Love Within Ashes {Completed}

By charlieair

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BEWARE: HORRIBLE GRAMMAR AHEAD (DEATH SENTENCE FANFICTION) He grabbed my hand and took me with him. Everybody... More

Chapter 1: Mr. Darcy
Chapter 2: Farewell and Goodbye
Chapter 3: Deference
Chapter 4: The Girl Who Lived in a Windmill.
Chapter 5: Bit by Bit, Strolling Little Steps
Chapter 6: Little Black Pencil
Chapter 7: Balloons!
Chapter 8: Mr. Blue Sky
Chapter 9: One word: Embarrassed
Chapter 10: You and me time
Chapter 11: Don Quixote
Chapter 12: The Dawn Sadly Came
Chapter 13: Double Salt
Chapter 14: Mr. Gray Sky
Chapter 15: Like a Power Ranger?
Chapter 16: Initiation of Us
Chapter 17: The Last Pure Heartbeat
Chapter 18: Digging Deep and Emotions Are Found
Chapter 19: See No More
Chapter 20: Heaved Sight
Chapter 21: Pondered Elements
Chapter 22: Muted Bellow
Chapter 23: Ceasefire
Chapter 24: Due Date
Chapter 25: Tranquil Mayhem
Chapter 26: Livid Communiqué
Chapter 27: Coffee with Carnage
Chapter 28 : Mysterious Evolvement
Chapter 29: Recalling that Precedent
Chapter 30: Metamorphosis
Chapter 31: Rotten Secret
Chapter 33: Waving Guilt Away
Chapter 34: Soothing Whisper

Chapter 32: Moon after Glory

4.8K 118 5
By charlieair

Chapter 32: Moon after Glory

She roamed the hospital's white hallway. She paced from one side to another, waiting from some nurse to come and tell her that Aubrey was ok. She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed hoarsely, cursing under her breath and battling with herself. What should she do? She let out a loud grunt as her eyes became wilder.

"This is my fault, my fault, my fault, my fault! My fucking fault! Why? Why? Why the fuck this happens to me? To her?! Why her and not me?!" she asked to herself while she tried to calm down, "Why this always happens to me?! Why? Why am I living this life? This fucked up life that always ends something that I truly love?! Oh, God! Oh, please! Let her live! Don't let her die! She can't die! I just ask you for this, please, let Adele live! Please!"

She felt the tears falling down and didn't waste any time in wiping them away. She clenched her fists when she felt some fury taking control of her body, she almost punched the wall, but they eyeing nurse made Emma hold herself. In that moment she understood that she pushed everybody away. She pushed Billy away for the justified reasons, she pushed Aubrey away when she was right, she pushed Paul away when he tried to say the truth. And worst of all, she discovered that she is the one who pushes herself away from them.

"What the fuck am I going to do?!" she mumbled while she sat on the hospital chair seating.

She sniffed and pressed her hands against her temple, thinking in who she should call. If she called Billy, she wouldn't be able to speak to him but, however, he always had the magic power to say the worst news in a calm way. Yeah, it was better to call Billy than to call Joe. Emma knew that the moment Joe will pick up the phone up, she wouldn't control herself and she'll start crying. Besides, she knew better than anyone else that she needed Billy with her, she needed to hear his voice again. She opted for calling him and dug out her phone from her pocket. She'd left her purse and everything but she always kept her phone in her pocket. She went to contacts and searched for Billy. She hesitated on pressing the call button, but lastly, she closed her eyes and pressed it. She slowly placed the phone near her left ear and awaited while she heard that it was ringing. Like always, it took four rings to make him pick up the phone. When he picked up the phone, Emma remained silent, while Billy did the same, although the low rock music that came from the bar's speakers and the thought of being there in the bar with him, gave her chills all over her spine. Emma could hear him exhaling the smoke as Billy could hear her prompt breathing. After a long pause, listening to the silence, Emma vaguely spoke.

".... Aubrey's been shot," Emma uttered weakly and full of poignant, "I'm in the hospital."

After Billy heard her words, he took a long drag and stood up from the bar's chair, glancing at Joe, who was talking to Paul and Bodie. She could feel the instant shock and silence that ran through his body. He exhaled the smoke and felt her heart sinking to the bottom, he closed his eyes and opened them quickly when he said, "We'll be right there."

