You're My Major - Jasper Hale...

Por xxmelissakxx

50.5K 995 502

Third in You're My Monster Saga Summary: Alexia Swan's life has been turned upside when Bella goes to Italy t... Más

Story Details
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6/Finale

Chapter 5

6.4K 142 58
Por xxmelissakxx

Bella and I don't speak during the whole ride home which is the norm anymore. Edward decided it would be better if we drove one vehicle so we would never be alone. I don't see his insight on that. Victoria wants to kill both me and Bella...Us being together would be the perfect way to do that. I look up at the front door when Bella pulls in front of the house.

Alice is walking out while talking to dad. I watch them laugh for a moment before I raise an eyebrow and get out of the car. I walk down the walkway when dad smiles at Alice.

"Okay, Alice. Don't be a stranger." He waves.

"Okay!" She smiles and walks toward us.

"What the..." I giggle slightly.

She giggles. "Your alibis for the battle are all arranged."

"Really?" I smile.

"I told your father that our whole family's going camping this weekend. So you guys and I are having a sleepover at my house. Charlie is going fishing anyway." She smiles widely, proud of herself.

"Charlie? You guys are on a first name basis now?" Bella asks.

"Me, he likes. Jasper, he likes. Edward...Well, actually you and Edward will have the house to yourself tonight while Paul takes Ally to the reservation to pack." Alice nods.

"Like alone?" Bella smiles.

"We're all going hunting, powering up for the battle. You're welcome!" She quickly hugs Bella and runs to her car.

I shake my head and walk inside the house. Dad is in the kitchen making himself lunch when I sit down in my car.

"Hey. Do you guys want a sandwich?" He smiles at us.

"No, I'm good." Bella shakes her head.

"I already ate. Thank you." I smile.

"Well, besides Jasper, I like the sister." Dad finishes making the sandwich.

"Alice. Yeah, she's great." Bella nods.

"You should meet Rose! She's nice too." I say, leaning back.

Before dad can speak, Bella butts in.

"Hey, dad. I was wondering...Why didn't you get remarried after mom?" She raises an eyebrow.

Dad glances at me before answering.

"I don't know. Guess I still haven't met the right gal, why?"

"I don't know." She shrugs. "I thought you just...Maybe you gave up on the whole institution of it. Of marriage. But do you think there's any value in it?"

"Yeah, marriage has value. For you, when you're much older. Like your mother. It seemed to work out fine for her the second time around." He looks at her. "Later in life."

"Yeah, I guess." She sighs.

"Like if Ally got married, I would know it was for love but you definitely don't wanna have to get married because you weren't..." He thinks of the right word. "...careful."

"Dad..." I speak up.

"Look, you know what I'm talking about. There's...things that you need to think about...if you're gonna be...physically intimate." He blushes slightly.

I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing. He's trying to have the 'talk' with Bella. He had that talk with me after Jasper and I had our one year anniversary. He knows Jasper and I plan on waiting a while before we did that. Three years later, it still hasn't happened. I'm okay with it. I'm not ready, fully but with Jasper growing his hair out like he has been...I might be soon.

"Don't...We've had enough of the talk." Bella shakes her head.

"It's just as embarrassing for me, as it is for you." Dad shakes his head.

"I doubt that. Did you have this talk with her?" She points to me.

"Yes, I did. I know his intentions though." Dad says, leaning against the counter.

"Don't bother, 'cause mom beat you to it ten years ago." Bella crosses her arms.

"Well, you didn't have a boyfriend ten years ago." Dad rolls his eyes.

"I'm sure things work the same way." She shakes her head.

"Alright. You guys are...taking precautions..." Dad tries to ask.

"Please just don't worry about that." She shivers in disgust at the conversation. "Edward is...old school."

"Old school, great." Dad pauses. "What's that? Like a code for something."

He raises an eyebrow.

"Oh my god. Dad. I'm a virgin." She throws her hands out slightly, mortified.

