
By TheRoseyQueen

324 17 13

The two factions: Fairos and Neftis agreed to have a ceasefire for their century-old war. A peace treaty that... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 3

37 3 5
By TheRoseyQueen

Chapter III

All wrapped in one he was so many sins

Would have done anything, everything for him

And if you ask me, I would do it again

Heaven, Julia Michaels

"You did not age one bit, Namjoon." The stranger was the first one to break the silence. He stared at Namjoon's visage, shock is written all over his face yet his tone hints of assertiveness.

"Hoseok, long time no see. " Namjoon said, as he too tried to keep his surprise held back. Hoseok smiled at him, his eyes gleamed with joy. Like Namjoon, he did not expect to meet him in this circumstance, but he was happy to see this familiar face from the past. 

  "So what brings you here, old friend?" he paused. "-Why are you lurking in a witch's territory?"

There was something mischievous about the tone of his voice that Namjoon was in some kind of disbelief. In the past, he remembered that he was a sweet, little ball of sunshine that lights up everything, even his world. Now, he gets the impression of shrewdness and slyness.

"I'm afraid I cannot disclose any information. " Even if he was taken aback on the latter's last inquiry, Namjoon kept a blank expression. Although, his mouth was itching to ask how he knew that they were in a witch's territory?

The other individual ignored his remark but instead, he focused on the hidden expression that the other tried to mask. "Oh, you must be wondering why I knew about this place being a part of the witches' territory." As if he had read what the other was thinking, he gave a wink, his forefinger pressed on his lips in an attempt to indicate the untold, before speaking once more. "It's a secret."

Namjoon scoffed at this. Is he playing with him? "I never knew that you were this secretive, Hoseok. "

"I learn from the best. What do you expect?" Hoseok's expression darkened for a moment before it changed to something playful. A smirk was now curled up into his lips. "Surely you haven't forgotten about the past right?"

A memory from the distant past started to flash on their minds. A ten-year-old boy was holding a man's hand as they ventured off into the woods. "Mister, I have seen you from my grandmother's collection of portraits. How come you still look the same?" The younger one asked, his eyes drawn to the other's face.

The older smiled and ruffled his hair. "It's a secret. Someday, I will tell you."

Before they can even drift off more to the past, Hoseok spoke. "I was very naïve. I've been mingling with beings that I did not understand. Such façade? Vampires are really cunning."

Namjoon winced at his response. Hoseok saying what he is inflicted a pain that he couldn't quite understand. Aside from that, he knew yet he did not look frightened, not one bit, instead of his taunting him. Before he can ask him how and why he knew his identity, Hoseok spoke once more.

"Isn't she lovely?" Hoseok changes the topic as his eyes darted at the portrait not giving the other time to retort. "It's a shame she died when she was young." He started to pace towards Namjoon, halting when he was just about a foot away.

"How did you know her?" Namjoon finally had the chance to ask him, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. This was questionable for him since they are in an unfamiliar place and the fact that the other individual is knowledgeable is suspicious. Hoseok shifted his gaze from the portrait to Namjoon and it glistened to something that the latter cannot fathom. The younger man once again ignored his inquiry but instead, he pulled something from the pocket of his coat, revealing a rectangular cloth-bound object−its burgundy color much faded, but the parchments are still sewn properly.

"You need this, right?" Hoseok raised the book into Namjoon's eye level. He recognized that it was one of the lost books. The one that he and Seokjin were trying to acquire for centuries. However, before he can react and reach for the book, it was engulfed in flames. Namjoon tried to extinguish the fire but it wasn't the typical blazing element that they deemed as normal since the book was already in ashes. Magic.

Namjoon closed his eyes. Now, he understood the bizarre actions of the other, he's a witch. Hoseok had concealed his magic from him which explains how he almost seemed like a normal human, almost. In a fraction of second, Hoseok was already pinned on the wall. Namjoon's eyes glowed a shade of red dangerously, his fangs were emerging as he snarled at the person in front of him. Both of his hands were caging the other individual, leaving no room for escape. "Do you understand the consequences of your action?"

Hoseok returned his stare with the same intensity, glaring at him what he can make out as anger and frustration, the playfulness had long vanished. "I am the only one who knows what knowledge the book held. If you want that information, you need to tell me what you know!" He snapped angrily at him.

