The Hero Beyond the Gears of...

By bobertoo1234

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This story is a set in the Bnha universe with some elements of JJBA (mostly the stands) Our protagonist is no... More

Info before you read
Ch 1: The Birth of King Crimson
Ch 2: Enter! The Star Stand User
Ch 3: I'll Be Your hero!
Ch 4: Revelations
Ch 6: Despair
Ch 7: The Light in My Darkness
Ch 8: UA Entrance Exams!
Ch 9: First day at UA High
Ch 10: Go Beyond Your limits!
Ch 11: Rescue Training at The USJ; (part 1)
Ch 12: Attack on the USJ; (part 2)
Ch 13: Recovery
Ch 14: UA Sports Festival; Part 1: Introduction
Ch 15: UA Sports Festival; Part 2: Calvary Battle
Ch 16: UA Sports Festival; Part 3: Tournament Start!
Ch 17: UA Sports Festival; Part 4: Exceed the Past and Never Quit!
Ch 18: UA Sports Festival; Part 5: A Memorable Finale...
AN // Thank you!
Ch 19: 1k Special; The Fateful Slumber Party
Ch 20: Golden Abyss
Ch 21: Back to School
Ch 22: Moving into Dorms!
Ch 23: Beginning of the Internships
Ch 24: Troubled Soul
Ch 25: A Stain in Hosu City
Ch 26: Post Hero Killer
Ch 27: Making Amends: Endeavor vs. Todoroki
Ch 28: Preparations for the Final Exams
Ch 29: Venturing into the Unknown Test
Ch 30: The Ultimate Test of Will
Ch 31: Against the Odds
Not a chapter
Ch 32: Behind the Scenes
Ch 33: The Mall
Not a chapter (pt 2)

Ch 5: OFA And Training For UA!

2.7K 59 74
By bobertoo1234

Nobody's POV:

Itsuka and Momo were on there way towards the Yaoyorozu estate, and were talking about various subjects, when suddenly they came across a large crowd. Kendo was trying to ask around to see what was happening, and some random old guy answered her.

"There's a kid who's in trouble, he's inside some kind of sludge monster thing, but the heroes are just standing around!"

"Yeah! Why aren't they doing anything?" Another random guy said.

Kendo looked around to see that there were indeed several heroes around, some complaining that their quirks were useless in a situation like this, and others trying to contain the fires caused by the kid's explosions. 'Why are they complaining? Real heroes jump into danger even if they're no use in a situation like this.' Kendo thought as she began making her way through the crowd. Momo saw what she was doing, and tried to stop her.

"Please don't go, if the pro heroes aren't doing anything, why would you go, and risk your life?!"

Kendo just turned and looked at her with a smile.

"What kind of hero would I be if I had the chance to save a kid, but I let him die because I hesitated."

"Stop this foolishness, I just met you... I don't want to lose you!" Momo cried, but it was too late, Kendo had already sprinted off towards the sludge monster and the kid.

Kendo's POV:

I looked back and saw Momo telling at me to stop, but I just couldn't, there was a kid who needed saving, and I wasn't going to let him die on my watch. I made my way to the front of the crowd, where there were a couple of police officers who were holding police tape so the crowd wouldn't go into danger.

'Well it's now or nothing' I thought as a went under the tape, and ran towards the boy.

"HEY! Stop! You can't go there, you'll get killed!"

"Someone stop her!"

I heard yelling behind me, but I paid no mine to it, I couldn't stop now, even if I wanted to, it was like my legs had a mind of their own! I ran up to the sludge monster, and I saw a blonde kid gasping for dear life.

"Ah so another human body, ooh this ones a pretty girl hehe..." I heard the sludge monster say.

I quickly enlarged my fists, and whipped them around, creating a huge gust of wind in an attempt to blow the sludge away. All it did was temporarily shock the sludge monster as I used my big hands to try to grab the kid and pull him out.

'Damnit this sludge is so weird, i can't pull this guy out...' I thought as I frantically kept pulling, and clawing away at the slime trying to surround me. That's when I heard the kid speak up.

"S-Stop it Damnit... Y-you're g-going to get eaten too... j-just get out- get o-out o-of here..."

"Sorry but I can't do that... if I can't get you out, then I guess we die here together..." I looked up to see even more slime coming from behind me. I still heard yelling behind me, as I tried to get out of the way and punch the sludge, but it was too much.

"DAMNIT SOMEONE GO HELP THAT GIRL!" A hero at the scene yelled.

Nobody's POV:

"Damnit... I sure am weak huh, I'm pathetic... a disgrace." A skinny blonde man muttered as he watched from behind a building. "Guess I'll have to push my limits on this one. Damnit... I don't deserve to be a hero."

