The Ghost King Goes to Hogwar...

By PotatoFishees

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You know Nico? Son of Hades? Well... This is a story about the DAUGHTER of Hades, Nicole Di Angelo! What if N... More

The Explanation
My History
The Lord of The Dead tries to kill my boyfriend
My Father "Fixes" Me
Quest Time... yay...
King's Cross Station
Questions... Too Many Questions
Daughter of Apollo
The Nosy Trio
The Perfect Plan... not
The first day of Classes
The Forbidden Forest
Draco the Ferret
Back to Camp Again
Mood Swings
On the Brink of Life
The Fight
Hey Cuz?
The Request
My Punishment
Prophecy Time
Who's Tommy?
My ex almost gets murdered... again
Tom Marvolo Riddle
Best Friend Will

The Orphanage

230 5 4
By PotatoFishees

Hi guys,

I'm sry bout not publishing in a while. It's just because as I warned before we went camping so no internet, and school is about to start so I've been trying to get everything ready for this crazy year of school during COVID. Then there is my drama in my life. I don't want to tell the internet all my stupid problems but let's just say a lot of pretty horrible things are building up on top of each other in my life right now. 
But no more depressing stuff for this author's note. 


So in celebration for this I am making this chapter super long! Like over 13k words! More words than I've ever done! Also this chapter might be a little boring- it was pretty borign for me to write- because it is just showing the relationship between Tom and  Nikki... Oh wait was that a spoiler? Woops! Well whatever. On with the story before I spoil anything else! Stay safe! Luv u all!!

PotatoFishees 🐟🐟🐟

*Flashback/Blackout/Memory Thingy*

I found myself standing behind two children and a middle-aged man in a pinstriped suit with two tiny suit cases in his hands. I recognized myself as the young girl- around 7 or 8- my eyes looked a little clouded and glazed over. I this was one of my first memories since I was dipped in the Lethe. Mini me was wearing a poofy frock, it was a light blue color at the top and darkened as the dress got longer until it was navy blue. It was cut just below the knee and she had long white socks with frills and small black dress shoes. Her brown hair was wavy and long, and it was in a waterfall hair style with little daisies in the braid. I remember Demeter had gotten me all dressed up, she was the first face I remember seeing. I thought she was my mother for a good while.

Then next to me was my older brother, who looked around ten. He had black suit pants with a dark drown belt and a light blue button up shirt that matched my dress. He had black dress shoes on that looked as uncomfortable as mine did. His brown hair was jelled to the side, though you could tell it was supposed to wild and unruly.

We were holding hands, from the way tiny me gripped his hand I could tell she was scared, which was understandable seeing where we were. Baby me and mini Ben were standing in front of scary looking orphanage. It was a dark brown color, it looked really old. It was a large square building surrounded by high metal fences. There was one tree but other than that there didn't seem to be anything alive with in a 100 foot radius of the place.

I saw, who I now knew was Alecto, reach over the children and grab the freaky lion door knocker and knocked on it twice. After a minute or two their was shuffling from the other side of the door. It opened to reveal a pale woman who was quite skinny with sharp features. I noticed her examine me and my brother before looking back up at Alecto.

"How may I help you?" She asked politely, I remember she was always a nice woman... if you were on her good side.

"These children need somewhere to stay. I am their father's lawyer." Alecto told her, which made the lady raise an eyebrow.

"If they have a guardian then they shouldn't need to come here." She informed him looking judgmental.

"Yes, well, their father doesn't want them. If you would be so kind to take them off his hands it would be very appreciated... you would be greatly reward." Alecto hinted, the woman looked taken aback.

"I'm sorry but I will not be bribed! Their father shouldn't just 'not want them'! What about their mother?" She questioned.

"I'm afraid their mother was killed a few months ago, and if you don't take them then they will find themselves on the cold streets!" Alecto growled. The woman looked at Alecto with wide eyes then glared at her and sighed.

"Fine, but I will need birth certificates and other information on them. If you would follow me to my office." She waved them inside. At first little me didn't move, but Ben pulled me along still holding my hand. I followed them from  distance. Alecto stepped in front of us because we were walking so slow. Then we reached an office labeled 'Mrs. Cole'. Why it didn't say her first name, I have no idea but that's how it was.

The children and me went to walk into the room but Mrs. Cole stopped us.

"Please wait out here, dears. You can go play with the other children, they're just in the back. Tell Martha you're new." She smiled warmly, but the kids didn't return it. Ben just led baby me down the corridor and opened the door.

There was a small playground outside, with one slide, two swings, and a sandbox. Their were around 10-ish children playing. 7 boys and only 3 girls. Two of the girls were swinging on the swings trying to keep their skirts from flying up. The third girl was in a fist fight with two of the boys, and she was winning. She had pants on and a shirt- which was not okay back then. 3 of the other boys were pushing each other in the line of the slide. Then one of the boys was in the sand pit digging a hole, hair and clothes covered in sand. And the last boy was in the corner with what seemed to be a... snake?

There was a women there too, she was trying to help calm down the boys who were pushing each other. She had short red hair that poofed up at the end, and a faded green frock on, with glasses.

"Mio piccolo angelo, come." Ben told little me, she looked at him confused, I guess I still hadn't learned english. He sighed. "venire." He translated and gestured to the red-head.

He led baby me over to her, and as we walked by everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at little me. I guess it wasn't every day that two fancy looking kids came here. The boys were gaping at me and the two swing girls were twirling their fingers in their hair staring dreamily at my brother. But he ignored them and cleared his throat to the women who stopped holding the boys apart and stared at us.

"Who are you two?" She asked suspiciously.

"I am Benjamin Di Angelo. This is Nicole Di Angelo, my younger sister. Mrs. Cole told us to tell you we are new." Ben explained, his Italian accent very thick. Her eyes softened understanding we were orphans.

"Well then it's nice to meet you both. My name is Martha and I will be taking care of you along with Mrs. Cole. Is that an Italian accent I hear? Where are you two from?" She asked sweetly.

"We don't know. We remember being in america for some time but not much else." Ben told her, and she looked at us pityingly.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that, well you are welcome to go play with the other children if you wish." She smiled, Ben gave her a small smile then led little me away from her, I followed them occasionally walking through the other children for fun.

(Italics in quotation marks are going to be italian)

"Ben why was that weird lady looking at us like that?"Little me asked as he led her over to a patch of grass and both of them sat down.

"It doesn't matter little one." Ben replied, tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear. Baby me crawled onto his lap.

"I can't understand you! Speak normal!" She ordered, snuggling into his chest.

"You need to learn English!" He said, putting his face in her hair.

"Ugh, but I don't want toooo!" She whined.

"So you do know what I'm saying!" He gasped, and mini me smiled sheepishly.

"No I don't!" She lied, horribly.

"Don't lie to me! You've just been to lazy to speak english all along!" Ben accused, pulling her away from him and looking her in the eyes. Little me smiled.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" She teased, Ben beamed.

"Oh really?" He asked mischievously, her eyes widened. He started tickling her.

"What about now!" He laughed as she was now on the ground laughing her head off as he tickled her.

"I do! I do!" Little me blurted out between laughs. He stopped, and scooped her up.

"I knew it!" He exclaimed, she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Yeah, but it's hard! I don't like it! Italian's easier." She complained.

"Well, we're just going to have to keep practicing until it won't be hard anymore." He reasoned, and she groaned.

"Excuse me?" A smooth voice piped up. Little me let go of Ben a little to look down at the young boy who was talking to the snake before was right there. He looked around 9.

"Yes?" Ben replied.

"Why are you so happy?" The boy questioned bluntly, I saw mini me furrow her eyebrows at him probably because she wasn't used to the British accent.

"What do you mean?" Ben asked him, his eyebrows raised.

