Blood and Apples: An Annora P...

By BellesLuckyMelody

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Moments; singular, siphoned, like grains of sand which fall restlessly, and build without limits...growing wi... More

Chapter One: Blood Tells
Chapter Two: Follow the Blood
Chapter Three: Veiled in the Vein
Chapter Four: Murder served Cold
Chapter Five: Articulated Arteries
Chapter Six: Consumed Carotid
Chapter Seven: Imbued in the Blood
Chapter Eight: Blood of my Heart
Chapter Nine: Dark Fae Drinks
Chapter Ten: Heavenly Host
Chapter Eleven: Where Angels Fear to Tread
Chapter Twelve: Murder Menagerie
Chapter Thirteen: Apples and Enigmas
Chapter Fourteen: Jagged Jugular
Chapter Fifteen: Temporal Lobes and Twilight
Chapter Sixteen: Finicky Familiars
Chapter Seventeen: Court of Light And Dark
Chapter Eighteen: Problems and Party Favors
Chapter Nineteen: Illuminating Luminescence
Chapter Twenty: Raining Red and Bleeding Gold
Chapter Twenty-One: Drinking From Death's Cup
Chapter Twenty-Two: Diving into Death and Dark
Chapter Twenty-Three: Splitting Shades and Shadows
Chapter Twenty-Four: Lost in Temptation
Chapter Twenty-Five: Cancerous Cunundrum
Chapter Twenty-Six: Cravings under a darkened sky
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Ruined Realms and Wrecking Balls
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Bleeding on the Brain
Chapter Thirty: Love, Hate and Lacerated Livers
Chapter Thirty-One: Rush of Ruin
Chapter Thirty-Two: Living Lumbar
Chapter Thirty-Three: Killing For Keepsakes
Chapter Thirty-Four: Lessons To Kill
Chapter Thirty-Five: Cavity in the Cranium
Chapter Thirty-Six: Angel Gold and Devils Blood
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Laying down the Law and Guzzling Guts
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Tracks, Trails and Probable Deniability
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Lies and Lacerations
Chapter Forty: Lost in Love, Torn and Teathered
Chapter Forty-One: Mindfully Mended, Beautifully Broken
Chapter Forty-Two: Lessons on a Learning Curve
Chapter Forty-Three: Madness, Missing and Mutual Acquaintance
Chapter Forty-Four: Listening for a Lifeline
Chapter Forty-Five: Disparity and Desperation
Chapter Forty-Six: Running From Ruination
Chapter Forty-Seven: Cataclysm and Catastrophe

Twenty Seven: Desperate Disintegration

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By BellesLuckyMelody

It was so cold.  God.  It was so fucking cold.  I rub my hands up and down my arms, trying to initiate some heat, but come up completely empty.  I'm still frozen like a popsicle.
   "Here, my beloved," And Chamuel enfolds me in his arms and begins to stroke me.  Immediately I feel a sense of warmth flow through my body  and let out a deep sigh of relief.
   "You WILL let you go, High Heavenly Host," This from the Dark King Branuel Or De A'lanuel, who is staring at us with midnight black eyes and tightened lips.
   "My amour, is freezing.  She is losing much needed body heat in this dungeon you call a room.  So, unless you plan on rectifying the situation I shall continue to hold my beloved as I see fit."
   I watch the Dark Fae King advance and hold up a hand to stop him.  "Please, I say softly," shocked when the words seem to get through to him.  He stops moving and continues to regard me with those dark as dark eyes of his.  "Chamuel really IS helping me.  It''s soooo cold in here," and I take that moment to shiver once again, and my teeth begin to chatter.  What the hell is wrong with me? I mean, I've been in cold places before, this is not my first rodeo.  Why the is this gloomy freezing as fuck dungeon effecting me this way.
   "Her links are straining," This from Terrenel.
   "My what are what?" I mutter?  And try to keep my head clear.  The cold is seeping into my bones and my body is beginning to feel  light and not quite my own.
   "Quite right, Terrenel.  I believe we've stretched her bonds too far.  She has found her initial pieces and now she's trying to fit them into the proper...boxes, for lack of a better word."
   I turn around in Chamuel arms and cup both of his beautiful cheeks with my hands.  "You. Are. So. Beautiful.  Did you know that, Chamuel."
   Chamuel grimaces.  "My beloved I am most pleased that you find me handsome.  But you must control yourself right now, my amour."
   "I AM NOT DRUNK!" I say indignantly.  "I know what I'm like when I'm drunk.  And I'm not drunk right now." I ignore Walker's "are you sure," and continue.  "Am I not allowed to tell you that you're beautiful, my angel."  And I began to stroke his face, and and I love how his shudders.
   "You may call me beautiful anytime you like, my beloved, as long as you call me yours.  But it is as The Great One say, your links are straining right now.  We will, and do not think we will not, my beloved, we WILL finalize the links.  But this is neither the time nor the place.  Now my beloved.  Give me a kiss, and that should do to bring you back to yourself for the time being."
I don't hesitate.  I press a deep keep to Chamuel's luscious soft lips and moan.  His tongue slips in and does a wicked dance with my own.  My body blazes with an inferno I wasn't even aware I was capable of.
   When I pull away I'm flushed and a have a goofy smile on my face.  "Wow." I say.
   "Wow, indeed, my amour.  Now how to do you feel?"
   I frown then and try to gather my wits.  How did I feel? Hmmm...I guessI felt much much better.  It wasn't like I wanted to climb Chamuel like a tree right this second at least.
   "Better...I'm, uhhhh, feeling better, thank you Chamuel." I turn embarrassed eyes onto the Dark Fae King thing.  "Hey, listen, sorry about that little display...guess I'm still trying to come to terms with...uh everything."
   The Dark Fae Kings eyes gleam brightly.  "Oh, it was my pleasure, my midnight was my pleasure." And just when the hell had he gone from calling me his midnight queen to his midnight bride? Oyyyy....I soooo wasn't going there.  "It it my fervent hope that next time I will be able to join in," he says softly.
   I snort.  "Only in your dreams, Bid Baddie, only in you fucking dreams." I gasp when the Dark Fae King grasps my hand and refuses to let it go.
   "Oh my midnight bride, you HAVE no idea what lurks within my dreams....but..." and he pulls me scarily close, "You certainly will."
   "Let me go before I have to cut you again." And why did my voice sound so damned breathy?
   "Promise?" He says, his mouth so close to my ear I can feel his hot breath caressing it. "Promise me Midnight Queen, promise I shall feel you blade upon my body once again, and mine upon yours, and I shall let you go."
   This was a bad man.  A REALLY bad man.  So why did my body clamor for him.  Why did I desperately want to be closer to him?  Had I'd not already established that Walker was my one and only Psycho. The only one I could possibly deal with with under the circumstances.  How had I now added the Dark Fairy King to the list?  Sure he was stupidly gorgeous (but so, were all my men) he had an air of complete mystery and a coiled web of true ferocity and pure unadulterated rage that should have scared the shit out of me (and usually it did) and yet...yet...something called him to me. 
I HATED IT!  I hated all these Stupid Graces!  I'd been raised Catholic, and right now I hated HIM too.  Why in the freaking fucking hell was I stuck in the position of utter purgatory?  It was like being thrust into the bowels of the deepest darkest pits of hell.  I didn't even know where to begin.
NO! NO Annora girl! YOU DO know where to begin.  You are First and Foremost a cop.  Remember what your mother said.  To strive, to forge a place, to live, to survive you have to give them exactly what they want...what they expect.  They want a Treader, they get a Treader. They expect a police officer, you give them a police officer.  They expect a Warrior, you give them a warrior.  They will see what they wish to see, my Annora darling, she'd so often need only play your part in public.  And in private.  In private you may cry on my shoulder, Now, now, Annora girl, go and kick some ass. Oh God. Oh God. It was as if I could hear her voice right here with me. Speaking softly within my ear. How I wish she were here with me.
I laugh bitterly.  That was mama for you.  Always practical.  Always sure. Alway....there....until she wasn't.  God, mama, I wish you were here now.  Why the fuck did you have to go and get yourself dead.
I gather myself and I know that my men must see the look of complete calm and resolution on my face, because they all seem to ease slightly. Taking a less aggressive stance.  I wasn't sure if that was good thing, or a bad thing. Because I certainly wasn't any less wound up than before.
