enemies/mates(a vkook fanfic)

By taetae_wuves_gukkie

420K 19K 8.7K

in which Taehyung and Jungkook have a misunderstanding and become each others 'enemies',however they can't de... More

Chapter-4 its starting
Chapter-6 part-1
Chapter-6 part-2
Chapter-6 part-3
Yugyeom's plan is revealed
Vanilla ice cream


5.4K 321 309
By taetae_wuves_gukkie

Hey there:)

Tell me one fact about you,I'll go first
I don't like chocolate much.

Third person POV

"Wait who was that girl,I thought to be your mate"

They both stopped walking as Taehyung asked this to Jungkook.

"Who baby???"
"The one in the red dress!!!!! You were standing close to her and were laughing loudly!! Who was she Jeon Jungkook!!???"

Tae bitterly said this,as he remembered the scene from earlier.

"Ohhh,she......."Jungkook said.
"Yessss,'She'......." Taehyung mimicked.

It was evident to Jungkook that Taehyung was jealous and he was enjoying this way too much.
This is why he wasn't answering him,so that he can see more of Taelous.

"You know,she is a very special person  to me,Tae.She's so beautiful,isn't she???" Jungkook said trying to hold his laughter.

His words actually shocked Taehyung.He didn't expect this answer honestly.

'She's special to him.....and he finds her beautiful too' Tae thought as his mind was flooding with these thoughts only.

Jungkook just looked at Taehyung,waiting for him to react.

"Is---is she more special to you---than--than me??" Taehyung asked in a nervous voice and looked down.

Now,it was Jungkook's turn to be shocked.

Out of all reactions he didn't expect this one.He thought Taehyung will get sassy---like the time he got with Minye.But no,he became upset.

"Pup,look at me" he said.
Taehyung moved his head,and looked into his eyes.

In Taehyung's eyes Jungkook saw a foreign emotion which he hadn't seen before---he saw--insecurity in Tae's eyes.

And it was only then,Jungkook realized that his answer made Taehyung feel this way.

Oh,how much Jungkook wanted to throw himself off a cliff right now!!!!

"Baby,come here!" He said opening his arms,and Tae was quick to comply.

He hugged him tightly,while Tae settled on hiding his face in Jk's neck.

"I'm so sorry,my love.I was just messing with you.Didn't intend to make you feel this way---she's my cousin and we were posing for a picture and thats why stood close,and we were cracking some jokes,Tae.
Really sorry,I'm such a stupid" Jungkook said in a worried voice.

Taehyung visibly relaxed in Jungkook's hold.He pulled away from him and circled his arms around Jungkook's neck---while Jk did the same on his waist.

"Not gonna lie,you got me there Jungkook!" He pouted and Jungkook couldn't resist himself from kissing those lips.

"You are so cute,baby!!!!! I






So much!"


Taehyung giggled and Jungkook's life span increased by 10 years there and then.(jehehehej)

"and pup,let me tell you this---you're the most----the most---most---extremely most special person in my life.Hell!!! You are my life--there will be no Jungkook without Taehyung!!!! So don't ever think that I'll prioritize someone else over you--Ever!!!!!"

Taehyung couldn't control himself from blushing after hearing this.
He hugged him again and whined---"you make me blush so hard,Jungkook!!!"

"And you make me want to kiss you so hard,all the damn time,love"
"Then kiss me"

Jungkook didn't need to be told twice,after hearing that.

So they kissed again,no matter how many times they have kissed,it felt as the first one all the damn time.

*uhm guys,don't kill me,but you need to go back! I mean you are in a forest,kissing when there's a party going on there.Go back!!!!*

Finally,the author--*cough* Taekook decided to go Back to the party.

"Who was the guy,holding you before I came" Jungkook asked with red eyes.

Taehyung smirked.

"Oh he!! He's someone special Kookie"
He said and ran away.

Jungkook realized that Tae has used his own words on him and started running after him.

"Oh no you didn't just say that to me" he shouted.

Back at the party

Everyone was confused on Jungkook's disappearance.He was gone for more than 45 minutes now and no one knew where did he went.

Soon a giggling Taehyung,came running inside and all eyes were on him.

After that Jungkook's voice was also heard.

"Kim Taehyung wait till I get my hands on you!!!"

"And then what!!!! What you gonna do then huh????" came Chanyeol's voice.

"Channie calm down!" Baekhyun said to him.
"But baekkie,he's threatening our baby!!!!"
"Does it sound like a threat to you???? They are just playing.Stop with your over protectiveness"

"Mom,don't scold my appa!!" Said Tae as he hugged chanyeol.

"You brat where did you went huh???" Baekhyun asked him.

The entire pack was listening to their bickering.

Jungkook comes forward and he says--"he was with me!!"

He pulls Taehyung close to himself while getting glared by Chanyeol.