An Information for an information

Hoseok knew he was on thin ice. How can he possibly fight this vampire? His skills are no match for the other's ability and worse, he made him infuriated. However, he contemplated his motive; why he was doing this. In order to discover the cryptic messages he kept on dreaming in the past, he was ready to face a vampire head-on.

Namjoon gritted his teeth. He had no choice. For them to learn more tidings, to beat the Neftis from approaching and obtaining the crown and heir, he needs information. Unfortunately, the book was now in dust and Hoseok is their only chance.

"Fine." He loosened his grip, his hands swaying to his side. "What do you want to know?"


Taehyung gets the impression of being watched closely by a predator, who silently waits for the right time to hunt him. His stare was still unflinching as the distance between them shortened. It feels like he was searching his every being for something he can't make sense of. Every part of him: his muscles, bones, veins, and mind, shouted for him to run as far away as possible, until his body collapse in exhaustion, until his legs could no longer stand and until his feet could no longer walk. He would even use his teeth to crawl just to be isolated from this man. Yet he was a foot away and determined to push the fear that gripped his insides at the back of his mind. This permitted him to sit beside him even with the drowning worry.

It was suffocating though. Even if he can no longer feel the eyes that bore at his very identity, the aura around them was heavy that it seems all the air from his lungs were being sucked out. He tried to focus on what their professor was saying but to no avail, the words seem too far away that it just faded before it can even be processed on his mind. The creeping fear that he tried to swallow was becoming more apparent. He was only pulled away from his daze when he heard Jimin protesting from the far side of the room.

"WHAT?! Our partner is our seatmate? Why can't we choose!"

"Calm down, Mr. Park." The professor looked at the individual tiredly. Yes, your partner for your incoming project is your seatmate. As you all know, we are in history class and you are now familiar with the history of our country and such. We need a fresher approach."

The students glanced questioningly at each other before returning their attention to their teacher. "You will research about our town's history. Every building or location that held significance to our past, you need to capture them- draw or use your camera - I don't care as long as you will write a short caption regarding your insights about them." Everyone groaned in annoyance but they were briefly hushed by their professor.

"Since most of you are in your senior year, I would like you to bond with people that you aren't acquainted with." A smile had appeared on his lips. It would appear like the grumbles and complaints of each student is music to his ear.

"This is 70% of your grades. I hope you would take it seriously." He glances at each one of them with a stern look. "Deadline would be two months from now. Any questions?"

Taehyung can see that Jimin was raising his hand impatiently but their professor paid no heed to him, which resorted him to whine loudly. His seatmate was laughing though as he enjoyed the sight before him. Jimin was resolute for him to change partners, which Taehyung hopefully wish that their teacher would be persuaded. But then again, the older looks unwavering despite the other's protests.

Taehyung swallows the lumped that was beginning to form in his throat. The nervousness was again resurfacing as he turns over his shoulder, peering a glance to the man who occupies the seat next to him. "U-um, H-hello." Taehyung shifted his body to face him, stuttering the barely audible words.

"I-I'm Kim Taehyung. I h-hope that we could t-talk about t-the project?" He waited for his response for what seemed like an eternity, but he just stood up from his seat and walked away.

Taehyung was stunned, he can feel the embarrassment and irritation boil in him. How dare he? It took everything: his pride and energy, to try and converse to him about their project and not some nonsensical things despite his constant worrying.

"Oy, Kim Taehyung." Jimin was now beside him, his forefinger was poking his cheek. Taehyung saw that everyone has deserted the room, only he and Jimin were left. "It's lunchtime." The other said, helping him packed his things inside his bag. "Come on now, the cafeteria will be packed, we won't have any decent seats left.

So they begin to walk, Jimin was talking about his debate with their professor. He tells him that the whole 'seatmate' grouping is a joke and that he can't see the 'benefits' that it would give. 

"He's making excuses! It's our last year and he's making it hard. I think he just wants us to suffer." Jimin continued to ramble on, Taehyung nodding once in a while to show his agreement even though his mind is absorbed in other things. They finally arrived at the cafeteria and it was jammed but thankfully they found a table when some students have finished eating. Jimin offered him to buy for their food just so Taehyung can look after their table.