"Everyone who comes here doesn't have a family. And all the new ones are always the saddest because they just lost their parents. So why aren't you two?" The boy explained, he sounded pretty smart for someone of his age.

"Well we do have family. We are each others family and we don't need our parents. We can be happy without them." Ben shot back. I could tell it was a touchy subject for him.

"Why does he sound so funny?" Baby me asked Ben, still looking at the boy. He looked quite handsome for someone of his age. He had black hair with bangs that semi covered his dark brown eyes, which looked even darker in contrast to his pale skin. He had a button up short sleeved white shirt and khakis like all the other boys.

"All these people sound funny, I told you their british." Ben explained to her, she nodded. "Your getting heavy little one, I'm need to put you down."

"Awww!" She whined as he set her down. I noticed that she was shorter than the boy and I could tell little me didn't like that seeing as she narrowed her eyes at him. But he just looked at her curiously, then extended his hand.

"I have no idea what you two were saying but my name is Riddle, Tom Riddle." He smiled, and I didn't see it them but I could see now it was one of those flirty smiles guys gave to their crushes, kind of like a smirk. I could see that Ben noticed it to because his eyes narrowed at the boy but before he could say anything mini me smiled back and grabbed his hand.

"I'm Nikki Di Angelo, nice to meet you Tom." She beamed at him, happy to make a friend. As I stared at them I actually smiled a little too, I remembered how I used to be a little social butterfly. Ha. Look at me now...

Tom bent down and kissed her hand and little me just smiled more thinking that was a way of saying that he wanted to by her friend. Ah, to be young and innocent.

"Nikki let's go now-" Ben started glaring at Tom, but then Mrs. Cole appeared right behind Tom.

"I see you guys are already making friends! Well my dears, I think we should show you to your rooms now, your suitcases have already been brought to your rooms." She told us, then reached for baby me's hand but she flinched and took a step back looking scared. Mrs. Cole just looked at her sympathetically, then looked back up at Ben.

"If you would tell your sister that I don't mean any harm I just want to take her to her room it would be greatly appreciated." Mrs. Cole asked Ben. Tom looked confused at this but didn't say anything.

"She doesn't know I speak English! Yes! Ben please don't tell her." Little me begged with her puppy dog eyes. And he groaned loudly.

"Who taught you how to do that?" He muttered. "Fine! But we are going to have to tell them at some point." She beamed and nodded her head excitedly, then they followed Mrs. Cole up to their separate rooms, which were going to take a while to get used to.

Then the scene changed

Little me was hiding in a bush with Tom, it was a couple months after we got there and me and him had become close. My hair was in a ponytail at the back of my head, and I was wearing the white button up shirt and khaki skirt uniform like all the other girls. I was sitting crisscross in the midst of the bush but I didn't feel at thing since I was still penetrable.

"I need to show you something." Tom whispered looking a little scared.

"Okay Tommy, but why are we in a bush?" Mini me asked him looking uncomfortable as the twigs and thorns poked her. Her accent sounded a little strange. It was a mix of italian, english, and american. The italian was the most dominent then the american and a slight hint of english.

"Because of this," Tom said and started making a weird hissing noise. Little me raised her eyebrows looking as though Tom had gone mad. Then a cobra slithered into the bush. She covered her mouth with her hand to stifle a scream. Looking back on it I have no idea how a cobra was in an orphanage in England of all places but whatever.

"Tommy... what's going on?" She squeaked fearfully, he looked at her and noticed the scared expression on her face, then made one last hissing noise and the snake disappeared.

"Nikki are you okay? I'm sorry I just needed to show you." Tom told her looking guilty. Little me didn't respond so he gripped both of her hands and squeezed them, looking into her eyes."Nikki?" She blinked.

"How- Why- What?" She stammered.

"Um... I think I can talk to snakes?" Tom said but it sounded like a question, he didn't take his eyes off her trying to see how she would react. She shook her head and blinked a couple times, then beamed at him excitedly.

"Really? Like a super power? Can you talk to all animals or just snakes? Can you make them do stuff? Can you understand what their saying? All snakes or just some types?What about-" She questioned getting more and more excited with every word, then Tom put a finger to her lips. He looked relieved

"Woah, woah, woah. More questions later. I'm just glad you aren't scared of me." He smiled happily.

"Why would I be scared of you? You're still Tommy." She told him and he smiled more, then he looked deep in thought.

"Yeah well when I told Billy S. he called me crazy. Then when I showed him he started calling me a freak." Tom growled his eyes flashing dangerously, little me looked a little scared at this then remembered something.

"W-Was that what happened to Mr. Snowball?" She asked cautiously, then an evil smile made it's way onto Tom's face.

"Maybe... or maybe a cobra just killed that stupid rabbit and a certain someone just hang it up on the rafters to make a point to that bully." Tom suggested evilly, i saw little me try and step away but Tom wouldn't let go of her hands. "No don't leave. It's not a big deal anyway right? You're not a bully. And as you said I'm still Tommy."

"Y-Yeah but you can't go around killing things for revenge on people Tom, it's not right." She stammered.

"And why not?! It's pay back! He deserved it! He made fun of me Nikki!" Tom snapped, she flinched at the volume of his voice.

"Tom-" She started.

"No. Are you my friend or not Nikki? And think good and long before you answer because you know what I do to people who are not my friends, right?" Tom threatened tightening his grip on her hands so her finger tips started to turn purple, she paled.

"I am. You know I am Tommy, but please. Promise me you won't hurt anyone else for vengeance. Please Tommy." She pleaded, Tom sighed, and his grip loosened.

"Fine. But only for you darling." He whispered, she smiled but I knew she was still scared by the other side of Tom she had just seen. I could practically see all the questions and hopes running through her head. 'Maybe this was just a phase? Maybe he would go back to normal it couple days? And what was with that name? 'Darling'? He never called me that before. And why did he keep looking at me like that? what was going on?' 

"You'll find out soon enough." I muttered.

The scene changed again. 

Little me was in her small room, sitting on the bed, sketching in a small notebook she had gotten for Christmas. It was almost 6 months after Ben and her arrived. I was sitting next to her, closing my eyes tightly knowing what was about to happened. Then the door bursted open.

"Nikki I need to tell you something." Tom said urgently barging in and closing the door behind him. Little me looked up, then looked fearfully at the closed door.

"Tommy you know girls and boys aren't allowed to be in a room together by themselves." Mini me told him, his eyes flashed dangerously and I saw her flinch both of us knowing what that meant.

"Does it look like I care?" He whispered menacingly. Little me shook her head with wide eyes.

"What did you want to tell me?" She asked quickly, trying to change the subject. It worked. Tom's features relaxed then looked a little nervous.

"Well... I needed to tell you... um..." He took a deep breath. "I love you Nikki! Ever since I first saw you I loved you. I just needed to tell you that." He smiled a little. Mini me looked taken aback and stared at him with wide eyes. I remembered I had always had a tiny crush on Tom, I mean he was the most handsome boy I had ever seen but I had just wanted to be friends. And love?

Tom was looking at her expectantly, but she stayed quite not knowing what to say.

"Well?" He demanded after a while. "Aren't you going to say it back?!"

"Tom-" She started a little shakily. 

"No! I've been working hard to man up the courage to tell you this! You are not going to reject me Nicole! Or so help me, you know what I can do to people right? You've seen what I can do. So I advise you to love me back unless you want me to hurt you and that brother of yours." He threatened, and again she paled. I cringed seeing how weak I used to be. I should have just made the earth swallow him whole then, but I didn't. I was weak.

"I-I love you too Tommy." Mini me whispered, and Tom beamed his features transforming completely to one of pure joy.

