Chemistry of the Heart~

By AlistairClouds

16.6K 624 286


Chemistry of the Heart~
Chapter Two~
Chapter four~
Chapter Five~
Chapter Six~
Chapter Seven~
Chapter Eight~
Chapter Nine~
Chapter Ten~
Chapter Eleven:
Author's note.

Chapter three~

1.1K 56 52
By AlistairClouds

The gym is a large building with a slanted roof and several lights overhead. Bleachers are situated on either side of the building and the wooden floors are gleaming spotlessly as the Jefferson sisters walk in.

"Whoa. I bet they have their janitors work overtime here" May whistles as she nudges Cloud, who snickers.

The duo are already wearing their P.E. uniform, which consists of a white T-shirt with a red line running through it and short shorts that looked rather like undergarments.

Behind them, the Akatsuki strut in, dressed in identical T-shirts and shorts-though theirs are longer than the girls'. Cloud smirks as the Weasel skillfully dribbles a basketball and it lands neatly. Bastard that he is, but she couldn't deny that he was fine.

Looking cool and relaxed, he catches the ball before it lands and without warning, shoots it at Cloud, who squeals and thwacks it away with her arm, glaring at the offending ball as it falls.

"What the hell? That could have hit me you idiot" she spits at Itachi, who smirks that condescending smirk of his, that usually suggests that he thought she was an idiot.

"It wouldn't have if you actually caught it" he shoots back smoothly as he grabs the ball and shoots yet another successive shot.

Cloud fumes. Show off. She could do better.

"Gimme that" she says and proceeds to grab the ball from the Weasel as he watches with an expression that manages to look curious and challenging at the same time.

May and the Akatsuki watch with expectant looks on their faces as Cloud dribbles for a while and then shoots gracefully.

"And she scores!" she says triumphantly, raising a brow at Itachi.

"Hn" he says and walks back to the bleachers while Cloud frowns. Again with that stupid grunt-snort-sigh thing. What did that even mean? But who cares? She showed him!

"Yo, blueberry!" Deidara calls as she reaches their spot on the bleachers. "Nice shot, yeah!"

Cloud grins widely, flipping her blue locks away from her face.

"Thanks, blondie."

May snickers. "As expected of our future overlord" she says.

Deidara's cerulean eyes shoot toward her.

"And what about you, kiwi-chan? Got any moves, yeah?" he asks challengingly.

May scowls and opts for remaining silent. She had horrible aim and she was sure that if she ever revealed the fact, she wouldn't ever hear the end of it from blonde prick.

Deidara grins victoriously. This was one argument he'd one. Deidara, one. May, zero. He was about to say something degrading when a nudge on his side alerts him to Cloud smirking at him slightly.

"What, blueberry, yeah?" he asks irritably. Did she have to go and ruin his little moment of gloating?

"I'd watch out of I were you. She can be meaner than me sometimes" she warns.

Deidara snorts. "I doubt that, yeah."

To May, who is still frowning in displeasure, he says "Say, kiwi. Up for a race?". He raises himself up from his sitting position and stretches, smirking at May. This would be easy, a surefire way to humiliate her by being better at something than her.

The dark haired teen brightens up at this prospect.

"Sure prick, you're on!" she cheers, her mood changing completely as she jumps up from her seat.

Cloud and Sasori smile to themselves. Boy was Deidara sure asking for trouble.

The bluette winks at the clueless blonde, who looks like he had won already. Little did he know that May had been the track star at their old school.

Cloud lounges back on her seat and settles herself for what would surely be an interesting challenge. Looking up at Weasel, Sasori and Hidan, they too look like they expect something good to happen. She just hopes that the teacher wouldn't show up just yet.

Out of the corner of her eye, as May and Deidara get ready for their race, she sees Weasel snacking from a box of pocky. What was it with him and sweets.

"Hey, weasel-kun~" she says in her sweetest, most innocent voice.

Itachi turns to her, dark eyebrow raised in question.


