"War Of Hearts" Alastor X Oc

By NyxDoesStuff

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They used to be best friends as children Spending days always beside each other They couldn't let the other... More

Chapter 1: Best Friends
Chapter 2: Drift Away
Chapter 4: Nightmares and Comfort

Chapter 3: Unexpected Reunion

1.4K 34 6
By NyxDoesStuff

August 4,1924
No One's P.O.V
It has been a few years since the two last met, Alastor became a famous radio host in New Orleans, he enjoyed his job very much, especially when the subject was about the occurring deaths and murders in the city, he was always found to be smiling, he never broke his signature smile, even if things were miserable he'd always smiled.

Meanwhile Luna was taking of the family business, she took over the company her parents had, her parents died when she was 12, no one knew as to how they died since Luna never spoke of it, it was a traumatizing experience, then a few years later her auntie died, the only person who took care of her, since most of her relatives can't or rather to busy to take care of her, but she found an escape as she drove further to insanity, she enjoyed the suffering of others when she was 16, it was her source of entertainment, then after a few years she moved back to New Orleans, her childhood home.

[time skip brought to you by a gay moth]

Luna's P.O.V
It has been a few months since I moved here in New Orleans, it was better than living in the UK, it never had the charm it had like in my childhood home, It was 8:30 am, I woke up too early thinking I had work today, since I got used to going into the office, but now I usually do my work at home, since I had a huge burnout a year ago, so they let me rest.

After eating breakfast I went outside to grab some coffee and go to a near by library and read a book, since I'm going to spend the night at a masquerade, I requested and invitation from my secretary I liked it when the target is in a very risky place or that they are a very important person.

I locked the door to my mansion, it was a house that my parents had prepared for me, I never really liked big houses, since I'm alone now surrounded by my maids and servants, and my work, I had no company or anyone to talk to, but I dealt with it in my own way I guess, the maids would only come to my house if I was very busy to bother clean or to cook.

After going outside of the mansion, my driver awaited for me outside of the gates, I went inside the car, as he dropped me of my favorite bakery since i was a child, the one where me and Alastor always caused mischief on the owner of the store, I opened the door, there were a few people inside the store.

I went to the cashier and asked for my favorite "Excuse me, can I have caramel macchiato and a cream puff?" It was my favorite since my mother always made cream puffs when I was a child, while the caramel macchiato was the drink my father always used to start the day, the smell of his favorite coffee and the newly made cream puffs just felt so nostalgic, after that I payed for my order and grabbed my food, and went to the nearest library.

Alastor's P.O.V
It was 9:00 as i was preparing to go to my radio station, I got a bit late considering I was busy  hunting deers, and murdering poor innocent humans in the middle of the night, I went outside the door of my house, I was already in my usual clothing, I was in a rush as I went to my favorite cafe first to start my day.

I went inside to grab my favorite drink, dark coffee with no sugar, I despise sweet things, so if anyone where to give me any sweets it would always be dark, because if it wasn't I'd vomit at the thought of eating that said sugary delight, after grabbing my coffee, I looked at the clock as it was already 9:30 I didn't realize I wasted so much time just to get here.

I parked my car in the usual parking spot, as I walked to my radio station which was in front of the library, me and my old friend used to play in, I remember we got scolded at so many times by the librarian, since we always played with the books, by making swans or dog ears from the pages, we got banned for so many times from that place.

I wonder what's my dear friend up to now, as I looked over at the library, I saw a woman with raven like hair and with blue eyes as beautiful as the sky and the ocean, I could see her as she was not really that far, she had a very familiar face but I just couldn't make it.

I was going to end today's radio early since I will be attending a masquerade with rich people, who didn't care about the radio, which really irritated me, like what kind of uncultured swine would not love to listen to the radio? It's humanity's greatest creation.

[time skip to 7:20 pm brought to you by a homophobic news reporter]

Luna's P.O.V
It was already night as I prepared for the masquerade, to be honest I never really liked parties, it was boring and not very entertaining, since the only things I've ever heard from parties is that people care only about how much you make or how good you are in bed.

I hated that, that's the only reason people want to get close to me even as a child, they wanted to take advantage of me to use my riches, since theirs wasn't enough to feed their own greed, I looked over the box at the side of my bedroom, it was my mothers dress, it was supposed to be an anniversary gift, my father was supposed to give this to my mother a few days after they departed from this world.

