Summer Delinquent

De Sammipott

370K 17.3K 10K

Tessa Hayes has always had to live in the shadows of her older siblings. Now that they're out of the house an... Mai multe

Summer Delinquent
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 26

8.6K 416 262
De Sammipott

As per usual I will reply to every comment posted within the next 48hrs!!


|| Chapter 26 ||

"The hell do you want?" I blurt out, walking out of my house and quietly shutting the front door so as not to alert anyone.

Brianna takes a few steps back, "This has gone on for too long."

"That doesn't help explain why you're on my doorstep right now," I tell her, eating another spoonful of granola yogurt.

"Tessa you and I both know that you are not an idiot," she moves across the driveway and I just stare at her, trying not to smile to myself at the idea of her trying to magically get me to follow her to my own yard. She must notice that there are no footsteps following her and she turns around, seeing me still standing on the front step. I wave with the hand holding a spoon. She glares at me before taking a deep breath and gestures for me to follow her.

I slowly step away from the front door, cursing myself quietly for not wearing slippers on the hard cobble stones of our driveway.

We stand under one of our larger trees in the front yard where my mother has placed a wrought-iron bench for people to never sit on. She sits down and leaves an open space next to her but I remain standing.

"I don't like you." Her comment comes at no prompting from me.

I tilt my head mock-shock on my face as I say sarcastically, "You don't say."

"Be serious Tessa, I've had enough of the back and forth between us so if you don't want an all-out brawl between us then we better start talking now," she straightens her summer dresses, brushes off the nonexistent dirt. I shuffle in my sleep shorts and a tank top.

"Oh please, an 'all-out brawl' from you? Against me? Come on now," I don't bother fighting the chuckles that leave my throat from her pathetic threats.

"Don't test me Tessa," she's obviously practiced her big girl voice in the mirror before coming here.

I eat another spoonful of granola yogurt, completely at ease. "I hate tests, let's just skip to the answers, shall we?"

She huffs, trying to hide the shuddering breath she takes. She folds her hands in her lap. "As I was saying earlier, we both know that you're not an idiot."

"Obviously," I shrug, placing my empty bowl next to her, much to her disgust.

"Then you obviously know what Drew and I have been doing," she states, no questions behind her words.

"Let me guess," I throw a hand in her direction, "And let me know if I have anything wrong, will you?" She scowls at my asshole attitude but nods her head infinitesimally. "You broke up with Drew after winter break because you found out that he actually likes me and was using you to get over me," her mouth falls open in shock but I continue to speak. "Then he thought that because he was single I would come running and he was probably going to initiate something at the prom but I was too focused on my siblings surprising me so he held it off."

She looks comically confused as I continue to speak. "Then at his graduation he wanted to tell me he liked me but was cut off by cake and then Isaac started becoming a permanent fixture in my social circle and he felt threatened."

"He was never threatened by Isaac," She scoffs, rolling her eyes.

I cock an eyebrow and purse my lips, "You and I both know that that is a bunch of crap. And you of all people shouldn't have flirted with him to help him get my attention because that just fucked you over, didn't it?"

Hook. Line. And sinker.

Her nostrils flare and I find myself smirking as I lean against the tree next to the bench. "You don't know anything-"

I throw my arms in the air, "PLEASE, spare me your stereotypical lines Brianna, you still love him, anyone with eyes can see that so don't spew that 'I'm just helping out a friend' bullshit you love spewing to anyone that will listen to you."

"You have no idea how lucky you are-"

"Lucky? You think I'm lucky? My best friend is in love with me and I will never return that feeling but I don't know how to tell him without ruining our whole fucking relationship, so don't tell me that I'm lucky," I threaten, the words hissing through my teeth.

She leans away from my outburst and fidgets her fingers. "How did you find all this out anyway?"

I lift one leg behind me and rest it against the tree, "It's easy to put two and two together when things happen and all of those things point to one answer. The hard part," I fold my arms over my chest, "is trying to act like you know nothing after you've figured it out."

She shoots to her feet, almost toppling over in her heels. "So you knew this whole time and just led him on? What kind of monster are you?"

"When did I ever show him that I reciprocated those feelings? When? By hugging him or being there for him? We're best friends! We tried something in my freshman year and it crashed and burned in less than two weeks because we felt nothing, now all of a sudden he's in love and I'm the bitch for leading him on? Uh-uh I don't think so."