Back to Kendo's POV:

I couldn't do it... I jumped into this with absolutely no way to save this kid. 'Guess this is it' I thought as I was enveloped in slime. I saw the kid still gasping for breathe, and yellow light through the slime. 'This kid's a fighter huh' I mentally laughed as I felt my breathing beginning to be blocked by the slime.

That's when it came, a sudden flash of light, and there was a yellow haired muscular man who appeared in the slime. 'That's All Might!' I thought as my eyes widened.

"Damnit why does it have to be All Might..." the sludge monster says as he lets out even more sludge, which tried to consume All Might.

"I really am pathetic huh... I don't even live up to my own ideals..." I heard All Might say as he pulled us out. "DETROIT SMASHHH!"

The sludge monster was absolutely destroyed, and sprayed against the pavement. I looked up, and I saw water droplets begin to fall.

"He changed the weather with just one punch..." One guy said.

"He really is the strongest!" Another said.

The crowd was cheering and chanting 'All Might'

I honestly didn't even know what to say, as me and the boy were put down by All Might, and he was surrounded by journalists. It was probably the scariest situation I have ever been in... I was so close to death. I looked up to see some pro heroes walking towards me, as well as Momo who looked like she was about to let out the waterworks. I was scolded and yelled at by both the heroes and Momo, but I really didn't care. That kid would've most certainly died if I didn't jump in and distract the sludge villain. It was a miracle that All Might was nearby to save us both.

"Please never do that again... I couldn't bear the thought of losing my first actual friend..." Momo said, who was still crying.

"It's okay Momo, I'm really sorry, I'll try not to worry you much again." I said giving her a hug. "This has to be the craziest day of my life. So much has happened today, and I'm drained... let's go back to my house, we can go see your parents tomorrow."

Momo nodded and we walked away from the scene. The police officers asked me if they needed to call an ambulance, but I said I was fine. I didn't really receive many injuries besides small burns from that kid's quirk. Speaking of him, after he talked with the police and pro heroes, he walked up to me and Momo.

"Um, thanks for trying to save me, EVEN THOUGH I DIDN'T ASK FOR YOUR HELP! I could've gotten out of that myself, but thanks anyway I guess."

I deadpanned, and laughed at his thanks "No problem dude, just did what any other hero would do, but how'd you even get in that sludge in the first place?"

The blonde suddenly looked angry "That stupid damn nerd Izuku, I'll get him back for ditching me ITS HIS FAULT I GOT IN THAT MESS! I was looking for him when suddenly this sludge guy came out of no where and consumed me... DAMNIT I SHOULD'VE SEEN IT COMING! By the way the names Katsuki Bakugou!" The blonde said smirking through his anger.

I laughed at the guy named Bakugou, his reactions were so hilarious. He said Izuku though, not sure if it's the same guy I met earlier today, but there's no problem in asking.

"Well Bakugou, my names Itsuka Kendo, and this is Momo Yaoyorozu. I couldn't help but hear the name Izuku, do you mean a guy named Izuku Midoriya?"

Bakugou squinted at me "Yea I mean that damn nerd, how do you know him?"

"Well it's a long story, but let's just say he helped me out with something today..."

"So you're the reason why he was late to school today... I KNEW IT! THAT DAMN IZUKU! I KNEW HE WAS WITH A GIRL, wait till I get my hands on him..."

I was visibly confused by what he meant, but I shook it off.

"Well I have to get going, nice meeting ya Bakugou, say hi to Midoriya for me!" I said as I turned back to Momo.

"Sure..." he said before storming off. What a weird guy, definitely has some temper issues. Momo was just laughing the whole time at the exchange. "That guy definitely needs to see someone about his anger." She said, still giggling a bit.

"Yep, he looks like he's on his period... I wonder how much worse his temper would be if he was a female..."

We both just laughed at my comment and were off, still a little shaken from what had just happened. That's when I took out my phone, and noticed a missing call and a message from an unknown number.

Unknown number: Hey Kendo, this is Izuku Midoriya. I saw you on the news, saying something about a sludge attack, and someone was livestreaming it. I saw you run in to save the guy that was in there, and I really need to know if you're okay. Call or text me back when you see this. Thanks.

I couldn't help but smile that he cared so much about my wellbeing. I noticed Momo look over at my shoulder at the text, and she had a smug face.

"Looks like that Midoriya guy really cares about you, even though you guys just met today..."

I immediately blushed, trying to hide it of course, "Yeah he's a really good guy... he'd be a great friend!"

"Mhm sure... 'friend'..." Momo said while giggling.