"Really,Junglebook?" Chan says.
"Yes,sir" Jungkook replied firmly while nervous on the inside.

"Pa,stop this!!!" Tae said.

Only then Chanyeol stopped glaring at Jungkook and boi was Jungkook relieved.

Jungkook parents came in the scene--and his mother jumped at Taehyung.She has already seen how Tae looked--all thanks to Jimin.

"omygawddd!!! You're so beautiful,no--not beautiful its not even close to describing you----you're ----you're ---ethereal---yasss an angel.Thank moon goddess!!!!" Jungkook's mom was fangirling hard over Taehyung.

While he just stood there,flustered with all the compliments and everyone's eyes were on him now.

"Okay,everyone.Eyes off him!!!" Jungkook said kinda annoyed by all the looks his mate was getting.I mean he knew some of them were definitely looking at him in the wrong way.

And he didnt like it one bit.

"I have an announcement to make"he continued.
"Dear pack members of the Shadow Pack--I feel immense pleasure to introduce you to my mate and your future Luna---Kim Taehyung." Jungkook announced while the crowd erupted in cheers and congratulations were heard all along.

Taehyung was beyond happy---just few hours ago,he wasn't even ready to come here and face Jungkook but now---he is happy that he came here.
His life changed so much in these hours.

Jungkook was looking at him all the time,and Taehyung couldn't hide the strong blush decorationg his cheeks.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" the crowd suddenly started chanting this.Taehyung's eyes opened wide and he was sure he'll pass out with the blood rushing to his face.

Guys I would like to say the crowd is like us Taekookers.tehehehdh

He looked at Yoonmin for help--but they were chanting the same.Then he looked at Jungkook's and his parents and they were all smiling as if encouraging him.

The chanting intensified again---"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

Finally Tae looked at Jungkook who was smirking as if he was enjoying the whole situation--- I bet he was enjoying.

He moved his lips on Tae's ears and whispered--"come on baby,this is what the crowd wants!!!!"

Taehyung wasn't able to say anything else.

He leaned in--capturing Jungkook's lips and the moment this happened ---the crowd went wild.

Their lips moving heatedly against each other's forgetting everything-and everyone around.

They got too caught up in the moment---as Jungkook now attached his lips to Tae's neck,making marks.

Tae was too drowned in the pleasure to be in his senses now---he had forgotten about the people.

It was when Jungkook's canines grazed Tae's skin---that he came back to his senses.He opened his eyes to see everyone gawking at them.

He realized Jungkook was going to mark him---make him his----in front of all these people.

He pushed Jungkook away slightly,who growled in annoyance.

But he composed himself as he realized what he was about to do,and was flustered as he thought about marking Tae in front of the people.

Honestly,he would have no problem in it---it will be his way of showing everyone that Tae belonged to him and him only.

After all Jeon Jungkook is one possessive man!

But he knew that he can't do it without--Tae's consent,and he will wait for it upto eternity.

No matter how possessive you are,it is never an excuse for forcing yourself on your partner.

"Oh wow--well--that--that was--uhm--I--what---okay Congratulations Jungkook and please keep notice of your surroundings next time!!" A baffled Jimin said.

Jungkook nodded and he found himself getting glared by Chanyeol again.

"Listen,JungShit---the fact that you are my baby's mate won't save you from being beaten if you hurt him.
I'll hunt you down and tear apart if you make him cry and this is a full on threat!!.I'll actually turn you into shit,if it happens" Chanyeol said

Jungkook just nodded,but in his head he was like--'but he's my baby'

"What did you called my son!?!?!" A dominating voice---Jungkook's appa asked.

Everyone became silent,the atmosphere getting heavier.They thought there would be an argument.

Even Tae and Jungkook were scared as both their fathers stood face to face.

"I said what did you call my son??"
"I called him JungShit" chanyeol replied in his firm voice,no nervousness what's over.

"Hahhhh!!!!!! Hahahahahahhah" everyone became surprised as Jk's father started laughing like a maniac.

"Well-hahaha-thats a good nick name.I'll use it too from now on!" He said.

And just like that the tension disappeared.

"Do you wanna know,what do I call him,behind his back???" Jungkook's father wiggled his eyebrows at chanyeol.

Chanyeol nodded enthusiastically.He was enjoying this way too much.

"JungBitch.I call him JungBitch" and everyone erupted into laughter upon hearing this,except for Jungkook.

He didn't like how they were making fun of his name,but on the inside he was happy with how the night has turned out.

"Let's have some fun!!!" Jk's father said and they went back to partying again.

And that was the best birthday,Jungkook has ever celebrated.

A/n~I dunno why but I can't write angst,like even if I try my mind will go back to fluff and fun and I end up writing this.

I hope you guys didn't get bored.

Love you❤❤
Thankyou so much for reading💜💜

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