Watching Nothing I Wouldn't D...

By BiUnicornBrittany

6.9K 191 142

Because this story is way too long to not put it into another book. Yet another book in the Watching The Unma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 5

743 21 14
By BiUnicornBrittany

AN: the bold belongs to WritersBlock039 not me.


"Oh crap."

Everyone turned to where Rebecca was as they heard the scream of anger from down the hall, but she was gone.

"She takes after you too much sometimes," Laurel said to Malcolm, who shrugged in response.

"What'd she do this time?" Alex said.

"It may not have been her this time," Rose said slowly, making her parents turn to her slowly. "Look I didn’t mean to do it."


"I didn't!" Rose defended herself.

"What did you do?" Alex said in a low voice.

"I… may have… accidentally… set one or two chairs on fire," Rose said.


"It was an accident," Rose shrugged.


"It was!!"

"You know what, just sit there quietly and do nothing," Alex told Rose, making her frown.

Kara Danvers

“Ooo, this smells like coffee heaven,” Winn inhaled as the five Earth-38ers entered Jitters that night.

"It is."

“Iris used to work here,” Kara informed him as they walked towards the back, where the rehearsal dinner was taking place.

“What is she now?” James asked.

“Uh, reporter,” Kara answered, then stopped when Lena put a hand on her arm. “What?”

“Your glasses,” Lena held out her hand. “Give me.” 

Agent Danvers high-fived Lena grinning.

“What?” Kara blinked, surprised. “Lena – !”

“Trust me,” Lena smirked. “OK?”

Kara closed her eyes, then sighed and took her glasses off, handing them to Lena. “Here. Happy?”

“I’ll be even happier when I see Oliver choke on whatever he’s drinking or eating,” Lena answered cheerily.

Ollie sighed in annoyance, making Thea grin and say, "I guess that happens a few times?" making Ollie sigh and nod, causing Thea to cackle.

Kara blushed as they continued on their way. “The goal is to see how long we can keep a secret from Barry! Not make it blatantly obvious!”

“You did see what color you’re wearing, right?” Alex smirked.

Kara gritted her teeth, well aware she was wearing emerald green. “Alex. Not. Helping.”

"Wasn't trying to help," Alex said.

“Oh, please,” Lena rolled her eyes. “Oliver’s reaction is probably going to be tame.”

Kara sighed. “Let’s get this over with.”

Barry Allen/Oliver Queen

“Did the Superfriends get lost or something?” Cisco asked, looking around the room as friends and family milled about, most of them grouped in the center when they noticed one particular group wasn’t there.

“I hope not,” Iris frowned in concern. “I gave them the directions here.”

“And you said Kara brought friends with her?” Sara asked curiously.

“Yeah,” Barry nodded as Oliver and Thea joined them. “When I was first stuck on her Earth, she worked with her friends James and Winn.”

“So I made sure to invite them, too,” Iris nodded. “Kara’s sister and another member of their tech support came, too.”

“Uh, she’s not tech support,” Cisco shook his head. “She’s a CEO if I remember correctly.”

“CEO of L-Corp, and current owner of CatCo, where Kara works,” Iris nodded. “And the occasional tech support.”

“You sound like you know her more than just meeting her today,” Joe raised an eyebrow.

“Dad, how could I?” Iris blinked at him. “Unlike Barry, I can’t run fast enough to jump to another universe.”

Barry sighed in annoyance, frowning at Iris making her grin.

Cisco and Felicity both snorted into their champagne, making Thea burst out laughing. “Nice, Iris,” Cisco choked as Oliver smirked, patting Felicity on the back to help her breathe normally again. “Real nice.”

Thea giggled as she turned around, only to freeze in place, her eyes wide. “Speedy?” Oliver frowned.

Thea swallowed. “I found them.”

Oliver raised an eyebrow, turning to look, only for his eyes to widen, too, and he did indeed choke on the champagne he was drinking. He wasn’t the only one to react – Barry’s jaw dropped, Cisco started choking much more violently this time, and Sara whistled, impressed.

"Success!" Lena yelled.

Kara and Alex were at the front of the group, Kara in a sleeveless, emerald green floor-length dress with a plunging neckline, Alex in a sleek black jumpsuit with a simple black belt. Lena was behind them and in between, wearing a purple cocktail dress just past her knees, a diamond choker necklace around her neck. James and Winn were on either side of Lena, both dressed to the nines in suits fit for millionaires.

"We look awesome," Winn said, making James nod.

"Lena has good taste," Alex nodded.

Sara grinned and wolf whistled, making Kara go red immediately, James and Winn laughing. 

"Sara, stop flirting with my girlfriend," Oliver glared, making her shrug. 