I ignored her teasing and responded to Midoriya

Kendo: Hey Midoriya, thanks for worrying about me. I'm fine now, thanks to All Might! He came out of no where and grabbed us both. Then he punch the sludge monster so hard, it started raining! It was crazy...

I put my phone away, and me and Momo made our way to my house, but just as we turned the corner to my street, someone came shooting out from some bushes.


"Woah?! ALL MIGHT?" Me and Momo said simultaneously.

"Yes Young ones, I have some matters too discuss... with you!" All Might finished pointing to me. What would All Might want with me? Probably just wants to yell at me too... oh well.

"Okay All Might." I turn to Momo "Momo there's a key under the welcome mat at the door of my house, wait there while I talk with All Might, my parents shouldn't be home for another hour."


As I watched Momo go, All Might cleared his throat and began to speak.

"What is your name young lady?"

"It's Itsuka Kendo sir, why do you want to speak with me?"

"I'll get to that in a second Young Kendo. May I ask though, why did you run in to save that young man's life?"

I pondered for a moment, "Because what kind of hero would I be if I had just let that kid die, when I could've done something about it. Even though I failed, I would've died knowing I did the right thing. I'd do anything to save the life of another person. Also my legs kind of moved on their own..."

All Might seemed satisfied by my answer, and he suddenly poofed... INTO A SKELETAL MAN?! No way this could be All Might... what happened?

"Young Kendo, this is my form when I'm not doing hero work *cough's blood*." *He then Explains his wound and whatever I'm too lazy to write it*

"Woah... why would you tell me all of this?"

"Because I trust you, and I think you are worthy."

"Worthy for what?"

"Before I tell you, do you happen to know a green haired kid, about your age, his name being Izuku Midoriya?"

I was so confused as to how Midoriya knew All Might, but I just nodded "Yes actually I do, I just met him today..."

"I see, I think you are the one he told me about, the one who has the same ambitions and drives as him... I believe Young Midoriya thinks very highly of you Young Kendo."

I couldn't help but blush at his statement, but he kept talking.

"Earlier today, I met Young Midoriya. He defeated that sludge monster before I had arrived to defeat it myself. I was fascinated by such a powerful young man, and I talked to him for awhile. He told me his ambitions, the reasons why he wanted to be a hero. He was just like me in just about everything he said, and I knew I had found the right successor. I sparred with him, and he is actually very strong for his age, he was able to land a hit on me, which surprised me a lot. This is what I wanted to talk to you about... my quirk is named One For All, and it is a quirk that greatly increases physical capabilities like speed and strength, along with your quirk. It is a transferable quirk, and it has been passed down from generation to generation, growing stronger through each user. At first, I wanted to transfer my quirk to Young Midoriya, but being the selfless person he is, decided that he wanted me to give it to someone else. He said he had a person in mind, and I'm positive that person was you... you have the same hero mentality as him, the same hero mentality as me. So I have deemed you a suitable candidate for my quirk... do you accept Young Kendo?"

My eyes were about to pop out with how much information I had just taken in. I knew my power wasn't that great, and it would take me oh so far in my quest to become a great hero. I didn't want to take it, because it felt wrong to do so... but hearing All Might say that he deemed me a worthy successor really boosted my self esteem, as well as Midoriya telling All Might to pick me instead, even though he didn't really know me. How could I say no?

"I accept All Might sir!" I was beyond excited at the thought of finally having enough power to become a true hero, and save so many lives.

"I'm glad to hear it Young Kendo! What school are you applying to by the way?"

"Well I wanted to apply to UA, but I'm not sure I can make it."

"Nonsense, UA wouldn't turn down such a worthy student! I would know because I'm going to start teaching there this year!"

"Woah really! Then that means I have even more of a reason to do my best!" I had to make sure I met and exceeded All Might's expectations.

"Well then Young Kendo, there are about 2 months until the next school year starts. Since we don't have much time, I'm going to make a very elaborate training plan so your body will be able to wield One For All. I will call it... The American Dream Plan!" All Might turned into his buff form when he said the name. I was ready to take on anything All Might gave me.

"So Young Kendo, are you ready to start training? We'll start tomorrow, meet me at Dagoba Municipal Beach!"

"Yes All Might Sensei!" I said saluting with a big hand

"No need to be formal HA HA HA! But it does fit me quite well!" All Might broke into a pose. "Well Young Kendo, I must get going, we'll meet at 6 tomorrow so I can go over your training with you! See you then! AND NOW I AM JUMPING AWAY, LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!" All Might said as he jumped away.

"Did that just happen?"

"YESSSSSSSSSSSS!" I heard All Might faintly as I chuckled to myself "how'd he even hear me?"

