
By Adifosett

12.1K 517 179

Even though Maya and Trinity are identical sisters they're the complete opposite of each other. While Maya is... More

▪️Trinity Meets World
▪️Trinity Meets Girl
▪️Trinity Meets Homecoming
▪️ Trinity Meets Home for the Holiday
▪️Trinity Meets Shawn Hunter

▪️ Trinity Meets Mother

1.5K 91 49
By Adifosett

Tuesday afternoon, Trinity was in art class with Violet and Sofie.

"Why are we taking this class again?" Sofie complains. "None of us like art."

"Because it was either that or music, and we all know Dmitar is the only one of us with talent in that division," Violet replies, wetting her brushes. "Plus, it's a pretty calm class, no surprises."

Trinity startles when Farkle struts to the room dressed in a robe. She glances past Sofie to her girlfriend. "You were saying."

"He better as something under that," Sofie mutters. "Please let him have something under that."

"Agreed," Trinity nods.

Violet shrugs. "Kinda want to see what is packing. Not like it would have any effect on me."

"Not the point," Trinity tells her.

"Why draw fruit?" Farkle asks the class. "Let's draw a real work of art. That's right, check out 48 pounds of nasty,"

Farkle drops the robe. Instantly Trinity covers her eyes.

Violet taps her on the shoulder, whispering in her ear. "It's safe."

Slowly Trinity opens her eyes; she lets out a sigh of relief when she sees that Farkle is not naked but wearing a blue bathing suit.

"Well," Ms. Kossal chuckles. "Looky here. The male... physique."

"Why thank you, art lady," Farkle grins.

"Don't know why he's grinning so much, it wasn't a compliment," Sofie mutters.

"Why aren't we drawing Lucas?" Riley asks.

Ms.Kossal looks glances over at Lucas. "Because nobody looks like that," she walks over to Farkle and grabs him by the shoulders "Get used to this. Get used to this right now. When drawing a 'Farkle,' start with the eyes."

"I think the eyes should go straight to the gun show," Farkle flexes his nonexistent muscles.

Trinity stares at Lucas, before turning back to her easel. "He's not even that cute. I don't get the commotion."

"Who?" Violet asks her.

"Lucas. I don't get why the girls are crazy about him; he's adorable in a straight from the farm way, but that's it."

Violet shrugs. "Everybody as they're own. Some people like the pure sweet look."

"Must be why you decided to date me," she jokes.

Violet's eyebrow rises. "You asked me out, remember."

"Only because you were dragging your feet."

"I was not dragging my feet. I was waiting for the perfect moment to strike."

"Sure, you were. I mean that's why-"

"Why am I seating in between you two again!?" Sofie cuts them off.

"You said we're gonna bicker like an old married couple," Trinity replies.

Sofie meets her answer with as much sass as revived. "And look at this I guess I was right."

"All right, I know these are works in progress, but let's see where we are." Ms. Kossal announces.

Trinity looks at her canvas. It was an okay painting, her skill set really was more fit for the kitchen.

"You'll probably get a 'B' minus on that," Sofie teases her.

Trinity glares at her before looking at Sofie's own canvas. "You're not the next Leonora Carrington, either."

Sofie shrugs. "I'm not trying to be."

"Oh my gosh!" Ms. Kossal gasps, catching their attention along with the rest of the class. "Maya. Maya. My goodness," she shows off Maya's canvas to the class. "This is brilliant."

"Looks like somebody is," Violet whispers to them.

Trinity was somewhat shocked. "Maya's pretty good. Who would have thought?"

"Farkle's in a bird's nest," Riley critics.

"And looks like somebody might be jealousy," Sofie mutters.

"It's a work of surrealism, Riley. It's how this artist's mind views the subject," Ms.Kossal tells the class.

Farkle frowns at Maya. "I'm a bird to you?"

"No, you just..." Maya hesitates. "Need to be protected."

Trinity frowns.

A hand gently covers her own. She looks up to see that Violet at switch places with Sofie.

"You okay?"

"I am," she assures. Sometimes it can be hard to see your own twin-like others more than she loves you.

"Maya, there's a school exhibit comping up. I want one of your pieces," Ms.Kossal announces.

