Book one the Bella Rosen ser...

By LisaMurphy909

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Bella Rosen a girl who's whole life has been spent trying to please her father and prove that she is capable... More

Chapter 1 The mission
Chapter 2 The Reunion
Chapter 3 The confrontation
Chapter four The Apology
Chapter 5 The Date
Chapter 6 The Job offer
Chapter 7 The shopping trip
Chapter 8 The ball
Chapter 9 FINALLY!
Chapter 10 Travis back story
Chapter 11 A conversation that is long overdue
Chapter 12 The blow up
Chapter 13 When Cindy finally lays down the law
Chapter 14 Heartbreak of the worst kind
Chapter 15 The proposal
Chapter 16 The plan
Chapter 17 Father's apology
Chapter 19 The wedding
Chapter 20 Surprise!
Chapter 21 First Christmas
Chapter 22 Christmas Day

Chapter 18 The negotiation

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By LisaMurphy909

After a night of passion Jasper and I are full of energy and ready for anything, arriving at the office at eight am all eyes are upon as we cross the floor hand in hand to the elevator. The female staff turned an unflattering shade of green and weirdly I am enjoying it. Jasper is totally oblivious to the stir that our entry has caused he has his mind on other things. The elevator doors close. He groans.

"Do you realise how much you're going to be a distraction for me today - wearing that? Bella you look incredibly sexy."

I am happy with his feedback; I had selected my outfit to make an impression. My pencil skirt fits like a glove hugging my shapely legs in all the right places. Matched with a red fitted business shirt of polished silk with just enough buttons undone to allow quick glimpses of my red lace Victoria Secret bustier and Jasper has no knowledge of the matching thong underneath my skirt. My stockings are held up with a matching suspender belt and are a match for my three inch black heels. My hair is pulled back into my usual pony tail; today I have curled the loose hair for volume. I have kept my make up to a minimum preferring a more natural look to my skin. My lips accentuated with my favourite shade of lipstick – Carmen Miranda red (which I made sure was kiss proof because it wouldn't be a good look if the boss was covered in red lipstick now would it?). I have accentuated my eyes with cat eyeliner. To finish the look I had my cream winter coat thrown over the top to keep me warm till we reach the office. I have to say am happy with the way I look. I look and feel sexy as hell. I have made the effort because I need the extra confidence today. It seems to be giving the extra boost I needed and we haven't even left the elevator! I am nervous about the meeting with my father and Uncle today. I don't think they will turn down what I am about to suggest but I am still nervous.

The lift doors open and Jasper waves me through ahead of him and lets out a long slow whistle.

"You'll just have to try and behave yourself Jasper. Today is too important to fuck up."

He smiles pulling me into his side kissing my forehead being very careful not to mess up the look I have worked so hard to create.

"I know baby. I'll be good. I just had to tell you how yummy you looked through." he winks at me.

Jasper is looking pretty damn hot himself today in a simple tailored black suit, white shirt and red tie. Clearly his tailor knows what he is doing the suit fits his body to perfection. His muscles delineated through the fit of the jacket makes me want to rip it off and rub my hands all over him. Damn it today is going to be hard. I'm telling him to behave and I already want to undress the guy. I lick my lips.

Jasper always tuned in.

"If you keep looking at me like that baby we won't be getting much work done before our meeting."

I blush and sigh "Sorry I can't help it you look hot."

Enough! Time to get my business on! I head for my desk or I think it's my desk it is covered in a tower of paperwork. I look at Jasper. Shocked by the mess in front of me and Jasper is looking more than a little guilty.

"Yeah sorry. Before Sasha left she decided to be a bitch and mess everything up. I have been trying to get everything sorted again but I didn't have PA for a week so it kind of got worse."

I felt a stab of guilt. I am partly responsible for this. If I hadn't run off and just let Jasper explain this would have all been sorted. I frown and drop my eyes to the ground my guild making it hard to look at him. Jasper steps closer grabbing my chin forcing me to look up at him.

"Hey baby this isn't your fault. Don't feel guilty we can fix this. I now have the best PA ever and she is going to help sort out all this mess right?"

I nod my head "Of course I will."

I smile giving him a quick kiss on the lips and then push him away.

"Now go work so I can start with this mess!"

"If you need any help I'll be in my office."

I sigh this is going to take forever to fix bloody Sasha.

I'm so caught up with sorting everything out that I didn't notice Jasper standing by my desk. I jump when he touches my shoulder holding back a squeal. I put my hand over my chest trying to calm my nerves.

Jasper laughs "I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to frighten you dad just called. Everyone is in his office ready for the meeting. He suggested we go to them as his office is bigger."

I'm surprised how quickly the time has flown. Probably a good thing I have been so occupied I haven't had a chance to get nervous.

My heart rate has returned to normal "Sure lets go."

I stand and immediately smooth down my pencil skirt.

"You look like you have done a lot this morning. The office is looking a lot less of a mess."

I smile "Thanks yeah. It's getting there but I am not sure what the hell Sasha was paid for because it's clear that a lot of work hasn't been done in a long time."

He chuckles "Yeah I wasn't sure she was doing much but I had no proof. She's gone now and you're here working your magic so it's all good no harm done."

Jasper has stopped in front of Uncle Will's office door.