So it began. My journey to become a great hero was coming into full swing, and I couldn't wait to see the adventures that awaited. As I was about to enter my house, I felt a vibration in my pocket. I took it out and saw a message notification:

Midoriya: Good to hear that you're okay! By the way, I need to talk to you about something important, can we meet somewhere, preferably today?

I was still tired from all the events, but since what Midoriya wanted to tell me was important, I decided to change my priorities.

Kendo: Sure Midoriya, where do you want to meet?

Midoriya: Hmm, how about your house so I don't have to trouble you in going anywhere?

Kendo: That sounds fine, but my parents are going to be home, and I also have a guest staying with me.

Midoriya: That's fine! I won't take much of your time anyways, and I'll get to meet your parents too! If it's not too much trouble, I'll be there in about half an hour.

Kendo: Alright then Midoriya, see you then!

I walked into my house, and saw that Momo was on the couch watching tv.

"Oh hey Itsuka! What did All Might want to talk to you about?"

Not wanting to tell her about everything All Might told me, I made up a lie, saying it with a gloomy expression. "Oh he was just scolding me too, and gave me a lecture on how I shouldn't be running into dangerous situations like that."

"He's right you know! You really needs to be more careful."

I giggled a bit as I walked towards the couch, and looked at the time on the clock. 6:47, my parents should be home soon... CRAP I TOTALLY FORGOT TO TELL THEM ABOUT MOMO! Hopefully they won't be mad...




Time Skip to 7:30

Nobody's POV:

*That's enough with Kendo's POV for now, I'm going to focus on Izuku now. I was just laying the foundation for their relationship From here on out, and establishing her character. Cinnamon roll time boiz*

It had been 45 minutes since Izuku had messaged Kendo, and he remembered how to get to her house, since it was fairly close to his. He had left the hospital half an hour ago, and was running a little late from their scheduled time, partly because he was having a good conversation with Jotaro about heroes and such. Jotaro knew so much about heroes, he was just like him in that sense, except Jotaro didn't really think of himself to be that much of a hero. He also told Izuku more about his past life, and how much he had grown as a person, from both good, and bad. Before Izuku left, Jotaro told him that an old lady had healed him up, and his blood had been for the most part restored, so he would be out by the next day if all went well. 'What an interesting guy...' Izuku thought as he was nearing Kendo's house.

Time Skip - 15 minutes later

After Izuku introduced himself to Kendo's parents and Momo (who had already gotten the go ahead from Kendo's parents to stay with them), Izuku asked if he could speak privately with Kendo. She of course agrees, since it was the only reason why he came all the way here. They went into Kendo's room, and Izuku started talking.

"Today has been... a really long day, for both of us."

Kendo couldn't help but agree with his statement. "Yeah, I wanna take a nap, after this of course."

"Haha Yep, b-but anyways, the craziest thing happened to me today, I ran into All Might! I was attacked by the same exact sludge villain that you tried saving that guy from. All Might came right after, and I introduced myself... you have no idea how excited I was being an All Might fan. But the things that happened after were even crazier."

"I know what you're about to say Midoriya. All Might came and talked to me after the sludge incident." Kendo said quickly.

"Wait so he told you everything he told me?"

"Yes. He told me everything, he also said that you rejected his power, and told him you knew someone else who was worthy of it, someone who had the same ambitions as you."

Izuku looked around, still a little shy with Kendo. His gaze went back to Kendo, who hadn't taken eye contact off of him.

"Well, that's the main thing I wanted to talk to you about."

Kendo knew what he was going to say next. She made sure not to mention that she was already deemed worthy by All Might to be his successor, so that she could be sure that Midoriya was indeed talking about her, and not someone else.

"W-Well..." he continued, looking down "I was talking about y-you... I-I know we haven't known each o-other for that long, since w-we just met today. But your goals are so similar to mine, and seeing the news about the sludge incident really opened my eyes to how much we are alike, with respect t-to hero stuff. All Might said he wanted to meet the person who I-I was talking about, so I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with me tomorrow at 2, so All Might can see if he wants you t-to be his successor."

Kendo couldn't help but smile. A boy, that she had just met today, had such a pure and amazing heart, that not only had he saved her today, he thought of both of them as equals. "Midoriya..."

"I-IT'S OKAY IF YOU D-DON'T WANT TO! I-I *sigh* I just wanted him to give his power to someone who truly deserved it." He said that last part with zero stutter, and when he looked into her eyes, he saw them begin to water.

"I-I didn't mean to make you cry, s-sorry, I should go..."

