▪️Trinity Meets Girl

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The school bell rings and students throughout the school rush to pack their things and get out of class.

"Class, please finish reading chapter 7," Mrs. Kalami yells over the fuss her students were making. "Finish the worksheet assigned with the chapter, and I have it ready for tomorrow morning."

Dmitar lets out a yawn as he walked out of the classroom.

"Tired," Trinity asks her.

"A little," he replies, opening his locker. "I was up late finishing some homework."

"You're always up late finishing some homework," Sofie tells him. "You would think you would have learned by now."

He scowls at her. "I'm too tired to deal with you today."

She frowns at him. "What do you mean by deal with me?"

While the two of them had their little lovers spar, Trinity turns her head to a quiet Violet. "What are you doing?"

Violet looks up from her phone. "Checking our schedule for this weekend. The Fagan wanna know if you can come early."

"What time?" Trinity opens her locker and takes out her History book.

"They want you to come at 5 instead of 6," she replies. "You good with that?"

"I would be leaving at the same time, right?" Violet nods. "I'm good with that."

"I'll email them back and let them know." The warning bell rings, Trinity sighs. Violet pats her on the back. "You got this Trin."

Trinity smiles at her. "Thanks. I'll see you guys in an hour."

Separating from her friends, she heads to the history class and takes a seat at her regular spot. Two minutes later, everybody was seated, and Mr.Matthew started the class.

"You guys don't connect with each other. It's like you can't exist without these. You use emoticons rather than emotions. You're an unfeeling generation of zombies." Mr.Matthews lectures, causing Riley and Maya to mimic zombies. "Stop eating her." at that moment, Myzell walks through the door. "You're late, Miss Myzell."

Myzell gives him a flat look. "My goldfish died."

"You see?" Mr. Matthews as the class. "This is what I'm talking about. Miss Myzell has clearly suffered a tragic loss. Yet, she does not seem in touch with her actual emotions!"

"Excuse me?" Myzell asks despondently. "I am crying my eyes out. I'm gonna have to leave class early." she turns on her heel and exits the classroom, the door closing behind her.

Mr.Matthews blinks. "Oh, she actually made it out the door this time."

The door opens, and Myself reappears, a smile on her face. "I actually made it out the door this time!"

"Dad, adjust, and deal. Cell phones have been around for, like, ever," Riley tells her father.

"It'll amaze you to know that there was a whole world before you and cell phones," Mr.Matthews replies.

"And it'll amaze you to know that I have 394 friends in here," she taps her phone.

Trinity rolls her eyes. "394 'friends' that don't know anything about you."

"And I'm amazed that you believe that," Mr.Matthews tells her thinking along the same line as Trinity. He walks back to the chalk board and draws a line. "This is a timeline of all human existence. Starting here," he points at the start of the timeline. "is everyone who ever lived, laughed, loved, and understood the value of life. The cellphone era, which begins right around here," he draws a line almost at the end of the timeline. "pretty much destroys all of that. Way to go, you."

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