"Could I please have some of your pocky?" Cloud asks in a saccharine voice, batting her eyelashes for effect.

Weasel's dark grey eyes appear to cloud with amusement as he smirks.

"No" he deadpans and Cloud kicks him.

"Jerk" she pouts.

Meanwhile, May and Deidara were ready to go. Hidan stands up in the bleachers.

"WHOO! MAKE HIM CRY BITCH!" he yells and Sasori's eyebrow twitches while May completely ignores the (probable) insult and flashes him the peace sign. She had this in the bag. Cloud stands up on the bleachers as well and cups her hands around her mouth.

"Okay!" She shouts happily. "First one to make it all around the gym, without knocking into anyone or anything, wins! On your marks!"

Deidara flashes May a smug look. "Good luck, hmm. You're going to need it."

"Get set!"

"I hope you like the view of my back," May smirks deviously, "Because you're sure going to be seeing a lot of it!"

"GO!" Cloud throws her hands up into the air and screams, the shout echoing off the large walls of the room. May and Deidara take off, ripping through the chatting crowds of students that linger around the edges of the gym.

May politely shoves through the crowd, with enough force to actually get through without knocking anyone over. Deidara simple plows through them like a football player. He earns several angry shouts and curses.

May smirks. She's so going to win!

Making sure to keep a careful eye on the two racers, Cloud saunters up a few rows towards the Weasel, nose sniffing delicately. He doesn't just have pocky, he has hello panda too. And that's when things get dangerous.

She plops down beside him and casts him a bittersweet look. "Hello, Weasel~"

He glances over, still nibbling on a stick of pocky. "Hn."

"I know you have hello panda." Cloud smiles slyly. "And I know you want to give me some."

As she speaks, her eyes flicker back towards the racers, just in time to see May pull a Cloud-moment. The toe of her sneaker catches on the glossy wooden floors and she trips. Deidara, who had fallen a few paces behind her, jerks slightly in surprise and reaches out-snagging May before she can hit the ground. Time seems to fall still. May blinks, gaze locked onto his face, which is so close to hers that she can see each and every individual blonde eyelash of his. Surprise still flickers through his face.

Cloud gasps softly and stands, hands clasping the sides of her face. "Oh how cute!"

Deidara eases May back up onto her feet, lips parted with the promise of words. May blinks again, hard, and the spell shatters. Deidara smirks slyly. "Guess I won, hmm."

May shifts out of his grasp, glaring at him. "You do not! I was in the lead!"

"Yeah, until you tripped, un!" He sneers.

May lets out an irritated huff, twisting away to storm back to the bleachers where her sister stands in wait. Embarrassment floods her features and she rubs diligently at her cheeks. Stupid blonde prick.

Cloud shifts her gaze back to the Weasel, still intent on getting some hello panda. "Weasel!" She scowls darkly, whining. "You know you want to give me some."

Itachi blinks owlishly at her. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Bullshit." Cloud's eyes narrow. "I have a hello-panda-radar. I know you have some."

Dark eyes flashing dangerously, the weasel straightens slightly and angles his head away. His hands shift around within his lap and then one lifts to this mouth, brandishing a small square shaped cracker with a panda on it.

"Gimmie!" Cloud pounces, almost knocking Itachi over. She manages to snag the small bag and shoots up, holding her prize high into the air. "VICTORY!"

Itachi stands elegantly and plucks the bag out of her hand. He towers over her, smirking.

May giggles as she sits beside Sasori. "Poor Cloud. Her favorite sweet is so close, and yet so far."

"Shut up." Cloud snaps her way, climbing up onto the bench portion of the bleachers, trying to get to Itachi's hand. Despite the small height increase, she is still shorter than him, her nose barely reaching his.

After a few moments of struggling, Cloud pouts and eases back, folding her arms across her chest. "You're mean."

"WHAT'S THIS MY YOUTHFUL EYES SEE?" A loud, obnoxious voice splits through the air and booms through the room. "NEW YOUTH! HOW LOVELY! COME HITHER!"

