Finn [Merman]

By bonbonsandbooks

18.7K 817 68

Sydney Shoopman's world is changing fast. It has since she graduated high school over a few years ago. Her pa... More

Finn [Merman]
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
New Book Cover:

Chapter Four

1K 47 4
By bonbonsandbooks


"Your the one I've been looking for!"

------Hans Christian Anderson, "The Little Mermaid"



Chapter Four

"Ahh ahh achooo!" a sneeze rushes from my nose.

I grab a tissue from the box on my Grandma's in table by the couch. Rigsby never left my side today as I shivered most of the day in one of Grandma's handmade quilts.

Ever sense my little dip in the ocean sea, I was feeling a bit under the weather here.

I did not always catch colds. I had not had a flu bug sense I was a kid. About thirteen years old. I was pretty good at keeping away from colds. I hated to be sick.

• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •

"Well you do not have a temp. That is a good thing. I am going to run to the market and get some things to make homemade chicken noodle soup" Grandma tells me sternly as she takes the thermometer out of my mouth checking it. "Now tell me again, how did you end up in the ocean? I did not think you were going to be swimming so soon?" Grandma wants to know.

"I was not going to swim. I thought I saw a whale out there. I went wading in to see if it was. I waded out a little too far. Then I ended up getting knocked over my huge wave, you know I cannot swim. It was the scariest thing I have ever dealt with in my life Grandma. Someone saved me. When I looked they were gone. No one in sight. I was the only one on the beach" I promise her.

"Oh I would not be surprised by that. Those merfolk come in handy. We need life guards out there to make their lives a little easier" Grandma replies. She never lets up on those old sea shanty tales.

"Grandma a merfolk did not save me. Someone did but not a mermaid" I laugh.

"Oh you do not believe. Mark my word. You will by the end of summer. They can be rather shy when new comers come around. Once you are out there more they won't be so shy any more" Grandma tells me. I laugh then sneeze.

"Grandma, I stopped believing in fairy stories a long time ago" I tell her.

"You will change your mind once you meet Finn" she tells me.

"Finn? Is he a friend of yours?" I ask her.

"Oh kind of. Yes" she tells me. Maybe my Grandma made friends with the whale I had saw out there yesterday.

"What kind of name is Finn?" I laugh then it makes me sneeze again.

"It is short for Finnagan" Grandma explains.

"Finnagan. Sounds like someone from Ireland" I remark.

"He is. He traveled the seven seas from there a long ago. He is a bit like you. Getting away from family issues to. His Father never listens. You two might get along" Grandma tells me.

"So does Finn hang out at the beach a lot?" I ask feeling curious to know more about who Finn was. I did not think for one moment that Finn was a mythical creature of the sea. But someone Grandma met on the beach.

"All the time. I think he was the one to save my lovely Granddaughter. He was just repaying the favor he owed me for" she explains.

"What kind of favor did he owe you?" I want to know more.

"I was down at the pier when there were fishermen about. It was a busy day. I spotted Finn under the docks swimming. He was snagged by the fishermen's nets. He tugged and pulled to get away. But he could not. I was out fishing to with Rigsby. I had my pocket knife handy. So I cut the net setting old Finn free. He owed me one. He told me one day he would repay me. And I see he kept his word" Grandma promises me. I laugh more.

My Grandma had lost her mind. She had been living here to long without company. It sure was a good thing that I came when I did. So she would have some nice normal conversations with a human being.

She had to get that head of hers out of those fairy tale books. I loved those books to. But that is what they were. Just books was all. Made up stories.

• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •

"Grandma, are you trying to tell me that a merman saved my life? Because he owed YOU a favor?" I snicker with laughter until my sides hurt.

"Yes, that is what I am telling you" Grandma says. It was no wonder my Mother did not want to call Grandma lately. She was losing her mind. But I loved her all the same. She never had changed.

"Why is it so hard for you to believe that Finn saved you?" Grandma demands to know.

"Because there are no such things as mermaids, mermen, big foot or any other mythical creature" I laugh. Grandma frowns.

"Not sure when you stopped believing. But it is all true. I am off. I will be back. Maybe if you moved off the couch today you might start to feel a little better" Grandma points out to me. I sigh. She was right about that. Maybe I should get dressed.