   I turn the full weight of my (what I know are cosmos touched eyes) on the Dark Fae King and incline my head, and give him a rueful smile.  I do apologize My Lord.  We have been...rude and remiss.  We came here with questions, and so far we have done nothing but squabble, fight and..." I gulp, "break down.  I truly forgive my part in it all.  And I hope you will find it within your ability to forgive some deplorable lack in etiquette  and manners."
   "Ach," The Dark Fae King starts towards me again and I don't care, I take a step back....yeah, that's just how much he creeps me out.  You continue to surprise me, my one and only Midnight Queen.  Women..women are simple creatures." He seems to spit out. "They long, comfort, position and status.  They chase these things sometimes with no thought as to the consequences of their actions.  But foolishness has occurred because of women...always because of women and their...their sensibilities and foolishness....just look at Helen of Troy and her besotted Paris.  To lose such a lose such true magnificence, over a ...." his eyes darken, "...a women.  I have promised myself I would NEVER, I would never let myself be snared in the net that so many others have allowed themselves to be snared in," And he shoots Terrnel a dirty look which I, and even more impressive, Terrenel, chooses to ignore.  "But you are, and YOU ARE YOU."
I swallow, deeply, "...I told you, I'm just a police offer with the preternatural branch of investigation on Earth, Annora Park.  I have a rather dilapidated apartment, I'm terrible at making coffee and I'm roughly five maybe six years from my expiration date." I shrug. "I'm not sure what else you want me to say to you, my Lord?" And I really didn't. What did he expect from me. Hell, I was stretched so thin as it was I wasn't sure I had anything left to give.
"Expiration date?" The Dark Fae Kings eyes narrow dangerously.
I shrug. "It comes with the territory. I knew the score since I was old enough to walk. I'm a Treader, Your Dark Highness. I embrace the dark, and it, in turns, embraces me. But death has a price. It always collects.  And in my case...the price, well the's my life."
"Unacceptable." The Dark Fae King spits out ferociously.  He turns those midnight upon midnight eyes on Terrenel and then onto Chamuel.  And there is a furious burning within them.  "Did you hear this folly? Did you hear this...this...impossibility?  You cannot mean to tell me that you accept such nonsense."
   "Sadly, Branuel Or De A'Lanuel Dark Fae King of the Dark Fae Court, it is not folly, nor it is far from the truth." Chamuel murmurs quietly, still running his hands up and down my arms to provide much needed warmth and soothing.  "Her dame did everything she could for her.  She siphoned magic for as long as she could, and she imbued that magic into her child.  But even she could not remain under the circumstances."
   I gulp.  "What do you mean, Chamuel," But he ignored me.
   "She is, we have discussed singular.  The only one of her kind.  She cannot be alone, not for too long.  He who designed her, designed her such.  Her mortal coil is only held together by threads, those threads are tied to links that she has had to find within her lifetime.  She had begun to finally come into her maturity and her bonds are straining.  They are reaching out for the ones they need.  She cannot continue denying these bonds for too long or they..." his voice broke off and I poked him in his side.
   "They'll what! Chamuel, they'll walk away? They'll leave?" I ask angrily.
   "They'll snap, amour.  You cannot expect bonds such as we have NOT to snap if they are not nurtured and...and finalized."
   My head is reeling.  "So you're telling me I've become like some total nymphomaniac because you're all around me?" I ignore Walker's burst of laughter and focus on Chamuel's tense face.
   "NO! No my beloved.  Not a...not...a...lose woman..." I laugh at the word.
   "Lose woman? Come on Chamuel, you can do better than that.  "You mean, whore, don't you?"
   Chamuel shakes me and I'm stunned.  "DO NOT EVER SAY THAT ABOUT YOURSELF AGAIN, my beloved! Do you understand? Do you EVER say it again!"
   I swallow.  "Okay, turn down the macho shit, okay.  I take it back.  Listen. I'm just a little confused.  You're telling me that I have these bonds between you," I point to a smug looking Walker, "him," I scrunch up my nose, "Mr. Handsome Fairy boy over there, and...." I swallow deeply at the look of pure dark arrogance on the Dark Fae Kings face, "....And...and...the Dark Fae King."
   "Branuel." The Dark Fae King's voice slithers over me like snakes coiling around my body and a shiver.  I hate snakes.
   Chamuel nods.  "He has designed it such.  It is your destiny, my beloved.  I wish," he voice drops off, and I'm once again aware that he's refraining from mentioned the Graces or that fucking blasted JOURNEY of his and I'm glad, because I'd probably have punched him something terrible if he had. "There is much more I must reveal, but this is neither the time nor place for such a discussion."
I wrench my arm free of Chamuel's and glare at him. "I think its the perfect time to discuss this, you arrogant—"
"—Birdie?" Walker supplies for me, and I cast him an angry side look.
"Oooooookkkkaaaay, look. I've accepted that I have some odd bond to you," I point to Chamuel, and a disgusting blood bond to you," And I give Walker another disgusted look, "....And well you..." I look at Terrenel's beautiful face and sigh, "I'd be a total idiot if if I denied there was something between us." I then point to Branuel the Dark Fae King and give him a total stink eye. "I...I have no such misgivings with you, you psychopath. I've just met you. And after you had your Ghoul tried to kill me, you kissed me and then told me that you wanted to uhhhh....uhhhh..."
"Yes, my midnight queen?" His asks, and his voice is warm and dark.
"Basically you hinted at wanting to torture me while you fuck me." I scrunch up my nose. "Just pardon me if that doesn't sound like appearing foreplay to me, like, at all." I'm stunned when the Dark Fae King bursts out into peels of laughter. And just like chocolate dipped strawberries, his voice is just that decadent.
    The Dark Fae Kin advances on me, and I take a few steps back, until I come flush against Terrenel's chest, and boy am I glad for his warmth and protection at this moment.
"Tha boireannaich nan creutairean gun luach. A. Briodadh d'ireach airson daoine a thaladh gu tobhta. Tha mi air a bitch beo gun chrioch a 'faighinn eolas air and seo. Agus an seo thig thu. Flu neonach a ' fas am meash na h-uimhir de thorns. De a ni mi riut?
"Uhhhhh, Terrenel," I whisper. Trying even harder to snuggle into his warmth.
"I...oh my beloved queen, I do not know what to tell you." Terrenel whispers, in my ear, and a roll my eyes.
I snuggle even deeper into his body. "Tell me the truth."
"He said, that women are faithless worthless creatures. And that they are put on this earth only to tempt men into ruin. That he has lived his entire existence knowing this fact, and yet...yet you came into his life. And that you are a singularly beautiful flower blooming among so may thorns. He...he's confused as to what to do with you."
Well that certainly made two of us. Women are faithless and worthless creatures? Wow.  Nice to know he held up in such great esteem.  No wonder he wanted to bleed and fuck us.  Oyyyy.   This guy was seriously messed up.  I blink. And stare at the Dark Fae King trying admirably NOT to hyperventilate. I feel completely out of sorts with him.  On one hand my body is screaming for him (Like seriously screaming for him) and on the other hand, I wan to run as far and fast as I possibly can from his absolutely crazy.  Because God knows the man takes psychopath to an entirely different level.
"Do you," I murmur, and I'm glad my voice doesn't shake, "I you... think that maybe we can call a truce for the time being?" I mutter finally.  I almost laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.  A truce? A truce with the being that wanted to bleed and fuck me—maybe at the same time?  But I seriously couldn't think of anything better at present moment.
"I truce?" The Dark Fae King says with laughter staining his voice.  I can't tell if he's amused with me, or with my words.
"Uh-Huh. You know, where we uh, call a "stale-mate" for the time being. There is some deep, deep shit going on right now, and we really could use your help. We've seriously wasted way too much time with all of my, uh, our, personal shit." I hold up my hand. "I think it's perfectly clear that you and I have a LOT to shit to deal with it. And, that it's going to take a helluva lot of therapy to work through. But this is really not the time nor the place to deal with any of it."
"So pragmatic, my midnight queen, so very pragmatic."
I snort, "Yup just call me Annora Pragmatic Park," —not. And I try to take a few deep breaths. I could do this. I mean come on, I'd faced bigger shit than this before in my life.
"Just so, my beloved. Just so. So, take a deep breath, center yourself, and tell Branuel Or De A'lanuel what you need from him."
I wanted to tell Chamuel to stay the fuck outta my mind, but again, there was time and place for everything, and it's was not the time nor the place for such a altercation.
"We're having some serious issues on the human plane, Dark Fae King."
"Branuel." The Dark Fae King says, with a voice smooth and sinful as warm wrapped silk.