When Jimin had gone, Taehyung had opened his bag to pull out his sketchbook and pencil case. He had not yet drawn anything when he first came here and now seems to be the right time. He gazes out the window to sketch the scenery before him: the gloomy skies and their tears that slightly drizzled to the terrain and the trees in heavy vegetation that swayed in what he could imagine a very cold breeze. It gave him comfort and it motivated him to focus on his sketch.

Seconds later, he harshly placed down his sketchbook and pencil. He could not concentrate. In the other table beside him, a group of girls – which he recognized as the girls that made Jimin pissed − were busy giggling and talking about this 'fine-looking' guys, at the table near the doors. Taehyung resisted the urge to turn his head to their direction however he failed when he heard one of them mention the name of Kim Seokjin. He was just curious that's all.

Almost instantly as he twisted his head into their direction, his eyes were met by those seemingly too familiar obsidian orbs. Has he been watching him? But he did not even respond to him a while ago. He averted his gaze then returned it seconds later. The other individual was not looking at him anymore. It must be a coincidence.

Taehyung didn't mean to eavesdrop but their conversation is loud, so he had no choice. He learned that the person who pissed Jimin off was named Jeon Jungkook. He was athletic, joining a lot of sports such as Taekwondo, Jujitsu, Basketball and so on. Taehyung was surprised that he managed to balance his time. He also learned that he was younger than both of his companions and was 2 years younger than him. He noticed how his face curled up into a smile even though he was not talking to any of his friends.

Taehyung also overheard that the individual situated beside Jungkook: with mauve-haired locks, slit-like feline eyes, and a build that was much shorter than him, maybe the same as Jimin, was named Min Yoongi. He always kept that stoic face wherever he goes that made some students scared of approaching him. "He is still hot though!" One of the girls chirped. "He plays basketball and piano!" Taehyung shook his head. Do these girls know everything about them?

"Lastly, the epitome of beauty and what seem to be sculpted by the gods themselves, Kim Seokjin." Taehyung would be cringing right now if not for the fact that it was true. Those doe onyx eyes, porcelain skin, nose, and pillow-like lips scream perfection. He learned that Kim Seokjin did not participate in any of the extra-curricular nor was he present for most of his classes, but he was a top student. He ranked second-place, just below their other friend – Kim Namjoon – who he assumed was not with them. Aside from that information, everything about them is mysterious.

By the time Jimin arrived, the girls were already vacating their seats, presumably because of their next class or because the guys were already gone.

"I'm sorry, it took ages. The line was very long." Jimin placed the tray down, an annoyed look visible on his face. Taehyung felt sorry for his friend, this day made him pissed more than the times in their previous school. He shook his head and beamed at his friend to assure that it is just fine. They talked for the remainder of the time about their past, slipping some food in their mouth once in a while. After finishing their lunch, they cleaned their table and went to their respective classes.

The time went by rather tediously. His classes consisted of orientation: lessons, exams, and projects that were due many months from now. For that reason, when the last bell rang, signaling the end of the day, Taehyung almost jumped off his seat. At last, it was finished. He can't wait to go home and lay on his bed.

"Taehyung-ah, I need to fix something in my schedule. Would you be alright going home by yourself?" Jimin said apologetically as they got out of the classroom.

"Ya. You're treating me like a child when we are at the same age." Taehyung pouted which earned him a heartily laugh and a ruffle on his hair from the other.

"Take care on your way home, alright?" Jimin hugged him as he bid goodbye before zooming out of his sight. Taehyung waved, but he is pretty sure that the other had not seen it. Supposing that he looked like a fool, he put down his hand then he began pacing the corridors.

The majority of students are out now as most of the classes ended. It was not that crowded unlike in the morning, the other younger students must have left the premises already. He was almost at the gate now, when he spotted the familiar figure of the one who made him emotionally exhausted for today, Kim Seokjin.

The best course of action was to ignore him and go on in his merry way. However, as much as tried to repress, he remembered that he promised his grandparents that he was going to study hard to achieve good academic standing, for him to apply for a prestigious art university. Taehyung would not allow him to ruin his chances just because he was a stuck-up ass who ignores everyone. So Taehyung ran, every now and then bumping to other students which he quickly reciprocates an apology. His eyes did not let the other slipped on his vision.

