3rd Scooby-Doo sequel/Scooby...

Bởi Alexaslowell

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You've faced a couple of ghosts in High school, you've defeated a witch and her lake monster at a Country Clu... Xem Thêm

Key items:
Fred x reader (Girl's Side) Chapter 1: Coolsonian Opening
Shaggy x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 1: Coolsonian Opening
Daphne x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 1: Coolsonian Opening
Velma x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 1: Coolsonian Opening
Fred x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 2: Ominous Revelation
Shaggy x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 2: Ominous Revelation
Daphne x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 2: Ominous Revelation
Velma x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 2: Ominous Revelation
Fred x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 3: Investigating Wickles' Manor
Shaggy x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 3: Investigating Wickles' Manor
Daphne x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 3: Investigating Wickles' Manor
Velma x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 3: Investigating Wickles' Manor
Just to let you know:
Fred x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 4: Let's Solve A Mystery
Shaggy x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 4: Let's Solve A Mystery
Daphne x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 4: Let's Solve A Mystery
Velma x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 4: Let's Solve A Mystery
Fred x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 5: Costumes Stolen/Personal Attacks
Shaggy x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 5: Costumes Stolen/Personal Attacks
Daphne x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 5: Costumes Stolen/Personal Attacks
Velma x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 5: Costumes Stolen/Personal Attacks
Fred x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 6: Cluetopia
Shaggy x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 6: Cluetopia
Daphne x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 6: Cluetopia
Velma x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 6: Cluetopia
Fred x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 7: Costumes to Monsters
Shaggy x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 7: Costumes to Monsters
Daphne x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 7: Costumes to Monsters
Fred x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 8: New Hope/Monster Chase
Shaggy x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 8: New Hope/Monster Chase
Daphne x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 8: New Hope/Monster Chase
Velma x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 8: New Hope/Monster Chase
Fred x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 9: Mystery Inc. vs Monsters
Shaggy x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 9: Mystery Inc. vs Monsters
Daphne x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 9: Mystery Inc. vs Monsters
Velma x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 9: Mystery Inc. vs Monsters
Fred x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 10: No More Monsters
Shaggy x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 10: No More Monsters
Daphne x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 10: No More Monsters
Velma x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 10: No More Monsters
Fred x reader (Girl's side) Epilogue:
Shaggy x reader (Girl's side) Epilogue:
Daphne x reader (Guy's side) Epilogue:
Velma x reader (Guy's side) Epilogue:
Author's Note:

Velma x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 7: Costumes to Monsters

549 8 2
Bởi Alexaslowell

(3rd) POV:

While the others head to where that strange light is, Shaggy and Scooby stay behind.

"Psst. Scooby-Doo. We're the ones that found this place. Score one for the big guys!" Shaggy cheers, followed by Scooby. "Now we need to keep acting like mondo-groovy detectives. Come on."

"Rokay," Scooby says.

While looking around, Shaggy accidentally trips on something and then unknowingly steps on a switch, which reveals some kind of device.

"Like, wowee," Shaggy says. He presses a button, which makes beeping noises, as well as creates some kind of music. Scooby joins in and the two goofballs smile. "Cool! Like, 'tuneage'."

Enjoying themselves, Shaggy and Scooby break into a rap song and keep pressing more buttons. What they fail to realize is that it was actually a device to turn the costumes into real monsters. It isn't until they hear a creepy evil laugh from Space Kook and a moan from one of the monsters that they finally stop what they're doing.

"Like, what's that weird sound?" Shaggy asks.

When they turn around, they become horrified by what they see.

"Captain Cutler!" Scooby exclaims.

"Miner 49er!" Shaggy exclaims.

"Space Kook!"

"The Tar Monster! We have...to remain...calm," Shaggy says, trying his best not to freak out. But then Scooby screams. "Calm, Scooby-Doo! You're not being calm!" Scooby then smacks Shaggy in the face to make Shaggy calm down from yelling. "I needed that," Scooby smacks Shaggy again. "I needed that, too," then Scooby punches Shaggy in the face. "You're pushing your luck, Scoob!"

The monsters slowly walk towards the two goofballs.

(Y/N)'s POV:

Seeing as how we didn't find anything, Daphne, Velma, (F/A/N) and I split up with Fred, Sam and Dean to cover more ground. We also noticed that Shaggy and Scooby weren't with us, so we had to backtrack a little to go find them. However, what we find is not what we were expecting.

"You girls find anything?" Fred asks, then becomes just as shocked as the rest of us.

The costumes! They've become real monsters!

"He did it," Scooby says, pointing a finger at Shaggy.

"Scoob," Shaggy says, then screams.

"Sam, Dean, one of you disconnect that control panel! Maybe it'll stop the machine!" Velma exclaims.

