
By amorawrites18

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If you had a second chance at life, what would you do differently? - Second Book in the Shea Butter Baby Seri... More

Face Claims
Back to Reality
Straight Forward
Wishful Thinking
Take It And Run
A Leap of Faith
Down Bad
Pretty & Afraid
The Night Is Still Young
A Fresh Start
Worth The Weight
Stone Cold
Mind Games
Don't Throw It Away
Quality Time
Physical Touch
You're the Reason
In Your Corner
Just Cause You Waited
Meet Me Halfway
Home For Now
Don't Be Scared
The Inevitable
The Big Q
Tunnel Vision
Family Values
Her Apprentance
Pray You Catch Me
Wide Awake

Believe Me

1.1K 67 17
By amorawrites18

As Bria rolled off from being on top of him she sighed still disappointed in Adonis, and turned away facing her nightstand while he pulled the covers over his nude body.  She picked up her charging iPhone off of the nightstand, checking her messages on Instagram and replying back to a few comments from photos that were posted from tonight victory match.  His warm body pressed up against hers as he caressed her shoulder and arm, spooning her from behind as he watched her scroll through her social media feed. 

She hadn't said anything since they'd stopped fucking.  He pressed his lips on her shoulder, cuddling her, knowing that was her weakness.  She'd normally crack every time, but this time it felt different and he could sense the tension in the room. 

"You okay?"

"Since when do you care how I feel?" She coldly responded in a low whisper. 

He watched as she shut her phone off and placed it back on the nightstand before grabbing the remote to the TV to cut on even though the channels would be in Russian.

"I always care." He rebutted her.

"Do you?" She turned around to look him in the eye.  "Because what you did tonight just showed you completely disrespecting me and my wishes."

"You're still mad at Bianca?" He sighed, watching her stare at him with the same blank emotionless face.

"What do you think Adonis? It feels like we're going no where with our relationship,  I'm convinced that the only reason why you stayed with me is because we share a daughter." 

"Why would you think that?" He scoffed.

"You do shit like this! You invite your ex—"

"I ain't fucking invite her, and I know you don't believe me but my mom did." He admitted.  "You didn't let me explain earlier, you just shut me out. You tuned me out. This was supposed to be one of the happiest nights of my life but I couldn't even fully enjoy it because you were mad at me and I know when you get upset you shut down." He explained, scratching the back of his head. "I can't blame you though I know I've done some questionable things in the past that made you doubt you really think we're going no where?"

"I mean...we never talk about our future together and when I bring up marriage you shrug it off like it doesn't mean anything to you."

"That's because we just got back together we've only been officially dating for six months." He sighs. "Don't you think it's still too early to be talking about marriage especially when you were ready to come at my throat for Bianca being here. I don't think we're ready."

"I'm not talking about now, I was talking about our you even see us being together?" Bria asked him.

"Not if you keep coming at me like this without letting me explain."  He mumbled.

"I reacted the way that I did because you have a history of doing these left me when I was almost six months pregnant because you didn't want to be with me, you wanted to be with Bianca but she turned you down right? Because she knew what you did was fucked up..." her eyes started to water but quickly wiped them away. "Is this the only reason why you're with me because I'm second best? Or because I'm the mother of your child? You see why I don't like her and then get mad when I act the way I do when she's around. I always feel like I'm in competition with her and I shouldn't have to be when I'm your girl."

Bria sighed sitting up against the headboard, wiping underneath her eyes. "Maybe Im over reacting, but I just feel like I'm a rebound and I don't want you to feel like you're 'stuck' with me because we share a child together."

"I don't feel stuck when I'm with you, I want to be with you. You've always been there for me even when I didn't deserve it and now I want you to know that I'm with you because you're a beautiful woman inside and out. You're not in competition with Bianca because Bianca doesn't have a special place in my heart anymore, you do. You and Yara are the only two girls that I care about. Bianca and I may have history, but I'm ready to start my future with you. I care about your happiness and if I'm doing something wrong then correct me. I don't want you to feel the way that you're feeling now. We've worked hard to get to where we are. I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." He pulls her in for a hug watching as she fell into his chest.