It was the color blue, my mothers favorite color as it complimented her eyes, my mother was very beautiful she was an angel, she had beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes as beautiful as the morning sky, she looked like a gift from god, while my father was the opposite he was cold to a lot of people, he had black hair and yellow piercing eyes, he was always overprotective of me saying things like if you had a boyfriend when your older I will break his legs and won't mind going to jail I laughed at the thought of those words my father told me.

I wore the dress and the headband? That came along with it, I never like dresses, I looked at the mirror, I imagined my mother in this dress she would look more like a goddess rather than a person, she had beauty that even Aphrodite would be envious of.

I grabbed my bag and went outside the door, I sighed as I went inside the car, I haven't been sleeping properly for awhile since it was starting to get cold, I know it's August but every time it's cold, it brings back those terrible memories and it always triggered my mind to kill more people that I originally should.

It had been a few minutes, I arrived at the ballroom, it was filled with a lot of nosy rich people, everyone was chattering or getting drunk on champagne, I couldn't see the politician I was supposed to kill, it was his party has he had become senator, there was always something about killing victims who are on top, the risk and how much it affects the people around them.

I didn't just kill my victims I tortured them physically and mentally, the human mind is just a toy for me to play with, I only let a few of my victims free as they were boring or no longer entertaining to kill, I tortured them mentally to the point they and to stay in an asylum, I manipulated them into lying and not telling my name or describe me in any matter, I would always threaten to ruin their lives even more and they'd shake at the thought.

I went down the stairs, as I saw people dancing with each other, everyone was either wearing gold or black for the men, while the women wore pink,gold,black or some shade or red, guess I'm the odd one out.

Since it was a masquerade I wore a a hand made mask, since I couldn't find any mask I found fit to my taste, everyone was eyeing at me, whispering something about me or saying something under their breath, but I couldn't care as I was to busy in my own world, to care about pathetic humans who do nothing but feed on others like leeches, as I roamed around the room, trying to search for my victim I found a man with brown hair and red eyes, he wore a red and black mask with gold linings, he was tall, he had a slim posture and a smile like a Cheshire Cat, he was wearing a red suit and a black bow tie, he was moving away from an incredibly short woman with blonde hair.

As I was looking at him and the very short annoying woman who was irritating him, he removed his mask and put on his glasses, and I saw his crimson eyes that gave a nostalgic feel, he locked eyes with me, his intense glare that fit with his Cheshire smile, it was some sort of intensity, and I didn't know my cheeks were heating up I looked like a cherry.

I walked away from the man since I had to do something, and I want to do it quick so I can have play time with my puppy.

Alastor's P.O.V
saw the woman as she left, she was blushing like a tomato, it was very adorable to say the least, she was flustered, she looked very familiar but I just couldn't put my finger on it, after getting annoyed by Mimzy I called Nifty to keep her busy, since I was here to do some quality entertainment for myself.

After Nifty dragged her out of my sight, I went out to find this politician, I wanted to try being a bit risky today as I did not kill anyone for the past week, as I was starting to get suspicion, of being the serial killer in Louisiana, I mean they're not wrong, but the past killings weren't mine.

So I decided to stay low for awhile, but my ever growing thirst for human suffering grew stronger every day as I try to control it, so I decided to target a politician, a very respected one as well, he was the epitome of a perfect life, and I do love it when my victims have such cozy lives only to see their downfall, I always wonder on how people survive with such cozy lives.

I went inside an empty staff room luckily no one was there, but I noticed a box with a blue cloth peeping outside of the said box, I opened it to see the exact same dress the woman I saw was wearing a while ago "I wonder what the little fawn is up to " I whispered to myself, as I tried finding out what room he was in, luckily no one was here in the empty halls.

I've checked all the rooms but there was no trace of him, but there was another staircase, hidden behind a curtain it wasn't fully closed since, you can see the small bit of the staircase, I walked up to the stairs, and the door was locked, of course it was, I tried peeking inside there was someone inside but they had a feminine voice.

Luna's P.O.V
"There has to be some secret passageway in this goddamn room" I tried checking under the beds, the closet, drawers and the suitcase but I had to fix them all up so that there will be no trace left, there was a note on the desk, I grabbed the note and started reading.