Trinity snorts. "That's not going to happen. Maya would never allow herself to be open to critics, even with the chance of being highly praised."

"No thanks, Ms.Kossal," Maya replies, proving Trinity right. "I don't draw for other people to look at, but thank you."

Ms.Kossal wasn't giving up just yet. "I'd appreciate you thinking about it, okay?"


At the sound of the bell, Trinity stands, stretching her arms. She really did love cooking more, there's a lot more movement when in the kitchen.

"So..." Sofie starts looking away from her. "I heard that my Dad as a meeting with your mom today."

Trinity freezes arms stretched out, before slowly turning to Sofie. "What?"

"Do you think...?" Violet asks.

Sofie shakes her head. "It's just a consultation meeting. But it's a start Trini."

A small smile graces Trinity's face. "Yeah, it is."

Eight that afternoon, Trinity was in the kitchen coming up with ideas for the opening house while her mom sits at the table, checkbook open, and a stack of envelopes beside her.

"Okay, try this," Trinity tells her mom, handing her a plate with a chocolate chip cookie.

Katy takes a bite, and instantly beams sat her daughter. "This is so good, Trinity," she takes another bite. "It's delicious."

"Thank you," she turns back to the kitchen, busying herself with prepping for her next dessert. "So, I heard you meet with Uncle Simon?"

Katy wearily sighs. "You know Simon thinks Sofie as his office bugged. She knows things she shouldn't."

"She's the best person to go to for information," Trinity agrees. "So?"

"I talked to Simon," Katy agrees. "I don't know Trinity. He might refute, and then it'll be this whole battle."

"Well, those bills right there wouldn't look so bad of he was paying."

"If who was paying?" Maya asks, coming into the room. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," Katy tells her daughter. "We're just discussing the bill."

Maya stares at them suspiciously. Trinity knew that as much as Maya liked to pretend she was stupid, she wasn't. It wouldn't take her long to figure out what they were talking about.

"You want Dad to pay child support," Maya says a moment later, "Why? He left. We don't need him, we're doing fine by ourselves."

Trinity drops the pan she was holding; it clatters on the counter. Her voice was laced with anger when she spoke. "Says the one that does shit in this house," she drops the pan, it clatters on the counter.

"Trinity!" Katy scolds.

"What? It's true! She does nothing. She doesn't cook, she doesn't clean, she lays around the house being worthless! All she does is run around licking Riley Matthews's pussy. She's use-"

"TRINITY!" Katy thunders, making Trinity snap her mouth shut.

"I hate you," Maya hisses at Trinity before storming out of the house. "I'm going to the Matthews."

"Surprise, surprise," Trinity replies only to receive a hard glare from her mother.


"Hrr," Trinity yawns the following day. She's already spent most of her history class listening to parents after parents discuss their career, and not one of them was interested in.

"Hi, Riley," Mrs.Matthews enters the room, waving at her daughter.

"Great," she thought. 'More attention for Matthews.'

"Oh great, Shakira is here," Riley greets sarcasm lacing her voice. She turns to Maya. "Where's your mom?"

"She won't be coming," Maya replies.

"But she told you she was coming."

"Yes, she did."

"I don't know when 'I'll try' became 'yes,'" Trinity says loud enough for the class to hear.

Maya glares at her, Trinity glares right back. Maya was the first one to look away.

"Okay, guys, our next guest is a lawyer, and I like her," Mr.Matthews says, a creepy smile on her face. "Hey, lawyer lady, how's about we go out sometime? I get off work every day at 3:15... Except Tuesdays. I got playground."


Mrs.Matthews chuckles before turning to the class. "So, I am an attorney. I got here through a lot of hard work in school. By the time I was your age, I had 350 'As."

There's a knock on the door, cutting her off.

Riley smiles at Maya. "Your mom-- there she is."

Walking over to the door, Mr.Matthews opens the door. It wasn't Katy. "Minkus."

Mr.Minkus looks pass Cory and over to his wife. "Topanga."

"Staurt," Topnaga greets.

"Topanga," he greets again, waling over to Farkle.

Farkle inclines his head at his Dad. "Father."

"Farkle," Stuart nods back.

"Wait a minute," Lucas says.

"Yes?" Farkle asks him.

"He's your father?"