She's standing in front of my face. "He wants to tell you now because he's leaving for college in just over a month-"

"See? There's another issue I have. What does telling me before he leaves for college, which is in D.C. I might add, do for me? Am I supposed to pine after him and hope for long distance love?" She opens her mouth but I'm not finished speaking, "I'll answer that for you, no, why? Because I'm worth more than a quick I love you and I'll see you at thanksgiving." I push off the tree, uncrossing my arms and step up to her, looking down at her even in her heels. "Drew is my best friend and I would kill for him but I will not force something that doesn't exist."

She curls her lip at my words, "You're going to break his heart."

"I don't want to break his hear but his heart broke when you broke up with him for this fantasy idea that he would get me in return."

Her breath catches at that moment, releasing a dam of pent up emotions. She grits her teeth, looking up at me with tears in her eyes, "I gave him two years of my love and he could never get you out of his head the whole time."

I breathe deeply through my nose and move my bowl to sit next to her, dreading the next few minutes and regretting opening my front door in the first place. "Don't think for even a second that he didn't love you, because he did."

"Not as much as you," she gestures to me, a tear falling down her face.

"That was never my intention, I didn't ask him to like me," a shrug is the only kind of comfort I can offer her.

She looks up, willing the tears to stop, "I know, and I told myself that but I couldn't help it." She picks up her handbag from the ground and ruffles through it, taking out a small packet of tissues and uses one to dab the corners of her eyes. "What does he even see in you?"

I lean my elbows on my knees and turn my head to look at her, "You think I know what he sees in me? I don't even understand why people tolerate me in general, genuinely I hate people but people seem to think its all a joke."

"You're popular Tessa, it's in your blood," she sniffles, crumpling the tissue in her hand, leaning her free hand on her elbow.

"Actually it's in my last name, I can't help being a Hayes but I wouldn't trade it for the world."

She gives out a throaty chuckle and looks at me. Surprisingly her make up hasn't run which I guess is a bonus out of this whole situation. "Please be gentle with him, Tess."

I entwine my fingers together and lean on them on my elbows, "I will. The last thing I want to do is hurt him, he's my best friend."

An obnoxious car horn sounds from the bottom of the driveway and I my head snaps up to see a white Mercedes come to a stop in Charlotte's spot. Quinn is subtly ignoring us, only glancing back at us a few times as she climbs out of the car, Courtney on the other hand is blatantly staring at us, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

I pretend to wipe my lips with my middle finger, silently flipping her off for intruding. Courtney grins and winks at me as she climbs out of the drivers seat, ever the graceful fashionista she is. Even Brianna can't help but stare at the glory that is Courtney Easton, the one student in our high school that got into a top fashion school in Paris just from her personal portfolio alone.

"Charlotte's not home," I tell them both as they round the car heading towards the front door.

Courtney locks her car and struts past us, "We know, she texted. We're here for the other one."

Quinn smiles and waves at a still Brianna. Brianna angles her head in my direction, "Other one?"

I fill in the gaps for her, "Olivia."

Her face freezes in open-mouth shock, "Olivia Grace is here? And Courtney Easton just spoke to you. I've never been more jealous of you in my life."

"They're my sisters friends, you knew that," I raise an eyebrow in confusion.

She stares at the now closed front door, leaving us alone again, "Yeah but I've never been to your house before and I've never met your sister."

"Yeah well her friends are always here, it's actually annoying sometimes."

"So jealous," she groans.

A commotion comes from inside the house and the door flies open with a slightly disheveled Courtney dragging Olivia over the threshold.

"Let me go you bitch, I did not agree to this!" Olivia is attempt to fight free but Courtney's height gives her a better advantage.

Courtney puffs out a breath of air, pulling Olivia towards her car. "You need it! Stop fighting it."

"Never!" Olivia yells back, planting her feet on the ground roughly.

Quinn steps out of the house casually with Sebastian slowly trailing her, still in his sweatpants and no shirt. Brianna squeaks and I roll my eyes, trying not to gag.

"Bass if you love me, you'll save me," Olivia tells him in a low tone, almost threatening.

Sebastian just puts his hands in his pockets, a smirk on his face, "This is all you, babe."

"Argh!" Olivia yells out, breaking out of Courtney's arms and running onto the grass knowing Courtney can't run there in heels.

Courtney glares at Olivia and lifts on leg at a time, undoing her high heel straps, letting her shoes hit the asphalt as she straightens her black leather mini skirt, "Try me bitch." She leaps into a run and starts chasing Olivia around the house. Olivia screams in response and makes a run for it.