"I knew it! Yes! You're going to be my girlfriend now Nikki! Yeah! And we'll get married but no kids, I hate kids." He shuddered. Normally if a little kid started taking about marriage and kids you would just think it was cute, but Tom was another case. He didn't even look like he was kidding, he didn't have that innocent look in his eyes like most kids no. His eyes shone with diabolical things, with anarchy, destruction. I knew those eyes oh too well. Those were the eyes of a murderer. 

Tom smiled at little me one last time before opening the door and running out, shutting it behind him. I saw little me exhale a long breath she had been holding. Tears brimmed her eyes.

"I can't let him hurt Ben." She muttered to herself slipping back into her first language. "I guess I'll just have to love him... You can learn to love someone. Right?"

The scene changed

Little me and Tom were swinging on the swings. I was standing in front of them watching mini me try and keep her skirt from flying up. Tom was staring at her dreamily as her hair flew everywhere. 

"Hey! You guys are married!!" Someone squealed from behind me. I turned to see that one of those little swing girls. What was her name? ... Oh yeah! Amy Benson. Next to her was that other swing girl, and they were both giggling and pointing at Little Me and Tom. I also saw across the playground was Ben with those group of boys he had made friends with before. He stopped playing with me after he met them, I guess he didn't want his only friend to be an annoying little 8 year old. 

I turned back to Little me and Tom. Their swings were swinging in sync and apparently for little kids that basically was like saying "I do." Little me was blushing hard and stopped the swing almost immediately, making Tom who was beaming a couple seconds before her scowled at her action. But then he smirked again.

"That's a great idea! Let's get married Nikki!" Tom exclaimed jumping off his swing which was barley moving anymore. 

"Tom I don't think that's a good-" Mini me started.

"Yes it is." He growled, and she flinched.

"Yes it is." She repeated quietly. Tom beamed again. 

"Great we're going to get married tomorrow! I'll tell Martha." He announced and ran off towards Martha who was scolding that other girl who was wearing pants. Little me glared at the two girls who ran off giggling, then ran a hand through her hair.

"No, no, no, no." She whispered to herself looking a little scared.

The scene changed.

I was now sitting in a fold up chair in the middle of the field. I saw mini me standing there in the dress I had come here in but now it had been bleached white. My hair was in a french braid bun looking thing and I had a small tiara on. I remember Amy lent it to me after apologizing for what she got me into. She had gotten it for Christmas after deciding she wanted to be a princess. 

Tom was across of little me holding my hands. His hair looked neatly combed back and he had on  pair of black jeans, a white button up shirt and a black blazer that looked a size too big for him. 

Tom was beaming happily and little me had a fake smile plastered on her face. All the other kids from the orphanage were there too, looking all dressed up. Martha was there too, as the wedding officiant. She was smiling, probably thinking it was adorable. They had made it a fun little event, like an excuse for all of the kids to get dressed up and stuff, all the adults talking about how adorable me and Tom were. I started listening again when Tom said something.

"I do!" He exclaimed. Martha smiled.

"Nikki, do you wanna be Tom's wife?" She asked, still smiling. I've never been to a real wedding I'm pretty sure this isn't how they went.

"Um... I don't really think-" Little me started shakily, but was stopped by a glare from Tom, she flinched again and forcefully put the smile back on her face. "I mean, i do too." 

"Great! Then I hear by proclaim you two married! You may kiss the bride!" Martha exclaimed, I heard a noise of protest from someone next to me. I looked and saw Ben in the clothes he arrived here in glaring at Tom as if daring him to do it. Tom gave him a little smirk, as I saw little me start to back up out of the corner of my eye. 

He then grabbed the back of her neck and smashed his lips into hers. I small squeal came from her lips but no one could here it over the sounds of mock disgust from all the kids. Tom finally let go and mini me started gasping for air. I saw Ben growl and try and get up but one of his friends pushed him back down.

"Dude, it's cool. They're just little kids. Besides if you get in a fight with him then we won't get cake." His friend reasoned with him, wisely. Ben looked defiant but then just sighed. 

"No idiota! Go beat him to a pulp! Don't you dare just sit there Benjamin Mario Di Angelo! I swear to Zeus Ben!" I started yelling at him knowing full well he couldn't hear me, but I didn't want to see what happened next. 

But despite my protests the scene changed again. 

Little me was pacing in her room. Tears swam in her eyes as she was rubbing her lips raw with an old rag. 

"No, no, no. That didn't just happen! He didn't! Maybe it was just a friendly kiss? Maybe that's just what they do here?" She pleaded with herself. I was sitting on the small bed, praying to every god I knew that the flashback would just stop now, or freeze here. But then I heard the quiet knock on the door and I clenched my fists.

Mini me stopped pacing. She looked at the door in confusion.

"It's midnight... Who on earth is awake right now?" She whispered to herself, then walked over to the door, and opened it. Before she could even blink she was pushed backwards and the door slammed shut. I wanted to walk out right then but I found myself unable to move. 

Little me had fallen on the bed and was lying next to me. She went to sit up and her eyes opened wide seeing who it was.

"T-Tom." She whispered fearfully. "W-w-what are you doing? Y-You're not allowed to be here!" She stammered at the ten year old with  weird mischievous glint in his eyes. I looked closer trying to see what he was thinking, and mixed in his eyes I saw a hurricane of emotions: Longing, desire, mischief, hunger.

"Nikki, I know you felt it too. When we kissed. It was amazing Nikki. I-I need you, I need more." He whispered with a crazy smile on his face. 

"No. No Tommy please. I couldn't breath Tom! I hated it. Just go back to your room, please." Little me begged inching away from him but that crazy look on his face didn't go away as he took a step closer. 

"Well then, I'm sorry... but I need this." Tom smiled and pounced. 

He landed on top of her and before she could yelp he smashed his lips onto hers in a sloppy kiss. She tried to shake his of but he grabbed her head to stop her from moving and put all of his weight on her. I heard a small squeak but it was drowned out by moans of contentment from Tom.

Finally he pulled away, a giant smile on his face. Little me started gasping for air, and he was panting. He put his face in her neck and inhaled deeply. 

"You smell so good." He muttered. She squirmed.

"Tom, please! Get off I can barely breath!" Little me cried tears falling down her face. His lips formed a smirk.

"Alright." Then he flipped them so he was on the bottom and she was on top, then he grabbed her head again and smashed their lips together again. She tried to push herself off but he moved one his arms and grabbed her back pulling her closer to him. With the other hand he laced his fingers in her hair pulling and tugging making small gasps and whimpers escape her lips in the kiss. 

Tom pulled away for air.

"I like that. Make more sounds." He commanded. Little me had tears running down her face and shook her head which made him smirk. "Fine then. I'll make you." He then grabbed her head and pulled her into the 4th kiss of that day. He pulled her hair harder but she refused to give him the satisfaction of hearing her whimper. I saw his brow furrow, then his arm that was holding her down started raking his nails across her back. 

A small gasp escaped her lips. I saw him smirk. Then he pulled away for a second to get one breath before pulling her back, his mouth opened slightly and his tongue came out of his mouth but she had her jaw clenched and her mouth clapped shut. 

"Open." he ordered in the kiss, but she kept her mouth shut. Then his hand that was scratching her back stopped for a moment then grabbed her side and pinched, hard. Little me gasped giving him a chance to slide his tongue into her mouth. She moaned, more tears falling down her face. 

At this point my eyes were shut tight, I didn't stand to see anymore. How on earth did a ten year old know how to french kiss?! 

This happened almost every night after the 'marriage'. Good thing this kid didn't know any thing else except kissing or it could have ended a lot worse. But after that I was traumatized. I never told anyone because Tom said he would set his snakes on Ben. And to top all this off... I still cared about my first friend. I always made up excuses for his behavior because truthfully he was actually really nice when he wasn't in 'horny-mode'. Tom just had some moments, his emotions changed really quickly but when he was calm he was nice.... ish? 

