Edge Of Seventeen (Jade West)

By HanaDE238

166K 4.5K 1.6K

There's a new bad girl in town that makes Jade West look like kitten... Elizabeth Smith is a 17 year old girl... More

Chapter 1 - Sugar We're Going Down
Chapter 2 - Kryptonite
Chapter 3 - Teenagers
Chapter 4 - Despacito
Chapter 5 - Juicy
Chapter 6 - I don't do boys
Chapter 8 - Kings & Queens
Chapter 9 - Come See About Me (Part1)
Chapter 10 - Come See About Me (Part2)
Chapter 11 - Complicated
Chapter 12 - Freak the Freak Out
Chapter 13 - Take A Hint
Chapter 14 - Something Wicked This Way Comes
Chapter 15 - I'm the Bad Guy
Chapter 16 - You Don't Know Me
Chapter 17 - How to Save A Life
Chapter 18 - So Many Miles
Chapter 19 - Complicated
Chapter 20 - IDGAF
Chapter 21 - Don't Break Me Too
Chapter 22 - Love You Like a Love Song
Chapter 23 - Party All The Time
Chapter 24 - Earned It
Chapter 25 - Ride Wit Me
Chapter 26 - Stacey's Mom
Chapter 27 - Don't Start Now (Part 1)
Chapter 28 - Don't Start Now (Part 2)
Chapter 29 - Fourth of July
Chapter 30 - Edge of Seventeen
New Story
One Shots
New Story!

Chapter 7 - Fill Me In

8.1K 251 61
By HanaDE238

Once again I do not own anything apart from the characters that are not in any of the shows. Also I do apologise, it has been on hectic long week so I couldn't get this out when I wanted too but thank you for reading and voting. Here's the next chapter. Enjoy.


Jade and Beck have split up but everything is fine and they are still friends, Beck hoping to have more than just a few details if Jade gets with Beth. Things get steamy between the girls until someone screams.

Beth POV

I lift my head up, my lips still pursed from kissing Jade, only to hear, "Who the hell are you?" I tilt my head to the window, knowing it was Cat's voice. I then hear another voice, one that made me rush to stand and run down the stairs. I hear Jade shout my name but I am already out the back door.

"Santana! Maribel!" I shouted, throwing my arms out.

"Beth!" They shouted back, all of us running towards each other into hug.

I kiss my Auntie Maribel on the cheek, telling her where my mom was, after she left to go next door I grabbed Santana into a tight hug.

"I can't believe you're here." I whisper into her ear, squeeze her tight.

She chuckles, "Well I just missed you too much. No, we have a competition this weekend and next week so we will be here for a bit, then back to Ohio." Santana explained, parting from my arms, keeping a tight grip on my hand.

"What that hell, dude?" I hear from behind me, I look and see Jade standing there with a glare.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry Jade, this is Santana, my cousin. We are really close and we haven't seen each other in around four months." I answer, smiling, hoping she'll forgive me, I see a little smile grace her face for a second before she move to talk to the group.

"Así que ese es el hermoso Jade del que siempre hablas." Santana stated looking at my princess. ("So that is the gorgeous Jade you always talk about."

"Sí, ella es la indicada para mí, la amo, San. Ella es mi princesa, moriría por ella." I say back, looking at Jade, love filling my heart but knowing it was way to early to say it. ("Yes, she is the one for me, I love her, San. She's my princess, I would die for her.")

Santana turned and looked my in the eye, "Es hermosa, Liza, pero tengo que advertirte. Quinn también está aquí y sabes cómo es ella." ("She is beautiful, Liza, but I have to warn you. Quinn is here too and you know what she is like.")

I roll my eyes, "Mierda!" I shouted.

Jade walked over, face full of concern, "Everything okay, Lizzie?"

I turn and nod at Jade, "Yeah, everything is fine." She nods and turns back to Cat and I turn back to Santana, "Do you want to stay the night or do you have to leave?"

Santana grabbed a beer, opened it and starts to down it with her pointer finger in the air as if to say 'one minute'. When she finished she gave me a little smile, "Probably not, you know how Sue is. I will be back though, with the girls, if that's okay?"

"Of course it is, you know I love them." I say pulling her into another hug, I put my mouth to her ear so I can whisper, "We will have to keep an eye on Quinn though."