He fastened his pace. He had been running for quite some time now and his limbs are tiring. Does he plan to stop? Where is he going? Finally the other was slowing down when they arrived at the woody part of the terrain. A few more increased hasty steps and he was now standing in front of the individual. 

"Kim Seokjin." He huffed, trying to catch his breath from the long term running. "We need to talk."

Seokjin gazed at him with a blank expression, not even surprised with his sudden onslaught. Taehyung does not know if he was annoyed at him for being persistent. He mentally scolded himself. The other's feelings whatsoever do not par with his discomfort and embarrassment and he was trying his best to save their project that appears to be crumbling even if they had not started yet. The latter did not respond again, instead, he continued his halted strides, passing a flabbergast Taehyung. The audacity of this man.

"Ya. I'm talking to you." Before Seokjin can fully pass, Taehyung grabbed his arm to stop him from going any further. Instantly, he felt electricity coursing through his vein and what felt like something cold. He was surprised, does this guy doesn't have any body heat? Is he sick? Then as lost as he was in his thoughts, he felt his back collide in the rough surface of a tree, his arm that held the other was harshly pressed as well that at any minute would feel sore.

It's almost like the speed of light or as if it was in a blink of an eye. The reflex of this man is commendable. But, it was no time to gawk and be amazed by his actions. They were in an unpleasant arrangement that his arm and back began to ache and would surely leave a bruise. Taehyung tried to speak, demand him to let go and explain himself but it seems that he had forgotten to articulate words. His throat feels dry, his breath is caught up in his lungs, his chest pounding in high-speed. His whole body can't move, it felt stiffed and their position may be the reason for it. It didn't help that the former's gaze was transfixed at him, he can see how his eyes gleamed dangerously, his icy breath fanning his visage that made goosebumps surface in his skin. One more move then he can smell his scent and Taehyung was not ready for that.

Nonetheless, he did not expect that someone can be even more beautiful than they already are. Kim Seokjin is an attest to that. From afar he already looks magnificent but up close he looks ethereal, from out of this world. His creamy skin looks flawless, with no marks nor blemishes, that would even put the smoothest gem in shame. Jaw curved delicately and lips plump softly. He noticed that they were unusually red maybe highlighted by his snowy complexion. He also became aware of how their heights were maybe a centimeter apart but he felt much smaller than he intended to be.

"W-What a-are you d-doing?" He was surprised that he even managed to utter those words from all the tension building up inside of him. Yet the other was unheeding and unmoving. Instead of responding to him or letting him go, he felt that his hold had tightened. From studying his face much earnestly, he noticed that it look as if he was fighting something inside of him. Hesitation was subtle but it caught his eyes. But of course, all of these are just presumptions. Taehyung shifted his gaze when he heard a rustle from the bushes, a shadow was emerging. He was pretty sure that the other can hear it too but he remains oblivious.

"Hyung." Finally, Seokjin breaks his grasp and Taehyung had the urge to gasp in the air that was momentarily lost. He placed his hand on his chest to attempt to slow down his rapid heartbeats and to calm down his tense body. His legs are wobbly all of a sudden but Taehyung forces himself to hold his ground. His other hand was rested to the trunk of the tree for support.

He caught the stranger's gaze which appeared remorseful. "I found something." He began but he hesitated to continue. "I need to discuss something with you, in private." He averted his gaze to stare at the other individual. His eyes were sending a hidden message. And just like that, they both left him not even a word nor a glance was given. He really is an asshole. Taehyung let the pressure engulf him, he finally felt his legs give in as his knees fold to the ground.

He did not have to do that, instead, he could tell him anything along the lines of 'get lost' or 'never talk to me again' but no, he resorted to violating his personal space as if it was the most obvious thing! Taehyung hated him but he hates himself more. He hated how he did not even try to fight to get out of his grasp. He hated how he felt small and vulnerable in his eyes. He hated how their position was uncomfortable, and how his icy touch pierced his flesh that it made every hair on his skin stood up. Most importantly, he hated how he longed for his fingers that held him with vice, to trace and grazed themselves in his skin once more. The spark that jolted from it is undeniably addicting. And how the taunting voice deep in him, shouted for his name and yearn for his company.

