Lovers at War ~ Cardi B x Nic...

By indiababe

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Cardi B X Nicki Minaj More



963 19 12
By indiababe


Five months has gone by..... Yes five months has passed and Nicki never even bothered to text me, check up on me to see if I was good. I know she's stubborn but five months of being on silent treatment was a trip to me. Nicki hasn't been active much on her Instagram nor Twitter. I don't know what was up with her but since she wanted to act as if she doesn't know a bitch, I'm gonna do the same. I mean hell she isn't even my girlfriend right? Forget her. Even though I wasn't that much in the media for my music, bitches were still checking for my next move. I've been working in the studio on my next album and a single with a special someone. I laid in my bed as the sunlight hit my face, I was too tired to get up but I knew I had to at this point. Anna Wintour set up an interview for 73 questions. All random questions about me and things of that. Honestly I was not in the mood but have to get my name trending some how. I got up and walked over to the bathroom and turned the flat iron on

"Just another day of being Cardi B" I spoke to myself

"There you are! I've been calling you down for breakfast are you deaf or something?" Hennessy jumped around like a kid

"Girl I just woke up, I'm tired as fuck, I have an interview then afterwards I have to hit this girl up about this damn song, plus I'm trying to find a new home. I'm just stressed out okay"

"I understand but you have me and you are more than welcome to stay here as long as you want" Hennessy hugged me

"I appreciate that" I picked up the flat iron and started doing my hair

"Ain't Tokyo supposed to be here?"

"Yep but Tokyo isn't. I mean I can flatiron my hair myself" I laughed

"Mhmmm, hurry up and eat your waffles before they get cold, I spent a lot of time making them for you" Hennessy walked out

I mentally rolled my eyes. I understand she's trying to be here for me but I have a gut feeling she's the reason Nicki hardly fucks with me anymore. I don't want to choose between them both but it is what it is for now

I headed downstairs with my robe on, ready to eat and just get ready for the day

"There she is" Hennessy stated making me give a weak smile

"Thought you were going to leave these blueberry waffles to go cold. They're like your favorite"

"Thank you. What you are you up to today?" I said picking up the syrup

"Girlfriend and I are going to go shopping, I need those Louis Vuitton boots"

"We live in LA, do you really need those boots in this hot ass weather?"

"They're cute so I'm buying them"

"Well whatever you're money, your problem" I laughed

"What time is your Vogue interview?"

"Like around 12 make sure this place is neat, they're going to be interviewing me here so I need it to look as clean as possible even though it already is"

"Don't worry you're going to be great. Stop being nervous"

"You know I'm thinking about starting something with interior design. I got the passion for homes and shit I might as well do that on the side while rapping"

"That was so random. Where the fuck you got that idea from?"

"I just want something to do in the mean time like yeah I'm working on an album but maybe I can do something else that I'm passionate in"

"Girl stick to music, you're like the hottest girl out here now, own it" Hennessy said walking off

I didn't care what she said or felt, I think going into business with interior designs has been one of my dreams, if I didn't make it as a rapper I would have  went to school for it. A few hours later I decided to get real quick in my Louis Vuitton pajamas and put my nose ring in. 

"They should be here any minute now" I grabbed a bottle of water out the fridge. The interviewer for Vogue came and it was time to answer 73 questions

"Hiiiiiiii" I waved opening the door for the interviewer

"Cardi B, my name is Joe Sabia, with Vogue" he reached his hand out for me to take which I accepted

"Come on in" I opened the door for him leading him over to the living room

"I know you've been here in California for a few years now since your career is taking off, but what is one thing you miss about the Bronx?"

"I miss my family especially my grandmother she's taught me so much in life"

"I know you speak about family a lot what is one thing you would teach your children?"

"You know if I have some kids I'll teach them how to be strong, independent and to follow their dreams"

Now speaking on clothes and designs, who is your favorite designer?"

"I love em' alllll" I said cheesing

"What's one question you hate when people ask?"

"I hate when people ask me questions about my butt, like people keep asking me on the whole enhancement process so annoying"

"Who are some people you wish to collaborate with in the future?