I swallow and nod. "Fine, Branuel," And I almost trip over the name. God. It feels so good on my tongue. A name shouldn't feel so damn good on my fucking tongue.  "Branuel, there is some really, really messed up shit going on over in the human plane and we need your help to figure it out."
   Branuel leans forward in his chair.  "Explain," he says simply.  And I do.

   "And this has to do with me, how?" Branuel sound almost bored, and I want to punch him in his face so badly, it's not even funny.  I would probably give that all-too-handsome face some character.  It was amazing what a broken nose and shattered cheekbone did for a face.
   "Are you seriously THAT much of a bastard?" I bite out, ignoring the gasps from Terrenel and Chamuel.  I'm thankful that Walker remains silent.  Seriously I couldn't deal with Walker right now.  One psychopath was enough in my book.  "Just because you live in Tir na nOg, doesn't mean you're exempt from what happens on the different realms, the different planes of existence.  You can't just pretend that this shit isn't happening!  It IS happening you asshole, and it's happening as we speak.  Aren't you at the least bit bothered by the fact that the murderer that is doing this is invoking YOUR Goddesses name when he kills these people?" I take a deep breath, and then I take another deep breath and pray, pray with everything that is in me that he hears from I'm saying...that it gets through to him.  "He kills these people, your Majesty."
   "Branuel," he whispers and I sigh.
   "Branuel.  My Lord, Branuel....he kills these people, and after he had tortured their soul and spirit he sucks everything out and he...he turns them into apples and EATS THEM!" I slash my hand through the hair angrily.  "HOW! Tell me HOW is that okay?  How can you sit there so calm and collected and just accept that it is okay?  He is disrupting everything.  Even Terrenel has said that he has subverted the Goddesses natural order!  This is not natural.  And...and...beyond that, it's FUCKIG ILLEGAL!" I finish on a screech! 
   "Illegal?" Branuel blinks and then he bursts out into uncontrollable laughter.  He wipes a few tears from his face before his continues.  "Illegal...oh my midnight queen, my beautiful one.  How precious you are. You say that this action is illegal."  He's still trying to wipe away tears.  "And by whose standards would it be illegal, my darling queen?"
   "IT IS! standards.  Standards of sheer human fucking decency!" I shriek!  "It is totally illegal!  You can't go around killing people turning them into apples and fucking eating them you total nut!"
   "And..." Brannuel's eyes narrow then, "You know it is one of mine? How could you, HOW?"
   "You're like sludge that clings like some malignant force that just won't fucking let go," I bite out, once again ignoring the groans from around me.  "When I first treaded I knew it was Tuatha a Danaan.  But I was otherwise occupied and didn't get the full force of it all.  After, well after I was able to pick up your signature.  This is NOT Terrenel's court.  This is definitely from your court.  Now I need to know why.  I need to know how.  And I need to know who."
   "It is not possible, my midnight Queen," Branuel says smugly,
   "What the hell do you mean it's not possible?" I snap.  "Of course it's possible.  I FELT it, Branuel Or De A'lanuel. I FUCKING FELT IT!" I scream this last part.
"This level of is of the highest order, a Goddess given gift. I have the ability." And he smirks at me, "And I can assure you I am not going to the disgusting human realm and eating the mortal flock after turning them into a pale imitation of Goddess apples."
I drag my hands through my hair and let out a soundless scream. Okay, Annora girl, get a fucking hold of yourself. "You are the most infuriating person I have ever met." I say, approaching the Dark Fae King. I ignore the grunts and groans from the men around me ad continue to advance on him. Right now, I'm just so entirely pissed off. He just thinks he knows ever fucking thing, doesn't he.
"My beautiful one, my beautiful midnight Queen. The possibility that your human murderer is turning his victims into apples before he eats them,'s just not possible."
I stab him in the chest with my fingers, ignoring his look of shock. "That what is what I'm telling you, you big, arrogant asshole! This is NOT a human murderer!!! There is no human who could do this level of...of...damage to the bodies that we're talking about. And there are certainly no humans who could turn their victims into apples. Why are you so hell bent on believing that these murderers were committed by a human?" I spit out.
"Because then he doesn't have to take responsibility for them," Terrenel says, arrogantly, his arms crossing his chest, as he leans against the large table.
"YOU STAY OUT OF THIS!" Branuel shouts, and his words are like a thousands knives cutting through the dark oppressive silence.
    And suddenly I'm so weary. So damn weary. Just how long have I been in this dungeon of death? I'm freezing cold, down to my very bones, hell, even my fucking pinky fingers are fucking freezing.
    I want a hot (inferno level) hot bath, bubbles that go up to my chin, lavender and verbena scented soap and bubbles, maybe some soft chamomile scented candles...oh and two REALLY tall glasses of Vodka on the rocks. Yup. Right now that sounds like heaven in a contained room.
"Everything but the spirits, my beloved."
I groan. "Chamuel. You and I have a lot of deal with. I don't have time for your bullshit. And I certainly don't have time for you to lecture me on what and what I cannot drink. Do you understand?"
"What does she wish to drink?" The Dark Fae King asks. I watch as Chamuel hesitates and I don't know if its the devil on my shoulder that answers, but answer I do.
"I want vodka on the fact. I'd like TWO vodka on the rocks. And better yet, I'd like to drink them neck deep in lavender and verbena scented bubbled bath, surrounded by chamomile scented candles and washing my body with a loofa covered in sugar scrub." I seriously almost moan at the picture I'm describing. I close my eyes. GOD. When was the last time I had had a bath like that? My bathroom in my apartment was efficient and economic, but didn't really lend itself to such decadence. I let out a moan of pleasure as I imagine sinking into the hot water and surrounding myself with sweet smelling soaps and candles. When I open my eyes it's to find four pair of eyes staring at me with such hunger I seriously take a step back. HOLY SHIT. Ohhhhh boyyyyy. Had I moaned out lout? What kid of idiocy had I just entertained in?
"I..." The Dark Fae King Branuel's voice is thick and heavy in his mouth. And he tries once again to get the words out of his mouth. "....I have a room you that you may use, mo bhanrigh meadhan oidhche."
   I shake my head.  "I'm sorry, I'm not comfortable just taking some random room without knowing where my companions will be." I notice that his eyes tighten but his nods his head. 
   "They will not be far from you.  They will be in the same wing as you, mo bhanrigh meadhan oidhche."
   Aaaaaannnnnd it was cynicism talking once again but I wasn't just taking his word for it.  "Listen I've been in Terrenel's palace," I ignore his "hey" of protest and continue, "Being in the same wing could mean you have them somewhere off in the fucking Netherlands." Yeah Terrenel's place had been JUST that big. And somehow I doubted Mr. Dark Fae King's place was much better.
   "I do not know this Netherlands."
   "God, just like you guys to take things so literally.  My point is that you could put them seriously far away from me. Just being in the the same wing with me, does not guarantee that they are anywhere near me.  And I..." I can feel the aching in my chest and the pain that seems to only been getting worse, "I'm not willing to test the bonds any further.  Where did you put them, Branuel Or De A'lanuel, dark Fae King?"
   "If I had my way they'd be in the oubliette," He mutters and and I frown.
   "I"m sorry, the what." Had I heard him say he'd put them it the oubliette? Wasn't an oubliette a dark hole with no way out?
   "Nothing, mo bhanrigh meadhan oidhche. They are in the same wing as you, and they are merely on opposite sides of your hall.  So you see...I've been most tolerant." He grits his teeth, "MUCH more tolerating that I've ever been known for. But do not take this as weakness, mo bhanrigh meadhan oidhche." He leans into me and I feel my breath stutter.  I hold out my hand to stop my men from coming to my rescue, for some reason I think this moment is important.
   "Is tu mo Bhanrigh Meadhan Oidhche ris an robh dùil o chionn fhada. Chan eil mi a 'ceasnachadh na ban-dia. Ach tha mi a 'ceasnachadh na rinn i a tha a' leantainn gu na co-dhùnaidhean deireannach aice. Tha mi a 'creidsinn gu bheil i den bheachd gu bheil na tha i a' dèanamh ceart. Tha mi a 'smaoineachadh gu bheil i den bheachd gun urrainn dhi ceàrr a dhèanamh air na Sìthichean le beagan choinneamhan cothrom agus bannan a tha .... a tha a' teiche aig mo chridhe mar phian de mhillean torran a 'reubadh tromham. Ach chan eil mi deònach a bhith a 'lùbadh no a' sealltainn dhi mo bhroinn fhathast. Ma tha thu a 'creidsinn gu bheil còir againn a bhith, mar a bhios mi, bidh sinn còmhla mar a tha còir againn a bhith còmhla. Bidh mi a 'seachnadh an Rìgh Fae King, agus tha mi a' seachnadh an t-òstair àrd nèamhaidh agus gu cinnteach tha mi a 'seachnadh an War Lak, oir chan eil buaidh sam bith aca air an ùine a tha sinn an dùil a dhèanamh còmhla. Thu fhèin agus mise .... thig sinn còmhla mar a bha e a 'ciallachadh dhòmhsa. Agus feumaidh SHE, ar ban-dia agus iadsan an fheadhainn a thagh i a bhith air an damnadh!"