He hung up but Emma stood motionless, her hand glued to the phone who was stick to her left ear. After a couple of seconds, she lowered her hand and sighed. Nothing worse could happen, nothing. The thing she worried the most was Joe's reaction. Joe could be extremely different from Billy, but still he was a Darley and a slight hothead. She assumed he was the worst of hotheads, the ones who contain all their fury and finally they explode enormously. Her right knee began to shake as she tapped her foot against the floor, sitting and rubbing her hands nervously. She ran her fingers slowly through her auburn hair and fought with the tears and her emotions. And after eleven minutes, she heard the Joe shouting and his cowboy boot's heels clicking against the marble white floor. She knew they were there and unhurriedly, she stood up from the chair. Her head slowly turned to her right, where she could see a desperate Joe running towards her and Billy jogging behind him.

"What happened?! What the fuck happened?! Where is she?! Fucking tell me she's alright!" Joe ran to Emma and grabbed her arms, shaking her while he yelled.

His eyes were tempestuous, they turned night black and you could see the redness from his neck to the top of his head. Emma tried to hold the tears, but when she saw an inconsolable and distressed Joe, she couldn't fight no more as a tear sled down her glowing cheek. Joe's eyes were widened and waiting for Emma's answer while Billy took a few steps closer to them and placed his hands on his hips.

"She's in surgery. That was the last thing they told me. Someone shot her, Joe." Emma articulated with a cracked and forced strong voice.

Joe closed his eyes and sighed hoarsely upset as he loosed the grip. Joe began breathing more heavily and paced around the hallway. Emma sniffed and wiped the tear away, not wanting to look at Billy, for she knew she was going to end sobbing loudly if she saw him, in that second.

"Fuck! FUCK! SHIT! FUCK!" Joe cursed out loud while he threw kicks in the air and pulled out his hair in a mad frenzied aggressiveness.

Billy turned around, eluding the sight of his disconsolate brother while Emma raised her head up.

"Dawson family?" a nurse interrupted the suffocating atmosphere.

"I'm her boyfriend," Joe said as he glared at the nurse, walking towards her.

"You must follow me," the small woman dressed in white said as she turned around and walked away, Joe walking behind her.

When Joe followed the nurse and walked away from the hallway, Billy scurried to where Emma was standing and snarled to his own question, "Who fuckin' did it?"

Emma looked up at his eyes and glared while she answered, "Do you think I fucking know?"

He sighed and glanced at the elevator's door that opened and then back at her, "You saw what happened?"

"No! When I arrived to the apartment, the police was already there! I came here and they told she's been in surgery for two hours!" Emma explained holding back the tears while she gazed at him.

Billy immediately locked his eyes with hers and fought the impulse of kissing her and making her his again. She sighed frustrated, broke the gaze and walked away from him, heading to the exit. She walked past the front doors and advanced to the parking lot. In the sidewalk, near the bushes and a disability tramp, she hugged herself from the shiver the cold night breeze made her feel, desiring a stupid cig to calm her nerves down. In fact, she needed something stronger, maybe vodka or a Jack will help. She saw a green Mazda passing by her, as she heaved a sigh. Just when the engine's sound faded away, she heard a couple of footsteps walking to where she was standing. When she looked around, Billy appeared standing next to her. She glanced at him and then at the horizon, admiring the cold night's moon. He took his red pack of Marlboro's and placed one between his lips, Emma glanced at him and at the cig and quickly returned to admire the moon. Billy silently snorted and took out his lighter.

"Want some?" he asked with the pack on his hand.

Emma didn't hesitate in grabbing one, and in seconds it was already entangled in her lips. A smirk arched on his lips that were busy with the cig as he lighted her smoke first and then his.

"Thanks," she lowly mumbled as she smoothly exhaled the smoke of nicotine, "I'm thinking it was them B Street."

Billy readjusted his lapel and shoulders and sniffed while he stared at the horizon, "Why?" he uttered in calm and deep tone.

"Why?! Well, because you and the Hall are making them fuckin' pissed! By what, you fuckin' ask? By joining together! So that's why! ... I think they were after me, not Aubrey. It's all my fucking fault!" she cursed wincing and then, she took a long drag.