Cloud blinks. "What was that?"

The weasel in front of her smirks. "That's the coach. And he means you."

"What?" Cloud's face scrunches up with distaste.

May sighs and stands. "Come on, Cloud."

Cloud's amber eyes widen as they walk.

"Who the fuck is that?" she asks, pointing to a grinning man with a bow cut who was wearing green spandex of all things. His eyebrows are as thick caterpillars and his teeth actually shines when he smiles at the two girls.

If she wasn't in view of the coach, May would have face palmed. The dude looks ridiculous!

"And, what may I ask, are you two youthful pupils called?" The strange man beams proudly down at them as the two girls slow to an elegant stop before him.

Cloud grimaces. "I'm Cloud and this is my sister, May." She gestures towards the dark haired female beside her, who flinches and raises her hand-fingers curled into a peace sign.

"WHAT YOUTHFUL NAMES!!!" The strange man throws his hands up into the air and bellows loudly, doing some strange ballerina dance. "What wonderful additions to my youthful class. I am Coach Gai." He summons the rest of the gym students closer, to crowd around the girls.

Once everyone is standing and close enough to the strange teacher, he flashes his sparkly grin. "One hundred laps around the gym!"

Groans ring out in unison.

Footsteps tromp through the gym, echoing off the gleaming floors and the walls. Cloud weasels around until she's running beside Itachi, still fully intent on getting some hello panda, and May sticks to Sasori-who just so happens to be running beside Deidara.

"Is gym always like this?" Cloud grumbles as she trots to keep up with the Weasel's long-legged pace. Probably noticing her exertion, he slows down a little, matching her pace.

He grunts. "More or less."

Cloud curses. She wasn't a person for walking or running. Pushing her sky blue bangs off of her face, she scowls at Itachi, who is running gracefully, as if it didn't wear him out one bit.

"Hey weasel, I didn't get that hello panda yet" she says and Itachi smirks slightly. Cloud eyes widen with longing as he withdraws a colorful pack with the heavenly words 'Hello Panda' engraved on it with a picture of a cute panda.

Still running, Cloud reaches for it numbly but Itachi simply plucks it out of her reach.

"Hey! Gimme!" the bluette huffs. Really, was it too much to just ask for a single hello panda biscuit filled with creamy chocolatey goodness? She jumps mid-run, trying to reach the delectable looking bag, and the weasel simply moves it from her reach.

Cloud pouts. "That's not nice!"

"I'm offering it to you," Itachi smirks, "but you're too slow to grab it."

Her eyes narrow.

After a few more moments of running, and the group completes their third lap, Cloud attacks. In a sudden burst of speed, she tackles Itachi into one of the pads that line the lower half of the walls and snatches the bag from his hand. Then, with the speed of a frightened rabbit, she books it back into the chaos of people running and desperately searches for her sister.

"You okay, Cloud?" May blinks in surprise when her sister pops up next to her, panting heavily and grining maliciously.

"I am now." Cloud smirks, holding up the bag of hello panda.

And then a pale hand plucks it out of her hand.

Cloud lets out an outraged cry. "How the hell did you catch up so fast?!"

Itachi merely smirks, crinkling the bag slightly teasingly within his slender digits. Cloud looks to May, lips twisted into a horrible scowl. "May," She whines loudly, prodding her sister's arm, "He's being mean to me!"

"And?" May raises a brow.

"And you're my sister! You're supposed to help me!" Cloud waves her arms dramatically in the air and almost trips over the thin air that laces the shiny flooring in the gym. Sasori rolls his eyes and shakes his head slightly. Deidara snickers at Cloud's misfortune, but says nothing to help the bluette.

And neither does May.

"I still don't see how this is my problem." May grins cheekily.

