A SUMMER'S DREAM ❀ Jaeden Mar...

By UltimateNosebleed

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❀⚜𝐀 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦⚜❀ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐱 𝐎𝐂 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Durin... More

𝐌𝐞𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐨
Accidental Meetings
Dreams Are Real (Pt. 1)
Dreams Are Real (Pt. 2)
A Year Later
The New Student
Getting Over You (Pt.1)
Getting Over You (Pt. 2)

Together Again

2 0 0
By UltimateNosebleed


November 4, 2017

10:00 pm

Mei got off of her bed with more pep in her step. She had woken up at 8 for her daily check up with the teachers and had since went back to her bed to just lounge around

During the trip, she was staying at a hotel with 3 other roommates. They were Camilia, Lexi, and another girl named Susan. Susan was quiet and never really talked to Camilia, Lexi, or Mei. She just said, "I'm going to sleep," or "I'm going to shower," She had to share a bed with Mei so out of the 3 girls, she talked to Mei the most

Mei went to her luggage and got out her small backpack with her essential things and writing things, and clothes

Today was another free day since it's the last weekend there. Today, she was meeting up with Jaeden. They were going to catch up on everything that happened over the year they were apart. The day before, he texted her 


Jaeden Lieberher

I'm gonna sleep now



i'll text you when I can

I'll be awaiting your message
kind sir                                            

good night fair maiden

Good night, sweet prince

Yesterday 8:03 pm

do you have a free day tomorrow?


wanna meet up at 11? 

at the cafe across the street from 
your hotel


I'll see you tomorrow :)

see ya there :)


Mei went to the bathroom, got ready for the day, and got prettied up. She didn't bother putting on makeup because she saw it as a hassle. She believed that you don't need makeup to be pretty but still supports you if do put some on. Whatever makes you feel good about yourself

Mei walked out of the bathroom, all dressed. She went out of the bedroom and into the main room, catching the attention of Camilia and Lexi

Lexi looked at Mei. "Someone looks all prettied up," She smirked. "Is there an occasion or is this just you today?" She asked

"You look, uh- a- a- amazing!" Camilia exclaimed. She was on the couch with Lexi. They were gonna spend the free day together in the hotel room and maybe invite the other girls. The guys + Luke are gonna have a guy + Luke day or whatever it's called. They're just gonna hang out in the arcade the hotel has. The girls would probably join them later 

"Thank you! I'm going to hang out with Jaeden today!" Mei announced. She could not contain a smile on her face. She was happy mostly to catch up with him and not because he was famous. She saw him as a friend 

"Have fun!" Lexi gave her a thumbs up. "Remember to be back by curfew!"

"Bye guys!" Mei waved. She left the hotel room and did a silent happy squeal. Joy shocked her entire body and she walked off with a huge smile on her face. She saw the teacher in the lobby and was stopped by her. All students leaving the hotel needed a pass from her

"Good morning Ms. Hashimoto where are you off to today?" Mrs. Masterson asked. Mrs. Masterson was a kind, lanky, black women. She was in the top 10 teachers at the school

"I'm going to see a friend today. We're going to the cafe right across the street and maybe walk around the park," Mei responded. She bounced on her toes from being so excited. "Can I have a pass, please?" She asked. The pass is just something to show to the police or any adult to show who she is and where she's supposed to be by the curfew that day

"Yes, you may," Mrs. Masterson said. She wrote some things down on a piece of paper and handed it to Mei. "Come back before 9. If you don't, the security guard that patrols the hallway will let me know. Be safe and have fun!" She gave her a smile

Mei took the pass. "Thank you, Mrs. Masterson!" She thanked with a smile. She walked out of the hotel and went across the street to the cafe Jaeden asked to meet her at. She looked around the cafe and she didn't see Jaeden. She figured that he wouldn't be there since it wasn't 11 yet. She got a seat and decided to write for a book she's working on


2:30 pm

Mei sighed. She had finished writing a few pages of the book, a vanilla latte, and a scone. She's a patient person, but this had gotten ridiculous. She could've been having a nice movie day with her girls or an epic gamer day with the guys + Luke. She packed up her things and stood up from her seat. She headed to the door and bumped into someone. "Sorry," She said. She didn't bother to look up at the person. She just continued walking out the door

"Mei?" Jaeden asked. He watched as she stormed out the door and onto the sidewalk. "Mei!" He exclaimed as he chased after her. He mentally cursed at himself for making her wait for so long. It was shitty for him to do, but it wasn't his fault. He had been talking to his agent and he was going to text her that he's going to be very late and ask her to come back later. But he couldn't since he was talking to his agent. He got to leave at 12 but ran into fans that kept him for so long

Mei turned and saw Jaeden. She rolled her eyes. She kept on walking. On the rare chance Mei gets mad, she gets petty. She didn't like it, but she's working on it. "Now you decide to show up," She said. "Could've said something," 

"I'm sorry! I know I should've said something," Jaeden started

"Yeah!" Mei cut him off. She turned around and walked up to him. "You should've!" She crossed her arms and looked at him with a visible upset look plastered on her face

"I was going to!" Jaeden defended himself. "I had to talk to my agent and fans stopped me on the way here!" He tried to explain. "I would never just forget. I tried to make this day about us. I really did," He placed Mei's hand between his hands

Mei's cheeks flushed with the contact. "I'm sorry. . . I just assumed. . . That you. . . I'm sorry," She whispered. She realized she was being petty and that he probably has a busy schedule every day

"It's alright. Let's go to the park," Jaeden said. He held Mei's hand and led her to the nearby park. The sidewalks weren't very busy at that time, so he didn't worry about being noticed 