"Okay, good. Glad we covered that." He nods.

"Me too." She quickly runs out of the room.

Dad brings his sandwich up to his mouth.

"Virgin. Liking Edward a little bit more now." He takes a bite.

I giggle. "No, you don't."

"You're right." He nods, chewing before looking at me.

"Virgin, dad." I giggle.

He nods once. "Still liking Jasper."

I laugh and shake my head. "I'm getting ready."

I stand up and kiss his cheek.

"See you, Monday!" He calls out as I walk to my room.

I quickly pack a bag of the heaviest clothing I have before leaving the house. Paul pulls up and I jump inside.

"So, Emily had one of those battery-powered heaters for you." He smiles, pulling away from the house.

"She is so amazing!" I giggle. "Jasper said Carlisle found me an extra tent."

"Good because Sam's had a huge hole in it so he threw it away." He chuckles.

"That's okay!" I smile.

"Also she said she's gonna make you lunch so you have something to nibble on up there."

"Emily's cooking on a cold mountain?" I moan at the sound of the sentence.

He chuckles and shakes his head. We make it to Emily's in record time. He carries my bag inside when Emily runs to me.

"Ally!" She giggles.

I happily pull her in for a hug.

"Missed you too, Em." I giggle.

The whole night consists of packing my bags and making sure I have everything. Earlier in the day, Emily made me a small bowl of chili to take with me tomorrow. Even though it definitely will be cold by the time I eat it, I'm so excited for it. Seth shows up and pretty much talks my ear off but I don't mind at all. He's such a cute kid. He even gets Paul and I to play UNO with him before he was forced to leave by Sue.


The next day, Paul walks with me to the area we were to meet Bella, Edward and Jacob. It was Jasper's idea to cut our fingers to put blood on trees to lead the newborns to the field. So for about two hours that's what we're doing. Paul can't be with me because of his 'stink' so I'm walking around alone.

I walk over to Bella and Edward when I finish to hear Jacob and Paul talking with them.

"Ready?" Paul asks, seeing me walk up.

"Yep!" I sigh.

He opens his arms and I jump into them.

"You okay?" He asks, walking away from the love-triangle.

"I just...I just wish I was able to see Jasper before the battle. I understand that he has to hunt and stuff, but I wish I could see him." I lean against him.

"Well he did give me this note to give to you." Paul smirks slightly.

"He did!?" I look up at him.

He nods. "I'll give it to you when we reach camp. I already put your tent and stuff together. The heater is on and blasting so you'll be warm when you read it."

"You are the bestest friend anyone could have, Paul." I whisper.

He chuckles. "Just making sure my bestest friend is comfortable in pretty much -50 degree weather."

I smile widely and look when we reach the campsite. Bella and Jacob are already here, talking to Edward.

"You're not going to fight?" Bella asks, with hope in her eyes.

"Seth will spell me in the morning. He's not happy about missing the action but it will keep him out of trouble." Jacob shrugs.

Paul puts me down and points toward the tent. "That one is yours."

"Thanks." I hug him.

He hugs back before whispering. "Put on the two sweaters then the heavy jacket. The jacket has your note in it."

I nod against him. He pulls from the hug before looking at Jacob.

"Make sure she's safe too, jackass." Paul says, staring him down.

Jacob rolls his eyes. "She'll be fine."

"She better be. If she loses her toes, Jasper, Emmett and I are coming after you. Rose definitely will." Paul growls.

Jacob nods, trying not to show his fear before turning away from us. I wave to Paul as he leaves. I watch till I can't see him anymore. I crawl into my tent and put on the two sweaters. I reach into the jacket pocket and pull out a single piece of paper. I take a deep breath and begin to read it.