I'm still reeling when Chamuel suddenly grabs me in a bone crushing hug and plants his lips upon mine in one of the hottest kisses I've ever had in my entire life.  His tongue duels with me, and I want to climb him like a fucking tree.  OH MY GOD.  He is so fucking hot.  I want him to push me against a wall and just have his way with me.  I grabbing his hair when he begins to push me away.
   "NO, no, no, my amour please please, come back to yourself.  I lent you some of my power so that you could understand what Branuel Or De A'Lauel was saying.  You're not ready for the bond.  But please know you needed this.  Please....please just listen now" He voice grows softly for only me to hear, "Branuel Or De A'lanuel is in the midst of Mian de-Bar.  He may appear all right.  But he is certainly NOT all right, my beloved.  You must be very careful." He pulls away slowly, reluctantly, and I'm really disappointed and more than little pissed off.
   "FINE!" I huff at him.  And take a feel deep breaths.  I try to concentrate on Branuel and what he'd been saying a moment before I had totally lost my mind and wanted to do the down and dirty with my angel boy.
    You are my long awaited midnight queen. I question the Goddess nothing. But I have questioned her actions that led her to her ultimate decisions. I believe that she believes that what she does it right. I believe she believes she can right the wrongs of Fairy with a few choice meetings...and bonds...bonds that tear at my heart like a pain of a million torments ripping through me. But I'm not ready to show her my belly yet. If you believe we are meant to be, as I do , the we will be together as we were meant to be together. I ignore the light fae king, and I ignore the High Heaven Host, AND I most certainly ignore the War Lak, because they have no bearing on our destined time together, You and I will come it was destined to be. And SHE our GODDESS, if they were destined ones in her design...will just have to be damned!
OH. MY. GOD! I REALLY could hear him. But had Chamuel said it was only temporary? And, it was like Branuel the Dark Fae King has been alternatively cursing and worshipping his Goddess at the same time.  What the hell was that about.
   "Chamuel? I ask.
   "My beloved?"
   "How long will I be able to understand him?" I ask.
   "Not for much longer, my beloved.  Soon we WILL have to complete the link, it is the ONLY way, my love.  It is the only way to keep you from...from expiring."
    Uhhhhhh yeah, I totally did not want to expire.  But I wasn't exactly ready to do the down and the dirty with the angel who'd been holding secrets from me, either.
   "You WILL fuck Birdie," Walker says dryly, as if reading my mind, and I shoot him a dirty look. 
   "God.  Can you ever just be a normal like semi-same person, for like one second?" I shout at him.
   "Where would the fun be in that, my darling girl?" Walker says, completely calmly and rationally.  God.  Sometimes I hate the sonofabitch.  Oh wait—that was most of the time.
   "Walker, I'm not fucking Chamuel." I spit out, angrily.
   "You are.  Just like you're going to fuck me." Walker smiles broadly, and then grimaces.  "And I suppose Fairy boy there in included in our ménage a quartre."
   I slap my forehead.  "You're a nut.  Do you understand.  You're a total nut.  I do not have time for this, Walker.  I barely have time to deal with the shit that has been thrown on me already, and you want me to to figure out a way to pencil in time to fuck the three of you?"
   Walker shrugs.  "I'm still holding out reservations on the Dark Fae King, over here." Walker frowns. "But...if I'm completely honest with myself, and if Bento is to be believed, then yes you're going to fuck the Dark Fae King as well."
   STRANGER DANGER! STRANGER DANGER! Keeps running through my head, as I look at the all-too-smug face of the Dark Fae King. It was something my mama had repeatedly told me when I was younger, if I encountered someone that made me uncomfortable, or if I felt unsafe. And yeah, it fit the Dark Fae King to the T!
   "Why do you keep repeating this, 'stranger danger?' My amour? Is is some quaint American saying that I'm not familiar with?" I ignore Walker's bark of laughter and just give him a dirty look.  He's totally on my shit list right now.
   "NOT a quaint America saying," Chamuel I mutter, never taking my eyes off of the Dark Fae King Branuel.  He REALLY was like a tightly coiled snake ready to strike...and I didn't like it...I didn't like it one bit. Oh, and had I mentioned how much I dislike snakes?
   "Could I be the stranger, you're referring to, mo bhanrigh meadhan oidhche?" And his voice is dark and sinful like a triple scoop of double fudge brownie ice cream with Oreo pieces thrown in for good cream. 
BAD. Bad Annora.  No thinking about ice cream right now when you're ass deep in alligators.
   "Romanoff," Chamuel says.
   "Yeah Birdie?" Chamuel rolls his eyes but hands him over a gold tipped arrow.  Whoaaaa... "And exactly what do you expect me to do with this, Birdie? I mean, if you'd like me to shoot you with it, I'd be more than happy to try, although the bow and arrow is not my weapon of choice."
   "Mine either," The Dark Fae King says and I point a finger at him.
   "You just shut up.  The grown ups are having a conversation here." Grown-ups? Walker and Chamuel, that was almost laughable.  But whatever.
   "I want you to transmute the arrow into a bowl of triple fudge brownie ice cream with oreo cookies." Chamuel says calmly, and my mouth drops open.
   "WHAT?" I screech.
   Chamuel laughs.  "You are usually must more reasonable after you've eaten, and don't even try to deny if, my beloved.  If all you can think of is ice cream right now, then ice cream you shall have. It's not like it isn't cold enough in this room to keep it from melting," he says this last with a moue of distaste on hi handsome face.
   I narrow my eyes.  "What's the catch."
   "No catch."
   "Why can't you do it?" I snipe.
   Chamuel shrugs.  "I could...but it would take more energy, especially here in Tir na nOg, and the Host frown upon using our powers for....mundane things."
   "So feeding me is mundane," I gripe.
   Chamuel sighs and take my hands in his.  "Are you looking for a fight right now, my beloved?"
   I shake my head and rest my head against his chest.  I can be made at him later (And I would be) But right now he was trying to do something nice for me. So I needed to push back my bitch for the time being. "I'm sorry, Chamuel.  I"m being a total bitch.  I'd LOVE some ice cream right now," I didn't add that it might make dealing with Mr. Psycho Dark Fae King a bit easier to swallow.
   "This is a heavenly arrow..." Walker caresses the shaft and his eyes get a dreamy look...a look I recognize all too well. A look I don't like, don't like one little bit.
   "NO!" I yell at him and he seems to snap out of it.
   "I said, NO, Walker, absolutely no! You are NOT keeping  Chamuel's arrow.  He gave it to you in good faith and you're going to use it as it was meant to be used, or you're gong to give it back to him, do you understand?"  I didn't want to add that if he didn't make me my ice cream I was going to go psych on his ass (do a little murdering of my own).
   "But....Annora darling I could use something else and then I could—"
   "—AGAIN NO!" I pull out of Chamuel's embrace and advance on Walker.  "Can you, or can you not do what Chamuel asked?"
   Walker snorts.  "With this, I could transport you to the land of Sugar and Sweets from the Nutcracker.  Oh and throw in a pas de deux from the Sugar Plum Fairy for good measure."
   I blink, completely and utterly shocked, "Uhhhhh you know The Nutcracker? I know ballet, Walker?" I ask, not just a little surprised, try totally shocked.
   Walker holds a hand to to his chest.  "My God, darling.  What do you take me for, a complete heathen?"
   I raise an eye brow. "Mama Leanore made you go, didn't she?" I say dryly.
   Walker sniffs and shrugs his shoulders.  "And what if she did.  It was okay, for a bunch of fru-fru people hopping around a stage.  I mean, it would have been infinitely better if the soundtrack had been from the scene where the troops storm The beach on D-Day in Saving Private Ryan....oh and if that stupid nitwit Clara had used a sword instead of a damn shoe! I mean who the fuck uses a shoe to kill a giant mouse?"  Like I said.  It could have been better.  Oh, and that battle between the mouse king and his rats and those was completely lame, Annora darling.  They didn't even use real swords. And, I mean, where was the blood?"
