CGLRE Anime oneshots

By Immasin

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SFW ONLY #6 in Age regression 10-30-2020 This book contains Little space, CGLRE, and Ageregression. Don't lik... More

Patience (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Sweet Little Bumblee (Show By Rock Mashumairesh)
Learning To Trust (Bungou Stray Dogs)

Sick Kitten (Show By Rock)

986 7 0
By Immasin

This story is about these idiots, because I love them alot, and are huge comfort characters for me.

For those who don't know:
Red and black hair with fluffy hooded jacket: Crow
Long haired blonde, wearing purple: Aion
Black to yellow hair, with the longest animal (fox) ears: Yaiba
Dirty blonde without a shirt: Rom

Slight description of vomit and an older male using a pull-up.

(Author's note: yes I'm aware Crow is a hedgehog, but it's easier to write him as a cat, and tbh...the idea of a lion caregiver taking care of a little house cat is adorable to me)

After yet another show, Crow plopped down onto a couch in the ShinganCrimsonz studio. He was tired and cranky, and his tummy felt icky. Whimpering quietly, he pulled a pillow over to prop his head up, but accidentally wrapped his hand around something warm. He looked up to see a denim covered leg. Now feeling his tummy churn even more so, he hesitantly looked up at whoever it was he'd latched onto. "Tired?" The blonde asked with a small giggle. Rom pulled the black haired male closer, letting him lay his head in his lap. He carefully ran his fingers through Crow's hair after hearing a soft whimper from him. Rom said nothing about it, just allowing Crow to lay in his lap. They laid there for a few minutes or so, and the other two soon filed in, taking their respective seats at the other end of the couch, starting a movie. Rom seemed more involved in the movie, and it was making Crow even more crabby. "RoOoM!" He cried out, looking up at him with a pout. The taller male looked down surprisingly, gaining the other's attention as well. "Pay 'tention ta me..." He pouted, a slight babble accompanied his speech. The now nervous, sick, little sat up in Rom's lap, burying his face in his chest, not being able to reach his shoulder. "Crow? Wh-what are you-?" Before he could finish, the black haired male hunched over the side of the couch, still squeezing Rom's hand. The blonde had no time to really react, but carefully held Crow. Within a matter of seconds, he heard a sickenening cough from the smaller male. The baby felt something jump to his throat and all of the contents of his stomach emptied out into, very luckily placed, trashcan next to the couch. As soon as he finished, he nervously looked up at Rom. "Crow! Why didn't you say anything?!?!" With a few stray tears, running down his cheeks, he look up at Rom. "I no know." The black and yellow haired male leaned over. The smallest male shook his head as soft sobs soon filled the room. The lion quickly rushed to their other side, moving the trashcan out of the way. "Crow, how long was your tummy hurting?"Aion asked softly cooing. The whole band already knew he was a little, but hardly ever saw him in little space, just because he got super embarrassed. Now that he felt his wet pull up, his stomach dropped as he was now fighting between being big and little. He tried to answer the long haired male but all that came out were strangled whimpers and painful whines. Rom saw the desperate look in his eyes, and quickly pulled him up to his chest again. "Crow...." The fox cooed. The other two looked over at him as if begging him not to ask what they knew he was gonna ask. Sighing reluctantly, he very gently pressed a hand to Crow's back. "Do you want to be little bud?" Now Crow was fighting headspace even more. His whole face a bright red, ontop of being in a wet pull up and upset tummy, he started choking on his cries. Crying quietly, Crow was cuddling closer into Rom's chest. "I know you don't want to, but maybe a bath with your boats, and a bottle would make you feel better?" He offered. Crow started trembling as he reached out for the blonde lion "Scared..." He cried out as he was lifted up from the leopard's lap. Now close to tears, his stomach started rumbling again, his little headspace at war with his normal one, he started trembling as he felt lost and scared. Whispering gently, Aion pressed his forehead against Crow's. "Answer me honestly okay kitty?" The black haired male let out a strangled cry as he kicked his legs a bit, his pull up bothering him more just because of the nickname. "How big are you right now?" Aion held up a loose fist, holding it out the the baby boy in his other arm, having created a system with Crow now.

If Crow didn't want to say how old he was directly, he'd take his Papa's hand, and raise his fingers, to match the number of his mental age at the moment.