The Winchesters don't need to be told twice as they make the move to do what Velma told them. Dean grabs the control panel, then tosses it to his brother to avoid getting hit from Miner 49er's fire breath. Then, when Captain Cutler aims his harpoon gun, Sam barely avoids getting hit. As for the rest of us, we all head for the exit, while also being careful to avoid the monsters.

"Come on, this way! Quick, the elevator!" Shaggy exclaims.

As if things weren't bad enough, the Ten Thousand Volt Ghost appears, nearly electrocuting us!

"The Ten Thousand Volt Ghosts!" (F/A/N) exclaims, scared as we all quickly get on the elevator.

"We're gonna die!" Shaggy screams.

"Think positive!" I exclaim.

"We're gonna die quickly!" my boyfriend exclaims back.

"Wait for me!" the Ten Thousand Volt Ghost calls out with a creepy voice.

Somehow, the Ten Thousand Volt Ghost uses the power-line to make his way to us. As fast as we can, we all get out of the elevator before sparky could get to us. While backing away from him, two skeleton monsters appear, making me guess that it's the Skeleton Men! My friends and I all scream and split into two groups.

While Shaggy, Scooby, (F/A/N) and I head in one direction, the others go the other way.

"Legs don't fail me now!" I exclaim, running with all my might.

"An exit!" Shaggy exclaims, looking relieved.

"Run, Raggy!" Scooby exclaims, the Skeleton Men right on his tail (not literally).

Unfortunately, the door Shaggy found wasn't exactly an exit. I mean, it lead to outside, but we were kind of high up. Shaggy, (F/A/N) and I stand there for a moment. Then Scooby crashes into us, making us fall outside onto the ground.

I landed on Shaggy, (F/A/N) landed on me and Scooby landed on (F/A/N). We don't waste anytime on getting back up and running for our lives so that The Skeleton Men don't catch us.

(3rd) POV:

"Stop them!" The Evil Masked Figure yells out to the monsters. "Destroy the city if you have to, but get me that control panel! With it, they can destroy everything I've set out to do. And I will not allow that accursed Detective (L/N)'s offspring get in my way like his father did!"

Meanwhile, Fred, Daphne, Velma, Sam and Dean run towards the van and scramble to get in.

"Hurry up, gang. We need to find (Y/N), (F/A/N), Shaggy and Scooby," Fred informs, getting in the van.

"End of the line, Mystery Inc.!" the Ten Thousand Volt Ghost declares. "Die!"

The Ten Thousand Volt Ghost then sends an electrical attack towards the gang, but they manage to get away on time, avoiding from being electrocuted.

(Y/N)'s POV:

"Let's book, guys," Shaggy says, as the four of us keep running.

However, we soon end up near the edge of a cliff. The Skeleton Men are still chasing us, so I try to quickly think of a way to get us out of this situation. Then I notice four trash bins and come up with an idea.

"Shaggy, here!" I exclaim, handing him a trash bin lid.

Shaggy nods his head, understanding what I'm getting at. "Let's rip it, Scoob! Zoinks!"

I jump down on the cliff, making sure to use my trash bin lid as a sled board. Shaggy, (F/A/N) and Scooby quickly follow after and do the same.

(3rd) POV:

Seeing that their targets had escaped, the skeleton man with the red eye yells angrily.

"Uh, I don't know," the skeleton man with the green eye says with a high-pitched voice.

His partner then kicks him, turning the green eyed skeleton man into a bone-like sled.

"Banzai!" the red eyed skeleton man exclaims, him and his partner going over the cliff to catch Shaggy, Scooby, (F/A/N) and (Y/N).

(Y/N)'s POV:

"We're getting rad!" Shaggy exclaims with a smile as we sled our way down the hill. "Like, this pipe's ripping, guys!"

I laugh at him a little. "Yeah! I think we're safe, now."

"I think you spoke too soon, look!" (F/A/N) pointing to something behind us.

We look and see the Skeleton Men are catching up to us!

"Zoinks!" Shaggy exclaims.

We try to get away from them until we hit an edge of the hill that makes us end up in the air. I somehow lost my trash bin lid, but thankfully get caught by Scooby before I could crash onto the ground. The Skeleton Men, however, get closer and closer to us. We try to avoid crashing into trees, while also making sure not to let the Skeleton Men get us.

I then notice one particular tree, and come up with an idea. "Scooby, hold onto my legs!" I exclaim.

"Roger!" he exclaims.

I get on Scooby's shoulder, then grab a tree branch from an incoming tree. Instead of being in front, we're now behind the Skeleton Men, which catches the red eyed one by surprise.

"Rello," Scooby says, chuckling a little.

"I'd pay attention to the front if I were you!" I exclaim with a smirk, while also pointing to another incoming tree.