I shake my head.  "It's a ballet, Walker.  There isn't any real blood? People don't kill each other in ballets."
Walker sighs, "Then honestly, what's the point. Like I said, disappointing.  But there were some...surprisingly nice parts.  I especially enjoyed the Arabian.  I mean the dancer was half naked, I could see her tits.  That was pleasant." He wags his eyebrows at me. "Of course her tits were nowhere as near as magnificent as your are. They were quite small...and yours...yours....are....incomparable."
   I laugh. Because seriously what could I say to that? "Honestly, Walker, of course THAT'S what you'd like. You realize you continue to surprise me."
"Annnnd...that's a good thing, isn't is, Annora darling?"
   I scrunch up my nose.  "I'm still holding out judgement on that one, dude."
   Walker sighs.  "Fine, fine, since you're not ready to admit your undying love for me yet....what is it that Birdie wants me to do with this Heavenly arrow, that you WON'T let me keep?" He continues to stroke it, and I'm almost tempted to tear it out of his hand. "Something about a bowl of ice cream?"
"I, uh...I..." And now I'm embarrassed. I mean, here we were totally ass deep in alligators and I wanted a bowl of fudge brownie ice cream.
"Don't be embarrassed, Annnora my beloved. If it makes you feel better, than you should have some."
"What does my midnight bride wish to have?" This from the Dark Fae King Branuel.
"Again, NOT your anything." And I sigh. "Just wishing for a bowl of ice cream."
Branuel the Dark Fae King cocks his head to the side and says, "We have ice, my Midnight Queen. If you'd like a bowl of ice, then I can fetch some for you."
I smack my forehead—hard—with my hand, and instantly regret it. Ouch. "NO! No I don't want a bowl of freaking ice, Your Majesty. Hell, your entire palace is a tomb of ice, okay." I look first at Branuel and then at Terrenel and see the same befuddled looks on their faces and almost keel over right then and there. "Holy Moly! Tell me you guys have ice cream in Tir na nOg."
Terrenel blinks and then says. It is as my rival says. We have ice, my beautiful queen. And we can...if you'd like, flavor it with berry juice or other flavors of your choosing."
"Sooooo like...shaved ice," I mumble. "Or a snow cone..."
"Whatever do you mean? We do not shave the ice," Branuel looks horrified. And I groan again.
"Again, you take things so literal. No I don't mean you actually shave the ice. But on the human plane we have these things called shaved ice. It's where they put very very very small pieces of ice into a cup or into a snow cone hmmmmm, snow cones, anyway, then they pour flavoring over it. It's really good. Probably one of my favorite things on a nice hot summer day to have. But again, we're getting off the subject. I'm talking about ICE CREAM! You know, really delicious creamy ice cream that melts on your tongue, add butter, and egg, vanilla extract, some all purpose flower, salt baking soda and cream of tartar, oh and then a couple of cups of heavy heavy cream, 2 tablespoons of vanilla, a can of condensed milk and oooohhh the cookies and there you have it amazing good goodness."
"Hmmmmm someone has made this before, Annora Darling," Walker grins.
I moan just from the thought of it, completely forgetting that they're all there for a minute. "Yeah...when Garrett and I got wasted, all we wanted, well, other than each other," and I giggle when my guys growl angrily, "...was sugar cookie, ginger snap ice cream. It was my halmeoni's recipe, or so my mother told me."
   " halmeoni" Terrenel asks.
   I sigh.  "My grandmother."
   "You speak Korean," Terrenel says almost accusingly.
   "Sooooo, what's it to you, Fairy boy? Wait, YOU speak Korean? And hey, do you Have something against Korean people.  Cause last time I looked I was half Korean you know."
   "You are not Korean, My Warrior Queen." Terrenel says.
   "The hell I'm not."
   "Your mother was a angel, was that not what you learned?"
   "And she could could take any form she so chose.  She chose an exotic appearance, and she decided to blend in with her environment in Korea Town.  Thus...she appeared Korean, but in truth, she was not Korean.  The Heavenly Ones have forms that no mortal eyes can truly look upon." was way too late to deal with all of this truth shit.  I was so over it.  "Listen Terrenel, whatever.  She looked Korean (Okay so she looked sorta Korean), she spoke Korean, and in my book that makes her fucking Korean."
   "How do you get this interesting mixture cold though?" Branuel the Dark Fae asks, interrupting the staring contest between me and Terrenel.  Okay, so now Terrenel is ALSO on my shit list
   I give the Dark Fae King a brilliant smile, a smile I don't think he was expecting but he matches it with a sexy one of of his own.  Hell, I was just happy to get away from that shit show of a conversation with Terrenel, "Well, you mix the dry ingredients first.  Then you put it in a freezer bag.  You mix the wet ingredients and mix it all together.  You put it in a bowl and you cover it and then you have to seal it really well, and wait for a long long, time."
Branuel the Dark Fae King waves his head.  "We wouldn't have to wait.  I could provide the cold that you need for your concoction if you wish it."
   "Fat chance of that, forget it, Mr. crazy king.  I've got this.  Don't strain yourself ."  Walker snaps out.  And with a flourish he takes the arrow and with one last longing look at it, he says a few words and suddenly he's holding a large white bowl with a spoon sticking out of it.  And the arrow is gone.
   I lick my lips and ignore the groans sounding from around me.  "Is that cream, Walker."
   Walker laughs.  "Yes darling girl. I took Birdie's advice though, and whipped you up triple chocolate brownie batter ice cream with Oreo cookie pieces. Will that do?"
I'm already grabbing for the bowl. I reach for it so quickly I almost drop the heavenly concoction. "Oh my God!" I stare into the bowl, and the mounds and mounds of chocolaty goodness that awaits my consumption. I take a huge bite of the ice cream and I'm pretty sure my eyes roll back in my head, and I let out a moan of pure, unadulterated pleasure and bliss. "OH MY GOD. Seriously, oh my fucking God, and don't you dare say anything Chamuel. If I want to say fuck, I'll say fuck. Because this ice cream is worth a oh my fucking God or two, or maybe two hundred."
"I've never know anyone to make love to food the way you do, My Midnight Queen."
   Make love to food? I guess I do sorta make love to my food! But come on, when food was THIS good, who wouldn't go Gaga over it?
"Give the War Lak another arrow, High Heavenly Host," The Dark Fae King says, eyes still trained on me.
Chamuel shakes his head. "No, your Majesty, I do not believe that would be a good idea."
The Dark Fae King narrows his eyes. "You DENY ME? ME?"
Chamuel nods. "Would you all have us cum in our pants like untrained schoolboys? No I think one bowl of ice cream is plenty...plenty for all of us."
I blink, surprised. Who knew that Chamuel could be soooo crude? I almost laugh at the absurdity of it all.  "But..." I can't help teasing a little bit, "...what if I want ...more?" I say, with what I hope is a sexy voice.  "What if I...need it?" Oh Jeez, where was this coming from?
   "" Chamuel begins to stutter.  His eyes are slightly glassy and he licks his lips.
   I bite my lip and nod.  "Hmmmm—hmmmm....what if I REALLY need it, Chamuel.  Would you give it to me then?"
   "I...I...I..." Chamuel's fair face flushes and I almost lose it right there and then.  Who knew angels could blush.
   "Oh for Christ's sake!" Walker throws up his hands, storms over to me and pulls me into his arms.  The bowl crashes to the ground, shattering, but no one seems to give two fucks, as their eyes are now trained on us.  "If you're too much of a prude to take what she's offering Birdie, then you're a fool.  I've got no such misgivings." Walker crashes his lip to mine in a toe curling kiss.
I want more.
I press myself even tighter against him, molding myself to his body like a second skin.  Our tongues dance and duel, and our hands roam across the planes of our backs.  With every touch my body burns brighter, hotter, until I feel as if there is an inferno raging within me.  It feels so good, so right, that I lose all sense of time and place, completely forgetting the fact that we're not alone until a loud, "AHEM!" Breaks us apart.
   I blink, as if coming out of a fog, and in fact, I had—a fog of utter, absolute lust.   "Oh my God!" I jump away from Walker so fast you'd think my feet were on fucking fire.
   "Now, now," Walker smiles brilliantly, "...where were we? Let's continue, shall we."
   I shake my head violently.  "No, no way Jose! Oh my Gah...we totally just made out in front of them, Walker!" I shout.
   Walker looks perplexed and says, "Yes? And your point would be, what, dearheart?"
"MY POINT?!" I shriek. "My point?!!!"