'My love,

I'm sorry I can't see you before the battle. As much as I want to, I have to make sure our family is fully trained. I will see you right after, I promise. I love you more than anything in this world. Seth and I talked earlier today. He said he is willing to risk his life for yours. (even though we both don't want that, he insisted.) You are protected up there even without me or Paul. As soon as this is over you and I are going on a vacation. I don't know where yet but it will be the best vacation either of us ever had. I love you, darling. Keep warm and I will see you tomorrow.

Jasper Whitlock. <3'

I tear slightly at his note and put on the jacket. I lay down in the sleeping bag and stare at the heater. I lay there all night. Even when Jacob comes to check on me before going into Bella's tent, I just stare at the heater. It gets extra cold, just like Paul said it would. I'm thankful he helped me pack my bag. I do end up falling asleep but it doesn't seem like it's for very long.

I crawl out of my tent the next morning. I only keep on one of the sweaters. It's not as cold as last night. The ground is white with snow while the whole campsite is quiet. Seth, in wolf form, is sitting beside my tent. He looks up and starts to pant while wagging his tail.

"Hey, Seth." I stand up.

I walk the few short steps to him and pet him. He rubs against my hand.

"Did you just get here?" I ask.

He nods and barks slightly. I laugh and shake my head.

"I missed you too?" I question.

He nods again. I smile and look as Bella crawls out of her tent. She looks over at us and nods.

"Hi, Seth."

He pants slightly before rubbing against my hand again. I giggle and sit on a rock nearby so I can keep petting him.

"Where's Jacob?" Bella asks, looking at me. "Did he already..."

"Not yet." A voice calls out.

Bella and I look up to see Edward walking toward us.

"He's checking to see if the woods are clear before he goes." Edward informs us before wrapping his arms around her.

Seth turns fully toward me and I pet him, keeping a little warmer. I try not to, but I hear their conversation.

"I'm really sorry about last night. It couldn't have been easy for you." Bella sighs.

"It definitely won't make my list of top ten favorite evenings." He admits.

"You have a list?" Bella raises an eyebrow.

"All ten I spent with you. Number one is when you said you'd marry me, Mrs. Cullen."

My head snaps up at that sentence.

"This is the twenty-first century. I wanna hyphenate my name." She giggles.

"You're marrying him?!" My voice and another mix together.

"Alexia...Jake..." Bella looks behind Edward. "You knew they were listening."

"He deserves to know." Edward says, ignoring my name.

Jake shakes his head and turns right around, walking back down the path. Bella chases after him and I look at Edward.

"You asked her?" I raise an eyebrow.

He nods. "Two nights ago, she officially agreed."

I sigh and shake my head. "You really love her, don't you?"

He nods. "Just like Jasper loves you."

I look away at the sound of my love's name, wishing he was here.

"Don't worry. You'll see him soon." Edward turns.

"Did you just read my mind?" I ask.

"No. I can tell by your facial expression. You love him just as much." He says, and continues to walk to Bella.

Not even five minutes later, Seth growls slightly. Edward rushes over with Bella.

"It's starting." Edward announces.

He stares at Seth, reading his mind. My heart pounds against my chest. Not am I only worried for Jasper but for Rose, Emmett...Hell all of the Cullens. Even the pack. My families are fighting for us because Bella and I decided to play baseball with vampires. A stupid way to cause a war.

"Jacob just got there. He saved Paul. They're both good." Edward informs us.

I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Jazz?" I whisper slightly.

"Perfectly fine." Edward shakes his head.

A few seconds later, his eyes widened. Seth stands up in front of me, growling.

"Is someone hurt?" I ask, glancing at Seth.

"Seth, go." Edward tilts his head.

Seth runs into the trees, hiding. I stand up from the rock as Edward grabs Bella and rushes over to me. He bends into a defensive stance in front of us.

"She's close. I can hear her thoughts. She knew we weren't there, but she caught my scent." He admits.

I roll my eyes. Of course it's his scent that fucks this whole plan up.

"She knew you guys would be with at least one of us. She saw Jasper on the battlefield." Edward looks around the trees.

