Bionicle alternate universe 2

By ghostrapper1

214 7 3

A few days after the toa mata stopped Artaka from reawakening karzahni, he went into hiding from them and rea... More

The swarm emerges
Po, Ko-Koro defence and Onu-Koro's capture
Ko-koro's final battle
The destruction of Onu-Koro
The evacuation of Ga-koro
The final battle part 1
The final battle part 2
The Final battle part 3

Chapter 1- the bohrok awaken

40 1 0
By ghostrapper1

The toa has finally made it to the main chamber after they had entered the transport. What they didn't expect, the chamber had 2 doors going in different directions with labels written in a language they have not seen but have been speaking. The only one that could translate the labels was Gali due to her vast library of knowledge.

Gali: Guys, I think I can translate these symbols and figure out what they say.

Kopaka: Ok, than tell us when your done, but hurry we may be in be here early

      Gali started to translate it for her brothers. After a 5 minutes, she called them over and told them what the symbols were

Gali: The one to the left says bahrag while the one on the right says cryogenic chambers

Lewa:I call the right one

      He than rushed off and entered the cryo chambers

Onua; I'll go follow him.

Kopaka: Ok than, Onua tell him Me and Gali are heading into the left chamber, while Tahu, Pohatu stay here and stand guard, do not let Artaka gPet through.

Onua: Alright than brother we'll wait here for you

      Onua told Lewa everything when he caught up. they eventually came across the main room of the cryo chamber. They looked around before Lewa jumped away to a container, standing by it to try and look in.

Onua: Brother, what are you doing?"

Lewa: There is someone in there, Onua we need to get him out

Onua went to look inside to see if Lewa was telling the truth and indeed saw something in their, unlike any Matoran or raahi he had seen while on the island. Onua saw a console nearby hoping to open it from there while Lewa simply hooked his axe into the crevice of the container and pulled as hard as he can before forcing it open and the machine activated, reviving what was in their. They both waited to see if the creature would wake up before the creature took a large gasp, breathing air for the first time in years. It got up slowly while regaining its bearings before seeing what was in front of him and snarled before jumping onto Lewa pinning him to the ground.

Onua: LEWA!

???: What are you?

Lewa: We are the toa, here to save Mata Nui from destruction.

      The creature than got off of Lewa

???: So, you're the fabled warriors Mata nui was creating before he fell"

      They both nodded their heads and he sighed in relief.

Lewa: So what are you exactly? Because we haven't seen anything like you before."

Burahk: Not many have, to answer you question, I am what you call a Rahkshi, the offspring of Makuta, and the only one on this island and to let you know now, my name is Burahk."

      The both of them nodded accepting his answers before asking another question

Onua: Why were you in that container?"

Burahk: Oh that thing, I was in their in case the Bohrok ever woke up from their slumber they were put in and train the Matoran to defend against them"

      the brothers shared a look with Burahk noticing it

Burahk: what's with the look, you both look scared

Onua: A person named Artaka is planning to awaken the bohrok and release them onto the island"

Burahk: then you best make sure no ones goes into the chamber marked bahrag, because the minuet some one does, the Bahrag will wake up and try to destroy who is ever in the chamber before making a hive"

      the brothers both screamed "OH NO!" Before running towards the entrance.

Burahk: wait, your telling me some one went in the chamber?!"

Both Gali and Kopaka were walking around, seeing hexagonal holes in the walls.

Gali: What do you think made those?

Kopaka: If were lucky, it's dead, so we don't have to worry about it

      they continued walking before seeing Artaka standing there.

Kopaka: Hold it right their, traitor!

Artaka: Traitor? You don't even know me Kopaka, stop acting like you do.

Gali: It does not matter if we don't know you, you're still coming with us.

      She than saw what was in front of them. Two large creatures sleeping

Artaka: You might want to keep your voice down Kopaka, don't want to awaken the royals now, do we?

      They saw the creatures move ever so slightly with the sound of his voice. They turned to him and saw him move closer to the dormant eggs that were by their feet and pick one up. One of the creatures woke up with their eyes immediately falling upon the toa.

Artaka: The bahrag, the rare twin queens of the bohrok, never seen anything like them before or ever again.

Bahrag: who dares disturb our slumber

Kopaka: he is the one who disturbed you, not us.

      He than points behind The Bahrag and she turned her head seeing nothing but the ground, Artaka had turned invisible, taking the bohrok egg with him.

Bahrag: Liar! You toa shall pay for this insolence!

      Before running towards them. Kopaka and Gali than ran the same with Kopaka putting some ice on the floor tripping up the Bahrag but then they heard a step and looked in front of them. There stood the second Bohrok queen, looking angry before roaring at them. They then heard the door opening and they see Burahk running towards them


      The queens turned their heads seeing who was shouting at them before one of them was shot in the head with a energy blast.