Billy gazed at her amazed and amused. It has been so long since he has been this close to her and the fact of hearing her curse so much was arousing his senses. There were only two times he had listened to hear her curse so much, during sex and when she knew what really happened to her mom.

He shook his thoughts away and exhaling the smoke through his nostrils, he ordered, "Calm the fuck down, Emma."

She looked at her side to face him, it was the first time she had heard her name been uttered by his voice and that made her knees tremble like it always did. In that moment, she knew how much she was used to him and now, how much she had missed him. With all that was happening, she forgot about her issues, the main topic was Aubrey and Adele, but staring at Billy blue greenish rimed eyes, made her forget about everything else. She shuddered at the thought of being his again, and decided to not look at him again.

While Emma and Billy were outside the hospital, Joe was in front of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit window. He wanted to cry, scream and kill somebody, but staring at that little delicate and rosy red newborn infant made him stay still in awe. Joe couldn't feel his legs, neither was able to move a muscle. That newborn infant, that was sleeping in the incubator, made Joe stand breathless. When he saw all the tubes and white patches all around and inside of the premature infant, he couldn't even feel the tears falling down. He pressed his right hand against the glass and clenched a fist in his left hand. He wasn't able to blink neither to breath, he was only allowed to stare at the beautiful little baby.

"Mr. Darley, are you ready?" the nurse asked and he, without even noticing her there, nodded his head, never breaking the stare he had with his daughter.

Joe sniffed and wiped the tears with his palms as he answered, "Yeah."

The nurse lead him to a the door 324, she opened it and stood right in front of it. She gestured him to enter and after he entered the room, she closed it. Joe turned to see a peaceful Aubrey sleeping in the bed. Joe sighed and couldn't control himself when he started to cry. He walked next to her and sat on the chair that was laid aside the hospital bed. He took her hand that was covered in white wires, and gave it a kiss. He blinked his eyes trying to make the watery salty fluid stop causing a blurry sight. Aubrey was covered in tubes and white hospitals robes as she seemed angelic to his eyes. Her hair was so blond bright and flawless and her beauty has never been so overly admired by him, like he admired her in that instant. He sniffed and leaned forward her, and knowing why he was there, he uttered.

"Aubrey. Aubrey? How you feelin', baby girl?" his voice cracked but he continued, "Adele's fine. She's beautiful, just like you, baby. You thought she was like me but she looks just like you."

He smiled and sniffed, taking a long breath of air and then he continued, "At least she doesn't look like Billy. Bald and grumpy, like you said," he sadly laughed as he pressed her hand against his chest, "Baby, I want to tell you that I love you. Like I haven't loved in my life. I never told you this but, damn, you caught my eye the fist day I saw you. And-and-and... when I saw you with Heco, I must admit, you made me wanna kill that fucker. I didn't told you this, because I'm a stupid selfish shit. I never told you how pretty you are, or how your smile made me feel loved. I fucking never did! Forgive me, baby!"

With that, Joe started to sob and he bowed his head, bawling and sniffling, forgetting about his manly posture and about everything that Billy taught him. But he raised his head and stared at the sleeping beautiful angel, "I fucking promise, baby girl, I promise that I will take care of Adele. I fuckin' swear that we will get the son of a bitch that did this to you!" his eyes became darker as he grimaced but he continued with his pledge and words, "I-I-I-I... I know you will be ok, baby, you will be fine. I love you, even though, I‘d never said it enough. And for that... I‘m so sorry."

The beeping sound, that came from the machine behind him, infected the room's instant silence while Joe cried. The door was slowly opened and Joe quickly stood up and sniffed, wiping his tears away with his hands as the nurse came to him.

"Not yet," Joe firmly said while the nurse slowly nodded.

Joe leaned forward Aubrey and gave her a kiss on her lips. He caressed her cheeks and kissed her temple while he whispered to her ear, "See you soon, baby girl."

Joe stood up and sighed loudly. He glanced at the nurse and gave her a nod, after his nod, the nurse started to press some buttons on the beeping machine. He pictured Aubrey like that, peaceful and calm, without any pain nor trouble and that is how she will remain. Joe sniffled and slowly made his way to the exit, and while he was walking to the door, he heard the constant beep that never ceased, and in that second, he knew she was in a better place.

