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'maybe i do have a shot, just go for it.' "m-me?" sebastian chuckles, "you? are you a dancer?" jimin shakes... More



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warning: use of homophobic slurs, handjobs


'...throwing his head back in pleasure whenever jimin feels sebastian press her tip on the rim of his clenched hole. mouth cropped wide-open, eyebrows narrowed to each.
her cock stretching him out as her cherry lips meet his cotton candy ones. "fuck..." jimin brags out - right on top of sebastian mouth. he was so fucked out. he could feel her in his stomach - poking his sweet spot. his eyes are crossed-eyed as he continues to feel her rearranging his guts.
the kiss is soft and quick, jimin feels her wet tongue on his only for a few seconds, whenever she pulls away jimin pouts, wanting more.

"you're going to get what you want, fairy. don't you worry."

her hips slowly move until they're glued against the backs of jimin's shaky thighs - jimin's knees were already unstable from being on his knees for so long before this position.
jimin couldn't even count the amount of orgasm he had during this session. jimin lets out a light cry - almost sobbing whenever sebastian shifts both of jimin's legs over her left shoulder, she wants jimin to feel every inch of her. at that angle jimin could feel all of her. every vein.

choking out - "oh, fuck - mommy. ple-"  jimin was feeling a lot in that moment. he was nervous someone was going to walk-in on them because they weren't necessarily hidden from the real world. and jimin overall was feeling something tight and heavy building up in his stomach as she continued to fuck him, mercifully.

"oh, daddy!" jimin simply cries out, not sure whether to push away or press further into the feeling because fuck, she was fucking him like she didn't care to break him whatsoever.
jimin violently jolted as she was deep inside him, feeling all around his stomach. jimin looked at his stomach and he could see the outline of her inside. oh fuck.

"you feel so good inside...m-me. yes." jimin whispers to himself, not knowing sebastian could hear him. sebastian slightly brushes the brown locks back - some of the strains of hair sticking to her fingers, exposing his red ears. oh how innocent does this fairy look.
"do you feel me in your little tummy, hm? that's me?" sebastian taunts with a lighter voice that went straight to jimin's cock. it jolted.
jimin nods, not able to form a single word. "-yes daddy, so deep..." he slurs in the silk, drool staining the silk sheets.

the thick, dirty noises make heat rise in jimin's puffy cheeks - they had red hand outline marks from the slapping sebastian was doing. slapping around jimin like a drag doll, he loved it. and jimin was embarrassed of his dirty thoughts and how much his body gave away in moments like this.
wet and thick noises coming from him, all times to be embarrassed, of all things to be embarrassed about.

sebastian takes the time to apply enough pressure on jimin's sweet spot to get him to react. her strap was thick enough to easily touch it with each heart-felt thrust. jimin moans were soft. not too loud, and he wasn't quite. he was in his own world.

sebastian smiles whenever she props jimin up a little higher up on her lap, jimin moaning, begging for mercy on his sweet-spot. he was beginning to feel very overstimulated. sebastian still was poking at the most puffy sweet spot of the fairy.

"oh fuck -"

jimin looked absolutely destroyed already - hair matted in every direction, face makeup was fading into more of a shiny face, his body covered in a thin layer of sweat. jimin spent hours doing it in the mirror for it all to get messed up. jimin was an absolute wreck, and honestly, sebastian doesn't look much better either.

"i wanna kiss, kiss me."

she kissed waiting jimin, not bothering to make it nice cause jimin told her not to go nice. just crushing their faces together in an act of total possessiveness.'


jimin jumps at the loud voice, shaking his head. "w-what?" he just a bit breathless. he has to look around to see where he was, he was his job - ready to clock-in, but start zone out, which turned into a fantasy.

was he really daydreaming about a mafia boss fucking his brains out? and the fact jimin had to see sebastian within less than thirty minutes made it worse, he didn't know how to act anymore around her. not after last night, jimin could still feel her hands on his bottom and body when he danced for her.

"check the board, okay? some things have changed."

. . .

jimin tilts his head slightly to the left, confused. 'was this a mistake? was someone pranking me? why am i up there?' jimin thought this was some type of a sick joke, cause there was no way... he blinks attention to the room filled with women and men, jimin's eyes narrowing down on each individual, looking for suspension and he doesn't find it.

jimin was told by the house-mother to check the board whenever he walked past her smaller box-like office. the board let each and every employee know what position they were going to fill that night.
and that was confusing jimin, because he was put down for each position.

floor-work, stage, and VIP.

he was only a floor-worker and there was on way in hell that charlie overnight decided to change things up cause that was the last thing charlie would do for someone like jimin. charlie hated jimin for god knows why, the only real reason jimin got a job there was because of taehyung, jimin was always weak.

jimin was tossing and turning that early morning after having that moment with sebastian, he still felt so bad for ruining a moment. and apart of jimin thought this was sebastian's doing.

