It Started With Letters - Dra...

By bluewrites11

658K 26.5K 33.8K

BEST: #1 in drarryfanfic - Draco Malfoy's biggest secret is the box of unsent letters under his bed, letters... More

Authors Note
One Red Envelope
Detentions and Interventions
Two Red Envelopes
Potions Partners
Three Red Envelopes
Black And White Woods
One More Wolf
Meet Fangs
Rather Wolfish Lessons
Oh Sweet Revenge
Midnight Visitors
Owl Plans
Caught And Kissed
Make Up Your Bloody Mind
What Do You Want Me To Do
Sink And Die
What He Does Best
Limbs And Broken Souls
Perfectly Harry
Have A Biscuit Potter
The Bleeding Boy
Blonde Nightmares
Like Eachother Alot
After Curfew
Mr Baxter
I'll Hold You
Silky Blonde Hair
Where's Harry
Hand of Death
In My Arms
Just Need You
Remus and Sirius
Pansy and Hermione
St Mungos
The Order Of The Pheonix
Then It Changed
Stayin Alive
The House and The Watcher
Magicless Magician
The Locked Door
Futile Routines
River, Stars and Bartenders
Mr Loverman
To Build A Home
The Night We Met
Visitors of Friends And Foes
I Saw You In A Dream
Merry Surprises
Impromptu Quidditch
Boxing Day
Back To School
I'd Have You Any Day Potter
Give Us A Spin
But She Breathes
Rebuilding Homes and Hearts
Our Last Days
Purple Ink
Broken Promises
Goodbye My Love
Coffee Blues Pt. 1
Coffee Blues and Drunken News Pt 2
The End
Little Update

Love Will Out

4.9K 213 162
By bluewrites11

Love will always find a way, those were a dying mans last words. Words that would stick with the raven haired boy for years to come.

Because it was love that helped save Sirius Blacks life that night, it was love that willed Minerva McGonagall to run, in nothing more that a bathrobe and slippers, into the forbbidden forest, wand drawn.

It was love that determined Remus Lupin to limp through miles of woods back to Hogwarts, with bruised ribs, and a broken leg.

It was love that gave Pansy Parkinson and Hermione Granger the strength to carry a sobbing boy back to Madam Pomfrey, even with throbbing headaches and blurry vision.

It was love that that led Draco to forgive his mother, it was the desperation to have her back that brought him to let the past fall behind him and trust again.

It was love that caused Mark Baxter to dissaperate back to Hogwarts, so soon after his transformation, desperate to be back in the arms of his wife.

Yet it was love that left hundreds of students and teachers with numb beating hearts, mourning the loss of their mentor and friend alike.

It was love that left the hospital wing filled with three teenagers and boiling mugs of tea.

"Here pass them around," Madam Pomfrey handed the tray to Pansy, who took a mug and passed it along to Hermione and Harry.

Harry held the warm ceramic mug between his fingers, staring darkly into the swirling liquid.

"Harry," Hermione began, urging him to drink, until she was cut off by the door opening.

Narcissa rushed in, Draco behind her looking paler than usual, his grey eyes closed off by invisible walls.

Pansy shot upright, "Cissa," she exclaimed with surprise, as the closest thing she ever had to a mother figure, turned towards her.

"Oh honey," Narcissa exclaimed, rushing forward and enclosing the girl in her arms.

"I missed you Ma," Pansy murmured squeezing back tighter and burying her head in Narcissa's shoulder and breathing in the familiar scent that reminded her of safety.

"Mr Malfoy," McGonagll greeted, noticing the boy and approaching him.

Draco turned to face her, glancing at Snape over her shoulder to give him a brief nod.

"You can take a seat if you'd like, Harry's just over the-," She pointed towards Harry but Draco cut her off with a shake of the head.

"Its fine," he muttered, taking a seat on an empty bed instead, although he did glance at the boy, noticing instantly the pain hidden behind his straight face, the way he looked a lot smaller than usual and the fact that he didn't even seem to notice Draco and his mother, or anyone else for that matter. He struggled to fight the feeling to run over and envelope him in his arms and tell him it was all going to be ok. He just couldn't.