Santana laughed and moved away, "Lo que debes hacer es hacer que Jade sea tuyo frente a Quinn. Deja que Jade te marque." She answered. ("What you need to do is make. Jade yours in front of Quinn. Let Jade mark you.")

"Santanita, lets go, princesa." Maribel called out by the garden gate, giving a smile to me, "Venga, aquí."

I smile at Santana and push her towards her mother, "Go on, I'll see you soon." I wave goodbye to them both and then turn to the group. "Who is up for a movie and cuddles?"

Cat held her hand up in the air and shouted, "I call Beth's front!"

Andre then held his hand quickly and shouted, "I call Beth's behind!"

"I call her right side," Tori said, amused smile on her face.

"I call her left side," Beck said, while looking at Jade.

"What?" Jade said angrily.

"Don't worry, Jade, you can cuddle with me." Robbie said, grinning.

"What?" Jade repeated, more angry than before.

"Calm down, Jade, no one is going to enforce it." I said calmly, smiling at her which she reciprocated. I look at the rest of the gang, "And you, you idiots, I just meant cuddles with each other not just me."

Beck shook his head and moved closer to me, putting his arm over my shoulder and looking at Jade, "No, Beth, Jade knows the rules of calling, it has to happen."

Jade groaned, throwing her arms to her side and stomping a foot. "I hate that we came up with that!"

"So you're telling me that I have to sit on Andre while cat sits on my lap and Beck and Tori just get my left and right side?" I ask, unbelieving, looking at all of them individually. I see them all nod, I shake my head, "Well I am going to throw one hell of a spanner in the works." I start walking towards the house, so ready to go to bed. There has been way too many emotions. Everyone follows suit and we all stand 8n the hallway with the front door. "Whoever gets dressed and sits on the sofa first gets to cuddle all of me and no one else."

Just like that the hallways was empty, I watched amusedly as they all try to pull each other down the stairs. I laugh and walk to the kitchen, up a hidden staircase to the upstairs. I pass the main staircase to see them all still fighting but surprisingly Tori is the closets to the top step. I go to my bedroom and pick a pair of pj trousers and a tank top as well as a sweatshirt to go over as it was chilly and if I had to cuddle someone other than Jade, Cat or Andre, I don't want the, having full skin on skin with my chest, especially since I always take my bra off. What? These girls are heavy and the bra is uncomfortable.

With my sleepwear, I walk out of the bedroom again and past the staircase with a passing, "Feel free to use any of the rooms to change in." When I see someone had escaped and started running to my room, locking the door. Hm, very clever.

I finally get to the bathroom, change my clothes, put my hair into a messy bun and take my contacts out to put my glasses on.

When I left the bed room there was no one in the hallway, so I slowly make my way downstairs and too the living to see if anyone won. I enter and see the cutest thing ever.

There on the armchair was little Jade West, bundled up in loads of blankets, looking like butter wouldn't melt.

"Looks like I won a full cuddle with you and no one else." She said in a very cute and un-Jade like way.

I cock my eyebrow at her smirking, "Okay, so if I removed these tons of blankets, you will be in your pjs right?"

Jade's eyes went wide, "No don't do that." Her hand going out to stop me coming closer.

"Jade, that is cheating." I said frowning at The though of her playing unfair against the gang, but then I remember it was Jade I was talking about and she was always very possessive of me.

"It technically isn't if what I'm wearing is what I wear to bed." She stated smiling, I gave her a questioning look, "I am only wearing my tank and underwear."

I laughed, moving closer, lifting the corner of the blanket to climb inside, "Lift up, Princess, so you can sit in my lap and enjoy all the cuddles."

She lifts herself of the cushion of the armchair, while I slip under her. She sits on my lap and gets all comfy before she wrapped her around my waist and put her head in my neck.

"We haven't been able to do this is a very long time." She whispered in my ear, she then bit and tugged on the collar of my sweatshirt, "Why are you wearing this?" She growled.

I laughed and moved to take it off, "Well you still seemed to be possessive of me, so I thought if someone other than you, Cat or Andre won I would wear a sweatshirt so there wasn't too much skin on skin, plus you know I don't do bras at night." I explained.

Jade blushes at the possessive comment but ignores it and goes to comment on the second part of my explanation, while subtly rubbing her cheek on the skin of my collar bone.

"Well I am glad you thought that through, though you really thought I would let anyone but me, win?" She asked, I could feel her smirk against my collar bone.

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