'maybe this was the business she was talking about?'

jimin sighs, tired. he tilts his head back - shutting his eyes - turning his body to tell the house-mother that she made a mistake on the board. jimin drags his feet walking to the house-mother's small office.

he knocked on the small window that he could see through, asking her if she had time to talk. jimin sees her mouth move: 'come in'.

"tay.. i think you made a mistake on the board...it says i am booked for everything: the stage, floor, VIP...i'm not a dancer!" jimin was awkward saying it because no women or men ever complain about where they were working for the night at that strip club. not really.

jimin just didn't want to take someone's job away from them, that was the last thing he wanted to do. ever since sebastian said that to him, jimin hasn't been able to remove it from his mind. he wasn't the type of person to do that.
everyone already didn't like him so if he was taking someone's money...
the house-mother, taylor swings around on her chair - there was another digital board of where the girls and guys needed to be or do. her eyes scan for jimin's name and it was true: jimin was available for everything they offered.

"minnie, didn't you hear? boss put you down for everything...he saw how hard-working you were. you deserve it he said."

jimin coughs, charlie did what? jimin just stands dumbfoundedly, there was no way in hell that jimin just appeared magically on that board just because he was 'hard-working' or that he 'deserved it' there was no way in hell that this was the outcome without some type of heavy push from charlie. charlie hated jimin's guts. the only reason jimin was working there was because of taehyung and his cutting ways to manipulate a man.

"no, taylor. i really think this is a mistake. charlie woul-"

"i am talking about sebastian - sebastian put you down for these jobs." and jimin doesn't know if he got butterflies at that or he just realized how deep shit he was in. this was great news, yes. but at the same time...if jimin disappointed sebastian in the slightest jimin would be out of a job. jimin tugs on his bottom lip. he was fucked.

jimin gives taylor a light smile before exiting to leave. he felt a peng at his heart. this was really good news, the best he has heard ever since he's been working here.
jimin was always feeding into people's opinions about him. it was always a habit of his that he could never break, no matter how hard he tried.
he was just cared too much about people's opinions about him. it was just him. hearing this just made him go into a new wave of thoughts: 'if someone finds out about sebastian helping him get to this position...they're going to rip me apart.'

the girls and guys there always had head-strong opinions and thoughts about everything. they weren't judgmental, but they weren't the most open minded people either. the moment they find out about jimin getting a free ride up to the top. they were going to eat him up like a dog and spit him out. jimin wouldn't hear the end of it.

jimin makes it near his locker station, seeing that taehyung's night bag was on the bench that was in the middle of the lockers.

"bitch, what'd you do?" jimin hears behind him-immediately knowing it was taehyung's chanted voice, jimin could hear the curiosity in it and he could also hear the excitement that leaked through.
jimin turns his shoulder around, and jimin sees a really hype taehyung. he was ready for work - in his outfit. he was fixing his waistband while walking up towards jimin who began to run his mouth.

jimin concludes that he knew. "i didn't do anything, tae. i didn't. all i did was dance on the pole. i didn't even dance - she just told me that she was going to let me on the stage more. not the whole nine-yards."

taehyung shrugs while walking past jimin, he gives jimin a lazy smile.
"whatever, right? at least you got money. i don't mean to rub this in your face, but i told you so. instead of selling those drugs." jimin rolls his eyes softly. taehyung was right though, jimin didn't need coke to get more money, he just needed to know how to use his body correctly.
and jimin hit the jackpot whenever he met sebastian.

"you know, sebastian is probably going to make you the main dancer here. taking my spot - which i am not complaining about." jimin really didn't know what taehyung was talking about. that just goes to show that jimin was a blind-eyed to the stripper scene. he didn't know how it worked, how it ran. all he knew was drinks and how to serve customers. that was his only talent.

"tae, i don't want to do that though... you worked hard for the top."

taehyung points his finger at jimin. it was almost like taehyung was mad at jimin, his face was red. his mouth was cropped open to rant.