Kendo quickly threw her arms against the boy, for the second time that day, Izuku touched a girl! A super pretty one that had hugged him again!! Izuku's face blew up once again, but this time he composed himself, and returned the gesture.

"Midoriya, thank you so much for making me feel that I'm actually worth something... All Might asked me if I knew you, and after saying yes he said he could see you were talking about me. He already deemed me worthy of inheriting his power... thank you so much."

Realizing that they were still hugging, both quickly separated, and Izuku got up, having some tears go down his still blushing face. "W-Well Kendo-san, I have to go home before my parents start worrying where I am. I-I hope we see each other again sometime..." he said as he started walking out the door.

Kendo pondered for a bit, but decided to ask anyways.

"Midoriya... would you... like to train with me? All Might said he would give me a training plan for the next two months before UA so I can properly use his quirk, and since you already know about One For All, you can train alongside me!" This made Izuku feel warm, a feeling he had never really experienced before, because a girl actually wanted to do something with him. He always thought that the opposite gender wanted nothing to do with him (God help this dense boi), and he thought this was the end of his "friendship" with Kendo, if you could even call it that since they only knew each other for a day.

"I-if you w-want of course..." Kendo stuttered as she looked down at the floor.

"I would love that!" Izuku said, with the widest grin humanly possible. Kendo perked up and raised her fist to the air.

"Alright dude! We're gonna be so ready for UA!"

And so it began, Midoriya and Kendo met the next day with All Might at 6 in the morning. They walked together towards the beach, guessing what type of training they would do. As they walked into the beach, they saw to what extent it was littered.

"Holy..." Kendo started

"...Crap" Izuku finished as his eyes widened. (Cinnamon boi don't curse... maybe sometimes...)

"I AM HERE! IN A SWANKY GYM OUTFIT!" All Might boomed as he landed in front of the two. "I see Young Midoriya had joined us, do you want to participate in the training too? By the way good choice for a successor!"

Izuku's eyes had stars in them, as he was so happy to meet his idol once again. Kendo couldn't help but smile at the mostly greenette's reaction.

"Thank you All Might sensei! Yes I would like to join the training if that's okay with you!"

"OF COURSE YOUNG MIDORIYA! Now let's get started right away!"

Izuku and Itsuka braced themselves for what All Might was about to tell them.

"Your training will be... CLEANING THIS BEACH!"

Both of the young heroes in training deadpanned at All Might. There was no way they would be able to clean this entire beach in 2 months, even with both of them cleaning up nonstop for 24 hours. It would take 5 months tops.

"All Might sensei... if I may, there is literally no possible way for us to clean this beach up in 2 months..." Izuku stated.

"Yeah he's right, it'll take us way longer than that!"

All Might just laughed out loud "Then I suggest you to start right away!" He said as he walked away laughing to himself.

"Well this'll be tough... let's go! We'll go beyond, PLUS ULTRA!" Izuku said pumping his fist up. Kendo giggled and did the same. They cleaned, dragged, and picked up items from across the beach, starting with the smaller items, and moving to the bigger items later on. This went on for two months, at times Jotaro (who was out of the hospital) and Momo (who just got bored staying at Itsuka's house by herself) joined them, and their friendships together grew, along with their strength (Except for Jotaro who still only really opens up to Izuku). The only time where their training was halted, was when a problem came up after a few days of training... one that would shake Izuku's journey in becoming a hero.




Monoma family estate - 1 week after him getting rekt:

A blonde was making his way through his ginormous house, smiling widely at what was about to occur. He, by himself, would completely destroy a boy's life.

'I told him that he shouldn't mess with the child of one of the most wealthiest families in all of Japan. He's going to get what's coming to him!' The boy thought. His name was Neito Monoma, and his quirk was copy.

Monoma has made his way to the front gate of his mansion, and met with his two perverted friends, Kosaku Hirigana, and Minoru Mineta.

"So are we really doing this today guys? What if they see right through us and we get in trouble instead??" Mineta cried like a bitch since he didn't want to go to jail. (As you can see, I really don't like Mineta.)

"Oh shut up you grapist there's no way they wouldn't believe us, we have 'evidence' hehe" Hirigana said as he pulled out his phone with a video.

"Yes... we'll get back at that green haired bastard, and I'll finally get my darling Momo, and nothing will stop me..."

The three of them laughed, and walked towards the Police Department.

Unbeknownst to our green haired protagonist, life was about to get extremely hard, and it was about to take a dive for the worst...




Hello again doods, next chapter will be a little (or maybe a lot) depressing. Thank you guys so much for reading, and it means a lot getting passed 100 views even if the chapters only get like 20 🤷‍♂️. Anyways thank you guys again, and cya in the next chapter!

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