Emma and Billy were still outside the hospital. They both hated hospitals and needed a smoke. Rarely, Emma didn't thought she'll feel that comfortable with him, after what happened. But slowly, every second that passed she felt more at ease by his company. Even though she will deny it. None of them spoke, they only inhaled and exhaled smoke and cold oxygen.

"You still got that Smith & Wesson, .45?" Billy interjected the silent and the cars' engines roaring across the parking lot.

Emma glanced at him and slightly smiled, something she thought she will never do, "I sleep and eat with that sweetie."

Billy smirked at her slight flirty stance. Something is better than nothing and for him to see her calming down and not throwing glasses at him or cussing him out, was something he wasn't expecting but hoped. Just when he was going to make another move, Joe appeared, bustling and walking towards Billy's car. Billy quickly eyed him and jogged towards him, Emma saw him and followed Billy.

"What the fuck happened, Joe?" Billy grabbed Joe's shoulder and turned him around.

Joe's eyes where red and wildly gone as he answered, "We are going to find and kill the motherfucker that did this!"

"Joey! How's she?! And Adele.. tell me, is she ok?" Emma asked worriedly.

Joe glanced at Emma and then at Billy, "She's gone, but Adele's ok," he gulped down all of his emotions.

Emma's heart died when she heard the news, as she grasped Billy's arm, involuntarily and gasped. Billy frowned at the news and at Emma's reaction, he wasn't that sad as Emma and Joe were but he was pissed that someone almost killed his niece.

"Billy, I don't give a fuck if I'm in this alone. But I will kill the fucker that did this, and there's no fuckin' way that asshole will keep living," Joe grabbed Billy's neck, obliging him look at him in the eyes.

Emma wanted to wail and cry for Aubrey, but she wasn't going to crumble anymore, so she stood up and loosed the grip of her hands that were on Billy's arm. Billy and Joe united their foreheads, while Emma opened the car's door. Joe and Billy saw her getting in the car, and they exchanged nods, then, they got in and Billy started the car and drove away from the hospital.

Billy nor Emma had never seen Joe so determined and vicious. He was projecting a strong motherfucker but inside he was miserable. Billy called Bodie and ordered him to get the tapes of the apartment's complex security cameras and to reunite all of the boys in his place in less than half an a hour. All the way to Billy's house, Joe sniffed hard and looked outside his window, while Billy smoked and Emma held her tears. The car was deeply infected with pondered and mourning silence as they drove to their destination.


Emma turned the faucet open and water fell to her hands as she quickly splashed it on her face. She sniffed and raised her head up to stare at her reflection on the mirror. Her eyes were red and tired from all the crying as she sniffled and started to cry again. She grabbed the towel and wiped her face with it as she bemoaned her best friend. She lost her mother, her husband, and now her best friend. She gasped for air as she tried to make the redness in her face go away. It has been so long since she had been in that bathroom. Her stomach hurt so much from the pain she felt, and for wailing too much. She washed her face once again and rubbed the towel around her face as she took long breaths one by one, trying to calm her breathing. She wanted to hide that she was crying but it was too obvious. With the hem of the towel she tried to clean all the messy liner that was under her eyes. After that, she sniffed and took a fake relaxed posture as she flicked the switcher off and opened the door. She walked out and closed the door, she made her way slowly, staring and remembering every memory she made with Billy in that hallway and bathroom. She suddenly stopped, when she eyed her painting across Billy's bedroom. She decided to enter the room and to her surprise, Billy hanged the painting "The Lover that Saved her Windmill" on the wall, where the bed was. She thought she left it in Bob's apartment but no, it was there and it gave color to those white walls and simple room. She must admit it was perfect. The wooden floor combined with the brown windmill and the white cotton bed combined with the white wall that were opaque by the picturesque painting. She felt how a smile crept into her mouth as she suddenly felt something different, something she hasn't felt in a long time. The past months she'd only felt sadness, sorrow, and grieve and to feel something different from these made her feel alive again.

"We are waiting for you. Joe wants you to be in this," Billy's voice interrupted her contemplation.

