Requiem - Adam Taurus x Reader

By JustLikeShadows

7.1K 165 56

Req·ui·em: A Mass for the repose of the souls of the dead. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5

Chapter 4

533 22 4
By JustLikeShadows

You'd heard that Adam had a talk with Echo, and that's all you really hoped it was; You weren't going to pry, you knew that prying was how people went missing around camp. However, you did notice that Echo was still talking to you, but this time Adam just stood and glared; You guessed that they had came to an agreement of sorts, but you still weren't sure of what. You were curious why the new addition to the ever growing army of the White Fang was so fond of working with you, but you just guessed that whoever Adam was working for had ordered him to do something along the lines of stick with you.

So, here you found yourself, on night watch with Echo as the rest of the camp slept; Adam included. You didn't mind the night shift, and it gave you a chance to get to know the strange man beside you, almost completely forgetting that he was a celebrity. If anything, Echo was beneath you-- He was a human! That barely changed your view on him though, glancing him up and down as you watched him shift in and out of existence, and a part of you wondered if it hurt.  So, despite your better judgement, you questioned him. ".... Do you still feel it? The.. The pain from your, uhm, 'death'?"

You could tell he was surprised by the question, though your concern was swept away when he laughed, "Pain? Nah, not like, physically. I can't really feel anything anymore so that's fun and all, but like, mentally?" He asked, shoving his hands into his pockets and leaning back in his chair, "It's fucking torture. Before all that shit at the stadium, I made plans to go on a date with this guy I liked and tell him, but then like, I died. I know he was at Beacon, I can only hope he got out safe but like, he'd never say yes to me now so I've decided to drop it. Ain't like I can go around layin' my love on people, I don't want to give 'em a shock." He chuckled, and you sighed when you saw the hurt expression in his eyes; He was just trying to hide the pain he was in.

His next question threw you off, though.

"What about you and Adam?"

Your blood ran cold and your cheeks heat up, spluttering in surprise before you shook your head, "Oh-- No, no. There's nothing going on between us. He likes this girl called Blake, and like, I don't really wanna get in the middle of that? He kind of... Obsesses over her, and I'd rather not his attention get turned to me when he's like that." You shrug, not knowing why you were happy to tell Echo all this, but it seemed to be the right thing to do after what he had told you. "I barely even know him aside from basic stuff, we don't really have time to just sit and chat with the leader, so we don't know anything about him." You had only joined a few weeks before the fall of Beacon, and you'd only had a couple of conversations with Adam here and there. "Hell, you probably know him better than I do."

His laugh startled you, raising an eyebrow when he shook his head, "I only know what Salem told me; Some faunus needed a soldier who's happy to do anything to reign hell... Who could be better than someone who's already dead? They don't care if I do so like, I might as well get my revenge before I die on some stupid fucking mission related to me. I was told the White Fang would help me get close to my target, so here I am." He shrugged, and you felt a sense of pity for him when it seemed he didn't care for his life; Even after what happened to him, he should be happy that he got a second chance, even if it were like some sort of purgatory. 

"Well." You pause, trying to think of what to say, "I'm glad you're here! You're a pretty chill guy to talk to, so thanks for like, joining us." You shrug before you go quiet, Echo smiling lightly at what you said. You both then sat there in silence, just enjoying the sound of the crackling fire before your curiosity got the best of you, and you sighed, "So, uh.... What did Adam talk to you about?" You ask softly, almost as if scared that Adam would hear you questioning his decisions; Something you knew would end badly.

"Talk about....." He trailed off before remembering, shaking his head with a laugh, "He demanded me to stop 'flirting' with you, you know like calling you babe and shit? He backed off when I told him I was gay, but he still doesn't like the fact I hang around. I don't give a shit though, like, I'm following Salem's orders, not Adam's. I can just pretend he doesn't exist-- One of the terms of agreement was to protect you-" He froze when he saw the look on your face, giving you a sly grin, "I'm guessing you weren't aware of that?"

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