"Sir we will have you put in a secret room before you appear there might be someone who will assassinate you, we are checking every single guest, so please say in the room until we find out it's safe"

"Shit" I cursed under my breath, he knew he was going to get killed, considering he had lots of competition, he just didn't who, I heard foot steps from the walls, They were coming from every side of the room, there has to be a secret door somewhere.

Alastor's P.O.V
I found a secret passageway inside the room, it was larger than expected it was a maze, I started getting closer when I saw the secret door to the room I was trying to enter, I saw those same two feet, I grabbed my knife.

Even if it wasn't him I'd still get to kill someone I opened the door, but it was locked from the inside, it had a password, luckily I have a few tries on getting this stupid door to open, but I guess this will be worth it in the end.

As I opened the door, the person looked surprised they were pointing a knife at me, as I looked at their face I too was unprepared for who they were, it was the person I had longed to see for such a long time, someone who's still very dear to me, and that person is holding a knife in front of me.

"Luna?" I called out her name, as I heard foot steps getting closer, she looked around the room looking for an escape "let's do our little reunion later" she grabbed the blanket it was very long and thin so it was easy to tie up.

She dragged me to the balcony, as she tied the blanket to the handle, she went down first as I followed her, to be honest I didn't expect her to do these things it's just so out of character, I mean I haven't seen her in years so I can't judge.

"Follow me my house is nearby" I told her, we ran into the woods as we heard the guards footsteps descend further, Luna ripped a piece of her cloth and hung out to the opposite tree, after running for a bit, Luna scraped her knee, "are you ok?" I asked "I'm fine just keep running", after running for a long time we reached my house.

[Alastor has a mansion as well]

We went inside, as we both sat down on the couch, Luna was panting heavily as she had a few scars on her arm while she scraped her knee as well "do you have any bandages?" She asked me, I nodded and went to the kitchen and grabbed the first aid kit, I handed her the alcohol and the bandages.

"So what were you doing in that room dear?" I asked her "I could ask the same for you Al" as she was wrapping the bandages around her left knee "well I don't know if we could be there for the same reason but-" I gulped and finally had the courage to say "well you see I'm a serial killer dear, and I haven't killed anyone in a week so I thought I might have a little fun" she looked surprised "I mean I'm also there for the exact same reason, but I guess our dear politician is paranoid" she chuckled "I mean he's not wrong we where there to kill him" I commented.

"But what brings you here dear? Aren't you supposed to stay in Europe?" Her expression went sad "change of plans" she told me, seems like it's too personal that she couldn't even talk about it, I wanted to ask her another question "if your gonna ask me why and how I became a murderer, human suffering is enjoyable because I won't be telling you the main reason" she put back the bandages and alcohol inside the kit "oh I guess the same reason goes for me as well dear, human suffering"

Luna's P.O.V
After we talked for a bit, I grabbed my coat as Alastor was about to say something again "dear where are you going? It's rather late" he said "are you insisting I stay here for the night?" I asked him "yes of course my dear! I wouldn't mind! We're friends after all" I guess he's very happy to see me, and I was too "sooo what do you do like what's your job or something" I asked him, crossing both my arms, his couch is actually comfy might sleep here for the night.

"Oh! I'm a famous radio host, but sadly not everyone appreciates the art of the radio, the feeling of going inside my station makes it very enjoyable and especially the news! When I talk about my own killings!" He laughed "but I had to stay low for a while since people are getting suspicious of me! But the past week killings weren't mine!" He looked very passionate about his job "the audacity of people blaming me for killing those victims the past week!" He complained.

"What about you my dear?" He asked, I didn't really want to answer this question but I guess I have to "well I inherited the company that my parents both worked on" I didn't really want to talk about this since I got it at the age of 16, since the relative who took care of me died, but they really weren't important to me anyway.

"Oh of course! Well enough chit chat do you what anything to drink?" He asked me before he went to the kitchen "hot chocolate I guess?" I always liked sweet things, I mean bitter and sour things are great too, but I have a sweet tooth "I'll be there in a second dearie!" He exclaimed as his footsteps descend.

"I guess I'll have someone I can talk to"

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