My Fair Lady

By beautifulatsunrise

3M 42.5K 3.8K

Juliet Rosewood has never been one of the attractive young ladies whom gentlemen favour just liker her sister... More

My Fair Lady
Return of A Good Friend
Moving House
A Visit To The Witch
Engagement Party Part 1
Engagement Party Part 2
Ashes and Ashes
Safe and Sound
- Announcement: Casting-
Den of Love
The Runaway
Clash of the Two Gentleman
The Lioness


70K 1K 169
By beautifulatsunrise

A/N: Let me stress this again. It happened in my other story. Just because both of the characters are getting married/engaged per say, it does not mean that the story is ending. In fact, the story's far from ending for MFL. Yup, just to clarify so that I don't get repeated questions.

"What are both of you doing, if I might be polite enough to ask?" Titania demanded. She stalked haughtily towards both of them and glared at her sister. "Were both of you kissing?"

"Well, I, we, were," Juliet stuttered.

"Yes, we were," Edmund cut in. "Do you have any problems with that?"

"Why, yes!" Titania sounded scandalized. "Why would you of all people be kissing my sister?"

"Why not?" Edmund asked coldly. He looked displeased and his eyebrows were furrowed with frustration.

"I don't have any ill intentions, sister," Titania retorted, swishing her blonde hair back and forth. "But you don't have the looks nor the grace to attract any men."

"Titania!" Juliet gasped. Her throat constricted. "Why do you've to say all these hurtful things?" she whispered hoarsely. "Am I not your sister?"

Titania glared at her. "If you were my sister, you wouldn't snatch my man."

"Pardon me?" Edmund gritted through his teeth. "Did I hear myself being described as a woman's possession?" This was a tremendous insult to an earl of his rank.

"I'm sorry, m'lord." Titania bowed, bending forward to reveal her ample bosom. "Though what I said was the truth. My sister knew for a fact that I fancied you and if she really loved me as she claimed, she wouldn't have snatched you away!"

"Please, stop," Juliet sobbed. Titania's words stabbed her heart. Her beloved sister was turning against her.

"Mercy." Edmund sounded disgusted. "I have never met such a shameless woman like you."

"Me? Shameless?" Titania looked horrified. "M'lord, you're truly mistaken. The truly shameless one here is Juliet, my sister. She lured you to this isolated corner and attempted to seduce you."

"What happened to you, Titania?" Juliet whispered. "You weren't like this before."

"Calm down, Juliet." Edmund wrapped his arms around her. "You've never realized this before but this is the true self of your sister."

"M'lord, please, take a look at me." Titania stepped forward. "Am I not beautiful? Am I not more graceful? If you choose me, I will provide you with everything."

When Edmund didn't reply, she continued, "My sister has no experience with men at all. I, on the other hand, can provide you with unimaginable pleasure." Titania winked flirtatiously. "M'lord, you're one of great wit and wisdom. Surely you know the right choice to make."

Juliet stared at her sister. Why did she not see this side of Titania before? It was then she realized that it was all along there. Her sister didn't become like that overnight. She had just chosen to ignore Titania's actions because she wanted to believe that her sister was the same as the innocent young girl years ago.

"Was what Cedric said true then?" Juliet whispered. "You've slept with countless men before? You're truly a whore?"

"Don't call me that word," Titania lashed out. "I'm no whore. At least I don't go around pretending to be demure and weak like you. I wanted power and the only way to do that was to please men. Besides, it's not as if any of those minded."

She  then gestured to Edmund. "Even the honorable Lord Edmund here would be tempted if a naked woman was placed in front of him. If you truly believe that he's that loyal, you're a fool, Sister."

"Then what Sophie said was true too?" Juliet asked, still shocked by her sister's confession.

"What did that wretched girl say?"

"You were planning to seduce Edmund and cheat him out of his assets," Juliet gulped. "Was that true?"

"Aye." Titania waved her hands dismissively. "But that plan's foiled now anyway. Besides, Edmund's not Bernard's priority."

"Then who is his priority?" Edmund demanded.

"That's for you to guess and not for me to tell," Titania answered.

Suddenly, footsteps came clattering down the doorway. All three bodies turned to find Mrs Rosewood and Jasper heading towards them.

"What is the meaning of this?" Mrs Rosewood demanded. Her eyes flickered unpleasantly between Titania and Juliet. "Have both of you been harrassing poor Lord Edmund?"

"No, Mother," Titania answered sarcastically. "I happened to catch Sister here kissing Lord Edmund in the hallway."