      Burahk began running towards them while shooting the Bahrag. They both ran to the entrance with Burahk Turing around and running after them as they were finally at the door with Burahk making it and shutting the door. They heard the stomps of the Bahrag before the door was hit.

Burahk: That door won't hold forever, we have to get in the sphere

Kopaka: who are you?

Burahk: Let's make this quick, my name is Burahk and I'm a rahkshi. We can we do this when we're not in danger!

      They all nodded before running into the transport that brought them here in the first place and got on just in time as the door broke open showing the Bahrag's growling face.

Burahk: Whew that was a close one. Alright, let's do this one more time. Hello, my name is Burahk and I'm a rahkshi, nice to meet both of you.

      He held his hand out before Gali took it and shook

Gali: nice to meet you, my name is Gali and this is Kopaka.

Kopaka: What were you doing down there anyway?

Burahk: The reason I was down there, was because of them, in the hope that I will be able to help the Matoran defend themselves from the bohrok and their swarms

      They made it to the top

Burahk: We have to tell the Turaga about this and warn them.

Tahu: We will, just let us reach ta-koro and you can tell Vakama about the Bohrok.

Burahk: Vakama, he is still alive after all this time? Well than lets go!

      All six toa shared a look of confusion as they did not think Burahk knew Vakama or any of the Turaga for that matter.

Pohatu: How do you know Turaga Vakama, Burahk?

Burahk: Turaga now, is he? Well, the reason I know him and the others is that they were a toa team before any of you existed.

      This had shocked the toa, as they did not know the Turaga were toa themselves and just like them. Pohatu carries all of them to ta-koro two at a time with Burahk being the last one. They arrived at the gate and it was being opened with Vakama at the front of the crowd.

Vakama:Burahk, my old friend

Burahk:Vakama, nice to see you again.

They both hugged each other with Burahk having to kneel down.

Vakama: I assume this means the bohrok have escape?

Burahk: Yes they have indeed woken up, we will talk about this in the centre building.

      All the toa were following them.

Burahk: The Bohrok have escaped, Vakama, we need to get the villages ready for the swarms that will come"

Vakama: yes indeed, we do, my friend

      Vakama was writing a message explaining everything that has happened to the other Turaga and giving it to a radio operator to relay the message.

Burahk:!We need the defences to be up at all times, within every village.

Lewa: But how will we train the villagers, and the guards? It looks like there's barely enough weapons to fight a small army here

Burahk: I can make copy's of any weapons that I have touched. Vakama, you still have your disk launcher right?

Gali: Maybe even Ekimu can help with the defences for the villagers?

Vakama: Yes, ekimu will help us in defending the island, Also to answer your question Burahk, I do have it, we never got rid of our weapons from the old days, just give me a moment to grab it for you.

      Vakama walked away from them before grabbing a chest and pulling it out and opening it. His weapon from when he was a toa before becoming a Turaga, a kanohi disk launcher. He picked it up with it still feeling light in his hands, and walked back over to the toa and Burahk.

Vakama: Here it is, my disk launcher, just like you asked for.

      Burahk nodded his head before grabbing the weapon and concentrating his energy into it before a smaller version was created. He picked them up and have them to Tahu telling him

Burahk: give these the guards and any able bodied villager willing to defend their home.

      Tahu nodded and went to give these to the guards, Burahk than created more of the weapons, before collapsing onto the ground after all the energy he had given up.

Vakama: Guards! Get some crates to put these disk launchers in!

      Burahk sat on the ground for a while feeling exhausted.

Burahk: Can you all please leave me and Vakama alone for now?

      The toa and guards all nodded their heads in agreement and left them alone.

Burahk: Vakama, you would not believe what is down in the hives?

Vakama: What is it, Burahk?

Burahk: Energized protodermis, my friend.

      Vakama dropped his cane is surprise and fear at this information

Vakama: Energized protodermis, but I thought it was all lost when Karzahni destroyed our mines and the natural springs?

Burahk: It seems some have survived the war, do you know what this means, out cities can be powered again, alive like we were told they were before the war.

     Vakama nodded at the prospect but he voiced his fears

Vakama:What if the bohrok know what it is their standing on, they could create more powerful versions of themselves, you know what energized protodermis does to a Matoran or a raahi? It changes them, upgrades them, if they did that none of the villagers will survive their attacked.

Burahk: Yes, but the bahrag don't know about it and the bohrok won't do anything without their queens permission

Vakama: Maybe your right but I can't help but feel dread as it's down their with them, waiting to be used

      The began leaving the building seeing the toa being helped by Pohatu bringing them and the weapons to their respective villages.

Burahk: The next few weeks will be a tough one to get through, all the villages will need to come together if we are to survive this

Vakama: Yes, we will have to, or the world will be doomed.

      They knew the toa would be instrumental in the victory against the bohrok. The toa would have to use every power at their disposal to defeat the bohrok, a new war for the future and safety of the whole planet lies with this island ability to come together.

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