I can't love you

By Wilson4of6

732 29 0

"You can learn to" "Learn to love you, I didn't want this after everything I thought you had enough respect... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 last one

Chapter 3

45 2 0
By Wilson4of6

Rosannas POV:
It's early in the morning and I'm on my horse making my way to the woods kingdom. If I'm honest I have no clue what's going to happen. I don't even know how I'm going to act. I've not seen her in three years. I don't know how I'm gonna feel when I see her. I might be happy, or angry, or I might cry on the spot. I don't even think she knows I'm staying for a month. This is going to be the worst month of my life as a single woman. In two months I will be married to someone that broke my heart. That's just my luck. At least Diana is gonna be with me the whole time and stay with me when I move to the woods kingdom. She'll be my rock like she always has been. From the looks of thing we are still about 4 hours away from from the kingdom. This is gonna go so slowly. It's sunny and hot to I feel like I'm gonna sweat my clothes off. I hate this whole plan.

We get closer and the journey is almost over I can see the castle now. I had forgotten how big it was it's like twice as big as my castle. I don't remember where anything is. I used to know this place like the back of my hand, know I don't even know what floor the throne room is on. Although I can't deny I do miss this place sometimes. We reach the gates and four guards escort us to the front of the castle. As we get closer I see her, I see Astrid but somethings different from the last time I saw her. Her posture is stiff and her face shows no emotion, I can see she's already changed so much and I haven't even spoke to her yet. I am surprised she's also changed physically, she's a little taller, her hair is longer but still has all it's highlights of blonde flowing through it with her green eyes, from what I can see she's a lot more muscular and hardened in every way, physically, emotionally and physiologically. In a way it scares me that she has changed so much in three years.

Astrids POV:
I walk over to Rosanna and hold my hand out, helping her down from her horse. I nod my head in respect and greet her properly "it's a pleasure to have you stay with us princess Rosanna, please if you will let me escort you to your chambers." She curtsies and nods. I put my hands behind my back and she walks next to me. It is an awkward silence so I decide to speak "I've heard my most trusted knight has affections for your maid, Diana is her name" she looks up at me and smiles "yes Diana was telling me all about your knight yesterday I must say I was surprised at first" I nod in agreement "yes surprising it was but they are meant for each other so I do not protest" her eyebrows furrow "what do you mean, how do you know they are meant for each other?" She ask. I keep my expression stoic and my voice neutral and say "in all the years I've know Hannah she has never been so happy and has never spoken about a lover the way she speaks about Diana. She speaks with suck kindness and love but is also respectful, I can see them getting married in a years time" and turkey I can. I hear her sigh at that "at least they get a choice in who they want to marry" I keep quiet after that knowing it will only end badly.

We reach her chambers and I open the door for her. "This is the room you shall have during your stay and when we are married if it is your wish you can permanently have this room if you do not want to share one with me." I say following her into the room. Astrid turns to me and nods "I think that would be for the best, make it easier on both of us." I just nod and start to leave but stop at the door. "I will be at the training grounds for the rest of the day if you wish to see me you are welcome to come just ask someone around the castle and they will escort you to me" I say and she just nods sitting down on the bed and I leave.

I get to the training grounds and I see Hannah. She comes over and starts putting light armor on me then hands me a sword. It's a Friday so we are doing my favorite training method. You fight one opponent at a time but you do go against everyone, whoever wins the most is ranked best fighter and the one who lost the most is ranked worst fighter. I normally end up top 5. The only rule is no fatal shots otherwise you get chucked in the dungeon for a week. My first fight is agains a new trainee, I'm surprised usually only the official knights fight, however the fight is over in a second and I win. While others fight Hannah and I spar. Eventually when Hannah and I do go against each other every single person here comes to watch. We always have a good fight, we are completely evenly matched, we know each other's strengths and weaknesses. Our fight is usually the longest so we do it last. I wonder if Rosanna will come and watch it. I shouldn't get my hopes up, it is very unlikely.

As the day goes by and the fights continue I only have Hannah left, Rosanna hasn't come yet, Hannah and I have both the won the same amount and are tying in first place whoever wins our fight wins the whole thing for the week. Right now I'm sat in a small tent having a small drinking and keeping calm and keeping my focus. I can't afford distractions because I won't win if I do have them. I'm sat on the floor with my legs crossed. I'd probably look weird to anyone that is to see me right now. I close my eyes and put my head down. I hear my tent flap open and immediately stand up, I see it's Rosanna and feel a little embarrassed. She starts to speak "they told me I would find you here, you're coming first well done I'm sure you'll win" I just shake my head "right now it's a fifty fifty chance I'm against Hannah next" she just nods and leaves. Great my future wife can barley hold a conversation with me, just great.

Not minutes later Hannah walks into my tent "it's time you ready for this?" I walk over to her and put my hand on her shoulder "are you?" She laughs and we walk out of the tent together. A large circle forms around us. We go to opposite sides to retrieve our swords. As I get mine I see Rosanna is watching "I'm glad your here" she just looks to the floor. I turn around and immediately start circling with Hannah. I know she will attack first she's to impatient not to and I know she looks at where she is going to attack before she actually does it so I study her eyes. She looks to my leg so I move to doge it then attack and I cut her her leg. It's deep enough that she's limping but won't permanently injure her. She growls a little trying to make as little noise as she can to mask her pain. She takes a breathe then continues her attack.

We've been fighting almost 10 minutes. We both have cuts and bruises. I knocked her sword out her hand a second ago, I chuck mine to the side and shout "take the swords away." Two people immediately take them away and I put my fists up. Punches and kicks are thrown but I have the upper hand. She throws a punch but I catch it and flip her onto her back and choke her from behind she taps out and I'm announced winner. I help Hannah up and lean to her ear "I asked you if you were ready I guess you weren't because I just beat you so bad" she shoves my shoulder and we walk to the healers tent laughing. 

The next chapter will be the same day but it will be dinner. Don't forget to vote and follow me.

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