I chuckle. 

    Such a weird kid.

    My phone suddenly buzzes. I check to see it's a message from one of my best friends. My home screen grabs my attention though. It's a picture of my favorite anime, Black... Butler.

    "OH MY GOSH!"

    The bakery grows silent and everyone's eyes are on me. I look down embarrassed and scratch my neck.

    "Sorry! I thought I seen a... spider."

    Once everyone takes their attention off of me and go back to having their conversations and eating, I smile.

    I have the memory of a goldfish. How'd I not realize this before.

    "Does your name happen to be Ciel Phantomhive?" I whisper like I'm telling a secret.

    His eye grows wide. "How do you know who I am?"

    I smirk and turn to Sebastian. "And your Sebastian Michaelis?" He reaches into his pocket but before he can pull anything out, I burst into a fit of laughter.

    "You guys are so adorable! So you like cosplaying, huh?"

    They stare at me with confusion written all over their little faces.

    "You look just like them! I think making this one here walk around naked is a bit to far though." I pat the part of my sweatshirt where I can feel his head at.

    "What is cosplaying?"

    "Let me take a picture of you guys before I answer that."

I pick my phone up and point the camera towards them while cooing. The bright flash causes Ciel's eye to grow wide. He stares at my phone in confusion and surprise, as Sebastian jumps onto the table. The ravenette does a little spin and kicks my phone out of my hands.

"Hey! You little- Woah!"

The silver butter knife against my throat makes me shut my mouth.

"What was that?" Sebastian asks, pressing the knife against my throat a little harder.

"How about we put the knife dow- ah! Okay! It's a phone! It's not a weapon. It won't hurt anyone. Are you hurt?" I motion over to Ciel, watching as he moves his hands over his body checking for any wounds. He looks up at me and shakes his head. "See? All good."

Sebastian's hand slowly lowers to the cold table he's crouching on.

"Maybe you should you know get off the table before you draw attention to us."

But it was to late. People were already whispering and staring at us. The small demon sat back in his seat as an employee walked up to our table.

    "Hi! My name is Christine. Unfortunately I have to ask you guys to leave. Something about customers not feeling safe or comfortable with you guys."

    "That's okay! Sorry for giving you any trouble," I say with a smile and pick my phone up.

    I stand and grab both the little boy's and the small demon's hand. I basically drag them out of the bakery and slap Sebastian's head.

He looks surprised at first but soon glares up at me. "The next time you threaten me with a freakin' butter knife, don't do it in public."

    "I can't believe they kicked me out! Do they know who I am?!" The little blueberry on my left starts to grow angry.

    "You're no one here, kiddo." I gently ruffle his hair. He slaps my hand away and glares up at me.

    "What do you mean by that?" he questions with an expectant look.

    "I'll answer that later but first." My aura grows darker as I get serious, "Are you actually Ciel Phatomhive?"

    He nods his head and gives his butler a look. He gasps as I pick him up and throw him in the air.

    "OH MY GOSH! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S ACTUALLY YOU MY LITTLE BLUEBERRY!!" I hug him tightly and rub my face into his hair.

    "Put me down! This is inappropriate!"

    I hold him up in the air and giggle as he tries to land a blow on me. I look down at his mini butler who's eyeing me closely.

I put the small blueberry down and pick the unwilling butler up. "YOU'RE SO CUTE! I CAN'T BELIEVE I ACTUALLY GOT TO SEE SOME OF YOUR SKILL IN REAL LIFE. Even though you were basically threatening me."

"It would be much appreciated if you put me down, miss." He manages to get out as I hold him tightly to my chest.

"But you're so cute! I can't help myself!"

Pluto hears all the noise and sticks his head out of my sweatshirt. He happily licks Seb's face when he sees that it's close. The now annoyed and disgusted little demon pushes on me until he manages to get out of my grasp.

The annoyed look on his face is just so cute! I pinch his pale left cheek.

    "So cute! Now," I say grabbing Seb's and the blueberry's hand, "if you want questions answered let's go somewhere we can sit down and talk."

Question: Who's your favorite character?

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