Reincarnated Mate

By Vampura

20.1K 345 103

when a boy's parents sold him to a casino owner because they ran out of money and ended up in debt with him... More

Reincarnated Mate [2]
Reincarnated Mate [4]
[5] Reincarnated Mate

Reincarnated Mate [1]

7.4K 97 25
By Vampura

Chapter 1

            “YOU WHAT!!!” I shouted at my parents.

            My mother was shaken and my dad looked grim and apologetic.

            “We went to this cool casino called Black Iris.  We had a great time and we won some and lost some and before we knew it we lost more than we won and we owed the owner money.

            “We offered to work in his casino to pay off what we owe, but this idiot here,” mom slapped my father’s shoulder, “told me that we had to get home to take care of you and well, that got the owner interested.”

            “So, he made us a bargain, that is we give you to him and the only way we can get you back is to pay off what we owe. It was that or he’ll do terrible things to us.”

            I groaned and sat on the chair with my head between my legs trying to breath normally.

            “Sorry honey,” my mother whispered and stroked my hair.

            There was an impatient honking outside.

            “You better hurry up and pack, they are waiting on you,” My dad said grimly.

            I growled softly and walked upstairs and stuffed my backpack with jeans and shirts and underwear.  I packed some of my favorite books and zipped it closed.  I brought my iPod and cell phone and left my room and walked downstairs.

            I mumbled goodbye to my parents, still too mad at them to hug them and walked outside.  There was a limo waiting in the front of the house, the drive opened the back door and I slid in and he closed the door.  I heard the limo start and started to roll.  I looked back and wave at my parents who were waving back.  Mom was crying and my dad was holding her, I saw tears leak out of his eyes.

            “Don’t worry, you’ll see them again, if they pay off that they owe,” a deep voice said.

            I flipped around and saw a man at the corner of the seat across from me.  He was dressed in black, so I didn’t see him as soon as I got into the car.

            “What’s your name?” he asked.

            I glared at him for a moment and then said, “Jacob.” When the guy didn’t offer his name I asked, “What is your name?”

            There was a long moment, “Caleb.”

            I sank back into the chair and took out my IPod and put in the ear buds and turned the volume up high and listed to rock and pop music.  I looked at Caleb; he was looking out the window.  I did the same; I was soon lost in my own world.  Every now and then I could feel his gaze on me.

            I felt a tap on my knee and looked at Caleb, he motioned me to take the ear buds out so I did.

            “We are here,” he said and got out then the door opened.

            The door opened on my side and I grabbed my backpack and got out.  I saw a huge mansion in front of me.  It carried a dark foreboding theme to it.  The outside was wood-paneled and the paint was peeling.  All the shutters covered the windows.

            “Lets go,” Caleb said pushing me.

            I stumbled and glared at him, he walked on ignoring me.  I walked after him looking around.  We were in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by trees.

            ‘So much for me escaping’ I thought.

            “If you escape, you’ll die, because there is nothing for miles all around,” Caleb said.

            I was puzzled, “Did you just read my mind?” I asked.

            “Yep,” he said as the front doors opened.

            “How,” I asked following him.

            “All in due time,” he said with a smirk.

            “My lord,” a woman’s voice sounded.  I looked up and saw a beautiful woman wearing a red dress and high heels.

            “Marsha,” Caleb said.

            “I’m going out, so I’ll need the car,” she said walking down the stairs.

            “Fine,” Caleb said tersely.

            Marsha took notice of me, “Who’s this, did you bring me a gift?” she cooed at Caleb.

            “No, he’s mine, he is my personal servant,” Caleb growled.

            “Oh, poor boy, hasn’t suffered enough, after all he has gambling parents who sold him to you.”

            “Its traded, not sold,” I interjected.

            “That is not what he says,” Marsha pointed her thumb at Caleb.  “Anyway, I got a date, so catch you later, if you’re still alive when I get back,” she said to me and earned a growl from Caleb.

            Marsha left the house and suddenly Caleb had my arm in a vice grip and he grabbed me upstairs.

            “I can walk you know,” I snapped as I struggled to get free from his grasp. 

After a moment of struggling, “I said let GO!” I shouted and wrenched my arm free.

Caleb stared at me stunned and I glared at him crossing my arms over my chest.

He glared back at me and suddenly I was thrown against the wall and pinned there.  Caleb had a fist full of my shirt and he glared at me his eyes glowing red.

            “Now listen up, I’m your master and you will obey me, or you’ll find yourself in a position that you don’t want to be,” Caleb snarled flashing his fangs.

            “What are you?” I whispered scared.

            Caleb set me on the ground, but kept a hold of me.

            “I’m a vampire,” he said flashing is fangs to prove it.

            Good thing he had a hold on me or I would have fallen onto the floor.  He grabbed my arm, gently this time and walked down the hall.  He opened a door and walked in there dragging me with him.

            “Sit,” he said and I sat on something.

            I was so out of it, I didn’t realize that I was on the bed.  Once I felt the satin sheets I snapped out of my daze.

            “So your intentions are to feed from me?” I asked few octaves higher.

            “No, I already have someone for that,” Caleb said from a room.

            “Then why am I here?” I asked nervously.

            “You are my sex slave,” Caleb appearing from the room half naked with a towel around his waist.

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