Emma turned around and saw him leaning against the door frame, with his jeans, black button shirt and underneath it was a black tank top and with his biker boots. The thing that surprised her as well, was that along with his simple silver chain cross, skull silver rings and silver bracelet, was his wed ring. She stared down at this wedding gold simple ring and he followed her eyes. He raised his hand and looked down at her hand and to his astonishment, she was wearing the wedding ring as well. When she noticed she was caught, she hid her hand behind her back as she avoided his eyes. Billy cleared his throat and exited the room. Emma ran her hand through her hair and followed him. When they got to the living room, everybody was there, some of the boys were sitting on the couch and others were standing around the room. Emma made her way slowly and stood next to Bodie who was standing next to the couch. Joe was sitting in the middle of the couch, mourning in silence, and everybody else joined him. Baggy started to bring beer bottles and he tossed it to everyone. Paul was across the room and glanced at Emma with a glare but he was determined to ignore her. It was evident that he was mad at her, but she couldn't care less, she was there for Aubrey, forgetting all about her messed up life. The boys drank and Bodie handed Emma a beer. She slightly smiled and he readjusted his shoulders when he saw Billy walking to the middle of the living room, turning his 65" Panasonic TC plasma TV on. Emma took a sip from her bottle and everybody remained quiet while Joe drank more than two beer per minute.

"This is the surveillance camera, of her apartment. We need to fuckin' make this clean, the fucking police is clipping on our toes and we do not need to fucked this up. They are making a case about this, is this the goddammn copy, Bodie?" Billy asked while he showed everybody the tape.

"Yeah, the police have their own too. Had to scare the shit out of the motherfucker to give me that damn tape," Bodie answered while Billy placed the tape inside the VCR and connected it with the TV.

In seconds, the video started to play and it was in green and black. You could see Aubrey's door and the hallway. Billy pressed forward to accelerate the anticipation.

"Now, fucking take a good look to anyone who passes," Billy snarled and stopped the tape when he saw somebody at Aubrey's door.

"I left the house at four-thirty," Emma answered while they saw her walking outside Aubrey's apartment.

Billy pressed forward again and within microseconds he stopped again.

"Who's the fucker?" Joe asked.

In the video, there was a black tall man knocking Aubrey's door. None answered and he left. Then, some man covered in a black mask kicked Aubrey's door open and entered the apartment. Joe closed his eyes, and Emma did the same as they could hear Aubrey's screams for help. But thankfully, the video didn't had audio, but anyways, they could hear her.

"Play it in rewind," Emma suggested.

Billy tilted his head and did as she suggested.

Emma's eyes scrutinized the black tall man that came first knocking Aubrey's door and in seconds, her eyes widened while she pointed at the TV.

"I'm sorry, Miss," his words came flying to her head.

"That's him! That's the son of a bitch!" Emma shouted.

"Emma, you know this motherfucker?" Joe quickly stood up and Billy did the same, both placing their hands on their hips.

"No, he stumbled with me when I was walking out of the building! That son of a bitch!" Emma explained and then cursed under her breath.

"Bodie, go and check this motherfucker up!" Billy ordered at Bodie and then ordered at Emma, "Give Bodie every single detail you remember about this fucker. Boys, prepare because tomorrow this shithead will no longer breath this fucking air!"

"Tomorrow?!" Joe yelled, glaring at Billy, "Billy, I wanna catch this fuckhead tonight! The sooner the fucking better."

Joe's voice was full of hate and vengeance while everybody glanced at everybody's faces, except Billy, who kept looking at Joe, in the eyes.

"You need to fucking use the brain, Joey! You're gonna get your playback, ain't no doubt in that. But it will be tomorrow. The first fucking thing we'll do is killed this motherfucker and you will have the honor of doing it. Now, shut the fuck up and do as I say."

"Fuck you! I don't care if I have to do it myself! I don't fucking need you, Billy! It was my woman who they killed, you hear?! My fucking woman! And I want things my way! Now, I don't give a shit about your rules, you are just too damn scare because of the goddamn police, but guess what? I ain't scare of no damn donut hugger!" Joe snapped, in a grieved bellow, and snatched his jacket off the couch's arm.

"Where the fuck are you going, Joe?! And the fuck you think you are?!" Billy barked while he grabbed Joe by the shirt's neck.

Joe wickedly smiled and responded, "I'm a fucking Darley, and I won't fucked this up, bro. Now, I'mma fucking leave and finish this shit! And I will do it like a man!"