And the scene changed again. 

Little me was crying on her bed looking at the fresh claw marks on her back from last night. She was trying to bandage it but couldn't reach making my 8 year old self start crying even more. It wasn't bleeding too bad anymore so she just put her white shirt on and her khaki skirt, and put a dark blue cardigan on. She sat on her bed and put on her long socks and the small black dress shoes. Then looked n the mirror and pulled out the braid she had slept in leaving her hair even more wavy than normal. And lastly put the bark blue head band on.

Mrs. Cole had told us to try and look our best since we were going on our annual field trip to the seaside. 

So little me brushed the last of her tears off her face and put on a forced smile, waiting there for a while till her eyes stopped looking so red and poofy. She took one last deep breath before opening the door and walking out to the small cafeteria, and I followed her. She got a small bowl of cereal and went to walk to the other girls who she had began to make friends with then a voice called out.

"Nikki! Over here, sit with me!" Tom's voice called out from behind me, she froze and winced a little as if remembering a bad memory. Then plastered a smile on her face, turned around, and walked over to the menacing child in the corner. I followed and noticed all the pitying looks from the other children. By now everyone knew what a jerk Tom was, they thought he was just weird and lonely but ever since I had become friends with him he started speaking his mind more, openly threatening people. 

When I was talking with the girls I asked them if it was my fault for his change of behavior but they said that actually a few months before 'we got married', Mrs. Cole had a meeting with him. Apparently all the children got that meeting when they were ten, they were told everything the system knew about their parents. It seemed that whatever Tom heard hadn't been the best news because he's been acting like a psychopath ever since.   

I never pried because I noticed the more I angered Tom throughout the day, he would scratch and pinch more, he shoved his tongue harder down my throat. So I tried to stay as silent as possible around him so I wouldn't upset him. 

Little me was now sitting next to Tom, not looking at him. I remembered the day before I had refused to let him feed me my dinner (he said that's what married people were supposed to do) which resulted in the long claw marks down mini me's back. 

"Hey Nikki. I'm sorry about yesterday. I just was in a bad mood since you didn't obey, I didn't mean to make you bleed that much." Tom semi-apologized, she nodded still not looking at him. There was a moment of silence that felt like little me was supposed to say something but she didn't know what to say. Then Tom so graciously told her. 

"Now you have to apologize for what you did." He said.

"And what would that be exactly?" She asked in a growl, sarcasm evident in her voice.

"You wouldn't obey! I'm pretty sure I already said that, sweetheart." He sneered, she looked up to see that dangerous look in Tom's eyes and I could tell she was wishing she had just kept her mouth shut.

"Oh." She squeaked. "Y-Yes. I'm really sorry. I-I promise that'll happen again honey." She added in the last part because I remember Tom had always made me call him that and it seemed to calm him down when I used it willingly. He sighed and gave little me a smile which she returned with a fake one.

"You know Amy Benson and Dennis Bishop, right?" He asked after a while of awkward silence. She nodded slowly. "Well I'm going to punish them today. Apparently Benson heard banging and crying a couple nights ago and told Dennis since they're dating. And Benson went and checked in my room last night and I wasn't there. So they came to me and said they would snitch on me if I didn't tell them what was happening before dinner today. Ha. No one threatens me. I am going to make them pay." He growled. Mini me's eyes were wide.

"Tom, please don't hurt them. They didn't mean anything by it, i bet they were just concerned about both of us. Please Tommy." She begged, but his glare turned hold and she gulped.

"Oh so you care about them more than me?! Is that how it is?! Maybe I should punish your brother along with them, hmm!?" He demanded looking murderous, he was still in one of his moods.

"N-No, of course not. I just d-d-don't want you to get in t-trouble!" Little me stammered, and Tom veered his gaze. 

"I can't get in trouble if they don't catch me. And don't try and talk me out of it, I have already decided. You will obey if you don't want your brother to wake up with snake venom in his veins. Well actually more like never wake up again." He whispered evilly.

"Y-Yes honey." Little me whispered back, putting her spoon down, not having much of an appetite anymore. Tom nodded in satisfaction, stood up then grabbed her hand and yanked her towards him pulling her out of the cafeteria probably to go join the rest of the kids ho were already leaving to get inspected before getting on the bus.

  It was hard seeing me like this, weak, not being able to stand up for myself. I hadn't thought back on this in.... well ever actually. After I found out about being a demigod I guess the 10 year old pervert that I used to care for didn't really matter. But seeing this... Just made me even more determined to become a huntress, guys are no good. All of them. 

The scene changed again.

This time we were at the sea side. Little me on a bench by herself, a good distance away from everyone, looking downcast, and all the rest of the kids were running around some playing tag/hide and seek, and some playing with the rocks and other things. But as I looked around I noticed Tom, Amy, and Denis were nowhere to be seen. 

Just as the thought entered my head the missing children appeared out of this air. Tom had Amy and Denis by the back of their collars then let them go and they crumpled to the ground at Tom's feet. They  immediately began throwing up and gasping for air. Did Tom know how to shadow travel too? No he wasn't a demigod, he couldn't be... right? 

Little me just sat there in shock staring at the kids on the floor then at Tom then back at the kids. 

"T-Tom, what did you do?" She whispered, horrified. Tom didn't reply he just smiled and gestured to the kids. Amy and Denis stopped throwing up, probably having nothing else to throw up, then shakily got to their feet. I noticed they had tears running down their cheeks, and that they were only around 8 or 9. They were visibly trembling a lot and looked out of it, like their minds weren't all there - trust me I know, I've seen that look in the mirror many times. 

"T-T-Tom?" Little me whispered again. "What did you do?" This time he made eye contact with her and gave her a look that said "you'll see." Then he smiled again and opened his mouth.

"Amy. Denis. Are you going to tell Mrs. Cole on me and Nikki?" He asked in a cold voice. Their eyes widened at the sound of his voice and they started crying and shaking three times as much as they were. They didn't seem to have the strength to turn around to face him.



They both whimpered over each other. 

"Are you going to tell anyone what I did to you?" Tom asked in the same tone. They both shook their heads vigorously not being able to talk through their sobs. Amy started falling to her knees and Denis followed, both of them completely breaking down falling to the floor at Tom's feet once more. 

I could tell little me had enough of this. She stood up and ran to their sides, and fell to her knees in front of them. 

"Shhh, it's alright. You're okay. You're safe. He won't hurt you anymore." She whispered to them and pulled both of them into a hug, stroking their hair. 

"What do you think you're doing Nikki?" Tom demanded, and Little me looked up still hugging the kids with a look of hate in her eyes. 

"How dare you?" She whispered coldly. "How dare you hurt children, with absolutely no remorse Tom?! They have their entire lives ahead of them but you could have just ruined the rest of their lives! What if they never recover from this, from you?! They're just kids Tom!! What did you do to them!?!" 

Her voice started getting louder with each word until she was screaming at him. His face remained stone the whole way through, the only difference was the look in his eye. That dangerous flame in his eye started growing and growing, I wanted to tell Little me to shut up, run and never look back but she just continued.

"I've always thought that you were just hurting, that you just needed time, that all the evil and darkness that has encased your heart would leave. That you would stop hurting me, making me bleed, making me cry, making me feel like everything that has happened is my fault, threatening my brother's life!! But no, this evil persona that I see every day is... you." At that word Little me let got of the kids, stood and stared him right in the eye, less than a foot away from him.

 "Just, you! You're evil and crooked and mean and just plain horrible!! And I've stood by letting you control me, letting you hurt other kids, letting you manipulate people, but that stops now! This is going to far! Tom you need to STOP!!" She screamed clenching her fists. 