"listen, i am going to kill you myself if you don't take this opportunity, jimin-you have a mafia boss on the tip of your tongue...not to mention, around your finger!'" taehyung spat's out.
before jimin could even say anything taehyung opens his mouth again,
"if you don't go after that fucking money, that dick - i am going to fuck you up myself, that's a promise." taehyung spoke nothing but facts towards jimin. jimin had a clear way to get all the money he wanted. he had what it took to be the 'it' girl. and he was just sitting there wasting it because he was scared the people around him weren't going to like him?

sebastian was taken back with jimin; she - herself put in a request just for the fairy and herself to be alone in a room later that night, jimin could dance and take care of others, yes, but the dancing was mainly for sebastian liking. she made sure that information got spread around quickly. that's why people were looking at jimin weird.

jimin opens his mouth to say something, but it go cut off by a loud bang. that bang followed by a shout for the unbothered dancers.
everyone's head turns to the scene: charlie stumbles over to the section where taehyung and jimin were located. jimin jumps at the sudden loud bang, the air shifts, it begins way more stiff.

"where the fuck is that faggot?"

it happened too soon. before anyone knew. charlie was at a distance with the two confused dancers, shouting at jimin because of what charlie caused. taehyung was heavily confused about the situation, but he of course was on jimin's side of the story. taehyung doesn't even like charlie to begin with. it was the perfect time to snap on him anyway.

"what did i do?" jimin questions, people were looking at him crazy.

"you know what you did, you fucking snake. you ratted me out to sebastian - for christ sake look at my fucking face, bitch!" charlie's word we're knifes in jimin's chest whenever he stabs him with those words: exposing what happened the night before.
jimin feels short of breath.

this isn't a game anymore. jimin concluses, scared. he didn't sign-up to be a teller in a story, he didn't sign-up to snitch on someone.
taehyung was looking at charlie's banged up face, it being all red and puffy. a black eye, busted lips with a crooked nose.
not to mention all those missing teeth, it really was affecting his speech. slur words.

jimin opens his mouth, but instead he feels a sting on his left cheek. it knocked the wind of jimin - him stumbling back a little.

'did this fucker just slap me?'

jimin visions clouds with tears because it actually hurt jimin, that slap was a backhand one. with full force of anger and despair. it was very clear charlie didn't have any type of mercy on jimin.
charlie hated jimin's guts more than anything in the world that was around them. jimin hears the rain of chaos that is breaking loose.
taehyung shouting while throwing punches at charlie's face. "are you fucking stupid? touch him again and i'll beat the fuck out of you?! that's my best friend!" taehyung did get a few hits on charlie, hitting his nose once again.

taehyung didn't get very far with it: he was held back by an unknown man that heard what was going on. him shouting over taehyung's loud chanting voice. "aye! calm down-"

jimin gets up back on his feet with a little help from taehyung, taehyung finding his cool in jimin. "you okay, minnie? i swear to god, i am going to kill that motherfucker - you alright?" jimin nods instead, he was scared of his words.
his mouth was dry and his lungs were having a very hard time breathing. jimin coughs, "i am okay, my mouth hurts though." jimin blinks his attention to the unknown man and charlie.

the man was definitely one of sebastian's men, absolutely. he was dressed and spoke, gave it all away. and whenever he was seen by charlie...he immediately stepped away from wild taehyung. jimin and taehyung catches onto the conversation happening between the men.
"tisk - charlie. sebastian lets you go off with a warning and you go and slap his newly prize possessions? wait till i tell sebastian this."

charlie's eyes widened. no one in that room knew about charlie almost shitting his pants whenever he got that gun shoved down his throat. no one knew about the things that were running through sebastian's headset when deciding if she should pull the trigger on him or not. charlie has a literal nightmare about sebastian and what she could do to him, that's how powerful her business was.

charlie gets teary eye thinking about the mafia boss finding out about him slapping jimin. he begins to plead yoongi. "no - yoongi, please. i'll be a dead man. don't. i'll do anything you say." and that's how sloppy charlie was to the business of trade. he would suck anyone's dick for praise, do anything to look like he was meant to be something. it was a pathetic thing to do, yoongi concluses.

yoongi puts his hands up, pointing to red beat face jimin and still hot-head taehyung. "aye, don't apologize to me, apologize to him. he going to be the one with sebastian. his talking decides if you live if not."

and that's how charlie was at the tip of jimin's feet, begging him to not tell sebastian about what happened. yoongi silently chuckling at the scene. it was really sad to watch it go down. charlie on his knees, begging jimin to forgive and forget.