I did want to take a walk on the beach. Nowhere in the ocean of course. I learned my little lesson on that one. I decided to be extra safe I would bring Rigsby on the walk with me. I get dressed.

Pull my black hair up in a ponytail. Then I am good to go. There was no one there that I was planning on impressing anyway. Rigsby was wagging his tail following me around hoping to go with me. I get his leash out.

• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •

"Wanna go for a walk? Do you? Huh boy?" I ask him.

He wags his tail with joy. Then places his paws on my leg as though he was answering me to say "YES! Are you freaking kidding me?" I pet his head then place his leash on him. I sneeze again. I grab a tissue from the box before heading out. Grandma had left for the store. I made sure to lock up as I left. The nice thing about this part of the beach was that not many tourist knew it was over here.

So there were not a whole lot of people here to bother you. Which I loved. It was kind of like having your own mini private beach area. Rigsby walked along with me enjoying the sea breeze that made his little ears flap back in the wind.

His tongue was hanging out of his mouth as we walked. I stood there in the same spot that yesterday I had fallen into the ocean blue. A chill creeps over my body just thinking about it again. I look to see if I could spot a whale tail out there again. But I did not spot a thing.

"Grandma is wrong Rigsby. There is no such thing as merfolk. Do not let her tell you any different. She is messing with my head. Maybe we can find the person who rescued me from the other day. I never did get to thank them properly" I say to Rigsby. He looks up at me and wags his tail at me. Suddenly I spotted it again! The large tail. IT went back in the water.

"There it is! Wow!" I gasp to myself.

Good thing there was not anyone here at the beach. They would clearly think I was nuts for talking to myself out loud here. I look out to see if I see it again.

Soon I do. It was sunny out today. So I could see the tail in the water better. It was not big enough to be a whale tail. It had to be some kind of big fish. The fishermen here would love to see this! Rigsby soon spots what I see to. He begins to bark like crazy.

• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •

"I see it Rigsby. Shhhh.. or you might scare the fish away" I tell him in a stern voice. The tail comes up in the water inching closer to me here on the land.

Suddenly I see it. Well HIM. His head comes up. A person was swimming in the ocean. Pretty far into the deep waters. He must be a really good swimmer. He had jet black wavy hair. A body of a Greek god from what I could see.

He looked like he might be around my own age. I could not tell from that far away. Suddenly he hears Rigsby barking. He looks right into my own eyes. How can any boy look so good like this? I feel my heart about stop here as we look right at one another.

He looks at me curiously. Then he went under the water again to swim. He dove right in. I wondered how that felt. Not to be afraid of the water like that?

To love to swim. To be able to? Suddenly the tail came back up when he dove in the water! Was he out swimming with the whales? He really was brave! Wow. I watch to see if I could see him.

I lost sight of him. I sigh. Oh well. A boy like that would not be paying a bit of attention to someone like me anyway. I begin to walk Rigsby. He begins to growl. He won't go anywhere. This pup would not budge.

• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •

"Rigsby what has gotten into you?" I laugh at him as I tug on his leash.

"Hey there!" someone calls out to me. I look up I see the boy swimming. He is closer as he waves at me.

"Hello!" I call back feeling shyness come over me because a boy has taken notice to me.

"I see you are back! Coming out for a swim?" he asks me cheerfully. I shake my head no.

"No not today" I say shyly.

"Too bad. The water is great" he says.

"I bet" I reply.

"Are you feeling better then yesterday? Sorry I took off on you" he suddenly admits he was my rescuer.

"Oh you! That was you whom saved me yesterday? I was hoping to run into you today" I say joyfully. He grins.

"Guilty as charged. I am glad you are alright" he tells me. I grin.

"Thanks. I don't know how to swim. I was out wading then the wave got a hold of me" I say.

"I can teach you how to swim some time if you would like" he offers.

"Maybe I will take you up on that offer" I laugh. Something about this boy made me talk about myself. He drew me to him. He was easy to talk to. "My name is Sydney. What is your name?" I ask him.

"My name is Finn. Short for Finnagan. Pleasure to meet you Sydney" he commented.

Finn? There really was a Finn? My Grandma was right about that. I gawk as he swims into the water suddenly taking a dive in. A tail comes back up...Grandma was right about another thing to.

Mermen were real!!


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