Cloud huffs at her. "I all." She growls between pants. Letting out a little huff, the bluette stops running abruptly and plops down onto the floor, leaning back onto her hands. Her chest heaves heavily with each ragged breath and she glares at all who pass her. May, who's used to Cloud's laziness and inability to perform any kind of athletics, casts her a smile over the shoulder-a decoy to secretly make sure her sister's hip isn't acting up again-and then continues running.

But, however, by the time May rounds the corner and approaches her sister a second time, she notices Cloud digging her thumb into the junction of her right hip.

May stops and squats down beside her sister. "Do you need to go to the clinic?"

Cloud blinks, as if she were waking up from a deep sleep, and glances up at her sister impassively. "I'm fine."

May scowls. "Cloud, is your hip acting up again?"

"Help me up." Cloud ignores her and holds her hand out.

Sighing, May stands and drags Cloud to her feet. The bluette grimaces throughout the movement, hand latching onto her hip in a deathgrip, and sucks in a sharp breath. "I'm fine." She insists, more of a silent plea to her hip.

When they were younger, Cloud was stuck by a car walking home one day from school and her hipbones shattered. They had to be reconstructed-which resulted in two scars on either sides of her hips and an enormous amount of pain when struck a certain way.

Cursing under her breath at Cloud's stubborness, May slings a supporting arm over her sisters shoulders.

"I thought I told you to tell me when your hip acts up" she chides. Cloud scowls and mutters something unintelligible. She hated being treated like an invalid because of her stupid hips.

"Come on. Let's get you to the bleachers," May says as she guides Cloud to the bleachers, moving through the still jogging kids. Ice blue, dark grey and mahogany eyes watch as the two sisters walk away.

Helping her sister onto the bleachers, May hands her a bottled water which Cloud accepts, but still looks annoyed.

"I'll go and talk to Gai," May says and walks over to Gai.

Cloud takes a sip of the water and leans back on her seat, amber eyes watching the gym.

She almost chokes on her drink when she sees Weasel heading her way, dark eyes scouring her entire form.

Cloud crosses her arms over her chest defensively. Was he coming here to gloat? Well, he surely wasn't going to get the satisfaction. Her amber eyes narrowing, she starts to prepare a whole speech, that basically summed up to 'fuck off'.

So, it is understandable that when Itachi closes in and leans over her face, his eyes actually looking somewhat concerned and asks 'Are you okay?', Cloud almost falls out of her seat.

Cloud blinks, hard, and then comes back to her senses.

"Yeah, fine" she waves dismissively, ignoring the pain in her hips.

Weasel raises a dark eyebrow, obviously not looking too convinced. His concerned expression dissolved into one of condescension as he smirks.

"I think I have overestimated you. I thought that you could handle a simple race but as it turns out, I was mistaken," he preaches and Cloud looks positively livid, her hands clenching at her sides.

"Fuck off weasel" she spits out darkly and makes a move to lift herself off of her seat but hisses and sits back down when a throbbing pain emerges in her hips so she settles for giving Itachi her worst death glare. She would kill him once she felt better.

"As you wish" Itachi says and slinks back gracefully to where the kids are still running.

Cloud fumes. That ass.

Mere moments later, May saunters over, asking her sister how she felt and informing her that Gai had been fine with her pulling out of the race. But it wouldn't have mattered anyways, because the bell rang moments later.

May shoulders her bag as she checks up on Cloud, fussing.

"Stop fussing May! You sound like an old woman!" Cloud laughs soflty, bemusedly as her sister continues checking up on her.

That makes May stop immediately, huffing. "I do not!"

"You don't what, yeah?" May bristles as the blonde prick's infuriating drawl sounds out from behind her. She turns around to scowl at the towering blonde, with Sasori and an impassive Itachi next to him.

Sasori frowns slightly at Cloud, his mahogany eyes clouded with concern.

"Are you okay, Cloud?" he inquires and Cloud nods back and hugs her favorite ginger from the side as he moves on to sit beside her. Sasori was such a worrywart sometimes. Cloud personally thought it was cute.

Meanwhile, May was frowing at Deidara as if she had just smelt something particularly bad.

