By HandTheirEnd

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╭┈──────────────────────────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- ╰┈➤ 𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗟𝗨𝗗𝗘 : Her life had always been shining wit... More

verset from the scripter
i. stay awake
ii. the first blossom
iii. arms of valor
v. though the irony
vi. a catalogue of breathing day
vii. in the sunset boulevard
viii. the eventide
ix. repeating path called orbit
x. the second hand still ticks
xi. thus it traveled like ripples

iv. a germ's name

354 18 28
By HandTheirEnd

It was just a normal night-a very normal night for me.

The spring breeze came dancing, like a waltz being executed in a beautiful lush green field of flowers. Magically, the city air was aromatic for this night, almost sweet as I paced in this pedestrian-friendly town.

It was just a usual night for me, walking on this garden of skyscrapers.

And that contradicted my usual night.

Spring breeze in a garden of skyscrapers? Very unusual.

I was on my way to home, spending this whole day looking for a job. This April, it'd be the start of my senior high school-a very expensive school. Though I already had my full scholarship, I still needed income to suffice my daily expenses. Not to mention that I had been living on my own for as long as I could remember.

And every day, it was a miracle on how I survived the bustling streets of Tokyo.

Today, I was out of luck. No one hired me. Mainly because I was still a student, and they needed a full-time worker.

I would try again tomorrow.

Tightly gripping my bag, I walked even faster to reach my home. But, before that, I would buy food for dinner.

Later that night, I made my way to my house-thirty minutes was the estimated time to reach the place through walking.

I could say that it was a peaceful night, because after the highly urbanized areas of Tokyo were the quiet residential areas.

Everything was silent-

"Help! Please, help!!"


The silent night was disturbed until I reached the creepy area of these streets-the dark side of the city.

I couldn't disregard the call of desperation. Well, who would step in this alleyway full of killing intent? Only stupid people.

This was the part where most people neglect for its infamous ground of untamed freaks. Not entirely freaks, but almost.

I was actually having a mental debate if I'd help or not. Helping the person still had the risks . . . But my conscience was strong to convict me, so I'd help.

Before I did so, I called the police (just in case).

Quickly, I followed where the voice came from, sharpening my sense of hearing to help me locate the troubled person. It took me roughly a minute to arrive.

To where I was standing, I saw a man being fawned by a bunch of creeps who was already kneeling down the concrete road. I was here, five meters apart, in this demented alleyway. There were four of these thugs-ugly, spooky, and scary thugs.

"Hey!" I called in a bored manner.

All of them gazed at me. Except for the male victim, the punks of this alleyway had the expression of burning anger as if a bloodshot was running through their heads. This was what I got for meddling, but I didn't care.

"You better let the man go," I stated calmly. "I've also called the-" I stopped in midsentence when I sensed a sharp thing pointed on my nape. The glint in the irises of my eyes left me instantly. My lips were formed thin in concentration as I entered my self-defense zone.

"Aren'cha brave for a chick like ya?" one of the hooligans spoke.

"No, that should be my line," I smirked. "You must be brave enough that you dared to point a knife on me."

And too bad, this mad man asked me to give him my cash . . . Another too bad, I had nothing to give. Now, violence was only in his mind. And I had to do something to increase the odds of my survivability.

I raised both hands up, acting in surrender.

"If I have something to give you . . ." I paused, stealthily craning my neck sideways while checking which hand had the weapon. ". . . I've done it right away."

He was right-handed, that gave me the plan on how to counterattack.

Once I had the blueprint on my mind, I hurriedly took an action. Whirling around, rotating my left arm down and locking the hand which had the knife.

I let out an audible smirk as I successfully took control of the happening. As his fist was trapped under my arm, he couldn't pull it out even if he wanted to. Now, he dropped the knife, which was good, but the blade of his hand might immediately slip past to my lock . . . But before he could do it, I had already gained control over him.