Nervously, he reached his hand out to the gently closed fist, feeling two sets of eyes on him. He looked up at the blonde now, his breathing faster. "I DUNNO!" Crow cried out, his tail flicking nervously. "You want papa to help you?" Aion asked softly, his voice gentle and comforting. Crow nodded with a few sniffles as he cuddled into the taller male who began their walk to a spare room they'd redecorated for Crow's Littlespace. Stuff like a playpen, a changing mat and plenty of toys, littered the room. They unfortunately hardly got used since the small boy was too scared and embarrassed around Rom and Yaiba to be little. But his papa calmed him down within seconds. He cried out weakly as he kicked his legs again, his tear filled eyes looking up to see the other two standing at the door. "Papa" he whimpered weakly into his shoulder. Gently, and carefully laying him down on the changing mat, Aion sat down on his knees in front of his baby and pressed his pointer and index finger to the smaller male's pull up. This made the poor kitten start sobbing, his muscles relaxing and becoming less tense, and he gave up on fighting the lion. "Baby doesn't feel good if he went to Rom for cuddles, huh?" Crow nodded his head as his papa turned his head to the leopard with a triumphant smirk. As he pulled his pants off, he kept up a conversation, knowing his baby was scared. "What hurts little prince?" Aion asked worriedly, folding his jeans, and setting them to the side. "M-my tummy" he cried out as he softly sobbed, keeping his head turned as his cheeks burned red as his wet Trichronica pull up was exposed.

"I grabbed whatever I found first...they don't have what I normally gotted at the store." he whimpered as Rom looked at it and then him disapprovingly. Aion looked over at Rom, growling as he dared to scold his kitty. " 'm sor'y " he sniffled as he was now trembling as the ashen blonde sighed. Sensing his anger, more tears started welling up in Crow's eyes as he hid his face in his hands. Aion, now an angry, overprotective papa, quickly shooed Rom and Yaiba out of the room. " di'n't mean to-o" Crow whined, his voice breaking. "I know kitty! Rom's a meanie isn't he?" The lion asked with a coo as he started tearing the sides of the pull up. Crow, not having a strong spot for holding down his tears, plus the fact he just felt all around horrible, he started bawling, rubbing at his eyes and cheeks with the backs of his hands. His loud sobs echoed through the makeshift nursery, making Aion's heart melt. Pulling the pullup out from under him and throwing it away, he started to whisper sweet praise to Crow, assuring him everything was okay and that nobody was mad at him. The lion softly hushed him, holding up a diaper with Abc blocks on the plastic and a Sanrio decorated pull up, Cinnamaroll to be exact. Without asking anything, he waited for Crow to pick one. But seeing as he could hardly see with all of his tears, Aion had to calm him first. Now setting them to the side, he scooted to the other end of the changing mat, playing with his baby's hair, and whispering sweet nothings, using his "papa voice" that Crow liked so much. After a minute or so of just trying to calm the black haired male down, he slipped a ShinganCrimsonz themed paci in his mouth. The designs matched Aion's hair and outfit colors. At first Crow fought it and turned his head away, being the cranky kitten he was. But, when the lion used his "papa voice" again, asking him if he didn't want it because it was made for Aion, he couldn't say no. He didn't want papa to be sad. He took the paci in his mouth and sniffled as he suckled on it. The blonde went back over to his spot at the other end of the mat now, and held the two items up again. Crow's face turned a shade of crimson as he still didn't know. "I no know" he cried out, muffled by his paci. "Want papa to pick?" The lion asked softly. Crow nodded slowly, now laying with his hands on his jacket, playing with the fluff of the hood nervously. Aion, once again being the protective papa he was, he unfolded the diaper, and slid it under the Little's bottom. The small cat blushed a bright red still as the diaper was pulled over his privates. "C-caful" he squeaked out, sitting up for a moment, his paci falling out. "I'll be gentle" he assured before gently easing Crow back down, taping the diaper up, the tapes sticking well to the plastic spot. Now carefully sitting his blushy baby up, he gently kissed his nose.  Crow whimpered a bit as he couldn't close his legs. Maybe he should of chose himself.

Somewhat switching out of papa mode, Aion spoke carefully. "Too much?" He asked in a gentle tone, genuine concern plastered on his face, hoping the little one wasn't made uncomfortable. Crow shook his head as he buried his face in his papa's shoulder, his tail swaying tiredly now. This made the blonde smile a bit, just hugging his little one now. He carefully pulled his jacket off and all his other clothes, before getting to his shirt. "Up" Aion asked softly. Crow whimpered and lifted his arms up. "What do you want to wear sugar?" Aion asked with a smile. "Nuffin' " he whispered out in a raspy voice, the sick feeling now coming back. Frowning once again, the lion pressed a kiss to Crow's forehead, making Crow whimper. "My poor little kitty~" he cooed as he pulled the warm baby up to his chest, keeping him safely in his lap.

Now holding his fist up again, Aion kissed Crow's forehead. "Can you tell papa how old you are now?" The little looked up at it nervously. He set his hand on the fingers of the lion, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't bring himself to raise more than one of his fingers. With one swift movement, he hid his face in his papa's shoulder, his ears folding back. "Rose..." He whimpered.