"None of your business, ass" May retorts and Deidara rolls his eyes.

Cloud smiles deviously, momentarily forgetting her discomfort as she grins owlishly at her sister, who narrows her dark eyes. Cloud had something up her sleeve and it didn't look good.

May's suspicions are proven correct when Cloud turns to Deidara, looking the very picture of innocence, with her sweetest smile on.

"May here was just saying that she thinks you're hot, blondie" May cries out in outrage at her sister's remark while Deidara smirks arrogantly.

"I DID NOT!" May actually screeches, red in the face. Sasori and Itachi look mildly amused while the dark haired teen rages about.

"Did too. You were saying how much you liked him and how you thought his blonde hair was se-" May punches Cloud in the arm before the smirking bluette could continue her traitorous words.

"You think I'm hot, yeah?" Arrogance practically dribbles off of Deidara's tone of voice as he raises his eyebrows superiorly at the petite raven haired teen.

"NO! Where the fuck did you get that idea! I don't do blondes, so get that out of your thick head." As he laughs, May pinches him hard on the forearm, making him wince.

"What the fuck was that for?!" Deidara whines.

"For being a damn arrogant jackass!" May shoots back as their start their usual bout of bickering.

As May and Deidara continue bantering, Cloud spies Itachi shouldering his book bag and getting ready to leave. His eyes catch hers as he makes to leave and he smirks at her.

"I'll be expecting more of a challenge next time." He remarks in his soft though still deep voice and Cloud scoffs.

"Bring it Weasel!" she shouts back and Itachi nods before he leaves, leaving the two bickering art lovers, an amused ginger and a pumped Cloud behind.

"Alright! Time to go back!" she says cheerfully, her bad mood left behind and a grin on place in her lips.

Forgetting her argument with the blonde prick, May shoots her sister an amused look.

"Someone's bipolar" she snickers as in spite of Cloud's grumbling, she helps the bluette onto her feet.

"Someone should shut up," Cloud shoots back half-heartedly as she smiles at her sister, silently asking to be forgiven for her earlier action.

May grins and slings her arms over both Sasori and Cloud, pulling them both to her. Deidara watches from the sidelines, huffing ever so unnotiecably.

"Why does Sasori get the love but not me?" he asks, sounding mock-offended and May sticks her tongue out at him.

"Because I love him, unlike how I feel about you." Sasori smiles slightly and Cloud grins as the move out of the bleachers.

But, out of the corner of her eye, she catches sight of a pack of biscuits on a seat, looking suspiciously like hello panda.

Walking over to it, she handles it suspiciously, dangling it from her fingers as if it was a poisonous snake. Dare she believe that Itachi had left it with good intentions?

She opens it cautiously and inhales the glorious smell of Hello Panda emanating from the pack.

A small smile tugs at her lips.

"Cloud? You coming?" May calls from the large door that leads to the girls locker room. Deidara and Sasori stand with her, though parted slightly towards the boys locker room.

Cloud hides the small bag behind her back, "I'm coming!"

Walking back to the dorms, May eyes her sister peculiarly. As soon as she entered the locker room to dress out, she'd stuffed something into her backpack. Suspicious, May asked what she had, only to be brushed off.

"How much homework do you have tonight?" Cloud glances towards May, brow lifting at the strange expression on her sister's face.

"Not much. Why?" May blinks in confusion.

Cloud shrugs. "I don't know. I was thinking Sasori could come over and we could have one of our legendary movie nights."

May bursts into laughter. "You better not destroy this t.v."

A dark shadow passes over Cloud. "Shut up."

May snickers. They round the last hallway to the left and start up the small staircase to the second level. Their dorm room is the third door on the right. Cloud whips out her phone and texts her favorite ginger, telling him to bring whoever.

Digging around in her pocket, May pulls out a small key and unlocks the door. Their room is fairly large. Two twin sized beds are pushed up against opposite walls with a large dresser in between them. A desk is pushed up against the wall near the ends of the bed and a large flat-screen hovers over it. A mini fridge hums lightly beside the desk.