As fast as I could, I struck his throat, taking his air away. Then I went straight to his face. Gladly, my fingers could reach his eyes, pushed his chin back. With my left arm, I was able to drive him forward and kneed him in the sternum.

"Good night, bitch," I muttered as he lost consciousness. Then I faced the remaining four, pokerfaced. "Let him go now, before y'all meet the same ill-fate as him." It was my cold warning, seething with bloodshot eyes.

"What do you useless louts doing?! Dispose of that scum!" The looking-like leader of the trash commanded the three to attack me.

Of course, I provoked them, they would bite back.

There was no fear in my system, either a nick of it. I could handle these assholes.

The fight began and I only defended in a cool, graceful way, knocking my opponents out instantly. It didn't even reach five minutes when the three of them laid on the ground.


Nobody stood against me. I didn't spend my three years in middle school learning judo for nothing.

The so-called leader of these thugs had his eyes in disbelief. Observing his expression, he wanted to retaliate.

And with his blinding fury, he took out a knife again and started launching in my direction.

I smiled venomously at him, "You don't mind taking a nap, huh?"

I let a pinch of my bloodlust. I had to scare this piece of shit for him to know that he made a wrong decision. I blocked his hand that had the knife with my left hand. Twisting it upwardly, enough for him to unhand the blade. Then I bowed him down and briskly smacked his nape with the side of my palm.

The person lost his consciousness that instant and threw him on the ground. What a disgusting human being.

I returned to my own self, leashing the fighter persona in me. I turned around to the victim's direction. Currently, it got him stunned at what he saw.

Involuntarily, I made a full-teeth smile. "Am I awesome?" I asked him confidently.

His expression softened, the same time he sighed of relief. He tried to stand, but looked like he had wobbly knees. "T-Thank you very much . . !"

As I walked closer to him, I could say that he was in his 50s. A man that worked in executive, I could tell from his expensive suit, tie, and shoes. His hair was light brown, short, and very tailored look, but now disheveled and unruly.

"Are you okay, sir?" I supported the man and helped him stand up properly. "Are you hurt?"

He bowed his head, eyes were downcasted. Oh, this scenario must have traumatized him. Without a word, I guided him to get out of this place. And before we could get that far, the cops arrived. I told them where they sleeping thugs were, whilst I gave my attention to this old man.

Later that night, we stopped by in a pharmacy. I noticed that he had a cut on his lips and bruise on his left eye. A sign of defiance, I guessed.

While buying the disinfecting supplies needed, I let him sit on the chair available inside the pharmacy. Oh, a bottle of water as well.

Once I was done, I returned to where he was with a comforting smile. "I hope you've somehow coped up." Then I placed the drink on the table.

"Y-Yes, somehow," he smiled a frailty smile, grabbed the water bottle, took off the lid, and drank some of it.

He seemed to look an amiable man. Although his smile was weak, his gentleness was obvious-a kindness that even deaf could hear or a blind could see.

Pulling a chair close to him, I sat down. I asked him if didn't mind to tend his injuries, and he said no. I cleaned the cut on his lip and put an adhesive bandage. And to the bruise on his eye, I used a single-used cold compress to reduce the swelling.

"Thank you," he said as soon as I finished treating him. "You're too kind to help a stranger like me."

I chuckled, "Please, anyone would do the same if someone is in need."

"Not anyone, young miss," he answered, laughing faintly. "Most of them would run away, but not you. I truly appreciate it."

With his statement, it got me amused. "Why is it like you're saying that this is not the first time it happened to you?"

The adolescent man laughed, feeling all sheepish. "Nice deduction there."

Aha, I'm right.

"Rich people shouldn't wander alone, y'know, sir," I stated with my lips pursed up. "You should at least have a personal guard."

The man looked confused, but with a hint of astonishment. "What do you mean 'rich people'?"

I grinned, traveling my gazed to him from head to foot. "Do you want me to spell it to you, sir?"

His face brightened a bit. I could see that I got his attention. "Let this frailty old man know what you got, young lass."