Taehyung was in a state of confusion. His mind tells him to run and to stay away from him but his heart aches for his presence. 'What is this?' Taehyung thought. Is he seriously lovesick or shaken from the happenings today?

"Taehyung-ah! What are you doing here?" Taehyung whipped his head from the direction where the voice is coming from, there he saw the familiar brunet locks, hazelnut eyes that crinkled in worry, and his thin lips that always beamed at him but was now frowning.

"Hoseok-hyung, w-why are you h-here?" Eyes widened, hands gripping the other, as he helped him to stand.

"I checked something. Did something happen? You look pale." Hoseok quickly dismissed the subject about him then turning his full attention to the other. Taehyung shook his head, assuring that nothing happened.

The once harmony of orange and pink tones was now transformed in a deep set of hues of blue and black. Darkness was laid like a blanket above them, the stars seemingly are hidden as the night befall the small town. They walked in silence, Hoseok throwing some side glances to check if he was doing okay. Taehyung didn't feel the urge to converse and he was just glad that the older did not try to engage nor pry any further. They arrived at their apartment minutes later and Jimin was not happy.

"Where did the two of you go? I was worried something happened to both of you! You did not even attend class Hobi-Hyung and Taehyung, I thought you went straight home!"

"Now, Now Jimin-ah, calm down –

Hoseok did not finish what he was about to say as Jimin wrapped his arms to both of them in an attempt to hug them.

"Next time, tell me your whereabouts okay? I don't mean to be nosy but you know I'm very paranoid because I care a lot about you guys." Both Hoseok and Taehyung smiled at their friend's remark. They knew that Jimin is just protective of them as they were the only thing left for him, the one he considered as his family. Though he and Hoseok are relatives, it's been lonely for both of them since they both lost their family when they were young. Meeting Taehyung made them much happier and their world much colorful. They share the same sentiments as Taehyung also had lost his parents and was living in the comfort of his grandparents ever since until now.

Hoseok had cooked their dinner. Jimin and Taehyung beamed at their food for tonight then started to dig in like there was no tomorrow. They chatted happily about the old times such as their moments from their previous school and to their first day in the school. Hoseok listened intently at everything Jimin had said: his annoying encounter with his seatmates and his irritating fangirls. He also mentioned how Taehyung fell on his knees which made Hoseok looked at him worriedly again.

"Hyung, I'm fine. It's gone now. Don't worry." Taehyung convinced Hoseok, showing his boxy grin that always made his Hyung reassured.

"Are you sure. Maybe we can visit a doct-

"Ya. Hyung!" Taehyung punched Hoseok's arm lightly and they all broke into a fit of laughter.

Hoseok was vague about his bearings that it made Jimin and Taehyung dubious but did not push any further. Taehyung was grateful that he did not reveal to Jimin that he also found him on his knees. Though he shot him with a concerned looked, they both knew that Jimin would worry again and he might take Taehyung to a hospital even though it was not for the same reason. Taehyung did not reveal his encounter a while ago. He didn't feel like it was very significant and they might try to confront him about it that may lead to further complications.

After they all finished cleaning their dishes, they bid goodnight to each other went back to each of their respective rooms. Taehyung planned to take a long shower but when the cold water hit his skin – as his heater was not functioning− he remembered that icy touch once again that made him hurry to finish his bath.

He laid on his bed, the soft sheets hugging him that felt warm, erasing the cold contact that awfully lingered. He had decided that he would talk to his professor in the morning and ask him to exchange partners, thinking all of the possible reasons that may be sensible and appropriate. Though it would be difficult, it was the only means left for him as he knew that it would not work no matter what he does. Clearly, he doesn't want to interact with him. The event a while ago is a proof to that and primarily, for his heart to be put at ease.

It was a long day indeed and he can't help to think that it might be longer for tomorrow. He will need all the energy that his sleep would offer him as he was determined for his course of action. He stared at the window and he can see the small droplets of water falling from the abyss. Even though it had been dark all day, it just started to rain now. What an odd town. He closed his eyes and tried to be persuaded by his sheets to drift off to dreamland. He just hoped that when the rain ends tomorrow, it will also get rid of the small pang that started to manifest on his chest.

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