"Again, I already said that," Walker says with a smirk on his face.
"My fucking point is that we made out like rabbits in front of...of..."I sweep my hand out, " front of them, Walker!"
"In front of your intended bonded. Hmmmmm yes, oh what a crime upon crimes that is. I can totally see how absolutely horrific that would be. I mean, we should just slap the cuffs on you right now, and lock you passing GO, just straight to jail for you," he finishes with a flourish, voice heavy with humor and sarcasm.
"Ach, mo bhanrigh meadhan oidhche, that wasn't nearly as terrible as I thought...for you see, I am usually quite the jealous one. I hoard my treasures...and you, my love, are definitely the greatest treasure in all of my hoard." Branuel the Dark Fae King says with a dark smile on his handsome face. "It was surprisingly arousing. If you would like to continue, then do not mind me...I certainly won't mind you." His eyes twinkle like twin stars and his smile broadens even further.
    My mouth drops open.
"See, even the asshole agrees that we should continue." Walker says happily. Then his smile falls a little and he says, "...If he weren't such an assshole maybe I wouldn't mind his joining in on the fun as well. But as it stands right now..." he frowns, "Uh, no. He needs to lose that chip on his shoulder first before we all play."
"I don't want to all play together," I scream, and instantly go fire engine red. Stupid Asian flush. "That...that came out wrong."
Walker laughs. "We all understood what you meant anyway, darling girl. And now now now, don't lie. You most certainly DO wanna play. That reaction just then was not the reaction of a person who doesn't want to play and have fun." Walker wriggles his eyebrows (how does he do that? I can't do it. And that annoys me. Not that I can't wriggle my eyebrows, just that Walker can do something that I can't. THAT I don't like).
"Well, I don't," I say primly, taking a few more steps back from Walker, who continues to advance towards me. "Seriously, stop right there buddy! We are not engaging in any hanky panky...well, ANYMORE, hanky panky."
"Hanky panky?" Walker stops abruptly and bursts out laughing. "Hanky panky...God its been forever and a day since I've heard that phrase used. God, you're too cute, Annora darling."
    I roll my eyes. Cute. Ugh. I hated being called cute. What a stupid benign word. Cute. Just because I was slender, petite with a young, heart shaped face, people all thought they could call me cute. I hated it.
"Well you needn't worry about the short part anymore, my amour," Chamuel says dryly. "Fairy changed you, remember. That includes adding more than several inches to your person."
I blink stupidly. I'd seen myself since Fairy changed me. Why hadn't I noticed the height part? Wait. How tall was I now, anyway?
"I would guess roughly around five nine or so, give an inch or two." Chamuel answers for me.
"No, Oh, my Goddess, is the proper saying, milis," Terrenel says.
"I'm...I'm like an amazon now!" I gulp. And give each one of my men a glare when they all start laughing,
Chamuel shakes his head, he's the first to get his laughter under control. "Oh, amour, Amazon's are closer to six feet five or taller even. Trust me, they are, compared to you gargantuan. You are still are beautiful as ever, added inches and all."
God.  Oh God.  It's like Fairy had taken EVERYTHING from me.  First my identity and now my fucking appearance as well.  Oh, and how could I forget it tied me to two more men.
   "Again, do not pull away from us, amour.  You are still you.  Your appearance changes naught.  You are still you, my beloved."
   I wave away his concern.  I'm so beyond exhausted at this point.  We've only been in Fairy a short while and yet I feel like I've been here a million years.  So much had happened since I crossed over into Tir na nOg.
   "Listen, whatever," I sigh, compartmentalization Annora girl, fucking compartmentalization. I was the queen on compartmentalization, I've had to be.  When you know you're going to die...that every Tread brings you one step closer to your demise...well yeah, you become really goo at it.  "It doesn't really matter," I mutter finally.  "I'm over it, really Chamuel, I'm fine." I say when I see the look of concern on his face.  "It was just...surprising for a moment.  But like I said, I'm over it now.  I'm good." I roll my eyes.  "Seriously, I'm okay."
   "Don't lie to me, amour. You are NOT okay."
   I blow a raspberry and sigh.  "Maybe okay isn't the right word, all right?  I'm not exactly okay.  Hell, I don't think I'm ever going to really be okay again.  BUT, I can promise you that I'm not going to have a panic attack or nervous breakdown on you right now.  And if that is as close to okay that I can get, then fuck, I'll take it." I take a few deep breaths and gather myself, fortifying myself for what it about to come.  I turn the full force of my cosmo kissed eyes onto Branuel the Dark Fae King and let him see the weight of the worlds in them.  He HAS to know how important this is.  Otherwise I will never get him to truly understand what is at stake here.  He must like what he sees because he takes several steps towards me, eyes glittering like so many sparking gems in a night kissed sky.
   "Chi mi an cruinne-ce nad shuilean, mo bhanrigh meadhan oidhche. Angus tha mi a 'faicinn mo bhas a dh'fhaodadh a bhith a ' dol troimhe Ann's na doimhneachdan pog cosmos sin. Am marbh thu mi, mo bhanrigh meadhan - oidhche, mi-fhin, m'ionmhas?  Nam biodh sinn a 'fucking is docha gun cord an oidhirp air mo bheatha eadhon. Mar sin de a chanas tu, m'ionmhas? De na faclan meala a thuiteas bho do bhilean?" By the time he has finished he is but a mere inch away from my frozen figure.  I reach inside of me, pulling on the thread of my bind with Chamuel to see if I can still access the "translation magic" he had given me before with a kiss.  And I find that I can.
I see the universe in your eyes, my midnight queen.  And I see my possible death swirling in those cosmos kissed depths.  Will you kill me, my midnight queen, my own, my treasure? If we were fucking I might even enjoy the attempt on my life.  So what say you, my treasure? What honeyed words will fall from your lips?
His treasure? Honeyed words? Hell no.  He wanted honeyed words, lets try these on for size.  "You're a sexist, misogynistic, psychopath, completely lacking in any empathy or connective, and collective understanding.  You're a bloodthirsty brute who thinks with his..." I snort, "...sword, instead of his brain.  You put more worth on blood than beauty, and respect violence and pain over tenderness and sheer decency and  How's that for honeyed words?" I ignore the other men, I can hear them, hell I can FEEL them through the tentative newly forming bonds, but right now it was between me and the psycho Dark Fae King.  I couldn't get distracted.  Not now.  There was too much at stake here.  Too much.
   Branuel the Dark Fae King narrows his eyes, his hands clench into fists, and I wonder if he's getting ready to try and strike me when his face suddenly blossoms into a beautiful smile.  "Quite so, my midnight queen, my treasure."
   "And you need to stop with that whole midnight queen, treasure shit."
   "I cannot." He shrugs his broad shoulders and smiles, "It is the truth.  Would you have me lie to you.  How would I gain your trust if I were to lie to you?"
   "I'm not your queen, Branuel Or De A'lanuel, and I most certainly am not some gem in your hoard of treasures."
   "Not so far from the truth," he mutters, and I narrow my eyes.
   "I'm sorry, what?"
   "Nothing my treasure, nothing."
   "Did you not wonder over the odd...scent...and feeling you got around the Dark Fae King, my darling milis?" Terrenel asks me suddenly. 
   "You will be silent, and hold that poisonous serpent tongue of yours, Terrenel Tir Oben!" The Dark Fae King hisses.  Terrenel merely smiles and laughs a dark, unkind laugh.
   "Oh but I'm not the one with a serpent tongue, am I, Branuel Or De A'lanuel."
   "Okay, okay, we're done here." I say.  I shake my head.  "I'm getting a migraine listening to you two idiots.  I have no idea what you're talking about, but whatever it is, it has nothing to do with me, and frankly I'd like you to shut up now."
   "But it does have to do with you, my milis," Terrenel says.
   "DO NOT!" Branuel the Dark Fae King hisses at Terrenel, he actually hisses.  I startle and my eyes go wide with shock,
   "Uhmmm what am I missing here, guys?"
   Chamuel sighs.  "Terrenel, Oh Great One, do you truly think this your secret to reveal?"
   "If not mine, then whose?"
   "Branuel Or De A'lanuel.  He is her's by HIS design.  He is not what or whom I would have chosen for our beloved, but I do not question HIM.  HE designed her for him, and him for her.  This is his tale to tell."
   "He will not tell her!" Terrenel yells, slashing his hand in the air furiously.  "She deserves to know what she will be taking to her bed..."
WHAT? Uhhh WHAT I'd be taking into my bed.  Yeah.  I hadn't missed that part.