"You ready for this baby?" he looks at me with a small smile.

"Yeah let's do this" I say with a determination that I hope stays.

We knock on the door which is opened instantly by a smiling Uncle Will.

"Come in you two, let's get this meeting happening."

Jasper gives my hand a quick squeeze for good luck as we head through the door. The first people I see are a smiling Auntie Eve smiling at me, then my father and finally mum. I rush over to her and hug her with such force I nearly knock us both over.

"I miss you mum" tears start to form.

"I miss you too love. Its good you're back."

She quickly kisses me on the forehead. We turn to everyone else in the room and take our seats. I cross my hands over one another in my lap covering my engagement ring. I am not quite ready for that to come out yet. I want to keep that till the end. Jasper takes the seat next to me and flicks me a reassuring smile. Uncle Will has taken the unofficial role of chairing the meeting and kicks off proceedings.

"So Bella you wanted to see us all. Your father said you have a few conditions before you are willing to accept the roll of CEO so I hand the floor over to you."

I take a deep breath to calm my nerves and smile "Thank you. I will keep it brief as I appreciate we are all very busy. Jasper has informed me that your tenant who occupied the ten floors below has broken the lease by moving out. I also understand that the space hasn't been re-let at this stage and there has been no serious interest at this stage which means that the office space is available. Is that correct Uncle Will".

Uncle Will nods in agreement and signals me to continue.

"My proposal relates directly to the merger of the companies. I believe we will achieve greater economies of scale if Rosen Inc relocates into this building. I have completed initial assessment of this proposal and Rosen Inc's needs would be easily serviced in this space. It is more than adequate and would not compromise the current quality of service which is currently offered to our clients. The benefits in relation to both companies are many however a key value add is in terms of the succession plan for both businesses. The co-location would enable Jasper and I to run Preston and Rosen Inc as a joint effort. I believe our strengths mine with event management and Jasper with the music will complement each other and enhance our offerings to the clients ultimately securing not only market share but the longevity of the businesses. In particular it will stitch up any vulnerability to corporate vultures such as Mr DeLuca."

I let our breath when I finish. The mood seems positive. My father is the first to speak.

"Bella I think that is a wonderful idea the savings would be immense with the consolidation of sites. Very clever idea sweet heart. However can you clarify something for me? Does that mean you and Jasper are going to get married because the terms of the merger were dependent on that?"

I look over at Jasper who returns my look with winks

"Well father yes it does because as of last night Jasper and I are engaged!"

My mum jumps up hugging me and squealing with delight.

"OMG Bella last night? Where? How? Do you have a ring?"

The questions are flying out of her at an amazing rate I can't possible answer them I simply extend my hand towards her so she can see the ring.

"OMG Bella it's stunning! I can't believe you two finally sorted your shit out! We all knew you two were in love with each other since forever. The first time you set eyes on each other everyone could see it but you two! I am so happy!" Happy tears stream down her face as she finds her way back to her seat.

Auntie Eve swoops in next wrapping me in a hug that threatens to snap my ribs.

"Congratulation my sweet girl! I can't believe my idiot of a son took so long. Finally he woke up. I am so happy for you both."

Jasper shakes his head "Hey mum - better late than never. Right mum?"

She pats him on the cheek with a smile so big it threatens to split her face in two.

Were Jasper and I the only ones that didn't know how we felt about each other? Why didn't they say anything? I'm feeling a little confused by this.

Uncle Will spoke up "We have a confession Bella your father and I knew about how you both felt about each other. It was extremely obvious to everybody but you two. We have watched you for years and every time it looked you were going to do something about it you both backed off. We realised the problem you are both extremely proud and stubborn so we decided to give you some help. We came up with a plan which would mean you two would be forced to spend time together and face your feelings. The plan was the merger. What you didn't know that the merger was always going to go ahead whether you two sorted out your feelings for each other or not.".

I looked at Jasper who was looking equally as shocked as me.

"Well Jasper I think we've been played.""

I looked over to my father and Uncle Will who are looking all shades of guilty but also a lot pleased with themselves. They pulled it off! Their plan worked and we had no idea what they were up to. I should be mad with them but I'm not. Jasper and I needed a shove in the right direction so we could face our feelings and discover we are meant to be together. I can't be mad. In fact grateful I am grateful to them and their meddling ways.

I laugh "Don' worry I'm not mad but next time why don't you just tell us the truth instead of scheming behind our backs?"

Everyone laughs and nods agreement. Today is turning out to be a lot different than I expected.

"Please tell that the threat of Dante is part of your scheming."

Uncle Will sighs "Unfortunately that is very real. Dante will kill our business if you guys aren't married by Christmas. That's not your problem the companies don't matter. You guys marry when you are ready. Seriously there is no pressure."

Jasper replies "Bella and I have already discussed it and we have come up with a solution. We will need your help with getting a marriage license because that can take up to a month and we don't have that much time."

Uncle Will nods his head looking relieved. Jasper and I fill everyone in on our plan to marry ASAP and then have another wedding in June. Everyone looks happy with the plan and Uncle Will agrees to do his part. A lot has been sorted and it isn't even lunch time. Hugs all around and goodbyes said we return to the office with a lot to smile about and the cherry on the top is Dante DeLuca's plans are about to be crushed.

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