"Okay," I answered, straightening my sitting posture. "Let's start with your suit, it's expertly crafted, using the finest fabrics that no mere employee can afford. Then your shoes as well, it has the 'K.S' imprinted on the collar part of it, meaning, they're customized, only made for you," I paused to look at his expression-he was seemed delighted-and continued right away, "And if we're one of those street troublemakers, I would also steal your clothes and shoes."

"You're one heck of an observant, aren't you?" He nodded in redundancy.

"It's my hobby, old man-oh, right, aren't you going to contact your family or somebody?"

He smiled wearily, "I lost my wallet and my phone is dead . . ."

"Next time, sir, don't go on your own. The city streets aren't safe anymore." I returned the smile and handed him my phone. "And I can lend you my phone."

He muttered his thanks, then started contacting whoever it was. He was just talking to someone while I fixed the stuff inside my bag. The papers were quite disorganized after all.

And after a few minutes, the man gave the phone to me. Then he asked me, "You've done enough for me, is there a way I can return the favor to you?"

"Please," I said while waving my hands airily. "I did it out of concern to my fellow human being. Returning the favor is not necessarily . . . You see."

"Are you sure?" crooned him. "I see that you're in need of a job."

My eyes got widened, looking a little shame-faced. He must have seen the papers! "U-Uhm, this is a different matter, sir."

He laughed softly, smiling warmly. "Please? I'll rephrase the 'returning the favor', and it'll be my gesture of gratitude."

Well, that convinced me. "I only need a part-time job, sir. I'll be attending the Itachiyama Academy this school year through a scholarship, and have been living independently, so I need extra income for my daily expenses."

"Okay," he nodded. "Tell me about your skills."

I smiled confidently, "I know a little bit of something out of everything!"

His eyebrows were knitted closely. "Are good at cleaning? Like really, really good?"

"Yes, I do also love organizing things neatly and nicely."

"How about cooking? Do you know about any healthy regimen?"

I nodded my head. "Yes, and as a matter of fact, I'm very strict of it, especially that I have a body to maintain for my judo training."

The man looked so highly pleased that it wondered me why. "You said that you'll be attending the Itachiyama Academy right?" I nodded once again to confirm it to him. "I'm sorry, lass, I believe I didn't catch your name . . ?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. My name is Yerina Nakano," I introduced myself as I bowed my head.

He gave me a friendly smile, and replied, "I am Kenzo Sakusa, and I think I have a job for you."


"After that night, Kenzo-san and I had a second meeting. He asked me if I'm okay with the domestic job, and I said yes, because his offer was fair and had a lot of pros," I paused as I took a breath. "And that's how I ended up being Kiyoomi's slave."

"Oi," Kiyoomi snarled at me, his scowl was seething.

I only laughed quietly, having a big smile to irritate him more.

As I ended the explanation, Motoya was only laughing.

"Uncle never changed! Still getting himself into trouble!" Toya's laughter had the genuine amusement that made me laugh along with him.

I heard that they were cousins by Kiyoomi's father and Motoya's mother.

Kiyoomi only sighed, "Dad has the hobby of strolling the city alone during his free time. No wonder why."

It was lunchtime again, in our usual place. Motoya became suddenly curious about how did I get to be a household servant. It happened that they didn't know, because Kenzo-san asked me not to tell anyone. But it had been more than a year, so I spilled the truth. And Kiyoomi and Motoya were both aware of it already.

"Then what, Yerina?" Toya moved closer to me with a very attentive look. "How did you manage to stay this long to Kiyoomi?"

I hummed with a lace of insinuating laughter, "Just do it with the tender-loving-care, you'll win the Kiyoomi Sakusa's heart, lmao."

Yoomi's shoulders sagged as he rolled his eyes. "Bug off."

I gave him a cheeky smile, then answered Motoya's question with all seriousness. "Well," I started while moving my eyeballs up to look at the leaves of this tree. "It's because . . ."


". . . I'm awesome!"