before jimin could say anything - once again, but couldn't because another one of sebastian's men appeared from the door, pointing outside of the dressing room. "yoon, seb's here. he wants jimin whenever he's ready. ladies and gents - please do your job tonight." jungkook focuses his attention on jimin and yoongi then the whole locker-room of girls and guys.

yoongi points to jimin, "you ready?"

jimin shakes his head. he wasn't. "g-give me ten minutes, then i'll be out."

yoongi nods, understanding. yoongi takes a grip on charlie's frozen body.
"you. get away from jimin. if i catch you around him or his friends. you will be getting that bullet in your throat. don't even try to test it." and just like that - it has charlie running. jimin was wildly confused about everything that was going on.
he was calming him down with taehyung rubbing his back and giving small pecks on his red cheek.
taehyung says comforting words to shaken up jimin.

yoongi and jungkook disappear to check around the club for last minute open ups.
jimin getting up to let everyone know he was okay. he was embarrassed to say the least. very embarrassed. he witnessed something a dancer shouldn't. it was scary knowing he was the reason charlie's face got messed up. he skin crawled.

so that was the business she was talking about...

. . .

"hey handsome." jimin calls out to sebastian. she was laid out alone on a single couch. both of her legs were wide open for jimin to slide his smaller body on the middle of them, jimin could see a real gold belt clinging to her waist along with the same gun from the other night. both of which made jimin's inside act up.

'fuck, she was so hot.'

sebastian looked bored, she wasn't interested in any of the dancers. even if they were naked, no likable expression in sight. all she wanted was jimin. jimin had the unmatched energy she wanted. she perks up at the light voice. she turns her head around and immediately sits up to look at dressed jimin. "hey fairy, you look very..."

jimin makes way into her lap, it was giving him flashbacks of what they did it last night, jimin being snuggle in her lap - slowly grinding himself up on her built thighs.
jimin hands were all over sebastian the moment he got on top of her. feelings the softness of her midnight-black locks. she must've washed it. she smelt manly and warm. it was making jimin's mouth itch for a wet kiss.

"i look like what...?"

sebastian looks up at the fairy, knowing what exactly she was about to say. the sexual tension the two had was too obvious.
yoongi, from a distance, was watching them flirt with each other. the touches they would lay on each other was very eye-blinking and just not a secret. yoongi just wanted to shout, 'there's a private room waiting, fuck in there.'

sebastian could feel jimin's light breath on her chin whenever she easily kissed his chin. "you look very easy to take apart, very easy to break." she confesses on top jimin's chin, lips brushing against the soft skin of his, his cheeks heat up with no regret. jimin has to look away for a few moments to recollect himself. he turns back to sebastian with a lazy smile.

"are you going to let me take you apart this time or do i have to wait?" jimin hears the impatient tone in her voice, he does. jimin just fears that sebastian's going to have a taste of jimin and not like it, or she does, but kicks him to the curb. jimin fears that.

he nods, accepting. "gonna have to work for it though, daddy." jimin's voice goes soft when confessing.

. . .

jimin gets an opportunity to kiss the mafia boss, he does. jimin has his head back as sebastian went to work on his neck and open chest; bruising his skin along the way. jimin was in heaven although - her lips were soft, the inside of her mouth was completely warm and the feeling of her nibbling on his skin was almost too good.

jimin tugs on the black locks of hair to pull her away from his neck. she looks up at jimin, at his waiting lips.

jimin leans in, giving the boss a peck on the lips - making sure to feel the energy that was all around them. jimin really did have sebastian wrapped around his finger. sebastian was hooked on jimin. jimin pulls away slowly, hearing the small groan sebastian gave off, wanting more of what jimin gave.
jimin lightly shushes her. "kiss me again."
the stripper licks his lips while completely focusing on sebastian's awaiting-anxious ones.
jimin this time takes his time to kiss her. it was nice and slow. sebastian couldn't help herself - her hands traveling all around jimin's figure: she needed all those clothes off.

jimin scent was sweet, as sebastian imagined. jimin tastes very soft and warm. vanilla and cream. jimin pulls away, out of breath and butterflies in his stomach. jimin looked like a mess already and they just began. his clothes were hanging on by a thread. sebastian didn't even look far from being the same as jimin. she was horny, and it showed. her glances were just sex. her eyes were dark and her face was hot.