"WHAT?" Jasper shouted and he lunged towards Edmund who darted nimbly. "I challenge you to a duel. Draw your sword now, if you dare," he hissed. "You chose to toy Juliet's feelings. You will pay for it."

"I did not toy with Juliet's feelings," Edmund retorted.

"Gentleman!" Mrs Rosewood looked surprised. "Are both of you arguing over Juliet?"

"Who else would we be arguing over?" Jasper muttered. "Titania?"

Juliet stared at the floor nervously and she could feel Mrs Rosewood staring intently at her. She was in deep trouble now.

When she looked up, she found Edmund and Jasper baring their teeth at each other. Mrs Rosewood was staring at the two men with her calculating eyes whilst Titania was glaring at her.

Finally, Mrs Rosewood spoke, "As it happens, I do have to make a decision about Juliet's future sooner or later. Do both of you have the intention of courting and marrying her?"

"Yes, I do," Jasper answered immediately.

"Jas!" Juliet stared at him, horrified. "You do not! Don't do this out of sympathy. I know that we are best friends but this is too far."

"No, Juliet." The heat of Jasper's gaze flared. "I've been in love with you for a long time. Ever since I saw you and discovered that you were such a sweet, gentle girl."

"But..." Juliet's throat tightened. She didn't know what to say. As it happens, she never had any suitors and it was strange and completely mortifying to have two men fighting over her- especially when one of them was her best friend.

"And Lord Edmund, do you have the intention of courting and marrying Juliet as well?" Mrs Rosewood went all business-like, as if they were discussing a business transaction.

Edmund stared at Juliet and his face softened. "Let's skip the courting part and just go straight to the marrying part."

"Pardon me?" Even Mrs Rosewood looked taken aback.

Juliet didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "You don't have to do this for me you know," she whispered.

"I want to," Edmund answered seriously. "The question is, do you want to?"

"The choice is not up to her," Mrs Rosewood said all briskly. "It's up to me to decide."

"Mother!" Titania interrupted. "It's not fair. I get that old, foul man and Juliet gets to pick between two young and handsome men."

"Be quiet!" Mrs Rosewood snapped. "Firstly, Sir Bernard is an honorable, wealthy man and that marriage is already decided. Secondly, it's no surprise that your sister has managed to attract the attention of such eligible bachelor. Look at her! That flaming red hair is simply flattering and those cheekbones!"

Juliet frowned. Her step-mother had never given her a compliment before. What was she playing at?

"What's your decision, Mrs Rosewood?" Jasper demanded. "As Juliet's best friend, I believe I can give her happiness."

"Stop it!" Juliet shouted. "Jasper, stop it!"

"Juliet?" Jasper took a step back. "Why are you so displeased with me?"

"The truth is..." Juliet whispered. "I don't love you. I love Edmund." There, she said it. There was no turning back now.

Jasper's face paled considerably. "Am I inferior to him in any way?"

Juliet took a step towards him and patted him on the shoulder. "You're a good friend, Jasper, but it does not change the fact that I don't feel anything more than that for you. I love Edmund and that won't change."

Mrs Rosewood, who had been observing them, said slowly, "It so happens that I prefer Lord Edmund to be part of the family as well. It's decided then. Juliet, you will be engaged to Lord Edmund. M'lord, is this alright?"

Edmund nodded. "'Tis satisfactory. I will get my adviser to inform the society about it."

"Why, this is such a pleasant day!" Mrs Rosewood sounded happy. "Finally both of my daughters are married!" She gave both gentleman a nod before fluttering away, disappearing down the corridor.

"Both of you are fools," Titania spat. "You will regret your choice." She spun around and stalked away.

Jasper still looked in shock.

"Jas..." Juliet began but stopped when he held up his hand. "Speak no further, Juliet. I understand your intentions. It's just that my ego is bruised for I've always assumed that you will one day be my lawful wife," he said, his voice filled with sorrow.

"I'm sure you will find a better lady than me," Juliet whispered. "You're a good man. You deserve that at least. We're still good friends, am I right?"

Jasper stared at her for a moment. "I'm not sure I can be contented with just that." He shook his head before walking away and disappearing as well.

"I've hurt him," she whispered.

"It's not your fault." Edmund put his hand on her shoulders and spun her around. "What matters is this: Are you happy?"

"I am," she admitted. "I'm just not sure I deserve this happiness. Especially since I've lost my best friend and sister together."

"Jasper will remain as your friend," Edmund corrected. "He loves you too much to even leave. As for Titania, she has never considered you as her sister. You shouldn't feel guilty."

Juliet nodded. "I can't believe that I'm engaged," she whispered. "It's as if it's magic. That I can finally marry you."

"Then believe it. Magic happens," he said softly

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