   "Why are you all treating me with kid gloves? I'm not a baby."
   "Ohhhh we know that, darling girl," Walker says with gleaming eyes.  I ignore him (I'm impressed at my ability to do so).
   "I can handle whatever you throw at me, do you understand.  And Terrenel, if this is Branuel Or De A'lanuel's secret, then it is NOT your place to tell it to me." I turn then to Branuel Or De A'lanuel.  "But I don't like liars.  I don't like secrets, especially if they're pertinent to me and mine.  And I WILL NOT be kept in the dark about things that effect my life.  So, if you expect me to keep Terrenel's mouth shut, then I expect you to tell me what the fuck is going on." I wait, and then I wait some more. He looks like he's going to argue with me, but in the end I see him take several deep breaths before he begins to pace back and forth in front of me.
"You're gonna give me whiplash if you keep doing that, dude," I say, hoping my slight humor will calm him. Don't think it works, he only paces faster and more furiously. "Seriously, it can't be THAT bad..." I mean I already knew he was a psychopath who likely tortured and murdered people FOR FUN, sooooo how much worse could this secret be.
"I shall not easily forgive this, Terrenel Tir Oben," Branuel snarls.
"So shall it be," Terrenel murmurs. "You and I have never been friends, not even allies, Branuel Or De A'lanuel. You know I too do not easily forgive...and my memory is just as long as yours. I remember what your father Luothor Or De A'lanuel did to my cousins...what he did to my aunt and not think that our bond we share for our mutual love means I like you any better than I did the day before last, nor that I forgive you or your father for your cruelty and the horrors your wrought upon my family."
Branuel smiles a small secretive smile and inclines his head slightly, "So shall it be, then, Terrenel Tir Oben. Treachery makes good bedfellows."
I clear my throat and hold up my hand like I'm a third grader in class. "Uhhhh....I don't think that is how that saying goes, dude."
"Oh Terrenel Tir Oben understands what it is that I say. I believe we have come to an understanding."
Terrenel nods, face tense and taut. "We have. We live for you, and our bonds that tie us to you. But make no mistake, YOU are the only thing that binds us. If we were to lose you, all would shatter and crumble. You are the glue that holds us together. Without you, Branuel Or De A'lanuel and I would bathe in each other's blood." no pressure there or anything.
I sigh, "Serioiusly, everything is all about torture, death and murder with you guys."
Branuel laughs, "What else is there, my midnight queen?"
"I'm not even going to deign to answer that stupid question, dude."
"I really don't like this dude word."
"Yeah, well take a ticket and get in the complaint line with the rest of them." I shake my head. "Frankly I don't care if you like it or not. Again, it's my way or the highway."
"Your way or the highway?" Branuel looks confused.
"A road for transportation," Chamuel supplies for the confused Branuel.
"Dirt, cobbled, or paved?" He asks.
I smack my forehead. Ouch. "Seriously, none of those, and it doesn't matter. It's just a stupid saying. I'm just saying that basically I'm the freaking boss and you do things my way, or not at all. I don't need people in my life who are only going to make it more fucking difficult than it already is. Got it?"
Branuel laughs. "I do believe I've 'got it' as you say." He closes the distance between us until I can feel his breath upon my face he's so freaking close. "Can we switch our roles when we play, my midnight queen? In the bedroom, may I be the boss?"
    Whew! Was is suddenly warmer in here than a moment before? I gulp.
" that all you can say, my beautiful queen?" Branuel moves even closer to me. And I work on regulating my breathing the closer he gets.
   "Uhhhhh...if...and this is a BIG if, Branuel Or De A'lanuel, we get to the place where I trust you implicitly...then, well," I gulp, "...I wouldn't mind switching, and being the bottom to your top." I watch his eyes go darker and darker until the bright stars almost seem eclipsed within his brilliant orbs.
   "Then we should work on this implicit trust immediately," Branuel says and pulls me closer.  I work not to stiffen at his touch.
   "Trust is earned, Branuel Or De A'lanuel."
   "You realize I've never had to work this hard for a woman before, my midnight queen."
   I work hard not to laugh, "Well then, they probably weren't worth your time or effort in the first place, Branuel Or De A'lanuel."
   Branuel laughs,  "True, true. All you wish to trust me...tell me what I must do to earn your trust."
   I sigh.  "You can start by telling me what this 'secret' is that Terrenel almost let out of the bag." It's Branuel's turn to stiffen and he takes a deep breath and lets out a sigh.
   "It would be easier if I show you, my midnight queen."
   "Show me?"
   Branuel Or De A'lanuel releases me so abruptly I stumble.  I watch as he begins to undress and I gasp.  "Uhhhh excuse me, I do not need a striptease right now."  With each piece of removed clothing I get a better view of pearlescent perfect flesh, washboard abs, narrow waist and a happy trail that leads to...oh my GOD! Uhhhh yeah.  "Nope, nopity nope.  Sorry, that's totally not gonna fit.  No way man." I glare at my guys who all burst out laughing.  "Shut up.  I'm serious.  You want him to split me in fucking two? That thing isn't a cock, it's a battering ram!" This makes my guys laugh even harder.
   "Oooohhh my own, my treasure, you are very good for my ego," Branuel Or De A'lanuel says, having finished undressing he now stands buck ass naked in the freezing room.
   My mouth is dry.  Oh Jesus.  He really is perfect.  So beautiful it almost hurts to look at him.  But I wasn't joking when I said he wasn't going to fucking fit.
   "He'll fit.  As will we all," Chamuel says quietly.
   I'm still feeling unsure when I feel the sting of magic pricking my flesh.  The pricking sensation gets worse and worse until it's almost suffocating.  Smoke begins to fill the room and my eyes water.  Holy Shit.  This was some serious magic.  I smell it then, the acrid burn of ash and fire and smoke, then the fog clears and I let out a hoarse shout, jump back so quickly I fall flat on my ass.
"OH MY GOD!" At least 90 to 100 feet long, with wings that took up half of the freaking room, the creature staring at me with those midnight upon blue black star kissed eyes had HIS eyes...Branuel Or De A'lanuel, the Dark Fae King. This creature was the Dark Fae King. How was this possible? "Wyvern?" I whisper. The Dark Fae King was a Wyvern.
"Doooooooo yooooouuuuuuu feeeaaaarrr meeeeeee nooooowwwww....." The Dark Fae King hisses, and I see his forked tongue as it leaves his mouth to taste the air for my fear.
"I'd be foolish not to," I say quietly.  But the shocks is already wearing off, and in its place is sheer curiosity.
The creature that is Branuel Or De A'lanuel smiles, and somehow that smile looks sooooo wrong on his Wyvern face. "Gooooood, iiiiisssssss gooooood. I'ssssss likessssss the feeeeaaar. I likesssssss the tassssttteeee of feeeeaaar on myyyyy tongue. Your feeeearrrr tasssssttteeesss delicioussssssssss...."
AND...what do I say to that? "Listen yeah, you freaked me out for a second. But smell me now....scent me now." I wait for him to do so and I almost laugh when he draws back his huge head and looks completely befuddled.
"Whhhhyyyyyyssssss you not ssssssmmmmelllll likesssss feeeearrrr anymoressss?"
I do laugh then. "Because after the initial freaking fear as fuck....well...." I shrug, "...then well, you're just another supernatural creature. And well, I KNOW supernatural creatures. They don't freak me out."
"Yoooouuussssss were afraid. I sssssmmeeeelllled the feeeaaarrrrrr..."
"Hell yeah, I was afraid at first. You're a 100 foot fucking dragon and my entire body would probably fit in your mouth! But like I said, I'm totally over it, now."
"I'sssssssss could eeeeaaaattttt youuuuusssss...."
I laugh. "I'd make a lousy meal. I'm bony, not a lot of meat on my body, except for my ass and boobs. Not to mention, if you ate me, well then you'd never get a chance to fuck me, right?" I hear Walker cover up his laughter with a choking cough.  "Soooo...this is the big bad secret? You're a fucking dragon?" I wave my hands in front of me and give a mock horror look, "Oooohhhhh how my....granny what big teeth you have." Okay, so taunting the huge dragon was probably not the smartest idea I'd ever had.  But I was so fucking done with people underestimating me, and just assuming shit about me.
   "I'ssssssssss noooooottttt a grannnnnyyyyyy."
   "Hmmmm yeah guess you've never read Little Red Riding Hood. So they don't have Charles Perrault here in Tir na nOg?"