Joe shoved Billy's hands off him and made his way towards the exit. Billy twitched his neck and let out a loud huff while he turned and gave Baggy and Paul a sharp nod. In no time, Baggy slightly smacked Paul's chest and they both ran behind Joe.

Billy saw the rest and yelled, "What the fuck are you waiting for?! Get the fuck outta my house! NOW!"

Billy sniffed and the redness was all over his face as his ran his hand through his bald head and breathed heavily. Tommy and Jamie left quickly but Bodie stood behind Billy, waiting for him to calm down and receive clear orders. Billy gave Emma and Bodie his back and threw a beer across the room while he yelled in fury. Joe crossed the line with his ranting and Billy didn't beat the shit out of him because he knew what it was to loose a wife. He knew Joe was experiencing a hard time, something that Billy never wanted for him. Billy threw another beer and Bodie grabbed Emma's hand and headed to the outside. Emma flinched when she heard a loud snap and shatter. Bodie opened his car's door and Emma got in quickly, still hearing Billy breaking furniture and glasses.

Bodie drove to Aubrey's apartment, since that was the only place Emma lived this time. All the way from Billy's house to Aubrey's, Bodie kept silence while Emma was absorbed by her thought and feelings. She could've killed the man if she knew that he was going to kill Aubrey. But still, it was her fault, if she stayed with her, none of this will had happened. Bodie only sniffed a couple of times, but the only sound they could hear was the engine and the low rap that blasted from the speakers. When they arrived, Emma slightly opened the door and got out of the car.

"Thanks, Bodie," Emma unconsciously said while she bended down to see him through the door's window.

"Emma," he hollered and then cleared his throat, "I'm sorry."

Emma's eyes widened, she knew what he was talking about. Bodie was there when Anna was assaulted. She swallowed hard at the unexpected event, but she closed her eyes and gave him a sharp nod. All that happened was making Emma forget about what happened with Anna, and only think of something: Adele. She will visit her daily, and try to help Joey, take care of her. As Emma entered the building, she remembered every thing. She got to the second floor and walked to Aubrey's door. Still there was the crime scene tape around the door, and Emma snatched it out. She inserted the key in the doorknob and turned it around, pushing the door open. She entered with a loud sigh as she saw how depressive the home felt. She saw the floor that used to be stained with blood and now clean, but still, the blood odor sneaked through Emma's nostrils. She saw the moon shining through the living room's window and headed to Aubrey's room. She was going to enter but she couldn't. She ran to her room and saw Adele's crib and Aubrey's pregnant pictures. Suddenly an overwhelming wave swathed around her and she started to cry, again. This time, the tears didn't fall, she was too dry now, but her wails grew louder. She grabbed a bag and placed all the basic clothes she used and essentials. She grabbed one of the teddy bears that Aubrey bought for Adele, her notebook, that was laid on top of her bed, and ran to the apartment's exit.


Billy grunted as he stumbled with the carpet's hem , but he continued his way towards the living room‘s couch. The bottle of Jack Daniels glued to his hand as he tossed himself on the couch. Thinking how the fuck he supposed to protect his little brother, if he's going to fucked up something around. He turned on the TV and played the surveillance tape rewind until Emma came into sight. He saw how she closed the door, fixed her hair, and walked towards the stairs. He replayed that part again, and again, and again but suddenly left her in stop. Billy guzzled the hard liquor as his eyes never left the screen and Emma. He sat down and pulled his shirt and tank top off, then, he kicked his boots off and twitched his neck twice while he groaned. He could feel the cold silver chain cross slightly stroking his chest, and remembered that Emma still had her ring on. He thought she will throw it away or sell it. His finger playfully surrounded his wedding ring as he slightly rotated it. He sighed at his loneliness and at the hole he felt inside him. Now she was gone, and he would give anything to have her safe and sound. After he took another gulp of the liquor, his doorbell rang. He rolled his eyes annoyed and ignored it.

"It must be that shithead of Joe," he assumed and continued drinking.

However, the doorbell kept ringing repeatedly and a mad frown appeared on his face. He groaned, stood up and laid the bottle on top of the coffee table. He shook his head and placed his left hand on the top of his head, feeling a headache creeping as he rushed to the door. He turned the doorknob around and opened it. He was going to curse Joe out, but he stood there taken by surprise, at the sight of Emma outside the house. The hand that rested on his head was moving on top of him and grasped the upper part of the doorframe. Billy looked down at Emma and gave her a look that spoke more than a thousand words.