"Look at us," Farkle says, as is father kneels so there head was together.

"Your name is Farkle Minkus?"

Farkle grins. "Don't wear it out."

Lucas chuckles. "I don't know you could."

Mr.Minkus stands, walking towards the front. "Sorry I'm late, everybody. I had helicopter problems, 'cause I have a helicopter. Do you have a helicopter, Cory?"

"Nope," Mr.Matthews replies. "Do you have a Topanga, Minkus?"

"Nope," Minkus frowns. "because she chose you. I run Minkus International, I have a helicopter, and she chose you."

Trinity could feel her stomach quiver. She's pretty sure Mr.Minkus is married.

"Stuart, please," Topanga pleads. "Aren't we a little too evolved to still be competing with each other?"

Mr.Minkus laughs. "Of course."

Smirking Topnage joins him. "Of course."

"Go," they say at the same time.

Trinity sighs. She could see where Riley got her attitude from.

"Between the two of us, Riley and I have 1260 'As. Ha!" Mrs.Matthews brags.

"That's remarkable, Topanga," Mr.Minkus replies a bit condescending. "Between the two of us, Farkle and I have 1261."

"Ha!" Farkle laughs, sounding like a horn.

"Ha!" Mr.Minkus mimics is son.

At that information, Topanga turns and glares down her husband.

Mr.Matthews lets out a little scream and backs up. "I-- I had to, Topanga. He's a lot smarter than me."

Trinity giggles a bit. "At least he knows."

"But what's more important to me than anything... is that I have this guy. Come up here, son," Mr.Minkus beckons his son up.

As Farkle heads to the front, Topanga speaks. "Come up here, daughter. Look how tall she is. She's been taller than me since the day she was born."

Mr.Minkus pushes his son up a little bit.

"Well, very nice. Good for you guys. So this is what Career Day is really all about," Mr.Matthews cuts in before another competition could start.

"Yeah, love it every year," Maya says sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, Maya. Maybe your mom just got a little busy," Mr.Matthews tries to comfort.

Trinity rolls her eyes. "Yeah, it's called working, you're doing it right now."

"Are you okay?" Riley asks Maya.

Maya nods. "I'm always okay," smiling Riley grabs Maya's hand and pulls her up to the front next to Farkle and Mr.Minkus. "Yeah, thanks."

"So these are the two ladies you tell me keep chasing you, huh?" Mr.Minkus asks his son causing Trinity to snort.

"Please," Farkle whispers to Maya and Riley.

"Yes, sir, it is us," Riley tells Mr.Minkus.

"I'm not doing it," Maya says only for Riley to elbow her. "Yes, sir, it is us. We hope that one day one of us will be lucky enough to become the future Mrs. Farkle Minkus and have a lot of baby minkii."

With that, Trinity lost it, breaking out into uproarious laughter. She was going to remember this moment for the rest of her life.


"The Korean War," Mr.Matthews starts.

"Genghis Khan," Farkle interrupts.

Mr.Matthews gives him a curious look. "What?"

Farkle shrugs. "I just wanted to see what would happen."

"And I just want this class over with," Trinity thought. She's laying her head on the desk, bored out of her mind.

Suddenly she jerks up when the classroom door opens, and her Mom walks through the door. "Hello, Cory Matthews. I am so sorry for interrupting."

"Oh no," Maya and Trinity moan at the same time.

"Nothing to forgive, Katy," Mr.Matthew assures the older blonde. "Class, this is Maya and Trinity's mother, Katy Hart."

"Mom, what are you doing?" Maya asks. "It was yesterday."

For the first time in a while, Trinity was in total agreement with Maya. "Yeah, shouldn't you be at work?"

"Yesterday, I was unable to attend your little job fair," Katy tells the class.

Trinity groans. She has her acting voice on.

"Career day." Maya corrects

"Yesterday I was trapped... in my vehicle... in the rushing floodwaters of the mighty Colorado river! To make matters worse, I just found out I was about to have a baby any second. So I crawled myself through the sunroof, and I said, 'Let's do this thing.' Then I commenced to deliver my own baby until finally, I heard that wonderful, magical sound," Katy makes a popping sound before mimicking a baby's cry. "Mama? Are you my mama?"

"Maya?" Riley asks her friend.