Cloud runs to it and pulls out a coke.

May grabs a remote and turns on the stereo that hangs on the wall beside her bed. Music rips through the air and she smiles widely.

"Yum." Cloud wiggles her brows when Green Day comes on.

"Did Saso-kun answer?" May flops back onto her bed with her laptop, fingers already flying over the keys.

Cloud shrugs. "My butt is immune to vibration. Would you like the check?" She turns and wiggles her butt-phone poking out of one of her back pockets.

May rolls her eyes. "You're too far away."

Her sister huffs and puts her precious coke down on the dresser between the two beds. She grabs her phone and falls back. Her head hits the mattress with a loud thump.

"Yeah, he'll sneak in soon. Give him a couple minutes."

"Sneak in?" May raises a slender brow-eyes still glued to the screen.

"Apparently, guys aren't allowed into the girl's dormitories." Cloud shrugs. "What movies are we watching?"

May shrugs.

"I want to watch that new movie. Looper I think its called?" Cloud taps her chin.

"Whats it about?"

"This guy is employed by the mafia and sent back in time. He's supposed to kill whoever they send back in time to him. But then he's supposed to kill himself. It looks good." Cloud shrugs.

May laughs, "Then you're going to have to use your magic to get it. It just came out in the theatres."

"You would die without me." Cloud grumbles, rolling over onto her stomach to turn on her laptop. "You get to pop the popcorn and set up the pillows then."

Shrugging, May stands and starts piling pillows against the dresser. She rips the gray comforters off both the beds-ignoring Cloud's complaints-and then starts towards the door to get the popcorn. She slides down the staircase and enters the small kitchen-like lounge room that has the microwaves. She grabs two bags of buttered popcorn and starts them in two of the small square machines.

"Hogging the machines, are we, Kiwi-chan?" A familiar voice chuckles lowly.

May twists around, a dark scowl marring her face. "What are...Oh." She trails off, eyes landing on Sasori and Itachi, the explanation clicking. Cloud did tell him to bring whoever, though she doubted her sister had intended for him to bring the weasel.

Or maybe she had. Her sister was very skilled in being manipulative.

"Whatever." May shakes her head and glances back to the machines, just in time for the first one to go off. She takes it out and throws it at Deidara, who yelps with the piping hot bag hits his face.

"What the fuck, yeah?" He cries as Itachi catches the bag before it hits the floor.

Sasori skewers the blonde with a dirty look and takes the other bag out of the microwave for May. Said girl simply glares at the blonde prick before her. "As Cloud would say, I didn't have a proper comeback so I had to improvise."

"What's that got to do with anything, un?" Deidara's nose scrunches up in confusion.

"Improvise, as in throwing whatever was in her hands at your face." Sasori explains dully as he starts towards the door to the kitchen area. "Cloud does that often when she can't think of a comeback."

Deidara mutters something under his breath and rubs at his bright red nose.

May unlocks the door to their dorm room. Cloud sits on the bed, hunched over her laptop like an old lady, grumbling under her breath. Sasori sets his bag of popcorn down on the dresser in between the beds and Deidara plops down on the bed beside Cloud. The blonde glances over his shoulder and then snorts loudly.

"Poor blueberry, un. That looks like one nasty virus." He snickers.

She grumbles back, to focused in on her laptop.

Itachi sets his popcorn bag down on the dresser next to Sasori's. May walks over to the flat screen and turns it on. The image of Cloud's laptop screen appears-revealing several rows of random numbers and symbols.

Sasori sighs lightly. "You couldn't pick a normal movie?"

May shrugs in response. When her sister is in hacking mode, she's not really good at responding to those around her, so May has learned to pick up the slack. "She wanted to see something called a Looper."

"But that just came out, yeah." Deidara's brows pucker.

"Yeah," May deadpans, "What do you think she's doing?"