There was a moment of silence, where Little me and Tom had a stare off. Neither of them would look away, they just stared into each others eyes. Little me had a look of pain and caring but also sternness, maybe even hatred. Tom's look... it was almost unreadable. It had many many many emotions swirling in a hurricane behind his eyes as though they were fighting on which he should feel. Curiosity.  Anger. Hurt. Coldness. Sadness. Pain. Longing. Rage. Hunger. Love. Confusion. Surprise. Doubt. 

Then he lashed out. He grabbed her arm, digging his nails into her arm, then they disappeared. And sadly I was forced to come with. 

So, I decided he doesn't know how to shadow travel.

I was forced to disappear with them and this form of teleportation definitely wasn't shadow travel. I felt like I was being suffocated, like I was being forced down a tight tube, unable to move. I couldn't breathe, I felt like my ribs were breaking against my lungs. And just as I was sure I was about to die it stopped.

I collapsed onto the hard floor. It was dark all around me and I felt as though I had fallen on something like a rock. I panted a little but forced myself onto my feet, I've faced worse than this. But apparently my past self hadn't. She was on the floor vomiting, gasping between hurls. She was shivering horribly. And Tom was there just staring down at the crumpled heap on the floor with a cold glare. 

I looked around and noticed I was in some sort of cave. There was some blood stains on the floor, probably from the kids who were here before Little me. There was also a weird hissing coming from the shadows. That's probably what he tormented them with... snakes.

After a couple minutes Little me stopped throwing up but she was still trembling.

"T-Tom? W-What- H-How?" She whimpered softly not looking up from the ground. 

"Talking to snakes isn't the only thing I can do Nikki. One day I was thinking of going to the cafeteria but I didn't want to leave my bed, so just as I was picturing the cafeteria in my head I appeared there. It was not the best experience, remember when I had to get my finger sown back on? Yeah, that wasn't from slamming my hand in the door. " He explained, his cold expression unwavering.

"O-Oh." Little me breathed. There was a long silence, and for some reason little me was stupid enough to break it. "T-Tom? W-w-what a-are you g-gonna do to m-me?" Tom didn't reply for a moment, his expression or glare hadn't changed since the moment they arrived there. 

"I told you this morning if you didn't obey your brother would pay." He reminded her, her eyes widened in fear and she looked up.

"No. Please, anything else. I'm begging you Tom please don't hurt him. You can hurt me all you want, even kill me if that makes you happy, just don't hurt Ben." Little me pleaded still at Tom's feet.

"You yelled at me. Called me terrible names. Accused me of doing horrible things. So why should I do anything you say? Why should I have mercy on you?" He demanded, clenching his fists. Little me seemed to be thinking about her answer, assessing what would be the best thing to say.

"B-Because you love me. You said so yourself. You love me, which is why you should let me have one last request before you kill me. I see it in your eyes. You're going to kill me. But my last request is for you to leave Ben alone. Please. If you truly love me then you won't hurt him. Please Tommy." She reasoned in a quiet voice, her voice breaking the whole way through. Something in Tom's eyes changed. He looked like he was deep in thought.

"What do you feel about me? After everything that has happened.... do you hate me? I know you never loved me, you were just scared of me. Tell me the truth Nikki. Do you hate me?" He asked, his voice sounding like he wanted more than anything to know. Again Little me pondered this. 

"No. No I don't hate you." She said slowly as though she was still thinking about the words coming out of her mouth. "I don't really know how I feel about you... I don't think I love you... well at least not romantically...You were my first friend... I care about you, even after everything you've done I still care about you more than you could know. Because I know that you're not evil, you're just lost. You just need some help finding the light. Which is what I'm going to do for you." Little me told him, her voice growing stronger with every word. 

"I don't need nor want your help." Tom growled. 

"But I need and want to help you! I can't stand by and let you hurt people anymore Tommy. Please, can you just try... try to stop hurting people? F-For me?" She begged, looking up at Tom hesitantly reaching up and holding his hands. He didn't pull away. He just looked down at her with a curious expression on his face.

"Do you... Do you really care about me?" He whispered. Little me smiled softly.

"Y-Yes... yes I do." She said firmly.

"Th-Then I guess I can try..." Tom muttered, looking unsure. She shakily got to her feet not letting go of his hands.

"Pinkie promise?" Little me asked, I thought she was kidding but she looked serious.

 'Oh wait! They were still in elementary school of course they did childish things like that!' I realized. I had forgotten they were still children, they acted like they were older most of the time. And what was happening to Little Me was too much pain and pressure to put on a 8 year old. And Tom seemed too evil for a 10 year old. 

"Pinkie promise." Tom agreed with a smile. His voice broke me out of my thoughts as I looked at them with their pinkies linked. But I needed to do something. So I walked over and stood right where Little me was standing and bent down- but just barley because I'm so short I'm only 1 or 2 inches taller than this 10 year old who hasn't even had any growth spurts yet- and stared Tom right in the eye. 

I sucked in a breath as I still saw it. That look of evil mischief that burned brightly in the back of his eyes. I knew I shouldn't have hoped for his words to be true. People like that... people with those eyes... they never change.

The scene changed again.

Little me was on her bed drawing with her new colored pencils she had gotten for Christmas. Tom was sitting next to her watching her draw with a small smile on his lips. 

"You're really good." Tom whispered in her ear, little me giggled, turned to him, an smiled warmly.

"Thanks Tommy." Little me replied happily, and he responded by kissing her lips softly. 

I remembered that ever since the cave incident he had stopped going into my room at night, as request of me. But he insisted that we were to still be married and he was still allowed to kiss me when he wanted. I knew better than to argue with him even if it made my shudder every time he did it. 

A loud knock on the door broke me out of my thoughts. Tom pulled away and glared at the door for cutting the kiss short. 

"Who is it?" Little me asked, putting her finger to her lips at Tom. Technically he wasn't allowed to be in there even if it was a holiday for the children- it being New Years day. In response to her question the door opened to reveal Mrs. Cole- who was swaying slightly with a lopsided grin on her face- and a strange looking man in a really weird looking plum velvet colored suit. He had long auburn hair from both his head and face. 

My jaw dropped. It was Professor Stupid Door. 

Little me looked at him smiling and stifling a giggle, as Tom had an eyebrow raised at him. But then Mrs. Cole let out a hiccup and they both paled knowing they would both be in trouble for being in the same room.

"Hey Tommm?" Mrs. Cole slurred. (i'm making her a lot more drunk than in the books, just btw.) "I knew I would find you in here! Ha! Isn't this not allowed or something? I dunno, nor do I care, but look! You've got yourselffff a visitor! Isn't it lovely, even if he does look quite strange... Well ima gooo. Mr. Dumberton will tell you everything." She hiccuped again and walked away, well more like stumbled away. 

Little me and Tom were looking at each other with their eyebrows raised.

"Che strano... La signora Cole non si ubriaca mai." Little me said to herself.

"English Nikki." Tom reminded her and she blushed embarrassingly. 

"Oh sorry. I was just saying Mrs. Cole doesn't get drunk. That was... weird." Little me explained looking thoughtful but Tom just smiled.

"No that was great! She didn't get us in trouble! Maybe next time I want to come down here I can add some alcohol to her drink instead of blackmailing the other kids into pretending to be sick." Tom wondered to himself.

"Tom! You said you would stop doing that! You promised!" Little me exclaimed looking a little hurt.

"No, no! Did I say blackmail? I meant I just asked them, you know the kids here their always so... nice?" 

"Tom your worse at lying than I am and that's saying something." She teased, Tom sighed.

"Only around you." He muttered and little me laughed.