My job in this unit was done!

After hearing the details of Kenzo-san about his son, I immediately formed a plan inside my mind on how would I not disappoint them.

It was said that the son was going to attend the Itachiyama Academy this year as well and would live in this condo unit. He was also a germaphobe. For the first two weeks of living separately, he had fired a dozen maids, because they didn't clean this unit efficiently. Like, wow.

Saturday and afternoon, the son had his volleyball practice with his cousin. Thus, while he wasn't around, I did my job at best possible I could.

And it took time. I would lie if I said it was an easy job. There was no easy job.

As the unit was cleaned, it felt lighter and brighter. Well, I somehow understood why he was obsessed with making this unit being thoroughly tidy. A place like home that could invite deep breaths and peace.

My cleaning duties were now done, there was nothing left for me here but to leave.

Collecting my things, there was a nagging feeling inside of me. It felt like there was something that I missed . . .

I was standing in the foyer area with a hand on my chin, thinking. It would be rude to leave just like this: coming here, then leaving with the YPAN Virus.

Oh, yeah. Disinfect it with a disinfectant spray.

It wouldn't be nice if the owner would be infected with the YPAN Virus.

I sprayed all over the place, and before I could exit, I heard the clanking sounds of a door being unlocked.

I shuddered. He was here already? I should've worked quickly . . !

But then again, I had to face him.

As I turned around, the door was freely opened. There, on the doorway, was a guy. (Nice address: 'guy'). I was sure that I was older than him, but he was sure taller than I was. He wore a white mask over his mouth and his hands were kept on his track jacket.

He had a hair that could be compared with the dark night, curly locks that had a resemblance to the weeping branches of a tree that grew thorns.

Even though he hadn't uttered a word, I already sensed the hostile energy he was giving me. His eyes were speaking for him, those unrelenting stares that could make someone passed out without even knowing.

But not me.

It wasn't just his irises that simulated the endless depth of ink, but the intelligence and pride behind them.

In the gap between my eyes and his, a battle was being fought, and I would trounce this mental war without a flinch.

"What the fu-" he finally spoke. Hesitatant, at least.

It annoyed me. A vein popped on the temples of my head as I smiled involuntarily. Nice welcome.

"Hi," I greeted, hiding the awkwardness with a smile, "in case you're wondering why I'm here, it is because I'll be in your service. I believe that your father has already told you."

Again, he went silent, looking at me as if he was looking through a microscope.

"And I'm about to leave, as you see," I said, holding the back of my other hand. "If ever you don't trust how I work, guess I let you have the picture." I inhaled as I stood up with a firm constitution. "I swept the whole area once, then vacuumed it, mopped it, and vacuumed it once again. I cleaned the bathroom also, making sure that there would no mold to be sighted-I did the same to the kitchen sink. As for your freshly-from-the-laundry clothes, I left them in your closet-oh, yes, I didn't touch your closet, with respect to your privacy. One more thing, while cleaning, I had the cleaning gloves and mouth mask on, for consideration. And before I'd leave, which you're currently witnessing, I disinfected it with this spray." I showed him his sakura and pomegranate scent spray.

Before he could reply, I already cut him off. "I have also cooked for your late afternoon snack and dinner, both are rich in protein, which is good after an intensive practice. Then I prepared a healthy and refreshing green smoothie, blended with a whole-grain, serotonin-rich oats, and banana-cherry-chamomile mixture for better sleep."

He was seemed satisfied with my statement, for the weight in his gaze became lighter.

"Huh." He nodded twice, studying me.

"Huh," I smirked.

"Who-a disgusting germ-are you?" he asked. Judging from the sound of his question, his lips didn't move much.

Did he just refer me as a 'disgusting germ'?? Whoah, he's grumpier than I thought.

Well, I'd be equally a grumpy to him.

Closing my eyes, I smiled very, very, very sweetly, "My name isn't well-known yet, but I'm Yerina 'Pure Awesomeness' Nakano, as known as the virus with a scientific name 'Kiss-My-Ass'."