"fuck baby, please tell me i can fuck you. i can't wait another second."

jimin giggles, liking that thought. jimin really got the most powerful person in his city begging to fuck him? jimin really did a number. jimin kisses the shell of her ear, lightly nibbling on it: "fuck me brainlessly, make it hurt daddy." jimin haunts, his bottom lip being slightly pouting out. sebastian simply looked like the type to make it hurt and jimin wanted it more than anything before. all of it. itset sebastian off.

jimin blinks his attention to her taking her belt off - the strap gun that was to her side. jimin lightly smiles when the gun goes on the glass nightstand. jimin hearing the heavy sound of the glass and the gun coming to contact with each other. there were bullets in it because jimin heard the bullets shake in the gun. he wonders if that was for charlie, he definitely wouldn't be opposed to that idea.

jimin helps her take her suit jacket off as she makes it back to the bed - the black velvet slips over very easily off the shoulders, her chest tattoos peeking out of her unbuttoned collar. that was jimin's weakness, it really was. the ink just made her skin pop and it matched well with everything. every tattoo she had was perfectly placed.

jimin hands fiddle with her in a button-up shirt. the shirt is more expensive than the rent he pays for his apartment, probably. the shirt was real slik - it was pure and real to the touch. jimin felt on the top of the world unbuttoning the shirt. "excited?" jimin hears above his head. 

he doesn't have enough time to answer her question - instead the sound of jimin's jean shorts were being zipped down was music to sebastian's ears, around the same time he finishes her shirt - the silk falling off her shoulder once again, leaving her in an black bra. jimin's pants come off and he has to wiggle them off. 

there were more tattoos on her stomach than he expected. jimin was daydreaming once again as his fingers roamed her bare stomach. he takes more of a risk touching her breast. cupping them in his hands - not really bothering being gentle with them. they're soft to the touch - his mind wanders to what she'll taste like. lapping up her warm scent in his mouth would be a dream.

"you get more beautiful every second i see you." sebastian removes jimin's wandering hands off her upper body, jimin gets a light blush across his nose and cheeks. to be called beautiful by the most handsome person he's ever seen was something else. a fire burned in his stomach to get touched by the mafia boss.

"take care of me..." his word dragged when sebastian sits down on the bed, jimin scooting over to make more room for her. an arm was wrapping around his waist - jimin shakes his head, pointing downstairs. it needed the most attention. he was sure he was leaking through his underwear and it needed to be release. this was the frist time sex meant sometimes else other than a quick fuck to jimin.

sebastian ringed-out hand slides down on his covered stomach. jimin flinching at the coldness of her rings. jimin doesn't know what's going on with him. he didn't
known rings could be such a turn-on for the fairy. the sight of her hands on his lower stomach with those thick real gold and silver rings made all the difference in the world. the finger tattoos weren't helping. jimin was moaning just at the site of it. "holy fuck."

her hands traveled down his stomach and it disappeared into his underwear. immediately touching up on jimin's private area. she didn't have room to move her hand, but she was squeezing it so tight that blood was rushing to his head making it hurt and an intense pleasure - he could help but let like a choking moan.

"take your underwear off. hurry up, fairy."

jimin does what he is told, the underwear being off and off the bed with record time making sebastian laugh at that. jimin was begging for it, he was practically begging to for her to be so aggressive he was going to break into two. ripped into halves and that was sebastian deep-hearted fansty. to see the fairy at a state of no return. a beautiful thought.

jimin feels a vibration feeling in his dick as sebastian let's go of the tight grip around his dick. jimin gasp lowly as he could see her rings outline in his dick. she brings her hand back up to his dick. lightly stroking it, wet noise filling the air because jimin's precum and his natural essence was making him wet. jimin rolls his hips at the pleasure of feeling his body. liking the pace.

jimin was in his own world, liking it. "can i slap you? do you like that? are you into that?" it was a genuine question that jimin didn't know himself. he just got slapped a little under an hour ago and now sebastian was asking if he liked it? 'maybe it was one of her kinks?' that was the only question that could explain it. being slapped by sebastian would be an experience, but jimin wasn't ready for that just yet.

jimin lightly shakes his head, "not yet, we'll work on it..." he hopes that was enough to satisfy her, jimin had a forever anxious feeling of disappointing her in any way. and this was one of those moments. jimin peeks up to look at her expression: it reads nothing. she looked mad or happy.