Brianna has been sitting quietly, trying to process this moment. "What's this even about?" I ask Quinn. She looks over at me still sitting on the bench which catches Sebastian's attention and they both move over to us, stepping into the shade.

"We're going for waxes and Liv is chickening out," Quinn explains with a relaxed smile as she watches Courtney dive for Olivia.

A subtle honk from a car echoes and Charlotte's car comes up the driveway, parking behind Sebastian's car. Sophie climbs out and moves to the trunk, pulling a bunch of shopping bags out. Charlotte stands out the door and looks at two of her best friends before looking at Quinn, "She chickening out?"

Quinn nods her head with a smile. Charlotte rolls her eyes before grabbing her own shopping bags, walking past Courtney who is now sitting on Olivia as she brushes her hair back, making sure she hasn't messed it up.

Sebastian claps his hands once, "Well as entertaining as this was-looking hot babe!" Olivia flips him off. "Harry and Natalie are leaving in like forty minutes so your friend needs to move her car," Sebastian says to me with a casual two finger salute, "Now, I need to go watch Aang kick some Fire Nation ass, peace." He throws up a peace sign and walks back to the front of the house, stopping to help Sophie carry a few of her bags inside.

Charlotte throws most of her shopping just in the front door and slams it shut, walking back over to Quinn. She does a double take when she sees me, "Hey Tess, sleep late?"

I look down at my pajamas and back up at her, "Yup."

She shakes her head with a smile and walks over to us, "Hi I'm Charlotte." She holds out a hand for Brianna.

Brianna adopts a casual posture and shakes Charlotte's hand, "Brianna, nice to meet you."

"Yeah you too. We better go before we lose our appointments." At once we all look over to the two brawlers sprawled on the grass fighting over dominance. Olivia gets the upper hand and holds Courtney down.

"You better not get grass stains on this, it's Dior!" Courtney threatens, trying to shove Olivia off her.

"Oh yeah, well you got dirt on my sweatpants and they're from Target so we're both suffering!" Olivia yells back and I choke out a laugh.

Charlotte places a hand over her forehead, annoyed. "I am not missing those appointments, excuse me." She gives us a cheery smile before taking five steps forward, "Olivia if you let go of Courtney and get in the car I will buy you Taco Bell."

Olivia sits up, her attention caught by the thought of free food. She doesn't get up immediately but tilts her head unconvinced. "And we'll stop at Cold Stone afterwards for ice cream if you go through with the wax." That statement seals the deal and she off of Courtney in a heartbeat, leaving her on the grass to get herself up.

She walks right past us and opens Courtney's backdoor and sits in the seat without a word, slamming the car door shut with a sweet smile. Charlotte grins at us over her shoulder, "Works every time," she winks at us and walks over to the door opposite Olivia's and climbs in.

"CHAR!" I yell out catching her before she closes the door, she sticks her head out. "Make sure Liv is back by like six-ish."

She cocks an eyebrow, suspicious, "Why?"

I can't help the smirk that pulls at the corner of my lips, "That's when the fun starts." Charlotte salutes me with a teasing grin in return and closes the door.

"Sorry for interrupting your little break up moment here," Courtney comments, dusting the grass off her blouse with a smile in our direction.

I roll my eyes, "Goodbye Courtney." She blows me an exaggerated kiss before getting in the drivers seat leaving Quinn to apologise for her behavior and then they're on their way.

When it's just Brianna and I again I sit back down on the bench, "Why does all this matter to you so much?"

The understanding behind her eyes tells me she knows we're not talking about her weird obsession with my sister and her friends. "Drew is the nicest guy I know, he deserves to be happy."

"You're not wrong, but I can't give him that and I don't want to lead him on anymore than everyone thinks I already have," my hands are next to me on the bench, gripping the edges, the guilt eating me up.

Brianna bites her bottom lip, "Don't let him get you alone after the match on Wednesday, he's going to try make a move."

"Maybe that's when I should talk to him, let him down easy and away from prying eyes."

She smooths out the wrinkles in her dress when she stands up, facing me. "You know I was terrified you would kick my ass before hearing me out, I'm surprised to say the least."

"I'm trying to be empathetic, it's a new thing." She laughs, ducking down to pick up her handbag. "Also we both know I would kick your ass if you even tried to touch me."

"I'm not going to argue with facts," she raises her hands in mock surrender. I stand up and watch her move towards her car which was parked behind Harry's car. Once she's unlocked it and has put her bag away she looks back at me, "If you need help talking to him then let me know, I've broken up with him before," she offers an embarrassed smile.