"What happened, I heard briefly from Sienna but then she rushed off to St Mungos," Narcissa had to turned to McGonagall and was whispering rather loudly.

"Sirius got hurt, thats probably why she left," McGonagall answered, her throat tight with contained sobs.

"Where Dumbledore, why can't he-," She started to ask before she was cut off.

"He dead," Harry's voice sounded through the room, stoic and firm. He had retold the story to McGonagall and Snape already and didn't feel the need to tell it again, but fuck it right, because at that point he couldn't feel anything.

Then he was on his feet, walking towards Narcissa, who's mouth had dropped open, "Because your bloody husband KILLED HIM, YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN BE HERE, IN HIS SCHOOL, THIS IS YOUR FAULT,"

"Shut up Potter," Draco was standing now, moving in front of his mother who had tears streaming down her face, "He isn't my father and he isn't her husband, so shut up you cheating git,"

"Draco not now," Hermione urged as Harry stormed back to his bed and sat on it turning to face the wall and bringing his knees up to his chest.

Draco took a deep breath and sat down again, his lips pulled tight and his eyes squeezed shut.

He could hear his McGonagall whispering to his mother, 'it's not your fault, the boy is grieving, don't blame yourself, you can't"

He let it slowly sink in, he let himself process the thought the Dumbledore was dead, let the pain fill his body and leave the nooks and crannies he had squeezed it into, he let it all take over again.

The door opened again, "Cissa," A man breathed, his voice sounded shallow and Draco opened his eyes again.

Mark limped into the room, pain dripping from his eyes, his clothes were torn slightly and he had one arm crossed over his stomach.

Narcissa pulled away from McGonagall and hurried forward helping Mark into a seat, placing a soft kiss on his head before hurrying off to get him water, while Draco watched on with shocked eyes.

He was going to follow after his mother when a voice cut through the tense room, "How is he."

Mark looked up to face Harry and licked his lips, "Remus is fine, he has a broken leg and a broken rip but that's about it, he just needs rest."

Harry swallowed, "You know i'm not asking about Rem," his leg was twitching with anticipation and he had an almost ludicrous smile playing on his lips as he bit down on the inside of his cheek.

Mark let out a low breath, "I- i don't know, they said they've done all they can and that it's up to Pads if, if, well he's asleep but they said it's up to him if he, wakes up...," He couldn't bear to look the boy in the eyes as he told the bad news and his eyes trailed to the floor.

Harry's took a sharp intake of breath and turned back to face the wall, knocking Hermiones hand away as she tried to comfort him.

Narcissa couldn't seem to take it anymore, the glass of water slipping to the floor as she stood up, hurrying from the room, wiping her tears. Mark was quick to stand and limp after her. McGonagall also following, but not before turning to Snape, "I'll go to St Mungo's now," and then to Madam Pomfrey, "Take care of the boy," she spoke quietly.

Draco watched her go, still sitting on the bed. He watched as Madam Pomfrey came back and excused Pansy and Hermione, who were escorted by Snape, back to their common rooms. He watched as she then approached Harry with two potions in her hand and placed them on his bedside table, "I would like you to drink these both Mr Potter and then you may go."

Harry didn't answer but brought his knees up closer to his chest and laid his head on them, still looking away.

Madam Pomfrey sighed and turned to Draco, as though to kick him out, before thinking better of it and leaving the two boys alone.

Draco waited until the door closed before even daring to look at Harry.

"Why d'you do it," He asked, his voice coming out quieter than expected. Harry didn't answer.

"Fuck, the least you could do is answer me," He stood up, storming over to Harry and sitting so he was facing him.

Harry slowly turned so he wasn't facing the wall, "Why didn't you stop me,"

Draco ran a hand over his face. "Excuse me, so this is my fault now."

"I'm sorry alright, can we just talk about this later."

Draco stood up rather abruptly, "There is no we, i'm done, you can't just, urgh," He pulled at his hair and opened his mouth, before turning to leave the room, "If you wanted to hurt me, you did a bloody good job Potter."

And with that he left Harry alone, left him to sob in wallowing self pity, left him to curse out the stars and the sky and fate and love and that stupid Ravenclaw.

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