"that's okay, fairy. no worries. just wondering..." jimin's head falls back heavy when her hand starts back up this time completely faster than before - knocking the wind out of jimin's lungs. "oh fuck yes...that feels so good, don't stop." he could feel the dip in his stomach as it made a deep hole of pleasure.
jimin could already feel himself coming. he had to hold back the urge. he didn't know if that was what she wanted.

she was doing things to the fairy, absolutely. jimin never in his life felt more on-edge and melted into her touch. it was unmatched. "mhm, don't stop? you don't want me to stop? look at you, princess - you're doing most of the work. grinding yourself up into my fingers. you're so fucking greedy and dirty."

that itself made jimin cum on her hands. the cum dripped out of his slit very smooth, round after round. jimin's blabbering and talking nothing but nonsense, drool on his chin as his eyes flutter back into his head as the hard sensation takes over his body, it was a real orgasm that came within.

and jimin couldn't stop himself from cumming after that. they were uncontrollable as sebastian kept milking his sweet spots and kissing up to his neck. she was making it very hard for jimin to not break.

everything about it all was making jimin get more flustered as they went on. mocking him, "awe fairy, i can feel you absolutely drenched - dripping all over my rings and fingers, you can't even control yourself from cunning...that's alright, i got you. let it go." the taunting made everything more real, his skin crawling as he felt another load creep on him.

the door handle moves that catches sebastian's attention, not jimin's for obvious reason. the door gets a few knocks and yoongi is on the other side talking at the same time jimin starts to come down from his high - him reconnecting back to the real world.

sebastian's body covers naked jimin up pretty easily as the door opens to reveal yoongi with a flat face per usual.

"what, what, what?" the irritated tone was very clear in sebastian's voice. "i am busy." she continues.

yoongi points to the door. "fuck. i know, i'm sorry - sir, but you need to come outside. charlie." what did he do know? just as sebastian was about to get her way with fairy jimin, it was just shut down by brainless charles? the gods and devils had to hold back sebastian from blowing his brains out. sebastian looks down at closed mouth jimin. a thin layer of sweet was on his forehead.

"let jungkook take care of it. i a-"

"boss. rick is outside. he is in here. causing a scene in front of people. asking for you. he even tried to give jungkook a hard time." that snaps her out of it, completely
rick was at her club? sebastian eyes narrow, knowing this wouldn't end well. rick was only there for one thing: cause trouble for sebastian, and more headaches for her whole team. not to mention, they were at a strip club, that would scare away business. rick was really getting on every last nerve sebastian had. damn.

sebastian groans, "alright. i'll be out in five. tell that fucker to wait in that room with chairs. make sure kook keeps a keen eye out for him and charles."
yoongi was taking mental notes down as she drags on her orders, him nodding whenever she was finished. yoongi rolls on his heels leaving the room, "yes, boss."

it was quiet between the two, sebastian lightly got up and away from jimin's body. jimin hates to admit, but he felt like he was the disappointed one. he knew how much sebastian wanted this to happen. jimin really couldn't blame anyone, sebastian knew exactly what she was doing whenever she signed up for this job. she didn't have time between relationships and work. that was only some much little time between the two it just didn't work.

sebastian hops on her own two feet, finding her shirt and slipping it back on. jimin feels a dread of emotions leave his body when he slides off the silk sheets and onto his feet, coming into contact with his underwear and shorts. the two get a few moments of silence whenever they get dressed. jimin finishes before her.

jimin breaking silence: "this rick sounds...problematic."

that makes sebastian laugh a bit, jimin hearing the breathy laugh. "oh he is, very. the night is probably over so you should go home with your friend. or go somewhere far from his ass." sebastian was on her last set of buttons, she quickly finished up the job and bust off her suit jacket and put it on. jimin watches her wipe off his own cum off her rings with a cloth she made appear from her jacket pocket.

jimin feeling a bit red in his flesh. knowing he came all over her hand and those expensive rings. he liked the thought of knowing that whenever she looked at them, she'd remember that moment.
"i am sorry about this all. i know, i was looking forward to the rest of the night. sorry fairy." sebastian easily rolls on her strap-gun to her side.

jimin sits on the bed as he watches her easily pull apart the black gun, checking if there were bullets in there, she puts her pointer finger on the gun's frame and she slides the slider back and pops in place. the gun was officially loaded and ready for use, if needed of course. jimin could watch her load a gun all day if he could. that again got him a bit wet in his already ruined underwear.

a dark part of jimin wanted those bullets to be made for charlie and this rick, he was sick and tired of them ruining his nights with sebastian.

"you ready?" sebastian asks jimin, offering a hand so they could walk out together. jimin firmly grips her hand, intertwining their hands together.

"yeah, i'm ready. promise me you'll make it up to me?"

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