Bria and Adonis fell asleep in each other's arms, and was awoken by a knock the front door in the morning. Bria moaned something inaudible into his chest being that she was still half asleep. The person knocked again, tempting Adonis to get out of bed since Bria was still asleep. He carefully placed her on the empty side of the bed next to him, and turned around to place his feet on the carpeted floor as he got up to search for his underwear and sweats.

After finding them, he slid them on and made his way to the front door to answer it.

He cracked the door open so that the person at the door could only see him. "What do you want? It's early." Adonis rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes.

"Well technically in Moscow it's 11:30am and the crew is heading downstairs for breakfast." Terrence giddily asked his best friend because he knew Donnie wasn't a morning person after huge fights.

Adonis pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Your point being?"

"That you need to get your ass ready for breakfast within the next 45 minutes because we're going into town after." Terrence suggested.

"I think I'll just stay in with Bria today..." he turned his head to see she was still sleeping comfortably, not ready for any outside engagement whatsoever.

"We had a late night anyway." He hinted.

Terrence eyes bulged from his head in sudden realization of what he meant. He cleared his throat and nodded his head, giving Adonis a smirk.

"Alright we'll I guess we can break tradition for the one time. Call me when you're up we have to go over your schedule when we get back to the states." Terrence said, watching Adonis nod in compliance.

When Terrence left, Adonis rubbed the corners of his eyes still exhausted and sore from the night before.

As he climbed back into bed, he pulled the covers over him inching in closer to where Bria was and cuddled next to her as he repositioned himself to spoon her.

"Who was that at the door?" Bria mumbled half asleep, with her eyes closed.

"Terrence." Adonis responded, moving her hair out of the way.

"Mhnm," Bria mumbled into her pillow, still half asleep.  Adonis pressed a kiss on her cheek down to her neck. "Don't get me started babe."

Adonis held off briefly, wrapping his arm around her waist pulling her in closer so she'd be more comfortable while she slept.


The two spent the day in the hotel room , ordering room service for brunch, catching up on sleep and catching up on sex. As Bria laid across Adonis' nude body with covers draped over her, she turned to look at him with a blank sorrowful expression.  She wanted to tell him about what happened last night with his mother and her. He knew something was going on in that mind of hers because she looked at him as if she was getting ready to say something, but nothing came out.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked.

"No..." she sighed, placing her hand on his chest, fiddling with his gold necklace draped around his neck. "It's not you,"

"What's wrong?"

Bria looked up at him with a blank expression on her face, and opened her mouth to speak but again, no words came out. Unable to express how she felt she pushed it aside, not wanting to upset him because they just got back on good terms.

"It's nothing...forget it." She shot him down.

Adonis shrugged it off knowing she'd tell him whenever she was ready. He watched her lean in and kiss him as she climbed out of bed to get ready for dinner with the crew.

As Bria and Adonis walked hand in hand into the lobby of the restaurant where the rest of the crew would be eating, Bria waved with a wide smile to everyone sitting at the table. Rocky got up from the table to greet the two.

"There's my main man, my number one heavyweight champion in the world!" Rocky boosted Donnie, as he dapped him up.

"You know I couldn't do it without you." Donnie smiles widely.

"You two okay?" Rocky asked the two of them watching Bria and her boyfriend nod simultaneously.

"I knew you two were okay, you wanna know how I know?" Rock pointed towards his chest.

"How'd you know unc?"

"Cause my friend even though you've got stitches above your eye, and bruises all over your face and body your smiles as wide as can be and I can tell the difference between a hickey and a bruise." He patted his nephews back.

Bria chuckled at how amusing Rocky was when he'd had a couple of drinks in.

"I wouldn't be surprised if these two made baby number two."

"Alright Roc I think that's enough," Terrence interrupted just in time save the young couple from further embarrassment.

As Bria sat down next to Adonis at the head of the table, Bianca sat across from her with his mother sitting right next to her.

"Did anyone order yet for the table?" Adonis asked.

"No not yet we were waiting for you two to get here we've just been munching on breadsticks and drinking wine." Joe added.

"I'm starving like hell." Adonis added, trying to read the English version of the menu in front of him.

When Terrence sat back down at the table, he sat at Bria's left hand side next to Joe. He greeted Bria with a smile and asked if she was okay and smiled in satisfaction when she nodded.