"Just don't do it again okay, please Tommy, I hate it when you hurt the other kids." Little me told him sadly, looking a little guilty. Probably remembering what happened to Amy and Denis.

"Fine. But you know that I-" Tom started but was interrupted by someone clearing their throat behind him. Tom's eyes widened and he paled a little as did little me. Tom turned around slowly to see Professor Dunder-boar  was still there watching them, hearing everything. He looked a little curious.

"That was quite the interesting conversation." Professor Bumblebee noted, Tom's eyes narrowed.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Tom snapped at him viciously, Professor Dumb Door raised an eyebrow.

"Oh yes, where are my manners. I am Professor Dumbledore." So that was his name. "How do you do, Tom?"  He asked politely, walking forward and holding out his hand. Tom didn't take it he just narrowed his eyes at the hand then looked back up at him.

"How do you know my name? And 'Professor'? What does that mean? Like a doctor? Did  she get you to have a look at m-" Tom demanded but little me placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Tom, calm down, you know what happens when you loose your temper." She whispered gently and he took a deep breath and exhaled. Then little me stepped in front of Tom and smiled warmly at Dumbledore.

"Sorry about him he can get a little carried away sometimes. But if you are a doctor then I assure you Tom is fine there is nothing wrong with him and I would suggest you to tell than to Mrs. Cole too." She informed him sounding really polite. Ha. Yeah, I don't do polite. It's weird how much I've changed.

"Oh well we can talk about this more later, though I am not a doctor. But my name is Professor Dumbledore, young lady, and you are?" He asked and turned so his hand was outstretched to her.

"Nikki Di Angelo." Little me introduced then eyed his hand warily then hesitantly took it. The affect was quick and barley noticeable but I saw it. For a split second Dumbledore's eyes widened and he took a sharp inhale upon touch her skin. But it left as quickly as it came, though his eyes now showed sympathy and sadness towards my past self. He probably felt my aura of power and knew I was a demigod based on the was he reacted but other than that one second reveal he didn't let anything on.

Dumbledore swooped down and kissed the top of her hand as was it supposed to be back then, then he let go and addressed her again.

"Well its very nice to meet you Nikki. But I'm afraid I need to speak to Tom in private so Tom if you wouldn't mind following me back to your room." Dumbledore gestured towards the door and for Tom to follow.

"No. Anything you need to tell me can be said in front of my wife. " Tom snarled coldly emphasizing the last word. Dumbledore's expression flashed from surprised then to amused as though it was some silly game. Apparently Tom noticed it too because fire flared in his eyes.

"Oh you don't believe me do you?!" Tom shouted, then grabbed little me by the waist, turned her so Dumbledore could see what was about to happen clearly. Then smashed his lips onto hers with such force that she whimpered quietly in the kiss. She started t struggle against him, but then he pushed her up against the wall never breaking the kiss and held her tighter, lacing his hand in her hair and the other one still grabbing her waist.

I took a couple steps back in disgust, and shut my eyes tightly so I wouldn't have to watch. I heard little me let out a moan, which meant that he probably stuck his tongue in her mouth. And after what felt like an eternity I heard a gasp and I opened my eyes to see Little me fall onto the bed clutching her throat letting out strangled gasps and pants. Tom stood there breathing a little heavily but he was smiling wildly.

"Oh you have no idea how much I missed that." He exclaimed, then turned to Dumbledore who was just standing there in shock. "Now, if you wish to speak to me I'll be in my room with my wife." He smirked and grabbed Little me's wrist. Then dragged her panting form out of the room leaving Dumbledore in the same position he was since they started kissing.

He shook his head slightly then looked up as though talking to the ceiling and put his hands together like he was praying.

"Μητέρα παρακαλώ δώσε μου την ευλογία σου για να πεις στο κορίτσι. Είναι τελικά ημίθεος. Θα θυσιάσω όλες τις σταγόνες λεμονιού μου αν δεν με χτυπήσεις για αυτό." (Mother please give me your blessing to tell the girl. She is a demigod after all. I will sacrifice all my lemon drops to you if you don't smite me for this.) He prayed in ancient greek. Lemon drops? This guy really was crazy. After he finished he walked out after them and I grudgingly followed, not wanting to find out what would happen if I didn't stay with my past self.

We walked into Tom's room, which was surprisingly bare compared to mine. His had none of his possessions anywhere, no pictures or paintings, not even clothes on the floor. It just looked... bland. Whereas my room had drawings I had made all over the walls, clothes all over the floor and a small angel brooch my mother had given to me supposedly but I didn't remember that at the time. 

Little me and Tom were sitting on the bed yelling at each other when me and Dumbledore came in.

"You promised Tom! You said you would never shove your tongue down my throat again!! You promised you wouldn't hurt people!! You promised you wouldn't lose your temper!! And guess what?! You did all of the above!! You're a liar!! I gave you a second chance but you ruined it Riddle!! So just leave me alone!!" Little me screamed at him standing up and making her way to the door- for some reason not really being able to see Dumbledore, I assumed he was masking himself with the mist so he could watch.

Tom lashed out and grabbed Little me's arm tightly.

"No. I won't leave you alone. You know why?" He snarled, making her turn around. "Because you're mine." He whispered and shoved her into the wall, smashing his lips against hers messily. Okay, after watching this for like the third time let me just say, Tom was a horrible kisser. He was having trouble keeping his lips on her mouth right and saliva was getting all over her face. It was just sloppy and gross. 

Well Dumbledore finally thought it was a good time to stop this as he came out of the shadows, drew his stick and flicked it at them making Tom stumble backwards and Little me sank to the floor gasping for air.

"Enough of that. Now, back to what I was saying." Dumbledore said sternly with a slight sound of disgust in his voice. "I am a professor of a school for children with special abilities. You have been offered a place at this school Tom but after what I have seen here today I don't know if you should go to this school at all." 

Tom was still on the ground staring at the wand with wide eyes. But then his eyes turned a little glassy and he shook it off looking enraged. 

"I don't believe you! You're from an asylum aren't you! Well I'm not crazy! So do yourself a favor and leave!!" Tom shouted at Dumbledore, his voice rang loudly and made my blood turn cold. Any reasonable person would have ran away at the sound of it but Dumbledore just stood his ground still glaring at Tom. But before Dumbledore could say anything Little me spoke.

"I'm not yours you idiot. And next time you try anything like that I wont hesitate to break your nose." She growled but her voice was raspy. Now, that's the me I know! 

"Ε; Ίσως κόρη του Άρη;" (Huh? Maybe a daughter of Ares?) Dumbledore pondered quietly. "Όχι ... Η αύρα δύναμης του κοριτσιού είναι πολύ δυνατή ... Αναρωτιέμαι ... θα μπορούσε να είναι παιδί των τριών μεγάλων ;! Όχι ... αυτό είναι αδύνατο-" (No ... The girl's aura of power much too strong... I wonder ... could she be a child of the big three?! No ... that's impossible-) 

"Plus, didn't you see! He used that stick to throw you across the room! So obviously he's not lying, moron!" Little me hissed in the same tone.

"How dare you talk to me like that! I could hurt you, you know! And that brother of yours! And what on earth are you talking about! He pushed me off Di Angelo!" Tom shouted at her.

"Wow you really must be blind, or insanely stupid if you didn't see what just happened. And I don't care anymore! I'll send you to a hospital before you could get anywhere near Ben, Riddle."

"Oh really? Well what if I just call the snakes to kill him now? Or teleport to his room right now and kill him? What's to stop me then?" He demanded looking down right murderous... well more than usual. 

"I will stop you." Dumbledore cut in. "As I said before I teach at school for children with special abilities. So, obviously I have some of my own. Hogwarts is a school of magic." 