They sit down on the swings and start talking about their lives

"Well, I started being in the plays at school. I used to just be in tech. The look on my parent's faces when I told them I landed a part in the ensemble of this play was priceless! They got me a little cake because they were so proud. Not because it showed I was talented, it's because I actually auditioned," Mei said with a small laugh. "Before I left, I auditioned for the role of Ariel for the school production of The Little Mermaid. I only did it because a senior overheard me saying I'll try out for the role of the ensemble. She told me I'd never been good enough for a lead role. So I told her, 'Shut the fuck up. Your bitchiness will never get you anywhere you piece of senior shit.' And now I'm gonna be Ariel," 

Jaeden listened to her story. He laughed. "I figured your parents would be really proud. I mean they're both actors they probably want you to be an actor more than anything. But, you didn't fight the girl, right? That isn't like you. I think," He asked. He only knew her for a few days and he didn't even know if Mei was some sort of psychopath

"No, I'm above that. But I did get someone to spray her seats with liquid shit spray," Mei laughed. She remembered that day vividly. She paid for the liquid shit spray and got Sophie, who had the same homeroom as her, spray it on her seat. The senior walked around the entire day smelling so bad

"People who put others down for their own gain are just, horrible," Jaeden said. "You'll do great as Ariel. Maybe, if I'm in town, I can go see you on opening night," He looked at her and smiled. "Who's your Prince Eric gonna be?" He started lightly swinging on the swing

"It's some sophomore I don't really know," Mei said. She started swinging too. "So, how has your life been? I've been watching all of your movies. You're really talented," She looked at Jaeden 

"Well, IT came out and I'm already trying to find the next project," Jaeden said. "The scene you're in made it to the final cut. You did some pretty good walking in that scene," He laughed 

"Why thank you, good sir," Mei let out a small chuckle. "I think my parents were talking about getting me an agent. I feel like I don't need one because I don't know if I want to branch out from the theater club. I'll just see how things go," 

When they stopped swinging, a little girl with pigtails went up to Jaeden. "Excuse sir? Could I pwease go on the swing?" She asked Jaeden. She held a brown hair in her arms and looked up at Jaeden. She was absolutely adorable and had no front teeth

"Yeah, go ahead," Jaeden got off of the swing. "Let's go, Mei," He grabbed Mei's hand and led her to the sidewalk. Once there, he let go of her hand and they started walking around the park. "I completely forgot. I have something for you," He opened his backpack and took out a small pink box. He opened it to reveal 2 strawberry sprinkle donuts 

Mei picked on donut up and Jaeden picked up the other. They did a little donut cheers and both took a bite. "That's really good," Mei said. "That reminds me, there is a really good fudge spot not too far away from here. We should go there. The cookies and cream fudge is literally to die for!" She took another bite of the donut. She loved sweet stuff

"Uh, yeah, sure," Jaeden said. He took another bite of the donut. "What time do you need to be back by?" 

"I gotta be back by seven," Mei sighed. She wanted to spend more time with Jaeden 

"I'll have you back by six-thirty," Jaeden said. He linked arms with Mei and they started walking to the fudge shop


5:00 pm

Mei and Jaeden went to get burgers to finish out their outing together. They sat down on a bench overlooking the lake in a park. They ate their burgers as they looked out at the ducks on the lake

"No, you do not know how lucky you are to have online school!" Mei laughed. "Some people can be real jerks when it comes to anything! Older kids act like younger entitled brats. People are homophobic and hateful. And PE stinks. Literally," Mei took a sip of her drink

"Yeah, but I barely socialize! The only reason I go to parties is because my publicist tells me to," Jaeden retorted. The thought of going to a physical school only seems like a distant memory to him

"Parties suck. I don't go to them. I always get invited to them because they think if I go, everyone else will go. Because I'm popular because of my parents. They're just fake people with plastic noses and caked in makeup. They only care about being popular. And they aren't even nice! They're popular because they're pretty," Mei spat

"You really are passionate about that," Jaeden said. He took a bite of his burger. He looked at Mei. He admired the way the sunlight hit her face and highlighted it in all the right places. He thought she looked beautiful. After the year of being apart and only been able to see her through Instagram stories and posts, having the real thing next to him feels nice

"I mean, a lot of the kids in my school are fake. They only got in because their daddies paid for them to get in. They go there for the cute boys and because it makes them look smart ad talented," Mei said. She angrily took a bite of her fries 

"How do you know your parents didn't pay for you to get in?" Jaeden asks. "I mean, I don't mean that in a rude way. I just, you know. What if?" He didn't want to come across as rude, he just thought

"Does this sound untalented?" Mei asks. He then proceeded to sing an excerpt of On Melancholy Hill. After she finished, she said, "Oh yeah, I'm an honor roll student too," 

Jaeden just stared at her. "Wow. . ." He said. "That's amazing," He said

Mei checked the time. "I need to go," She said, she quickly finished her fries. "Today was amazing" She dusted off her skirt

"I'll walk you back to your hotel. My hotel isn't that far from yours," Jaeden said. He got up. They threw away their trash. They started walking to the hotel, occasionally sipping on the drink they had leftover

Along the way, they made some more small talk about their lives. After 40 minutes of walking, they got to Mei's hotel. They face each other

"So," Mei starts

"So. . ." Jaeden said. He placed a hand on his neck

"Goodbye. . ." Mei had a blush stretching across her face. "Hopefully we'll see each other again. But, we'll still have texts," 

"And today," Jaeden smiled at her. He grabbed Mei's hand and kissed it softly

Mei's blush darkened. She kissed Jaeden's cheek. "Good night," She let her hand slip from his

Jaeden smiled, "Good night," He waved as he watched Mei go into her hotel

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