Book one the Bella Rosen ser...

By LisaMurphy909

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Bella Rosen a girl who's whole life has been spent trying to please her father and prove that she is capable... More

Chapter 1 The mission
Chapter 2 The Reunion
Chapter 3 The confrontation
Chapter four The Apology
Chapter 5 The Date
Chapter 6 The Job offer
Chapter 7 The shopping trip
Chapter 8 The ball
Chapter 9 FINALLY!
Chapter 10 Travis back story
Chapter 11 A conversation that is long overdue
Chapter 12 The blow up
Chapter 13 When Cindy finally lays down the law
Chapter 14 Heartbreak of the worst kind
Chapter 15 The proposal
Chapter 16 The plan
Chapter 17 Father's apology
Chapter 18 The negotiation
Chapter 19 The wedding
Chapter 20 Surprise!
Chapter 22 Christmas Day

Chapter 21 First Christmas

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By LisaMurphy909

The past month has flown by and our unexpected wedding present just added to the long list of things we need to do. Marriage, business merger and now a baby was certainly keeping us on our toes. As planned we went to the Doctor and we were promptly sent for an ultrasound to determine how far along I was. The ultrasound surprised us when little peanuts were found to be growing inside of me. We were shocked to find ourselves pregnant in the first place but doubly so when we found out not one but two babies were on the way. Jasper nearly passed out with excitement. Me as usual took a little longer to adjust to what I was seeing! I am equally as excited as Jasper and believe we are doubly blessed. That doesn't mean that I have any idea how we are going to manage our double trouble but I am sure that together we can bring it all together.

I have continued with Jasper as his PA. My father's company was to move to the Preston building after Christmas but once the decision was made it seemed a false economy to continue commuting between the two. The layout out has been modernised and all the staff are very happy with their new lunch room which has all the mod cons and a killer coffee machine. There were a couple of technical hitches with the computers but nothing that too difficult to sort out so all in all we consider the transition a total success. Everything has fallen into place and sometimes the ease of it makes me feel a little uneasy. Dante DeLuca has dropped totally off of the radar after so much time of him making sure that we knew he was circling at times I find the silence unsettling. I have mentioned it to Jasper but it doesn't think it's a concern. He says Dante is not stupid and he knows when he has been stitched up. Why would he want to hang around so we can rub his face in it? I guess he is right we have had enough trouble in the short time we have been together there is no point looking for more it is time to enjoy our life.

This Christmas is so special to me because it is our first Christmas as a family. Not just for me and Jasper but for Kosta and Travis as well for the first time we will all together. To celebrate that I decided to host Christmas at our penthouse so the both sides of the family can be at the same table. Initially Jasper wasn't too keen on the idea because he thought it might be too much for me being pregnant. After some discussion I was able to convince him that I am not a china doll and I was happy to make some compromises so that he won't worry. I also promised that if I should get tired I will rest. He fussed over me when he thought I was carrying one child now he knows there are two I swear he fusses twice as much. I tease him but deep down I love how protective he is of me and our unborn children. One of the compromises was my agreeing to hire helpers to decorate the penthouse. It was something that I really wanted to do myself but Jasper literally got chest pains at the thought of me on a ladder so I gave in. We are beyond happy that Kosta is able stay for Christmas and that his parents will also be joining us. I look at the large box of decorations and I think for a moment that I may have overdone it. What the hell it's Christmas!

Mum. Auntie Eve and I are seated in the kitchen working on the all important menu for Christmas day in a couple of days. One of my compromises was agreeing to have the day catered. The purpose of our get together is to finalise those last minute details and place settings.

Jasper and I had decided to keep our little peanuts secret until Christmas Day. I am currently eight weeks pregnant and have a tiny little bump which I am so aware of and keep touching just to make sure it's still there. Today I'm wearing one of Jaspers hoodies to hide it from view. Keeping this secret is literally killing me. Usually I am pretty good at keeping secrets but this one is really stretching me. I want to tell the whole world I am pregnant and I can in two days. I scold myself and bite my tongue it's just two days and then Jasper and I can put a smile on every ones faces. Until then I have stop rubbing my bump or I am going to blow it!

My thoughts are interrupted by ringing phone. I touch the screen.

"Hey Amber how are you?"

"Hey Bella, I was wondering what you were up to. Could we catch up?"

I instantly felt concerned. Amber sounded really tired and a little weird not at all like her usually bubbly self.

"Sure you know I always love catching up with you. Do you want to come here mum and Auntie Eve are here. We were just finishing up planning Christmas Day."

"I'll see you in twenty" I swore I heard her starting to cry as she hung up. Probably my overactive imagination. I will know soon enough.

I look up and mum and she is looking at me with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Bella honey, why don't we head home and let you girls catch up?

"Are you sure? We still have stuff to plan for Christmas."

They both nod their heads.

"We can finish everything else off honey. No need for you to bother. We only have to call the caterer and confirm the menu. Relax and enjoy your time with Amber."

I have to admit I am relieved to have the house to myself with my number one girl. I wonder what is going on with her.

"Thanks mum and Aunty Eve."