"Idiot. She's hacking into the movie data-base." Sasori rolls his mahogany orbs.

Even the stoic Itachi's brows furrow with slight confusion, unfamiliar with the term. "What do you mean by that?" The weasel asks, narrowed eyes shifting to the bluette before them. 

"The movie data-base is where companies like Netflix and Demand programs for cable store their movies. Most of the time, they download the movies into the program way before they're released to the public. Our expert hacker here is getting it for us." May explains. She points to the television screen behind her. "And she's rigged it so whatever she pulls up on her child gets portrayed on here."

Deidara blinks, slightly stunned. How could a girl as crazy as blueberry be smart enough to hack into major movie companies? She didn't seem equiped to make her own food, much less do something of this magnitude.

"There." A small smile stretches across said blueberry's face as she clicks one final button.

A pulsing play button appears within the center of the television screen. Cloud sits up straight and looks around, mainly for the popcorn. But her quest vanishes when she spies a certain dark haired male in the corner of her room.

Her eyes narrow. "You are here...because?"

"I invited him." May smiles wickedly, "To counteract your invitation to the blonde prick."

Cloud scowls darkly and glares at them all. "Whatever. Let's watch my movie. I slaved for this shit. You better enjoy it." She huffs, climbing off the bed and onto the floor in between the two beds-where a fortress of pillows and blankets are. Glancing up, she realizes no one has followed her and that a certain blonde someone is sitting on her bed. 

"You have five seconds to get off my bed, or I will go all Cloud on your ass." She growls at him.

Deidara blinks, not moving from his spot.

May snorts loudly, sneering towards the blonde prick. "I'd get up if I were you." She strolls over to her sister and plops down beside her, only to get scooted away by Sasori-who seems utterly determined to sit in between the two girls. Rolling his eyes, Deidara stands and strolls over to where May sits, intent on bugging her throughout the movie. Itachi slides down beside Cloud-who ignores him and presses the play button.

Both of the girls pull a bag of popcorn into their laps and settle into the pillows behind them as the opening credits start.

The movie plays on.

Itachi glances down to his left. Cloud absently scrapes at the bottom of the popcorn bag-the sound being what caused him to glance over-but doesn't seem to realize that it's empty. After a few moments of scraping, the bluette tears her gaze away from the screen long enough to glance into the bag. She scowls darkly and then places the bag in Itachi's lap.

"Merry Christmas." She whispers, solemnly patting his arm.

He rolls his eyes and sets the bag on her bed. She'll find it later. He glances over Sasori's head and spies May, leaning against Deidara slightly, a curious look etched into her features. She doesn't seem as into it as Cloud is.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" A sudden shout from beside him gains his attention. Cloud points treacherously at the television. "That's no way to fucking kill someone!"

May glances over, eyes narrowing. "Cloud, calm down." 

"Fuck you too." The bluette snaps, crossing her arms irritably. "These fuckers don't know what they're doing. They lack creativity. I need to give them a fucking toenail clipper and tell them that's the only weapon they have..." She begins to ramble on and on, fingers twitching slightly.

"Shush." Itachi pokes her forehead. 

The bluette falls silent. At least, until another plot twist curls through the air. Grabbing the closest thing to her hands, which just so happens to be the remote, Cloud pulls back and prepares the launch the rectangular item at the screen. Sasori, Itachi, and May all jerk forward to stop her-but the weasel is the only one successful in removing the weapon from her person.

But due to her intense struggling, he ends up tackling her to the floor and wrestling her.

"Give it back!" Cloud shrieks, leg curling around Itachi's, trying to flip him over and gain the upper hand. One hand is pinned to the ground by Itachi's, while the other is pulling and smacking at his shoulder.

May cheers them on. "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

And Deidara soon enters the fun.

"Enough." Sasori hisses, plucking the remote out of Itachi's hand and pausing the movie. "Get back into your seats. Itachi, hold onto Cloud please. And as for the three of you," He glares angrily at Cloud, May, and Deidara.

"Not another peep."

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