"I would really love  to make a song with Drake, Beyoncé, Megan Thee Stallion ya know.." I moved my hair to the side

"How about Nicki Minaj?..." I was caught off guard with that one because I've only had a few interviewers get bold with me and ask about that woman

"That's funny, next question please.. You want some coffee?" I started playing with my nails trying to change the subject 

Did he really just ask this? 

"Uhh Yeah sure, What really made you initiate the argument at that party you seen Nicki?

"Tell me something about your next album that's coming out"

"All I can say is that it's going to be spicy and very controversial you have to be ready" 

"If you could undo one thing in your life what would it be?"

"Giving certain energy to certain people that don't deserve my time or people that use me to their advantage. Haters" I smiled

"So what's-" My phone cut him off by a facetime call by Offset which was so unexpected and random, I mentally rolled my eyes

"Offset calling me and shit" I fake laughed

"What's something you love about Offset?"

"Ummmmm he takes care of me and financially supports me" I lied I slide the answer button on my phone and Offset looked a mess but I kept it cute since the interviewer was here. I never publicly came out and spoke on the ending of our relationship so in the public eye we are technically together even though we've been done for about a year now

"Hey baby" Offset said making me mentally roll my eyes so hard

"Hey boo where you at? I'm doing an interview with Vogue right now, I turned the phone to the camera and Joe.

"Just chilling at the crib"

"Is it okay if I can ask him a few questions about you?" Joe asked

Bitch aren't you supposed to be asking only me questions I thought to myself

"Yeah go ahead"

"Hey Offset tell me some good qualities about Cardi B" Joe asked

"She's loyal, I trust her, she's bout' her business and I just love her so much

"Ask one question to Cardi B"

"How much you love me girl?" 

"I love you bigger that my ass and my ass is big" I lied with a fake smile.

 I can't believed I lied like this 

"Yeah that ass is big without a doubt but baby I gotta go"

"Love you" I kissed the phone hanging up. The fuck he called me for

"What's some good qualities about Offset?" Oh here we go

"I mean the sex is good I can't lie on that part" I said making Joe laugh

"Well it was a pleasure interviewing you and I hope to get to speak to you again" He held his hand out 

After Joe left I was ready to meet with my manager on a collaboration that was coming soon with a artist I really adored and wanted on this track. I switched out of my outfit into a plain white t-shirt and sweatpants ready to hit the studio.

"How was the interview girl?" Hennessy asked emerging from her room

"It was okay I guess, he kept asking me questions about Nicki like didn't you little bloggers get enough information already. I'm so over that bullshit and her to be honest

"They trying to start shit like they always do"

"And you would not believe fucking Offset called me during the fucking interview"

" what did he say?"

"Not much the interviewer was asking him questions about me and shit, I guess he didn't say too much since I told him he was there"

"Girl you have to call him back"


"You're still not over Nicki yet?" 

"I'm not thinking about her" 

"Good that's how it should be. Maybe you'll come to your senses and call Offset back"

"Stop it, I'm done"

"What you bout' to do?"

"Heading to the studio I have a major collab that I have to do, this shit is going number #1 on billboard, producer already sent the beat so I just have to call and send the beat to her"

"Who is it?" 

"It's a surprise, now I'll be back like around 10 o'clock" I picked up my bag throwing it over my shoulder"

"Alright then"

"Shit I forgot my phone in my room" I ran back to the room for the phone, I went back into my room searching for my room and I heard the doorbell rang which I guess Hennessy answered it

"Oh not you again?"

"Oh yes bitch it's me, where the fuck is Cardi?" Nicki said very upset 

"Somewhere trying to hide from your crazy ass" Hennessy laughed

"I'm not playing games with you let me in" Nicki tried to push her way inside

"This is my home so you will respect me okay?" 