"Soap opera. She was auditioning for a soap opera," Maya explains to us. Riley nods in understanding.

"Can you believe I didn't get it?" Katy huffs.

"Yes!" the whole class replies.

Trinity's stomach drops as her mother's face flushes pink before Katy gives an awkward laugh. "Yes. I am an actress. Are there any questions I can answer for anyone?"

Farkle raises his hand. "Ah, yes, the Farkle," Katy calls on him.

"Why are you wearing a waitress outfit?" Farkle asks.

"Anyone else?" Katy asks.

Lucas raises his hand up.

"Yes, the pretty, young man right there."

"Yeah, thanks. Um, why are you wearing a waitress outfit?" Lucas asks her.

"My dad says actors are a bunch of people who never grew up," Sarah speaks out.

Katy chuckles, "What does your dad do?"

"He's a director," Sarah tells her.

"Is he?" Katy asks despondently. "Well, I'm sure your father never gave me a job either, which is the real reason I wear this outfit every day. Well, I'll just be going now."

Instantly Trinity was up chasing after her mom. "Mom! Mom! Mom!"

Katy stops, turning around to face her, smiling sheepishly. "Hi, Trini. Surprised?"

Trinity sighs before hugging her. "Very surprised. What are you doing here? You said you had to work."

Katy hugs her back, happily receiving the comfort. "I did, but I got a call from-"

"Found you," Riley says, coming up to them.

Trinity frowns. "I should have known, you had something to do with this Matthews."

"No, it's not Riley's fault," Katy says, running a hand through Trinity's hair. "I knew better. I shouldn't have come."

"You did fine, you showed up," Riley assures her.

"I showed up a day late," Katy argues. "I couldn't even get that order right."

"I know that Maya appreciated the effort."

That moment Maya joins them.

"She sure looks appreciative," Trinity snarks, separating from her mom.

"Hey, Maya,' Katy smiles nervously.

"Could I ask you a favor?" Maya asks.

Katy nods. "Of course, anything."

"I think it works best for us when you go on your imaginary auditions and chase our imaginary father," Trinity sends Maya an ice glare for that comment. "I appreciate your coming, I do. And I'm not humiliated. I'm not. I'm- I'm okay. You okay?"

Katy nods.

"Good," Maya says before walking away.

"Yeah, this is just how we are," Katy frowns. "For me to think any other way is just acting, and I'm not that good."

"I was raised by Topanga and Cory Matthews," Riley tells her. "They're maniacs. They'd walk through an avalanche for friendship, for the sake of family. I got that from them. I got a talent. How about that?"

Katy shakes her head. "You can't fix this, Riley."

"Yes, I can. There is an art show here tomorrow night. You need to be there."


Trinity instantly knew her mom was lying.

"I expect you there," Riley pressures.

"I understand," Katy places a kiss on Trinity's temple. "I'll see you at home."

She smiles at the toe girls before walking away.

"Don't disappoint us," Riley calls after her. When she turns to return to class, she was meeting a stone-faced Trinity.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Trinity asks her scathingly. "Can't you mind your business for once."

"I just want Maya to be happy," Riley tells her. "She should have come yesterday."

"Unlike Maya and you, I understand that the world actually doesn't revolve around me. She couldn't come since she was working!" Trinity barks. "You know earning money so our family can survive."

"She could have taken a day off," Riley challenges.

Trinity smiles bitterly. "You're right, she could have. In fact, she did take a day off this month. The day before the dance, she took the day off to take us to the salon. Maya was to busy having a pity party for herself that she missed it. We don't have money like that, Riley, that set us back a lot. And mom taking the day off to make you happy is going to set us back even further."

"I-- I--"

"You didn't know? Of course, you didn't. The world isn't unicorn and sparkles like you seem to think it is. Mom doesn't have time for the art exhibition. She will not be coming."

"I know you guys have it hard, but I still think she should come. She won't be taken the full day off this time, just the night."

Trinity shakes her head. "You don't get it, Riley."

"Why don't you like me?" Riley blurts out.

Scoffing Trinity looks Riley up and down. "Because I don't like meddlesome brats who think the world runs around them."

With that, she turns on her heel and re-enters the classroom, leaving Riley outside.