"Don't let Bianca get to you, she's harmless." Terrence tried to comfort her.

"It's not her that I'm worried about..." Bria responded as the two both looked up towards Adonis' mother.

"Is it just me or is his mom a bitch?" She asked Terrence.

"Oh no mama Creed can be a handful and really mean towards people she doesn't like, i honestly see why Adonis' pops left her to be with his mom." Terrence mumbled. "She may still have some resentment left for him and she's taking it out on you, don't take it personal...just hold your head up high with dignity and show her that you intend to be in her sons life for a very long time. She'll get over it, she has to." Terrence shrugged, picking up his wine glass and put it to his lips to sip. "You're the mother of her granddaughter."

"See Terrence this is why you're my favorite." Bria smiles widely feeling more confident than ever.

"Anytime sis, Anytime." He smiled.

The night progressed and the team wined and dined on traditional Russian meals feeling authentic as ever celebrating their post match win. Towards the end of the dinner when plates were half empty and the crew had almost finished their bottles, Adonis gathered everyone's attention to toast to an amazing night.

After pouring himself a glass of champagne, Adonis stood up holding a glass of champagne in his hand looking towards the people seated at the table.

"I just wanted to make a toast to each and every one if you in this room. I couldn't have done this, defeat my top competitor without you all being my support system. Each of you all have had a helping hand in my development as a boxer but I especially want to thank the number one woman in my life for always being there for me even when I didn't deserve it. You've nursed me back to health after my first fight with Drago, all while raising our newborn daughter. I know I'm not the easiest person to get along with and often times my hard headedness comes back to bite me in the're a beautiful person inside and out. I'm so grateful that you are now apart of my life, thank you for being my number one fan, my rock and my foundation. I love you, cheers to this victory, cheers to my team and cheers to my number one lady." He raised his glass towards Bria who's eyes were glistening as she toasted along with Adonis.

"Amen, I can drink to that." Bria chuckled, loving how he professed his love for her in front of his friends and family.

As he sat back down, Bria leaned across the table to kiss his plump champagne tasting lips. Pulling away, Adonis pulled her in closer to kiss her again causing Bria to smile against his lips.

"Alright Im drunk, I'm full , and I'm single, I'm fucking ready to go party." Joe said hyping Adonis' friends up.

"I think that's our cue to leave." Rocky chuckled, looking towards Mary Anne and she nodded, slowly getting up with the help of Rocky. Before leaving, she walked towards her son to wrap her arms around him to place a kiss on his cheek.

"I'm so proud of you..." she squeezed him tight.

"Ma," Adonis places his hand on her forearm.

"Have fun tonight, Bianca's partying with you guys tonight so be nice."

"Why'd you bring her here?" Adonis asked her only loud enough so she could hear.

"She's your friend and she's practically apart of the family—"

"Was." Adonis corrected her. "As in past tense, next time you want to bring one of my exes halfway across the earth for a boxing match you should let me know. She's already caused problems in my relationship with Bria and I've almost lost her once because of it. I don't want to loose her again. I'll be respectful but if she steps out of line, then she has to go. I love my girlfriend and I know you did this to be petty, do this shit again and that allowance that I give you monthly will be taken away, right along with that house that I pay for that's in my name." Adonis threatened.

Adonis left his adoptive mother speechless, she slowly pulled away placed her hands on his shoulders.

"Don't forget who raised you boy and took you off the street when you had no one, and not a dime to your name. You wanna act all tough and cool cause you've got a new girl now, a baby momma who honestly could give two shits about you, all she cares about is money and that you're taking care of her child. You two break up and watch how quickly she'll switch up, you'll loose her just how you met her. Let's not forget that you were still seeing Bianca when you met your whore of a girlfriend." Mary Anne read him, with a fake smile on her face as she left the dining hall with Rocky.

Adonis cleared his throat and looked at his girlfriend as she cut into a slice of cake to eat, completely oblivious to the conversation that he just had with his mom. She flashed him a smile as she reached across the table to hold his hand. On the other side of him, Bianca was chatting with Joe and Terrence who were catching up just like old times. He leaned back in his chair feeling some kind of way being that his mother had disapproved of his girlfriend since the beginning.

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