"YPAN Virus, because no one is as awesome as I am," I finished the story behind that day with triumphant laughs.

"Hahahaha!!" Motoya really amused himself. "Yerina got you good, Kiyoomi!"

"Haha, you should've asked Yoomi how did he manage to endure to get along with me," I sneered.

Toya was all giggles and smiles as he asked his cousin, "Ne, Yoomi, what's your first impression to Yerina on that day?"

Kiyoomi had the habit of staring at someone first-that kind of stare that could kill-with his dark orbs. It meshed well with his messy, laid-back appearance, which really made him much more unapproachable.

"She . . ." he spoke in a stoic voice, "She's a street punk and scammer that would steal your belongings when not looking at her."

Once those words were freed, Toya and I found ourselves laughing so hard!

"Oddly, I'm not offended!" My breath formed into quick gasps between my unstoppable giggles. Yoomi-kun is so on point!

"Why would you say that, Kiyoomi?" Tears gathered in the corners of Toya's eyes, almost about to spill.

Kiyoomi heaved a deep sigh, "Her street-style fashion sense tells it so," and said curtly. "Then she had piercings, too. Not to mention the cut on her left eyebrow."

"I already have this cut since childhood, KiyoSaku~," I said between his explanation.

"Her eyes that are completely different in color."

"It's called Fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitis, Omi-Omi~!"

"And ever since that day," he declared with a huff. "She never stopped shooting poops out of her mouth."

I laughed!

"Ouch." My lips curved downward.

It was a cruel, sarcastic laugh.

Kiyoomi only snickered.

"Such disgusting words coming from your pretty mouth, Yoomi-kyun," I grumbled with a pouty look. "For a germaphobe like you."

"Heh," he only smirked, taking his alcohol spray out, and generously sprayed his hands. "You should consider drinking cleaning agents now, Nana," he stated while putting a mask over his mouth.

"Why would I?"

"To have your insides be cleansed from all the impurities."

I made a wry expression. "I could say that to you as well, Yoomi. Oh, cleaning agents might not be enough for you. You need holy water, I'll buy lots of it, don't worry."

"Tch," he clicked his tongue so audibly. "Hey, can I point this out technically? I'm your boss."

I crossed my arms under my chest and replied stubbornly, "Do you think you scare me? No."

His scowl got darker as if he hid a raven behind his orbs, when he was just a cutie little weasel.

I responded as though a dark shade came across to my face, making all of my expression grew cold.

"Hey, hey . . !" Motoya placated us both. "We're friends, okay? Friends!"

I was about to give my rebuttal when the bell started to ring, signaling that the afternoon class would start in a few minutes.

Friends, my ass.

As we fixed our stuff, we started to leave this botanical garden.

While walking to reach our respective classroom, I talked to Motoya. "It's your fault, Toya."

"What my fault?" he incredulously questioned.

"You asked me to tell you about how did I become a domestic helper to Kiyoomi Sakusa-san."


"Then my time in reading during lunch breaks is compromised," I nagged at him, "you have to pay me!"

Toya chuckled ruefully, "Milk tea will do, right?"

"Sure will!" He knew my favorite drinks. "Then how about you, Yoomi?"

"What about me?" he replied with a side-long gaze at me, hands always hidden in his pockets.

"Something you want for your dinner?"

"Whatever you serve, I'll gladly eat it," he responded. "But . . ."

It appalled me when he paused on talking. "But?"

"Make me that smoothie again."

I only grinned widely. He likes my green smoothie recipe.

I only shook my head. Kiyoomi is surely adorable in his own way.


ack ajsjsjsns idk if im making sense, but whtvr

*dramatically fainted and faded into sparkles*

i did smth btw. yerina's initial sketch and information about her so far. (did a little censor, spoiler lol)

*heterochromatic eyes,, bc i cant spell rightly hahaha

*and she 19 y/o huehue

🙈 handtheirend

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