I hug them both and then walk them to the door. I stand at the open door and watch them waiting for the elevator. They step in and Amber steps out! Perfect timing! Mum and Auntie Eve give her a quick hello and nod towards me. One look at Amber and their collective "mumdars" have gone off. I take one look at my friends face and I have to agree things are not right with her. I nod to mum giving her the signal that we are fine and the doors of the elevator silently shut.

"Amber are you ok? You're worrying me!"

I take Ambers' hand and pull her through the front door pushing it shut with my foot. She doesn't resist at all as I walk her through to the lounge and sit her on the couch. I plop down next to her and wait. I am staring into her face noticing the dark circles under her eyes and her unnaturally pale skin. The sparkle I am used seeing in her eyes is nowhere to be seen. Finally she speaks.

"Bella I don't know what is wrong with me .I feel so tired all of the time. I am either hungry all the time or just the smell of food makes me want to vomit. Don't even get me started on my emotions! I want to cry like all time. I think I am going crazy. What the hell is wrong with me?" I can't believe she is listing off everything which is screaming pregnancy to me and she can't see it.

I smile, all too familiar with feeling this way. Is it possible Amber is pregnant? I turn to my best friend and ask what I believe to be the obvious question.

"Amber can I ask you something? Don't get mad at me ok."

She nods her head

"Do you use protection when you're with Rhys? When was your last period?"

Her eyes widen as she quickly comprehends what I am suggesting.

"We have always used protection Bella. I would never be reckless. As for my period I seriously don't remember!" She dissolves into tears and I hug her close.

"Hey it's ok. Can I tell you a secret that you must keep between us?"

Sniffing and wiping her eyes she nods.

"I'm eight weeks pregnant with twins."

She squeals, colour flooding into her pale face "OMG Bella that's wonderful Jasper must be so over the moon!"

I smile "Yeah we are happy. The reason I am telling you this is because we always used protection. It failed. Amber I think you need to take a pregnancy test."

"Ok, I'll go buy one."

I stop her as she starts getting up.

"No need. Jasper bought like ten when we thought I could be pregnant. You can use one of them. Follow me."

I open the drawer in the bathroom and hand her the box. I give her instructions on how to go about it and start to leave.

"I'll just be outside the door. Just know Jasper and I have your back. Ok? We both love you." I blow her a kiss and shut the door.

I sit on the bed and wait. Part of me is a little excited that we could be pregnant at the same time and the other part of me is hoping Rhys is ready to become a father. The bathroom door slams. Avery distressed Amber runs into my arms. She is sobbing into my chest and I let her cry it out. Approximately five minutes later she stutters. "I'm Pregnant!!"

I suppress my giggle "I kinda guessed that."

A new wave of tears takes over and I rub her back doing my best to soothe her.

"Shh It's ok you're not alone. We will do this together. First things first you need to tell Rhys. I am sure he will be there for you. He cares about you a lot. You two are made for each other. It will work it out but you need to talk to him."

My words are working she is starting to calm down from the shock of it all. I know how hard it is for her I was married and for the briefest of moments worried that Jasper wouldn't be there for me. That's why she needs to speak to Rhys. Even if he turned out to be a total schmuck (not possible) Jasper and I will be there for her but now is not the time for that conversation. I am 100% convinced that man loves her completely. In fact Rhys and Jasper have been sneaking around last couple of days on a secret mission. I have my suspicions and I have been trying to get Jasper to spill the beans but he refuses telling me that it is a secret. I take Amber's hand and lead her to the bed. Exhausted she lays down; I climb in next to her pulling the comforter over the both of us. I gently rub her back until we fall into an exhausted sleep. It has been a big day and it isn't over yet!

A couple hours pass and I feel the bed dip announcing that Jasper is home.

"Hey baby did you have a nice nap; cuddled up with Amber?" he smirks at me.

"Shh, don't wake Amber" I whisper.

Amber rolls out of my arms and sniffs in her sleep. I pull the comforter up over her shoulders and slip out of the bed pulling Jasper out of the room. He looks concerned.

"Is Amber ok? Has she been crying?"

"Yeah she has. A lot has happened since I saw you this morning. I am going to tell you but I need you to promise you will not tell anyone not even Rhys"

He nods his head impatiently. "Of course Bella! What's wrong?"

I sigh rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Amber is pregnant Jasper and she is scared of what Rhys's reaction will be."

Jasper smiles "Awesome you are both pregnant together! Don't worry it will all be ok. Rhys's Christmas present will make everything better I promise."

I look at him and he just smirks.

"What exactly have you two been up to?

"Don't worry Bella. It's a good thing. I promise. So I am guessing Amber knows your pregnant then?"

I nod "Yeah but she promised to keep it a secret till Christmas day. Maybe we will be able to tell everyone we are both pregnant?"

Jasper kisses my head "Ok but do me a favour. We hold off on any announcements until Rhys gives Amber her present. Is that a deal?

I shrug "Deal."

Amber is still very much asleep so we decide to head to the kitchen and cook dinner. I have a feeling what the boys are up to but I will keep my thoughts to myself because I think this surprise is exactly what Amber needs right now.

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