"She found us." Bella whispers.

"She's not alone." He says, just as Riley, the missing kid, steps out of the woods.

He edges closer, watching Edward's every move.

"Riley...Listen to me. Victoria's just using you to distract me. She knows I'll kill you." Edward says to him.

Riley hesitates slightly, surprised that he even knew who he was.

"In fact, she'll be glad she doesn't have to deal with you anymore." Edward admits to him.

Victoria exits from the woods, anger written all over her face.

"Don't listen, Riley. I told you about their mind tricks." Victoria shakes her head.

"I can read her mind so I know what she thinks of you!" Edward calls out.

"He's lying!" Victoria lies.

"She only created you and this army to avenge her true mate, James. It's the only thing she cares about. Not you."

"There's only you. You know that!" Victoria pretty much begs now.

"Then why are you fighting us, huh?" I call out.

"Shut up, Ally." Edward snaps before looking at Riley again. "Think about it. You're from Forks. You know the area. That's the only reason she chose you. She doesn't love you."

Riley looks at Victoria to see her face with so much emotion.

"Riley, don't let him do this to us. You know I love you."

Riley looks at Edward and glares.

"You're dead."

He charges at us but Edward doesn't move. Seth leaps from the cliff above and lands on Riley, taking a huge bite of Riley's hand. Riley screams in fury and pain at the teeth in his hand. He rips it off and runs in a circle to attack Riley again. Victoria's eyes widen and she turns to run but Edward darts away from us, into her path.

"You can escape, you always do but you don't get another chance like this again." Edward says.

Victoria hisses and backs further away from him.

"You want them. You want Jasper and I to feel the pain you felt when we killed James. When I tore him to pieces. When we turned him into ash. When we turned him into nothing." Edward growls.

Victoria glares and charges toward us. Bella quickly moves behind me so I'm blocking her from Victoria. My eyes widen but Edward doesn't let her get close. He grabs her and they roll down the hill in a death grip. They move out of sight so I look over at Seth. Riley gets the upper hand and kicks Seth into a large boulder near us.

I tear slightly. No! Seth!! Riley quickly spins around toward Bella and I. Edward jumps out of nowhere and kicks Riley far away from us. Victoria jumps up onto a rock and Edward smashes into her. Seth stands slightly but falls back to the ground. Bella crouches down to my knees and hides behind them, really afraid now. Bella, I'm not very good coverage!!

Riley jumps at Edward, tackling his legs to the ground. Victoria runs up to Edward from behind. I have to do something. This is my baby sister's fiance. I look around the ground and quickly pick up a sharp rock. The Quileute Legends are helping me out today. I look up at the same time Victoria grabs onto Edward's head.

I quickly use the rock to cut through my sweater into my arm, slicing the skin. Blood begins to flow, dripping into the white snow. Riley quickly stands up and looks around. His head snaps at us when he realizes it's coming from me. Victoria sniffs the air as well and looks toward us. Edward uses this moment to grab Victoria and throw her across the campsite into a tree, breaking it into two pieces.

He looks at Riley who's walking toward us now. Seth jumps up from the rocks and grabs onto Riley. He starts screaming for Victoria who's now running toward Edward again. She doesn't even glance at him, showing him that Edward was telling the truth. Seth pulls him into the forest and begins tearing him apart. Edward and Victoria start running at each other.

They are moving too fast for me to see them so I rip a piece of my undershirt off and make a bandage for my wound. Edward grabs Victoria and pulls her toward him. He bites a huge chunk from her neck, ripping her head off. He throws the pieces to the ground before turning to Bella and I. She pushes past me and runs over to him.

"I didn't want you to see that." He turns away and looks at me. "I'll get some bandages for your arm."

Seth runs from the forest and barks loudly. All our heads snap over to him.

"Something's wrong." Bella states.

"Alice needs us to go. And now." Edward states.

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