She turned and said something to Lena, who just smirked and patted her arm before walking off towards Jax, who was speaking with Clarissa and Lily Stein. Winn veered off, chatting with Felicity about something, while James went to investigate the buffet. Kara sighed, then said something to Alex, who gave her a fond smile before walking to the bar. That left Kara to sheepishly walk over to the group in the center, brushing a curl behind her ear. “Thank you, Sara, for that wonderful first impression,” she mumbled.

Sara just grinned, looking her up and down. “Then next time, don’t give us a show when you walk in.” Kara’s face burned even redder, and Sara chuckled, holding out her arms. “Come here, girl. Bring it in.”

Kara smiled, giving Sara a hug. “Oh, it’s good to see you.”

“You, too,” Sara smiled before walking off to mingle with the rest of the guests.

“Good to see you didn’t get lost,” Joe smiled fondly.

“Nope, we’re fine,” Kara assured him, shaking his hand. “Congratulations, Joe.”

“As Sara obviously pointed out,” Cisco grinned. “Looking good, Danvers.” He completely ignored the small glare Oliver gave him. Really, what was wrong with saying Kara looked nice?

“Thanks,” Kara smiled. “Lena insisted on making sure we looked our best.”

“Also, no glasses,” Thea tilted her head.

“Lena stole them.”

"Aunt Lena is the best," Alura smiled, making Lena grin. 

Iris giggled. “I like Lena.”

“Yeah, she’s the best,” Kara smiled fondly. “I just usually wear them around tons of people like this, and I am not used to dressing in something this good.”

“Well, don’t worry about it,” Oliver smiled at her. “You look wonderful.”

Kara sank her teeth into her lip to avoid smiling too widely. “Thanks, Oliver. Not too bad yourself.”

“And with that, I’m going to go talk to Cecille,” Iris quickly excused herself.

“So, uh, didn’t know if you two knew or not, but Felicity and Wally are paired together for the wedding, and that leaves the two of you,” Barry looked between them. “That’s not a problem, is it?”

“Barry,” Oliver gave him a completely expressionless look. “Why would you do that? You know we hate each other.”

“Yes, there is absolutely no way we could stand across from each other during the wedding and then have to endure people in between us during the reception,” Kara joined in.

"How are you not realizing they're more than friends?" Roy said to Barry, making him pout. 

Barry looked between them, then narrowed his eyes. “Very funny, guys.”

Kara giggled as Oliver rolled his eyes. “I don’t have a problem with it, Barry.”

“He really doesn’t,” Thea whispered quietly to Cisco as they left, Cisco having to quickly cover his mouth.

“Thanks, guys,” Barry smiled appreciatively, then looked around them. “Oh, good! Winn met Felicity.”

"Barry… come on man," Winn said, making Barry groan.

"I hate you guys," Barry said.

He walked off to go chat to them, and Oliver and Kara looked at each other, eyes wide. “Oh, Rao,” Kara whispered.

“He’s completely clueless,” Oliver shook his head in shock.

Kara swallowed, looking around the room. “This is going to be a long night.”

“No kidding.”

Cisco Ramon/James Olsen

“Hey, man,” Cisco walked up to James, who was eating off a plate near the buffet. “What’s good?”

“The crab legs are good,” James answered, raising an eyebrow at the man at the other end of the table. “He agrees with me.”

Cisco turned around to see Mick toss something in the trash before downing an entire bottle of beer in one go. “Ah,” he nodded. “That’s Mick Rory. He’s part of the Legends.”

“The time travelers?”

“That’s the one.” Cisco walked up to Mick, watching him finish the bottle off. “I never pegged you as a wedding guy.”

“I never pass up on a free buffet,” Mick informed him before eyeing the bottle Cisco held. “Or an open bar.”

James’s eyebrows shot up as Mick took Cisco’s beer and drank from it. “He’s interesting,” he told Cisco dryly.

"Very," James nodded.

"He has your back when he gets to know you," Sara shrugged. 

“That’s one way of putting it,” Cisco sighed.

Mick Rory/Winn Schott

Mick passed by Caitlin, then turned to her. “Sorry, didn’t I try and kidnap you once?”

"Wait… what?" Kara looked at Caitlin making her nod.

“Yes,” Caitlin narrowed her eyes, making Barry, Winn, and Felicity turn around. “And I wouldn’t try that again.”

“Try what again?” Winn asked Felicity quietly.

“With Mick?” Felicity shrugged. “Don’t know.”

"Could be anything," Barry said.

“Probably something criminal related,” Barry answered as if it was normal.

Winn stared at Mick as he walked off. “OK,” was all he could really say to that.

Alex Danvers

Over at the bar, Alex poured herself yet another shot, tossing her head back and downing it in one go. Before she could take the bottle and refill, the blonde from earlier – Sara, Kara had pointed out – walked up and took the bottle, filling up her own shot. “Somebody who drinks like that is looking to make something go away,” she noted.