   "Whoooooossssseeeee thissssssss Perrault? Mmmmmmmuuuuusssssst I killlllll himmmmmm for your effectionssssss?"
   "Jesus, NO! The dude is long dead! He wrote the best known version of Little Red Riding Hood." I shake my head.  "Okay, you know what.  When I get back to the human realm, I'm going to stock up on fairy tales and fantasy fiction and bring it all back to you, okay?"
   "YOOOOOOUUUUU GOOOOOOOOO NOWHEREEEEEEE!" The giant Wyvern screams, and smoke actually comes out of his mouth.  I cough as I get a lung full of the acrid burn,
   "Listen big bad dragon dude.  You can't keep me here. I have a life.  I have a job.  And I have an apartment and freaking plants to get back to.  Not to mention a partner who is waiting patiently for me and any information I may have for him...oh and a captain, you know, A BOSS!"
   "I'ssssss yooooouuuuur booooossssss!" The giant Wyvern shrieks now.
   "Ohhhhh boy, and you've done it now, dragon boy!" Walker laughs and gives me a flourishing bow.  "Take is away, Annora darling.  This is all you,  dearheart."
   I narrow my eyes and advance on the giant 100 foot dragon, not giving a flying fuck that he could consume me in one giant bite.  "YOU ARE NOT MY FUCKING BOSS!"
   "You sssssaid....."
   "—I said that trust has to be earned.  And that after that trust was earned that MAYBE and that's a giant Maybe, I'd let you top me in the bedroom. That does NOT make you the boss of me.  And after this conversation I'm having serous misgivings about letting you do that to me.  You have some serious issues you need to work out. Do they have therapists in Tir na nOg? Cause I really, really, think you'd benefit from a good therapist!"
   "Iiiiii'sssss do not uderssssstaaaannnnd...."
   I sigh.  And because I know he really doesn't understand, I cut him a break.  "I know you don't, Branuel Or De A'lanuel.  But my point here is that I AM leaving.  I came here seeking information, information may I add that you haven't given me.  I'm leaving basically empty handed.  And I'm going to have to explain to my partner AND my captain why I took a pseudo vacay to Tir na nOg and came away totally empty handed."
   "Thisssssss trust would be earned if I shared information withhhhhh yooooouuuuu?" Branuel Or De A'lanuel asks me.
   I nod.  "Yes, it would help.  I won't lie."  And I sigh. "And...uhmmmm could you change back?"
   Then the Wyvern that is Branuel Or De A'lanuel smiles that weird smile again. "I knew thissssss formmmmmm bothered yoooouuuusssss...."
   "Jesus, it doesn't fucking bother me.  I'd just rather have a "normal" conversation with the human Fae version of you, without all the fuckinng hissing and smoke and shit, okay?" And before I'd even finished my sentence, Branuel Or De A'lanuel changed back.  GOD.  The power it had to take to be able to change that quickly and that efficiently.
   "Ask now, my midnight queen.  I am ready to earn this trust. You have seen have seen my secret and I scented no fear.  The Goddess truly made you for me.  So ask, my gem, my treasure, ask."
   I take a deep breath, and try to find the right words realizing how important my next questions and how I worded them would be.  "Your Dark Majesty, Branuel Or De A'lanuel, I ask as a mere human servant..." I'm using old speech somewhere knowing if would be more appreciated, "...Who is it that has invaded our land and has committed foul atrocities by human standards." I added that last bit in, knowing that Branuel Or De A'lanuel did not seem to consider to murders atrocities in Fairy.
   "Well met, and well said, my midnight queen." Branuel Or De A'lanuel smiles an evil smile and says.  "A bargain I shall make with you, my midnight queen."
   "A bargain?" I knew the Fae were big on their bargains and I was wary, understandably so.
   "Yes," Branuel Or De A'lanuel smiles broadly, "IF, you can withstand a kiss, a true kiss from me, I shall answer you question."
   "Annnnd," I gulp, "If I lose? If I can't?"
   Branuel Or De A'lanuel laughs heartily, "Then I get to keep you.  I get to take you to my play room, and I get to do with you as I please."
   I narrow my eyes, and shoot my men a loot THE look that says not to interfere, I'm not stupid.  "Oh High Majesty Branuel Or De A'lanuel, that is not a even bargain."  I almost laugh when he seems to pout.
   "Fine, I get to keep you for a Fae week and play with you as I see fit."
   I ignore the "NO's" from my men and hold out my hand and say, "Done.  I agree."
   "What am I supposed to do with your hand? Do I bleed it?" Branuel asks.
   I roll my eyes.  "NO!" I groan, "Just fucking shake it, okay?" I take his hand and show him how to shake it. Once we've shaken a fission of energy zaps between us as if sealing our bargain and I know that Fairy had taken our Bargain to heart.
   "Okay," I say.  I walk up to him.  "Give it your best shot."
   Branuel the Dark Fae King smiles evilly and pulls me close.  He brings his nose to touch mine and nuzzles it softly in an unexpected gesture.  "You are so beautiful, and so surprising and so very dangerous."
   "Moi?" I say.
   "Ohhhh my midnight queen, I will enjoy keeping you in my dungeon for a week." I don't have a chance to reply before he plants his lips on mine and pries open my mouth and plunges his tongue in.  Fire licks me and the familiar intern for is back, but this time it's even worse than it was when I'd kissed Walker.  I gasp in his mouth but don't break the kiss.  I WILL WIN THIS.  And then I feel it, the bite of blades in my side and wince, but still my mouth duels with his.  My tongue twists with his and I trace every crevice every deep dark decadent place that he's tried to hide and give him back as good as he's giving me.  The blades sink in deeper, and then I feel the stabbing pain in my chest and that makes me gasp in pain and hiss in pain,
   "ENOUGH!" I think that's Chamuel, but I can't be sure,
   NO! I'm not losing this bargain,  I will withstand whatever he dishes out.  I feel as if my chest is being cleaved in two, and still I kill him as if my life depends on it, and it actually does.
   He licks my lips.  "Give in."
   I lick him right back.  "NEVER!" I say and then grab the back of his head and pull him back into a torrid kiss.  My heart is thundering in my chest and I feel the warmth spreading through me even in the frozen tundra of his dungeon like room.  I smell the copper scent of blood staining everything, and know it's coming from me. Compartmentalization Annora girl, compartmentalization,  You can fucking do this,  YOU HAVE TO DO THIS.  I depend the kiss and grab his taut beautiful ass and feel him stiffen against me.  He's hard as a lead pipe against me and I only take it as a good fucking sign.  Oh course that could be the blood loss talking too.
   "Annora my beloved, my amour.  It is not worth it.  Please my amour, stop.  Just stop."
   I ignore Chamuel, I ignore them all.  My entire focus is on Branuel now.  I lick the seam of his lips and squeeze his ass even tighter, he grows harder against me.  "Say uncle, Branuel Or De A'lanuel.  Give in.  How much more can YOU take." I grow bold and reach into his pants and am happy to find that he's going commando.  I grab his thick girthy length and stroke it, eliciting a deep  moan from him.  "Give in...give in, Branuel." I stroke him from root to tip and finally am rewarded when he groans.
   "Trocair, trocair, tha mi ag aideachadh."
Thank Goodness i still understand him.  Mercy, Mercy, I concede. He said. Although the words were a little fuzzy.  I think my translations powers were staring to wane.  Yeah, I definitely needed to do the down and dirty with my angel.  Especially if I had two Fae Bonded to deal with.
I pull away and give him a brilliant smile. "You concede. You must answer my questions."
"You are bleeding badly," Branuel Or De A'lanuel says and sticks his fingers into my wounds on my side causing me to wince. He then sticks his fingers into his mouth and moans. " are soooooo delicious my midnight queen. So much power in that small body of yours, so much power, so much power, and so much potential. And I shall have it"
I gulp. "Not before I have my answers."
Branuel Or de A'lanuel stiffens and nods. "A bargain made with blood and bone must be adhered to. Ask you question my midnight queen and you shall have the answer yours seek."
I close my eyes for a second. I slightly light headed, but I ignore it and try to form the right words. "High Majesty Branuel Or De A'lanuel which of your people is running afoul of the human realm and murdering innocents as defined by the human police. Tell me this your High Majesty, as you so promised."
Branuel Or De A'lanuel laughs and then laughs some more. "You are perfect, you are absolutely perfect, my perfect foil, my perfect mate. I said such power was not an ability of lesser Fae, only I had such power...but that was a falsehood. Your murderer, is G'harna Yull Brennen. My nephew."
    I blink and then blink again. Well fuck me!

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