"Rose" was the 'safe word' they used for when Crow felt too little to know how old he was. This hardly ever happened, and when it did, it was normally because he was really, truly sad or heart broken, or when he hadn't slipped in long a while and felt absolutely miserable. And when he did slip this young, it broke everyone's heart to be there for it. "Oh sugar, is it that bad my love?" Crow looked up at Aion, a few tears trailing down his face as he pulled the single raised finger up to his face, gently suckling on it as he laid his head on his papa's shoulder. Aion wanted to pull his hand away and give him a paci, but he seemed so content. "Papa is gonna make you a baba okay kitty" Crow didn't answer, his eyes half lidded. Aion stood up an grabbed the play pen, rolling it behind them, using his tail to pull it, as they stepped out of the room. Normally, this would seem like a bad idea, but Crow hated being with only one of them when he was deep into headspace, even though he'd normally rather be alone with papa. "Here, let me help with that!" Yaiba was quickly behind Aion, who's hands were occupied by Crow, the small kitty not wanting to let go. The caregiver carefully carried him into the living room, Yaiba soon following with the pen. He set it up in the middle of the room, and Rom brought over a few blankets and some pillows. He sat a blanket down and a pillow, letting Aion sit the little down. Crow immediately started crying as he did so. He calmed a bit when a paci was placed in his mouth, but the tears kept streaming down his cheeks. Before he could bring himself to get anymore upset, he laid his head on the pillow, cuddling the other blanket he wasn't laying on. As he curled up into a little ball, his tail flicked up and down weakly as he cried into his blankie, wanting his papa to come back. Meanwhile, the lion was in the kitchen trying to quickly whip up a bottle. Crow sat up very hesitantly now, sitting on his knees at the edge of the playpen. He raised his arms up, not caring who would possibly pick him up. Rom hesitantly held his arms out, offering to hold him. Okay, maybe he did care. The small kitten immediately started  tearing up as he remembered how mad he'd made Rom earlier. Yaiba saw this and lifted Crow up instead, Rom oblivious to why Crow was currently upset. He held Crow close, gently rubbing his back as he cried. The paci fell out of his mouth and all hell seemed to break loose. He was nowhere near old enough to speak clearly, so all he could do was express emotion through tears. He wanted his papa back over here with him. The small kitten started bawling into his shoulder, his sobs heard in the kitchen. Rom quickly grabbed the paci, noticing it had fallen. As he offered it to Crow, the black haired male whimpered frantically, clinging to Yaiba as if in fear. "He's not mad at you little one..." The fox assured. "Rom isn't angry okay? Look, he's got paci!" Yaiba said enthusiastically. Crow looked up, scared of Rom. The ashen blonde suddenly felt his stomach drop as he realized why Crow was so upset. He held his arms out for him, the small kitten almost immediately jumping in his arms as he shook. "I've got you bud. I'm not mad at you, I promise."

As Aion walked in, he found Crow in Rom's arms, paci now in his mouth, and cuddled up on the couch with Yaiba, a blanket pulled over him. His head was on Rom's chest, the movie "Home" now playing on the TV. "Hey kitten~?" Aion cooed from across the room. The tiny male looked up at his papa, seeing what he had in his hand, and immediately reached for the ashen blonde. "Papa!!!" Crow squeaked out.

"Hello my little angel." Aion laughed a bit as he lifted him up. Crow now moved from his spot in Rom's lap, Yaiba scooted closer to him, awkwardly hugging his arm. Rom looked at the fox a bit confused for a moment, but soon pulled him closer, wrapping his arm around Yaiba. Still not saying a word, the darker blonde hid his face in Rom's shoulder. This caught him off guard a bit, but he still didn't say anything as he just moved Yaiba to where he now sat on his knee, making it easy for him to wrap both arms around him now.

Crow looked up at his papa as he was now wrapped in a little blankie burrito, practically already asleep as he finished off the bottle his papa was giving to him. Once he finished, Aion set the empty bottle to the side, and replaced it with the pacifier. Crow was out like a light in a matter of seconds.

Rom looked over somewhat confusedly at Aion, Yaiba now asleep in his arms as well. The lion chuckled quietly a bit, but then focused back on his sleeping baby.
"Goodnight little one" he cooed.


Thank you so much for reading this garbage story. Also, I'm contemplating doing a "part 2" where it's the same story but from Yaiba's perspective. Yaiba is secretly a little as well, but doesn't wanna tell any of the other band members, thinking they'll get mad at him because "one little is enough" or "they don't need someone else to take care of." I haven't written it yet, but I'm sure I will eventually.

Word count: 2865

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