"I know she's in here"

"Cardi is over you!, she literally got done speaking to Offset and they're getting back together, it's too late baby girl. You blew it! Cardi is doing what's best for her, which is getting back to her man and starting a family, something you can't give her. You went months without speaking to her and you think you can walk your happy ass on right back in when you want? Please. The only reason she even decided to sleep with you was because she was trying to use you for another hit on the billboard charts to benefit her. Cardi was going to throw your ass to the side when she was finished with you, but apparently that didn't work so she's done with you." Hennessy smiled

"Oh really? Well you both can kiss my ass" Nicki left

"Hey who was at the door?" I walked up to Hennessy

"An unwanted guest" She said slamming the door shut


"It was Nicki" 

"So why the fuck you ain't tell me?! I need to talk to her " I grabbed Hennessy's arm to pull her closer to me

"I'm sorry but she said she is moving forward in life and focusing on her music and doesn't want a real relationship with you. She said she only had sex with you because she was horny at the time and you were her last option."

I laughed to myself, I don't know if Nicki would even say this, I feel like she would want to tell me that specifically especially when her and my sister have this weird energy going on.

"She said she was scared of your reaction and she didn't want to hurt you any further"

"Well I'll just take time to myself, plus being single now is good. I don't need her, she needs me" 

I didn't love her but I loved having her around even though I really can't stand her sometimes but I just feel like something really isn't right about her anymore

"I'm sorry sis, you can do so much better than her though, you're beautiful, talented, smart. Forget her."

"Yeah.." I looked away from her

"Look if you need anything I'm here for you" Hennessy pulled me in for a hug rub my back

"Well I'm out of here" I picked up my purse headed off to the studio

I arrived at the studio, sat down in my chair I had big plans for this song, I wrote some of the lyrics that I needed for the song. I had my producers changing this around for me with the beat and mixes. I had one of the hottest people in the game right now to join me on this track. Even though I'm not going to be releasing this song till this summer we had to get to work and also plan the music video. I took a little break and checked my Instagram real quick to see what's trending. Now you know me and how I like to lurk sometimes it's a bad habit but ya know let me check on ole girl's page to see what she's up to since she has better things to do than to speak to me right? I was still very hurt over Nicki not wanting to even speak to me or tell me why she felt like she can't deal with me anymore. Why listen to someone's problems and pretend you can be the peace to their problems just to create more unpleasant memories for a broken heart?

"Oh she's working working huh?" I said to myself scrolling through Nicki's Instagram she posted a couple pictures and the song that she had with Doja Cat. 


I sat down on my king sized bed in my master bedroom over looking Malibu with my Macbook , one of my favorite things to do to calm myself down. My Instagram mentions were blowing up, I made a return on my Instagram from a hiatus, which I feel like social media breaks are very necessary especially when your a celebrity seeing everyone's unwanted opinions each day. I ignored everyone including Cardi. Yeah I know it was probably fucked up and her feelings may have been hurt but I have to think about myself first. Today was the release of "Say So" with Doja Cat. I wanted to text Cardi to find out what was really up but nah forget her ass. Since Offset is who she really wants, he can have her ass. All that nigga does is cheat on her ass anyway. Maybe that's what she wants...

I facetimed with Doja and thanked her again for having me on the remix. I decided to go on Twitter and reply back to a few fans and promote the song a bit more.

BarbzQueendom: Nicki when is NM5 coming? 

I replied "soon" to the tweet. I still had a few tricks up my sleeves for this album

"Nick you not gonna believe who's here for you" Flex opened the door



"The fuck she doing here?" I stood up from the chair 

"I need to talk to you. Privately" Cardi glared at Flex

"Call me if you need anything Nicki" Flexed walked out the door

"What do you want?"

"I came here to tell you that I'm done playing games with you. I don't need you anymore. I have all the attention I need so you can kiss your little career goodbye. Hope you liked the taste of me because that's the last you'll ever get. I don't need you, you need me"

"What the fuck are you even talking about? I don't need your ass. You should be thanking me for giving your ass any little bit of attention and you should be happy I jumped on that song with you. You know what, Fuck you! Get out!" 

"Fine we'll see where you are in the next year or so" Cardi walked out the door

"Oh we'll see, Flex get in here" I shouted

"Make sure you never let peasant bitches like this in my house again" I sat down 

Hey readers I know it's been a year since I updated. I know some of you are mad at me and I'm sorry but  I'm kind of in a writers block hence the reason this chapter may be short. I enjoy this book so much and I know the potential of it but right now I'm still trying to figure things out. I appreciate every read, vote and comment I get. I will try my best to keep you guys updated. Love you all and stay safe

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