The next night Trinity stood behind her stand on cloud nine. Everybody that came by to get a snack as only had kind words to say about her bakery.

"Oh look, it's almost gone! I knew we should have came earlier."

Looking up, Trinity beams at the beautiful blonde, Violet's mom, Zenevieva Kuznetsov. "Hi, guys, what are you doing here?"

"We heard you were backing, and we just had to come," Violet's father, Antinko Kuznetsov, tells her. He looks around the room. "Where is my daughter?"

"She and the other's both took a tray and went around the room to promote," Trinity tells them. She looks down when she felt a tug on her jeans. "Hello, Parasha. Would you like a cookie dough stuffed oreo?"

The four-year-old nods. "Yes, please."

Smiling makes a plate for her, filling it with chocolate chips cookies and Oreos. "Here you go, sweetie."

"How as it been?" Zenevieva asks her.

"It's pretty good," Trinity tells her, smiling at another patron who came up. "A lot of people coming up to me, complimenting me, surprised that I was so young."

"Well, they shouldn't be," Zeneviva says, taking a cookie for herself. "You have such a talent in the kitchen. I'm jealous."

"Trinity!" Trinity looks to her right to see Mrs. Sweetie coming rushing over. "Trinity, I'm so happy you decided to do this. Everybody's talking about your baking," she glances at the Kuznetsov. "Oh, is this your parents?"

Trinity shakes her head. "No"

"Soon," Zenevieva teases her, before turning to Mrs.Sweetie. "We're family friends."

"Oh, I was hoping if your parents would be here. I have an offer. A friend of mine is opening a teen-based bakery, and he wants teens to fill the spot. Of course, there will be adult supervision, but he wanted to know if I had any aspiring bakers in my class, and I could only think of you. I wish your parents came."

Trinity blinks, taking everything in. She's never seen Mrs.Sweetie so excited before. It was like she was on a sugar rush. It took her a while to decipher the words coming from her mouth, and while she wanted to accept, she couldn't "I don't know Mrs. Sweetie, I wouldn't have time. Between school and babysitting, I ju-"

"She'll do it," Violet says, coming up them with Dmitar and Sofie.

Mrs. Sweeties frowns. "Oh, that's nice of you to say, but I really must talk to her parents, she's a minor."

"We'll inform her mother," Antinko steps in. "I'm sure she'll call you when she and Trinity," here he glares slightly at his daughter. " have come up with a decision they'll call you."

"Thank you. That would be much appreciated," she takes a plate of cookies for herself. "I'll see you in class Monday, Trinity."

Trinity blinks after her, she couldn't believe she received a job offer, that she could be doing her dream job before she was sixteen.

Eleven that night, Trinity was cleaning up with the help of the others when Riley walks up to Trinity with half a tuna melt. "Here."

In response, Trinity's eyebrow shot up. "What is this?"

"It's half a tuna melt from your mom's diner," Riley tells her. "I thought you could have the other half."

Trinity shakes her head. "Not interested. I'm not Maya."

Riley's hand lowers. "Oh."

"Why'd you go to my mom's diner?"


"You wanted to chastise her, didn't you," Trinity glares.

"No!" Riley loudly objects. "I just wanted to know why she didn't come."

"So you did go to chastise her! What right do you have to chastise my mother!? You're a 14-year-old spoiled brat!"

"I was looking out for Maya! Something you should be doing! You're a horrible sister!"

Trinity could feel her heart start to beat rapidly. "H-Horrible sis-sister? Me? Something I-I should be doing! I-I take care of Maya... I co-co-co-cook for her, she wouldn't have three meals a day without me," her hand is shaking. "I wake her up in the morning. I-I-I-"

Warm arms wrap her around her waist, centering her.

"What do you want, Matthews?" Violet asks roughly as Trinity hid her face in her chest.

"Is she okay?" Riley asks, instead.

"She's fine," Violet tells her. "She would be better if you would scram, though."

"Umm... okay. I'm sorry," Riley apologies before walking away.

"She's gone," Violet whispers to her. "Let it out."

Trinity blinks away the tears, burying her face further into Violet's chest. And it had been such a great day too.


A/N: Here's the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. Constructive criticism is welcome.

Stay Safe. Stay Healthy. Do What's Right.


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