What the red eyed Skeleton Man failed to realize is that while his attention was on us, he didn't notice that him and his partner are about to crash into a tree. They scream, and upon impact, the Skeleton Men end up in a bunch of pieces. Scooby catches the red eyed Skeleton Man's head and tosses it to me so that I can do a back kick on the thing's head. I smile, glad that my plan worked!

Our victory is soon short lived, however, when we end up close to the edge of the hill. Not wanting to fall to our deaths, we quickly get off the trash bin lid.

I let out a sigh of relief. "Well, that wasn't so bad," I say.

Scooby chuckles. "Reah," he says.

Then we hear a familiar scream. "(N/N)! Scooby!"

"Look out!" we hear (F/A/N) exclaim.

The moment Scooby and I look behind us, Shaggy and (F/A/N) crash into us, sending all four of us flying into the air, and possibly causing our deaths. We all scream as we see the Mystery Machine coming into view. One of our friends quickly opens the side door, making me, (F/A/N), Shaggy and Scooby crash land into the van.

"Are you guys okay?" Daphne asks.

"Super," I say, glad that we're all still alive after what we've been through today.

"Sure. As long as you define 'okay' as 'in massive agony'," Shaggy says, still scared from nearly ending up dead.

"I don't know about you guys, but I never want to go through that again," says (F/A/N).

"Reah," Scooby says, nodding his head in agreement.

"We should get back to headquarters," Fred says.

"No! That'll be the first place the monsters will look for us," Daphne points out.

"Daphne's right. We can't take that chance, especially if it means keeping the control panel away from them," says Sam.

"But where are we supposed to go?" Dean asks. "The monsters will practically be searching throughout the whole city for us."

"I think I know where to go," says Velma.

After some careful thinking, it doesn't take me long to realize what Velma has in mind. After a few moments, we turn on the van's mini TV to see what the situation is in the city. But what we see on the news is worse than we thought, much worse.

"Heather Jasper-Howe with an emergency update for Investigative Probe. A monster army has invaded Coolsville," Heather Jasper-Howe says. The screen then changes, showing a large group of people in front of our headquarters, showing that they're are not happy with us right now. "Angry citizens have gathered outside Mystery Inc.'s offices in protest. They're insisting that the gang cooperates with the Evil Masked Figure's demands."

The people keep chanting 'Mystery Stink' until the Pterodactyl Ghost appears, making everyone go into a panic. Even the Zombie and Space Kook, who lets out a creepy laugh, appears.

"Excuse me. Excuse me, sirs. Do you have anything to say for yourselves?" a reporter tries to ask.

All the reporter gets in response is being barfed on by the Zombie, making the Zombie and Space Kook laugh. Even Scooby laughs, thinking that it's funny. When (F/A/N) gives him a look, telling him that he's not helping, Scooby immediately stops.

"I beg you, Mystery Inc. If you can hear me, turn yourselves in," Heather Jasper-Howe says.

"But if we do, he'll get the control panel back," Sam says.

"And the city will be in worse shape," says Dean.

"We'd be playing right into his hands," Daphne points out.

"Please. For our city's sake," Heather Jasper-Howe pleads.

All of a sudden, a loud noise is heard in the studio. Someone moves the camera, showing the Black Knight Ghost breaking in.

"Sorry. You're cancelled," the Black Knight Ghost says, letting out an evil laugh.

Then it went off air. None of us say anything, having a lot of thoughts swirling in our heads right now. But I'm sure we're all think the same thing.

How could we let this happen?

Later, by following Velma's directions, we soon find ourselves in an all too familiar place.

"Where are we?" Sam asks, him and his brother confused, as we get out of the van.

"The old high-school clubhouse," Velma answers. "We should be safe here."

"This is where it all started for us," I say.

"We haven't been here in years," Daphne points out, looking nostalgic.

I know what she means. Way before we met Sam and Dean, we used to use this place when we were still attending high-school, when we were solving mysteries. But as we started to get more famous, we eventually stopped coming here at all. Being here brings back a lot of memories.

(3rd) POV:

Daphne soon notices that Fred is the only one left in the van, making her worried about him. "Freddy, are you okay? Do you wanna talk?" Daphne asks.

"Talking's for wimps," is all he says. He then gets out of the van. "It's time for action."

While the others head inside the clubhouse, Shaggy and Scooby stay in the van.

"You know, Scoob...this Evil Masked Figure is turning Coolsville into Ghoulsville," Shaggy says. "And the gang is totally taking a hit for it."

"Reah," Scooby says, ready to cry at any moment.

"This is the most 'our-faultiest' screwup ever, Scoob," Shaggy says, him and Scooby blaming themselves for what they did back at the Monster Hive.

(if there are any spelling corrections that need to be made, don't hesitate to say so)

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