Lady Midnight

By chinesenerd

28.7K 706 297

It's been five years since the events of City of Heavenly Fire that brought the Shadowhunters to the brink of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 4

1.1K 23 1
By chinesenerd

Emma shook Taylor's hand.

She had to be about 15 years old, just like Ty and Livvy.

Taylor and Emma went to sit down at the table.

Uncle Arthur was the first to speak," So Taylor why don't you tell us a bit about yourself and about your background."

Taylor took a deep breath in and then launched into the story about why she was sent here.

" I lived with my parents in Idris until I was 9 and then we went to the Beijing because my parents were asked to run the Institute there after Jia Penhallow became Consul and moved to Idris. We then transferred to the Vancouver Institute in Canada. My parents were murdered 1 month ago. Their bodies were found floating in the water around English Bay. There were strange marks and runes all over their bodies."

At the moment she mentioned that Julian, Emma, Tina, Arthur, and Diana all stiffened.

Taylor continued," they took me to Idris and then they found out that Emma lived here. She is my closest family."

Everyone looked at Emma.

" So enough of the bad news," intervened Uncle Arthur," you must know multiple languages other than the ones all shadowhunters learn."

Taylor said," Yes, my parents liked traveling so they taught me english, chinese, and french."

Uncle Arthur smiled," that is very impressive."

Emma thought it was too.

" I think that all of you kids should do something together. Maybe you can teach Taylor how to surf," Uncle Arthur suggested.

Taylor laughed a little," I visited Long Beach alot, so I've learned how to surf already."

" Well then it's settled, you should all go down to the beach to go surfing." Uncle Arthur said happily.

That sounded like a good idea to eaveryone.

" Let's all meet in the garage in 10 minutes. Emma and I will be driving," said Julian.

Emma went up to her room and got changed into her bikini and slipped shorts and a tank top over it.

She grabbed her keys, surfboard, towel, bag, and a few seraph blades.

She ran down to the garage. Everyone was there already.

Jules turned and smiled at her," hey you ready slow poke?"

As she passed him, on her way to her car, she elbowed him in the ribs lightly.

Julian was taking Ty, Tavvy, and Dru.

Emma was taking Tina, Livvy, and Taylor.

Emma drove very fast. When she turned to look at Taylor beside her, she could tell that she liked going fast too.

Julian was following far behind.

There were no free spaces in the parking lot, so she parallel parked a small way away from the beach.

Emma knew she was very good at parallel parking. 

Julian parked right behind her.

Everyone picked up their stuff and walked down to the beach. Everyone had their own board.

Julian carried Tavvy's board for him.

Livvy and Ty led the way.

Once close enough, Ty and Livvy dropped their bags and towels.

Livvy took off her shirt and shorts to reveal her blue flower printed bikini.

Ty just wore black swim shorts.

Dru and Tavvy decided to stay on the shore and play in the sand.

Emma slipped out of her tank top and jean shorts.

Her bikini was white with a little bit of orange going all around it.

When she looked over to Jules, she could tell he was looking at her. Quite a few other guys were staring at her too.

They had all decided to go to the beach without glamours

Jules went and took his own shirt off revealing rock-hard abs.

That was a huge advantage for shadowhunters. All the training and running gave them muscles without an ounce of fat to spare.

The second Julian's shirt was off, half of the girls on the beach were staring at Jules. It gave Emma a tinge of jealousy. 

It took her alot of effort to pull her eyes away from his stomach and look at his eyes.

Taylor was wearing a blue bikini.

Emma looked out at Ty and Livvy. She could see Ty staring at Taylor. That put a huge smile on Emma's face.

Tina was wearing a  blue swimsuit with black polka dots.

They ran into the warm water with their surf boards. All of them started paddling at once. Taylor could paddle fast.

Taylor caught the first wave. She was good at surfing. She did a ton of cool tricks before the wave ended.

She swam back to the rest of them.

" Wow. You're really good," said Ty.

" Thanks," Taylor said beaming.

They all surfed for 45 minutes until they chose to take a little break. Everyone set down their towels and put on their sunglasses.

Ty had set his towel next to Taylor's and they were talking quietly to each other.

Tavvy was playing in the sand not very far away. Dru went to the washroom and left her bag near Emma's.

Emma laid back for a minute, but then Jules snatched off her sunglasses and she was momentarily blinded by the sun's rays.

She sat up. Jules smiled wickedly and Emma lunged for her glasses. He put them behind his back and passed them to his other hand, just holding them out of her reach.

They kept doing that for a little while until she slapped his hand and the glasses flew out of his grip.

Emma turned to grab her glasses and looked up. Dru was coming out of the washroom, but creeping behind her was a raum demon.

Dru was to far away for Emma to throw a blade.

The demon clamped a slithery hand over Dru's mouth and started dragging her away.

Emma knew raum demons traveled in packs.

Julian saw what Emma was looking at and grabbed a seraph blade and started running.

Livvy stayed back to protect Tavvy, while the rest of them grabbed their weapons and started chasing after Julian.

They followed him into a collection of trees on the beach. Nobody ever went in there.

Emma and Taylor ran fast enough to run beside Jules. The demon dragged Dru into a little space near the shore that was hidden by trees.

The rest of the demons pack was there. Julian burst through the trees and jumped on the demon that was carrying Dru and slashed its head off.Demon blood splattered onto his hands.

Taylor sliced at the one closest to her.  Emma turned and faced another. She sissor sliced its head off. Its blood poured all over her arms and hands, but Emma was used to the pain.

Jules and Ty did short work of the rest of them. They were obviously angery that the demons had messed with their sister.

Julian wore a vicious smile when he cut through the last demon. The smile faded when he saw Dru on the ground barely breathing.

He quickly picked her up and everyone put on glamours. They race to the cars, Livvy and Tavvy were already waiting there. Julian put her in the back seat.

Emma had never seen drive that fast in her entire life.

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