"No kidding," Alex muttered.

“Yeah, well,” Alex cleared her throat, then blinked, impressed, as Sara drank her entire shot in a second. “And what are you looking to make go away?”

“Nothing,” Sara smirked. “I just like the taste of scotch.”

Alex licked her lips, nodding. “Fair enough,” she mumbled, filling up another shot. “I just called off my engagement.”

“Ooo,” Sara winced, refilling hers.

“Yeah. So being here really brings up a lot.”

“What, did you catch him cheating?” Sara asked.

“Uh uh,” Alex shook her head, finishing swallowing. “Her.” She continued on, not seeing Sara do a double take before giving her a considering look. 

Oliver groaned. "I know that look."

"What? She's hot," Sara shrugged.

“It wasn’t anything like that. We just wanted different things, you know? Wish I had realized that sooner. Had to make a break for it before later came around.”

“So, let me guess,” Sara filled both their glasses. “Being at the rehearsal dinner for the world’s most perfect couple is probably the last place that you wanna be.”

Well, Alex could argue the perfect couple part, but there was a game going on that she had no intention of ruining. “It stings a little, yeah,” she said instead.

Sara nodded, then held up her shot glass. “To making things go away.”

Alex smirked, clinking her glass against Sara’s. “And loving the taste of scotch.”

Barry Allen/Thea Queen

A low whistle from behind Barry, Felicity, and Winn made them turn around, and they watched Thea lean against one of the tables. “What?” Winn asked.

“That,” Thea pointed towards the bar, “is going to hurt tomorrow morning.”

“What – ” Barry began, turning to see what Thea meant. “Oh,” he blinked, seeing Sara and Alex down their shots at the same time. “Yeah, I think that will.”

“Oh, come on,” Winn huffed. “Alex can hold her liquor just fine.”

“So can Sara,” Thea said dryly.

“Hey, uh,” Barry turned to Winn. “I couldn’t help but notice . . . there’s five of you.”

“Yeah?” Winn frowned.

“I almost expected six.”

Winn’s eyes lit up in realization, but they darkened quickly. “I’m not the one you should be talking to about that.”

Barry took the hint and looked around before a flash of green and gold caught his eye. He looked up to the second floor of the building to see Kara leaning against the railing, her eyes flicking everywhere her companions were. “I’ll be there,” he pointed up to Kara.

Winn nodded, and Barry headed to the staircase. “That reminds me,” Thea turned to Winn. “Speaking of Kara . . . who’s winning the bet right now?”

"You people suck," Kara said, making them laugh.

“Hang on,” Felicity looked through her purse to find her phone. “Let me check . . . ”

Kara Danvers

Kara smiled as she watched Lena introduce herself to the rest of the Steins, then looked up when she heard footsteps approach. “Hey,” Barry smiled.

“Hey,” Kara smiled back, and both laughed. “This is really nice. I’ve told Iris thanks for letting me be her bridesmaid, but thank you to both of you for inviting James and Winn and letting Alex and Lena come.”

“Of course,” Barry smiled. “Um, actually, I wanted to ask you for a favor. By the way,” he peered over the railing. “Your sister seems to be tipping the elbow pretty heavy.”

Kara looked down, then snorted when she saw Sara and Alex clink glasses before linking their arms and drinking. “Oh, that’s fine.”

“Oh,” Barry blinked.

“No one can drink Alex under a table,” Kara nodded. “She’s just had a rough go of it lately.”

"Rough go of it is an understatement," Agent Danvers muttered.

“She’s not the only one, I’m guessing.” Kara blinked, looking up, to see Barry give her a small smile. “I just noticed you don’t have your plus one with you.”

“Oh,” Kara snorted, pushing her glasses up her nose, fidgeting slightly. “I am plus zero these days on Earth-38.” Unless Oliver dropped in the days he did, then she wasn’t. But they were still playing with Barry, so she didn’t mention that.

"You guys are awful," Barry groaned.

“Sorry,” Barry told her. “What happened with Mon-El?”

Kara snorted again. “What didn’t happen? The end of the world – ”

“Faced that three times,” Barry nodded.

"It sucked." Barry nodded.

“Time travel – ”

“I’ve been there, a lot.”

"I will shoot you if you time travel again," Oliver said.

“He’s married to someone else.”

Barry blinked. “Oh,” he said weakly, thinking of something to say. “That’s . . . I’ve got nothing for that. I’m sorry.”

"Yeah, that's new," Barry said.