"M-Magic? That's what I can do? Magic?" Tom stammered, the fire in his eyes put out. Now his eyes shone with curiosity and wonder, like a child's should.

"That's right. Now what kind of magic can you do?" Dumbledore asked calmly, though I could feel the power and anger radiating off him from what had just happened. 

"All sorts." Tom breathed, his eyes looking wild and excited, a grin slowly spreading across his cheeks. "I can make things move without touching them. I can make snakes do what I want, sometimes all animals, without training them. I can make bad things happen to those who annoy me. I can make them hurt if I want to." He said in the same excited tone. He was trembling a little and fell back onto his bed sitting on the corner and hunching over putting his head in his hands.

"I knew I was different. I knew I was special. I always knew there was something." Tom whispered to his shaking self.

"Well you were right." Dumbledore snapped a little harshly. It seemed obvious he learned to control his temper more over the years but it was strange seeing him like this. As though something about the scene he witnessed hit a nerve for him. "You're a wizard." 

Tom looked up, that wild look on his face, happiness evident on his features. 

"Are you a wizard too?"

"Yes I am."

"Prove it!" Tom demanded in the same tone he used earlier. "Tell me the truth!" Dumbledore's eyebrows raised at his tone. 

"Does this mean you wish to go to Hogwarts?" Dumbledore asked his eyebrows still raised.

"Of course!" Tom exclaimed in a sassy tone as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Then you will address me as professor or sir."

Tom's face hardened, then his voice changed completely. 

"I'm sorry sir. I meant: Please, professor, could you show me-" He said in an unrecognizably polite tone. Then I remember of those stupid manners classes we had to take in the orphanage. It was a mandatory class where they taught you how to be polite, which- no matter how boring and tedious- had come in handy over the past few years when talking to gods or when I went to that royal party to reap a soul- wait, I'm getting off track. Stupid ADHD. 

At first I though Dumbledore was going to refuse judging by the cold look on his face, but he just flicked his wrist that had the wand in it and the wardrobe a few feet away from Dumbledore burst into flames.

I audibly laughed as Tom jumped to his feet and howled in rage. He deserves that... and so much worse... But to my great sadness Dumbledore flicked his wrist again and the wardrobe was now undamaged. 

I started to get bored again my ADHD mind not letting me pay attention. I considered it a good thing I lasted this long without zoning out too bad. But now I just sat on Tom's bed staring off into the corner. Tom said something about wanting a wand then the wardrobe shook a little and Dumbledore made him promise to give the stuff back or something, but then my attention came back once I heard Dumbledore's voice sound even colder- if possible. 

"-thievery is not tolerated at Hogwarts." 

"Yes sir." Tom said in a colorless voice. 

"And you will never ever do anything like what I just witnessed when I came in. Do you understand?" Dumbledore demanded, I saw his fists clench slightly. 

"But as I told you before, sir, she is my wife so legally I am in possession of her and I can do whatever I want with her. " Tom snarled his demeanor transforming into this hostile one, as the subject changed back to little me who was still curled up in the corner with wide eyes upon learning magic was real. Dumbledore took a threatening step towards him, and I looked in his yes to see... something I never wanted to see again.

His eyes looked like a roaring fire, worse than any of the bonfires got when the half-bloods got angry, worse than even the hellfire that grew when my father got angry. Every line on his face, every wrinkle, every single part of his face illuminated cold burning fury. Power radiated off of him as if he were on fire, as it did when powerful demigods got mad. 

It scared me just looking at him, so I can't imagine what this 10 year old mortal felt, but judging by the way he backed up and tripped after yelping I'm going to assume he was terrified. 

"You do not own this girl. No matter what you think she is not your wife and even if she were, you treat every single being on this planet with respect. If you ever lay an other hand on her again I will personally come down and show you what this want can really do. Do you understand me?" Dumbledore whispered in a tone that made me shiver. Tom nodded his head quickly and fearfully his eyes wide in terror.

"Y-Y-Yes s-sir." Tom stammered. Dumbledore nodded looking satisfied, though I could tel he was still furious. He went back to being the normal middle aged man, with that twinkle in his eye and Tom stood up still trembling a little. 

"Now you will go and return those possessions to  their owners with your deepest apologies as I speak with the girl you just assaulted." He said it like a command not a request. Tom nodded his head again and took the little box ,walking out of the room. 

Dumbledore's gaze looked over to little me, who looked a little terrified herself. His expression softened completely and he bent down to get to her level. He smiled warmly kind of like how Ben used to smile at me. Judging by all that had happened I assumed he had lost someone important to him, maybe a daughter or sister, and little me reminded him of her. My suspicions were confirmed with his next sentence.

"Hey Ari. It's alright. You're safe now." He hummed in a warm tone, brushing his thumb against her cheek which was slightly wet. Little me flinched at the touch, and looked at Dumbledore with wide eyes.

"Th-That's n-not m-my name s-sir." She whispered fearfully. And the unfocused look in Dumbledore's eyes changed and he blinked a couple times, clearing his head. Once he looked at Little me one more time his smile came back, maybe a tad less like an older brother but other than that it was the same.

"Of course it's not. I'm sorry little one. What did you say your name was?" Dumbledore asked sweetly, Little me looked a little taken aback but then she smiled a little.

"Nikki. My name's Nikki Di Angelo, sir." She told him. 

"Well, Nikki would you mind if I maybe asked you a few questions?" Little me looked a little hesitant but then she just nodded. "Alright then, but let's sit somewhere else. I do have to say this floor isn't too comfortable." Dumbledore joked and Little me giggled. He stood up then offered her a hand. She took it and they both sat on the bed, side by side.

"How long had this been going on? What happened with you and Mr. Riddle, I mean." Dumbledore asked softly. Little me looked down to her knees and looked a little like she was thinking.

"I think it's been around 1 or 2 years now..." She muttered still looking like she was thinking, Dumbledore winced at this piece of information.

"I see. And upon my entry with Mrs. Cole I noticed you say something about Mister Riddle blackmailing and hurting the  children before. Were you aware of the events that took place with Mister Riddle, Miss Benson, and Mister Bishop?" Dumbledore asked cautiously. At this Little me winced again and looked up at Dumbledore with tears in her eyes.

"I tried to stop him." She whispered, the tears started to roll down her cheeks and she had to talk between sobs. "I promise I did. B-But he said he would kill my brother. H-H-He said he was going to punish them. He promised they deserved it. But I never thought he would do that to them. When he teleported back and I saw them I couldn't take it anymore. I tried to help them, calm them down. And I lost control. I started yelling at Tom and he punished me too. He teleported me, and it hurt. But I reasoned with him. He promised he would stop making out with me every night, that he would stop forcing his tongue down my throat, that he would stop hurting people. But he lied to me. And I am so sorry for everything that's happened here. It's my fault. If they're looking for someone to blame it's me. I'm the only one who could have stopped him. But I'm weak. I'm worthless. I'm cowardly. I don't even deserve to be alive. I-" She sobbed, looking a mess now. But Dumbledore stopped her by pulling her into his arms.

"Shh. No it's not your fault, it's Tom's. It was never nor will never be your fault. Your just a child and to have all that pressure on you. Your brother's life was on the line and you chose the right thing. You chose your family. Which is always the right decision. " Dumbledore soothed, rubbing circles on the small girls back. From his tone of voice I decided he was guilty from the-person-he-lost's death. It sounded as though he didn't 'chose his family'. 

Little me calmed down after a couple minutes than sat back up rubbing her poofy eyes and hiccuping a little. 

"Sorry." She mumbled, looking ashamed at her break down. But Dumbledore just smiled at her.

"Is it alright if I ask you a few more questions?" Little me nodded. "Well I was wondering if you knew anything about your parents? Like who they were where they came from?" Dumbledore asked looked a little nervous as though he hit a nerve but Little me just sat there expressionless.

