A day off work

By symplylucky

404 51 0

Yvonne is a successful woman, diligent in her work but dreads the fact that she's to turn thirty years old so... More

New book


31 4 0
By symplylucky

One week later

Mr Phillips once again made  Yvonne finish her work earlier which makes her start getting worried. She was no longer tensed after confirming that has salary wasn't affected due to the long hours off so she took it as her luck.

Just as Yvonne got out of the office, she received an unexpected call from Zach.

"Where are you? "He inquired
"I just got out of the office, I'm heading home now."

"Don't move, I'm coming to pick you up."

"I brought my car."

"Don't worry about it, I'll be there as soon as I can." he hung up without giving Yvonne a chance to speak.

Yvonne was speechless as she wondered what the problem was this time. Within a few minutes, a familiar Ford edge pulled up in front of her and both Gordon and Zach alighted from the car.

Zach all dressed up in a black suit look charming as he walked up to Yvonne and exchange pleasantries.

"Gordon will drive your car home, while you come with me. " She acknowledged Gordon's presence and handed her car keys over to him.

"Your keys will be left with the security guard." Zach concluded

"I'll leave now, have a nice time. " Gordon waved before leaving with Yvonne car.

"I didn't let you get some rest, please accept my apologies."

"It's ok. I'm not so tired."

"So you won't change your mind on following me. "

"I want to go. I'm cool with it."
"If you say so." Zach stopped and helped her into the car "May I say you look gorgeous? "

"Thank you, you look charming as well. "

"I didn't put much effort I assure you." He smiled and closed the front passenger's door before getting into the driver's seat.

"Where are we off to now?"

"I can't say. I promise to say if it was a party."

"At least it isn't a party." She sighed. "Don't dampen your mood, it's just going to be a quiet night. It may be full of surprises." Yvonne a raised brow and probed "What surprises?"

"I can't say for sure I said may." he continued driving while Yvonne looked out the window. Some minutes later, they were in a parking lot walking towards the entrance of bistros and dives danfo.

They took a seat next to the window and took their orders which was brought to them in a short while.

"Funny enough, every time I close early, I always end up with you?" she thought aloud for a while then placed the pieces together "Zach, do you have a hand in this?" her look was demanding but Zach chose not to look up and chuckled

"I'dead certain it's you. "

" How sure are you dear?"

"I'm really sure but I know for sure."

" I can't draw  that on my memory. "

"Admit it Zach!" Yvonne almost yelled and Zach look up to her with a smirk "Fine. I did it, happy now. "

"Why? I wonder what Mr Phillips must think of me."

"It's not a big deal. I said it was because of business, nothing much, I'm surprised he listened but I can't blame him, I'm that influential."

"I'm lost for words right now."

"Don't be. As for the reason ... I wanted to spend some time with you."

"We can do that anytime."

"But we don't have much time. I have to tell you something."

"At least you're ready to face the music. What do you want to tell me?"

"I found someone, I want to take things to the next level with her. You know what I mean by that. "

Jealousy was written all over her face but she tried very hard  to conceal it

"Do you know her well enough?"

"Too well, I can say that I've fallen in love with her. I'm not sure about asking her out though."

"Why is that?"

"I don't know how to relay it, I can feast my eyes on her all day. I'm always in high spirits because of her. "

"If you say so then tell her, she'll be amazed. "

"Are you sure?" He asked "Of course." Yvonne answered despite feeling bad about Zach's confession

"If you say so." He replied and continued with his meal for a while.

The waiter cleared of their table when Zach spoke up "When I met you some years back, I realised that your the most beautiful woman I'll ever meet."

Was he teasing her now? After breaking her heart with his ultimate love confession for another woman.

"You're only saying that because of my advice, don't flatter me. " She said in a cold voice looking sideways.

"Something's fishy here...are you jealous?" his question drew her attention and she faced him "Jealous of what? I'm obviously not."

"Your lying."

"Says who..."

"I'll stop pulling your legs but seriously you are, are you going to be jealous of yourself?" the words sank in slowly and Yvonne was taken aback "How can I be jealous of myself?"

Zach grabbed her hand and looked into her confused eyes.