"I think I'm good." With that she leaves without a goodbye.

I take a deep breath and slowly shuffle back towards the house. Charlotte's shopping bags are littering the foyer as I walk through the front door and I'm lucky not to trip over something. Sophie's head pops out from the kitchen doorway, a bright smile on her face, "Mom and dad agreed to pizza for dinner, what do you feel like?"

"Anything with meat on it, thanks," I mumble, walking to the living room.

I'm still distracted by my thoughts about how tough the next few days are going to be and how I'm probably going to have to come up with a whole ass speech to let him down gently so that I don't lose my shit on him and that just makes me want to throw up from all the feelings and emotions we're going to have to acknowledge. I'm going to have to acknowledge.

"Hey T, you good?" Sebastian asks from his spot on the couch. I shake my head to clear my thoughts and sit down next to him. "Just know that if you ever need someone to talk to, make sure it's not me, I can't deal with your girl issues."

A laugh escapes me and I shove him over, hitting him with one of the pillows. "You are such an asshole."

I smack him again and again, him laughing the entire time, "See this is what I'm talking about, girls have crazy mood swings."

"It's called being unpredictable," I hit him with each word that leaves my mouth. He gets hold of the pillow and gains the upper hand, sitting on me, squishing my face into the couch. He throws the pillow across the room and a small ceramic unicorn Maddie had painted at a birthday party smashes to the floor.

All games stop and I sit up so quickly Sebastian falls onto the floor. Sebastian scrambles to his knees as he crawls across the floor chanting a quiet, "Shit, shit, shit," as he goes.

I jump over the back of the couch and rush for the pillow, running back to the couch, diving over it. I land on my ass on the floor and jump back onto the couch, placing the pillow next to me. The remote is in my hands faster than a blink and I'm turning up the television volume.

"What was that?" My mothers voice comes from the kitchen, where she's probably just walked through the door leading to the garage after getting home from work.

"Nothing! Just noise from the tv," I shout over my shoulder, watching Sebastian picking up the small pieces with his fingertips, dropping them into his empty palm. He kneels on the rug and looks around the room for a few panicked seconds. His head jerks up as he gets an idea and he starts opening the window, pushing up the screen and throwing the small pieces in the bush directly below the window.

I cough loudly trying to cover my laugh. He places the screen back and grabs the two large pieces, holding them in his hands and rushing back to the couch.

"Turn it down!" My mother yells at us but we're so focused on hiding the pieces we don't notice her voice getting closer until she's in the room. "Why is this television so loud, are you going deaf? Do I need to take you two for a hearing test?"

Sebastian squeaks, not thinking before he's shoved the ceramic pieces down his sweatpants. My shoulders are shaking uncontrollably and my chest feels constricted as my face starts heating up from trying so hard not to laugh right now.

"Sorry mom, couldn't hear anything over Tessa's immaturity at a dirty joke," Sebastian apologises, shaking his head in disappoint and ripping the remote from my hand, turning down the television. I can't even be mad at his terrible excuse because I've started running out of oxygen from silent laughter.

She squints at us, tilting her head, "I don't understand you two sometimes. Definitely my weirdest kids," she throws her arms up in surrender, completely giving up all hope on us and goes back to the kitchen.

"Rude!" Sebastian shouts at her retreating back.

She turns around with a smile, "Don't worry Bass, you're still the weirdest by far," she blows him an air kiss before disappearing behind the kitchen door.

"I can't believe you did that," I burst out as soon as the door is closed, putting my hands over my face and laughing loudly.

He pulls the two pieces of what was once a rainbow colored ceramic unicorn out of his pants. "I didn't see you coming up with a better idea," he accuses, placing the pieces on the coffee table in front of us.

"Uh, you could have hid them in the couch, not that hard," I say, slapping my legs before getting up and starting towards the stairs.

His jaw drops open slightly, "Yeah well...shut up."

I bark out one last laugh before heading back upstairs, texting Alyssa that I won't be able to make it today because something came up. In reality I'm just counting down the minutes before chaos ensues after his shower tonight.

|| ✨ ||


I hate being left on cliffhangers so I thought I would end your torture now! Don't hate me.

Okay I'm curious, What is your favorite Sebastian moment that you've seen from both books?? If you can't name one, tell me a couple I really want to know because Sebastian is probably my favorite character altogether!

Until next time,

Sammipott xx

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