“No, don’t worry,” Kara shook her head. “I started moving on about a month or so after it happened. I know now that he wasn’t the one for me.” Barry nodded slowly, a small frown on his face, and Kara sighed. “I used to keep forgetting that my life should only be about Supergirl, but then, you know . . . ” She looked back down at the party, finding her Earth-38 family before her gaze naturally slid to Oliver, who was in discussion with Cecille about something. “Life keeps finding a way to remind me.”

Barry sighed. “I’ve got to convince Oliver again that it’s OK to have love in his life, and now I’ve got to convince you, too?”

Team Supergirl laughed hysterically at that.

It took all of Kara’s willpower not to scoff or laugh at that. So that was how they were going to play this, huh? She hid her facial expression behind her glass as she took a drink before speaking again. “Barry, it’s different for you guys. You’re human.”

“And you’re what?” Barry challenged. “Other than an alien, I mean.”

“Alone,” Kara answered simply. Barry gave her an almost condescending look, but before he could say anything, Kara averted the topic. “Anyway, what was the favor you wanted to ask me?”

“Oh,” Barry brightened. “Um, the last adventure that we had together, I learned about a very cool, new, non-superpower ability that you have.”

“Yes?” Kara held out, wondering where this was going.

“I know you’re a bridesmaid for Iris, but . . . I was wondering if you might mind breaking it out?”

"Yay!!!!!" Kara grinned.

Kara’s face split in a grin. “Yes!” she laughed gleefully, Barry laughing as well, drawing a few eyes to where they were. “Yes, of course! What do you need me to do?”

“I’ll send you what you need,” Barry answered, holding up his phone. “Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome,” Kara smiled. “Anything I can do to help.”

Barry smiled, opening something on his phone. “I think Joe’s making his speech soon, so I’m gonna get back to Iris.”

“Go,” Kara gave him a small, playful shove.

Barry made a funny face at her, making her giggle as he walked off, typing on his phone. Kara sighed, setting down her glass and reaching for her phone, which was on the table next to her. It buzzed when she picked it up, but a quick glance at Barry showed that he hadn’t finished sending her anything yet. Frowning, Kara looked down at her phone, adjusting her glasses slightly as she opened her messages.

Crystal Plaza Hotel – Room 1738


"Jesus Christ you two are loud," Ollie winced.

"ITS GROSS," Alura yelled.

Kara swallowed, not needing to check who had sent the message. All she did was type out a response.

Tell me when.


She sent the message and looked up from her phone to see Oliver maneuver through the crowd to reach Thea, but his eyes weren’t on the guests. They were looking up at her. She raised her glass slightly and nodded, taking a drink. Oliver smiled faintly and tipped his glass towards her in response, taking a drink as well before reaching Thea.

"Barry how can you not see that!?"Agent Danvers said.

Kara smiled, heading back towards the staircase. If Joe was speaking soon, she didn’t want to be the odd person not on the same floor to listen.

"Okay, next one," Laurel smiled as she grabbed the remote, but froze as something came through her comms.

The rest of the future adults had as well, before giving each other looks.

"William is in charge of everything here," Alex said as she stood up.


"And Ruby is in charge of him," Alex finished.


"Who's in charge of me?" Rebecca asked.

"I don't care," Alex said to her.

"I'll be in charge of you, if you'll be in charge of me," Rose offered.

"Excellent," Rebecca said.

"No, William is in charge of Rose," Alex said.

"I don’t want William to be in charge of me," Rose said.

"Next time be older," William shrugged.

"Can't argue with that logic," Rebecca pointed out.

"I'm in charge of myself," Moira jumped in.

"No, Nora is in charge of you. She'll be up in the control room," Laurel said.

"You don't trust me?" Moira said.

"Correct," Laurel nodded.

"I'll be in charge of Moira!" Rebecca offered.

"Rebecca is in charge of no one," Alex said.

"You don't get to decide, you're not in charge of me!" Rebecca said.

"But I am and I've decided the police are in charge of you," Laurel said.

"It doesn't work like that mom!" Rebecca protested.

Ruby walked in, "whats going on?"

"You're in charge," William told her.

"What? I don't want to be in charge of them," Ruby protested.

"Too bad, you're the only adult," Alex said.

"A lot of them are almost adults," Ruby pointed out.

"Are they though?" Alura said.

"You realize you're one of the not adults, right?" Ruby said.

"Of course I'm not. That would be ridiculous," Alura said.

"This is why it's impossible to get anywhere on time!"

"Wait, is one of the adults in charge of Slade and Malcolm?" Alura asked.

"We're going with them. And we don't need supervision." Slade said.

"And that is why your wives are in charge of you two," Ollie said.

"Wait, am I in charge of Rebecca?" Malcolm said.

"No, the police are in charge of both of you," Laurel said.

"I'm going with you. And I'm her dad!" Malcolm said.


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