"You're the one that I'm in love with, I want to take this to the next level with you. I no longer  want to be friend-zoned."

Yvonne blinked twice, she was startled "I don't know what to say ... you just told me that you ..."

"I was not lying. I didn't tell you her name, did I? " Yvonne shook her head "Its you Yvonne, you're the one who keeps me in high spirits."

"I loved you before my trip six years ago, I still do now." He bore his heart out to her

"This is no joke is it?"

"I'm being serious right now, it's a lot to take in but I'll give you a chance to think about it. "

Yvonne was quiet, she was stunned, this was what she wanted but she didn't want to jump right into it."


"I know you've been in past relationships and I want you to be sure that you want to start a whole new one with me."

"I understand."

"I'm leaving for Abuja tomorrow morning and I'll be back in a week's time I would like your answer by then. Is that ok?"

"Sure, that's enough time." more than enough since she knew the answer already "Great. It's already late, I'll drop you off and head home."

He stood up and she followed suit. In an hour's time, she was at her residence, just as she got out of the car, Zach called out.

"Remember in a week's time. I want to hear from you."

"I won't forget that. "

"I'm sure you won't know that I love you." He said but she only smiled back and bade him good night.

On getting into her apartment, she scream for joy and informed Cece of what happened.

"This is good. I'm happy for you girl."

"Thanks. I can't wait to tell him my answer."

"Why didn't you do that today itself "

"I don't want to just throw myself at him, this is a dream come true really."

She fell on the bed thinking about Zach "You'll have to wait then."
"hopefully I'll be able to tell him before his flight tomorrow. I can't control myself Cece."

"Calm down, don't kill yourself with happiness before tomorrow comes around. "

"I won't. "She hung up and hugged her pillow tightly.

Yvonne was at work cleaning up some papers when the long awaited call came through.

"I'm about to board the plane now, I just called to inform you that I will be busy in the next few days and I won't be able to call you this week but I'll hear from you once I get back. "

"Are you sure? "

"I am certain see you in a week's time then. I have to go now take care of yourself. If you need anything call Gordon, he'll be at your service."


"Bye "he hung up, the work was pretty urgent and time couldn't be wasted on things that could be attended to later. Yvonne sunk into her chair "In a week's time then."she sighed.

The one week flew by quickly and Yvonne was beyond excited , Yvonne contacted Gordon to take her to the airport on the D-day.

"He'll arrive by 2pm, I'll come before then to take you there."

"Thank you, don't forget."

At 1:16pm, Gordon arrived with a Maybach to pick Yvonne who was impressed.

"Why didn't you bring the other car?"

"Sir must be bored of that other car so I brought this one, he likes this one more than the others."

"Really? it's nice."

"Let's be on our way, he likes being on time too."

"Yes, we should be in our way."

Gordon was already aware of Zach's feelings towards Yvonne, he inquired the hell out of his boss who eventually gave in.
No wonder he gave her special treatment, he remembered his thoughts and shook his head before starting the car.

Throughout the journey to the airport which seemed long, Yvonne recalled the pleasant memories she had shared with Zach and couldn't wait to tell him how much she loved him.

"Sir will be out soon, I'll go in and help him out." Gordon said hurriedly coming down from the car and headed towards the entrance of the airport.

"What's taking them so long?" she was concerned as her eyes looked through the crowd, she then sighted him and her lips curled into a smile. His steps were calculated with confidence as they walked towards the black Maybach while his eyes was stuck to his phone.

Gordon walked faster with the porter to put Zach's luggage in the car booth.

Yvonne unable to control her emotions came down from the car and hugged him.

"I missed you terribly." she blurted out and Zach returned her embrace with a warm smile as he put his arms around her drawing her closer.

Throughout the trip, he looked forward to her confession with optimism.

"That much?"

"More than that. A whole week without you drove me crazy." she released her hands and stared into his dark eyes "I love you so much, you shouldn't have left me that much time to think, I knew the answer even before you asked."

"Then I must apologize for making you wait so long. I'm back and I won't be leaving anytime soon. I can guarantee you."

"I know."she chuckled and embraced him once more "I love you."

"I love you too." he answered. Gordon and the porter watched from the car at the affectionate couple.

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