Emma met his glare and simply asked, "Can I stay here for the night?"

He pressed his lips and cocked his head, eyeing her from head to toe, and feeling this jumpiness and pathetic feelings crawling to his stomach and heart. He took his rested arm off the doorframe and opened the door wider for her. Although, his posture was plain and strong, he was battling with his thoughts. Whether she was real or his hallucination, whether he was too drunk and he was confusing her with another person, whether she was crazy for being so calm or she went to kill him.

"Am I too fucking drunk?! Or is she here?" he asked to himself while he closed the door.

Emma walked in and glanced at him and then headed to the living room, and despite all the noises she heard, everything was in order in the living room, there were crystals shattered in one corner, and she immediately knew that he took a broom and brushed the floor. She sat on the recliner as she set the bag aside. Billy came behind her and sat on the couch, grabbing the bottle again, and guzzling it down. Emma looked around and her eyes stopped at the TV. She saw herself in stop, Billy saw this and quickly turned the TV off. Emma did her best to hide a smile but she was too tired to fight with herself. That is why she's there, she needs him, and for once she doesn't want to be alone.

"What the fuck happened?" Billy coolly asked while he handed her the bottle.

She took it and gulped it down and then after licking her lips, she answered, "Can't stay in her place."

"And Bob's?" he seized the bottle when she finished.

"Paul's mad at me," she simply answered, exhausted and drained by all of this waves of evil that had attacked her.

Billy eyed her and fought every desire that stroke him. He stood up and went to the kitchen, and Emma took off her jacket. When he came back he had two more Jack Daniel's bottles and one of vodka.

"Here," he gave her the vodka bottle, "You need it more than I do."

"You want to intoxicate me, Darley?" she raised an eyebrow while she grasped the bottle.

He smirked while he sat down again and opened the bottle. Emma did the same while Billy turned the stereo on and Five Finger Death Punch's Bad Company blasted out the speakers. Billy turned it down and he gazed at Emma drinking and swallowing the bottle of vodka. He knew she was going to be drunk easily, and he joined her, he swallowed his bottle too. Both kept quiet, listening to the rock songs and drank themselves till one in the morning. Suddenly after Emma started to laugh drunkenly at herself, Billy snickered too and just contemplated her beauty.

"Look what I made you," Billy said, " You ain't the pathetic girl I met."

Emma's laughter became a sneer when she replied, "Fuck you, Darley."

Then, she started to laugh and to stumbling get up. She took her bag and from her inside she pulled out her notebook and tossed it to Billy.

"I know you don't like to read, bald boy. But if you ever want to, and since you have such a fond for reading other's privacy, read that notebook one day. And the day you read it, Darley," she slurred sexily, "that day, the thoughts you were having may come true."

A smirk arched half of his lips, and he knew what she was referring to. She made her way slowly to Joe's old bedroom as he observed every detail in her body, he missed so much. She closed and locked the door while he opened the notebook she just gave him and started to read in the first page:

"You, Darley! You fucking asshole! You have this power over me! And for that I hate myself and you! Why do I miss you?! Why do I want you?! After what I heard, days ago, I supposed to be dancing in your grave, but no, still, I want to wake up and see you next to me. You stupid jerk! I'd insulted you so much that now, I lack the words to describe you and the only ones that come to my mind are the freaking good ones! I demand you to get out of my head and leave me alone! I know it wouldn't work, but I just need a solution for this. Billy, why do I love you? Do you still love me? Why do I want to know about you? Why this had to happen? Why us? Will you believe me if I say that every word that I yelled at you wasn't true? That I didn't mean it? I don't recognize the woman who told you all those things, but still.... I hate you without hating you, Billy, I want to but I can't.... I hate you, loving you, Billy...."

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Highest Ranking In Short Story #24 (Tuesday, May 9) Read "Kissing Hayes" before reading this book. This is a sequel. |Previously known as "My Favori...
22.1K 776 21
"Oh I..I'm I'm..?" The words wouldnt form. I backed up slowly as he cocked his head to the side, confusion on his face. Then he did the last thing I...