"Honestly? I really don't know. I can't remember my mother at all. Nothing. I actually can't remember anything since a year or two ago. My first memory was of my grandmother, I think, she had a warm smile. Dark brown hair. And I think... a crown of wheat? I know it sounds weird but that's how I remember her. She did my hair all nice before I came here. She didn't seem too happy about me leaving, she started yelling at someone... my father I think? 

He looked a little scary. He was really really tall with black hair and scary black eyes. His face was really pale and his clothes... they looked... alive? He forced some man to take us to this orphanage, saying he didn't want us anymore. I don't exactly remember how we got here. We were in america one moment then England the next. Then the lawyer man just left me and Ben here. In a different country, away from our father." Little me told Dumbledore looking confused as she went on as if noticing it didn't really make that much sense. But, Dumbledore, he looked scared. His face was pale and his eyes wide. 

"Στεφάνι σίτου ;! Δήμητρα, πρέπει να είναι. Αλλά αυτό σημαίνει ... η γιαγιά της είναι ... άρα ο πατέρας της πρέπει να είναι ... όχι. Δεν μπορεί να είναι. Όχι, αυτό είναι κακό. Ο όρκος. Γεννήθηκε πριν από αυτό, αλλά ακόμα ο Δίας δεν θα μπορούσε να είναι εντάξει με αυτό ... ίσως αυτό συνέβη στη μητέρα ... θα μπορούσε; Αλλά ένα παιδί του Άδη. Δύο στην πραγματικότητα! Όχι, αυτό είναι φρικτό. Αυτό το φτωχό κορίτσι. Η ζωή της θα είναι γεμάτη πόνο και δυστυχία. Όχι. Δεν μπορώ να το αφήσω να συμβεί." (Wheat crown?! Demeter, it has to be. But that means... her grandmother is... so her father has to be... no. It can't be. No this is bad. The oath. She was born before it but still Zeus couldn't have been alright with this... maybe that's what happened to the mother... could it? But a child of Hades. Two as a matter of fact! No this is horrible. This poor girl. Her life will be full of pain and misery. No. I can't let this happen.) Dumbledore muttered to himself. 

"Wow. This guy is smarter than he looks." I said, impressed at his detective skills. 

"Alright, one last question. Where can I find your brother? I would like to speak to him next." Dumbledore asked little me who was looking at Dumbledore curiously.

"What did that mean? I understood some of it. 'Demeter'  'oath' 'Zeus' 'the mother' 'child of Hades' 'her life' 'full of pain' but how did i understand it? You were speaking an other language, right? It wasn't italian or english... Also were you talking about me? What does child of Hades mean? And Demeter, Zeus, and Hades as in the greek gods?And 'her life' 'full of pain' was that about me?" Little me questioned all in one breath. Dumbledore chuckled, looking slightly amused. 

"All in good time little one, all in good time." He smiled. "So about your brother..."

"He's in room 9, four rooms down from here." Little me informed him still looking confused. Dumbledore stood up to leave but Little me stopped him by grabbing his hand. He turned around looking at the small girl who had a slight look of hope on her face.  "About this magic school..." She began but Dumbledore cut her off.

"I'm afraid I have to inform you that you are not a witch. Though you are more powerful and you will figure this out soon. But no this school is only for witches and wizards." Dumbledore told her, looking sincerely sad to say it, but Little me shook her head.

"No, that's not what I was going to ask. i was going to say... Is Tom going to be gone for good? He'll never be able to hurt us here again?" She asked hopefully, Dumbledore looked a little surprised at the question, but then the sad look came back to his eyes.

"Well not forever, he will have to return during summer breaks and if he truly wishes on Christmas breaks as well." Dumbledore said, downcastly, but Little me's face lit up.

"But other than that he won't be here right? That's most of the year. That's good enough for me!" She exclaimed happily, I scoffed at her attitude. I can't believe I was that happy once, this girl was more of a glass half full which was the exact opposite of me. But Dumbledore seemed to find it cute as he smile with a warm look that a mother might give to her child.

"I suppose that one way to look at it. But Ari- I mean Nikki if Mister Riddle gives you anymore trouble then I shall give you this-" two small mirrors appeared in his hand. "so you can contact me at any time. I promise I will arrive within second and I won't let him lay an other finger on you. I- ... I swear on River Styx I will do everything in my power to protect you from Tom Riddle." Dumbledore finished, there was a loud thunder clap outside though it didn't appear to be raining. Little me jumped at the sound but then looked back at Dumbledore, and let go of his hand to reach for one of the mirrors.

"What does it do?" She asked softly as she stroked the patters and jewels on the side of the small ornate mirror she now held in her hand. It was quite beautiful.

"Well it's like a telephone, but no wires, no batteries, and you can see each other. See?" He explained and put his face in front of the mirror he held in his hand. Little me gasped when the face of Dumbledore appeared in her mirror. Dumbledore smiled looking like he wanted to coo over the small girl but instead he just looked at the mirror and made a funny face, crossing his eyes and sticking his tongue out. 

Little me bursted into a fit of giggles then she looked back up at Dumbledore.

"Thank you sir." She beamed gratefully.

"Of course little one, now I must leave to talk to your brother, then I must return back to my school. But remember if you ever need me I'll be right there alright?" Dumbledore told her earnestly, she nodded still smiling from cheek to cheek. He bid her farewell, and walked out of there.

Little me waited a few moments then she walked out to her room. I followed. Once she got there she carefully placed the mirror on her bedside table next to her mother's angel broach, and smiled at it lovingly.

"Andrà tutto bene adesso. Adesso sono al sicuro." Little me whispered.

I didn't know how wrong I was.

Then I opened my eyes.

I edited 'the sorting' so it would fir with this sry I'll paste the part I changed....

"There was a tall, thin man with the longest beard and hair of any man I ave ever seen. It was silvery gray, and had bright blue eyes that shone behind his half-moon glasses. His nose was long and crooked, as though it had been broken multiple times. I assumed this was Drumbell-door, so I made my way through the first-years, too exhausted to use my anger-powered child-repellent, and stood in front of him.

I saw something in his eyes but only for split second. Recognition, wonder, love, warmth. It was weird but it left as quickly as it came. I handed him the letter looking at him skeptically.

He opened it, read through it quickly and smiled back up at me.

"It's an honor to meet you Miss Di Angelo. I've heard only stories but I do know your the best of the best, and I truly can't wait to work with you in the future." He exclaimed, but quietly so only I could hear. But there was something about the tone of voice when he said 'it's an honor to meet you' as though he knew me before. It was as if Will or someone said 'nice to meet you'. But I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind."

Yeah so I tweeked that so Dumbledore would regognize her. 

Also about this chapter I'm sorry its long and boring. Definitely not my best work, but it had to be done to get a long with this, plus I was not motivated at all bc most of this was done after school started at let me just say Middle School SUCKS! Like these are the worst years of my life by far. I hate it. Plus this is my 5th school in 5 years, my 8th school in total, and being the new kid also SUCKS! Especially since I miss all my friends and a lot of them don't have phones so I can't keep in touch with them. But enough excuses!

I just wanted to inform y'all since school is starting I probably won't be updating a lot since I have to wake up 5 am to get ready for My bus then my bus picks me up at 4 smth and I don't get home till 5 or 6. Then I have al my homework AND my parents like us to eat dinner together at do a family activity every day so all in all I have no time to write until the weekends, which is why I won't be updating as often. Probably once every week, if even I mean this took 3 weeks! So idk but pls dont hate me if I dont update a lot.

And remember comment and vote- only if you want I can't really make you though it would e greatly appreciated. Luv y'all!! <3 <3

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