Is that a fret ? [ Bakudeku p...

By Countdown2paintown

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[ cover credit- Miki on Twitter { All midoriya wanted was to a singer/actor, he believed that he was destined... More

Class 1-A performing arts list
chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 15- extra
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
UPDATE !! ( you guys are insane )

Chapter 26

160 3 5
By Countdown2paintown

A week had gone by without any trouble. Classes felt normal, dorm life was a paradise and they slept well without any issues. Actually, it had almost been a hot few minutes before they got any flashbacks to their previous terrible situations. Life had seemed to be pretty good. Eri officially lived at UA now, she was stationed in the teachers quarters, but she was practically tided to the 1-A dorm. Kota visited a lot to, he was meaning to visit before the whole kidnapping situation and now he will never not take the opportunity to give his saviour a hello. Though Katsuki found that he did not take a liking to Kota at first, due to both izuku's and Eri's keenness on the small boy, he had grown warmer to the child, seeing himself within him. The four of them became a close knit family if you will, often taking the opportunities to take the kids out on walks and parks when they had the time. The rest of the class couldn't help but relentlessly teese bakugo for his 'fatherly' protectiveness over the little ones, but he no longer seemed to mind. It's just a matter of time now until they will be able to start doing what they came to UA to do... to shine.

It was a Wednesday morning, the students began taking their seats and mr Aizawa practically slithered to his place in the podium, exhaustion written on his face. Ever since Eri had joined the 1-A family of lunatics, it had become abundantly clear that the teacher was the only level headed individual that could keep them in check. This involuntarily meant that Aizawa had joined their little class cult, being a part of their social circle, even though he was 20 years older than them. He wanted to convince himself that he hated it, and that these problem children (especially a certain pairing ) would be the death of him, but he was, for the most part, wrong. He stood in front of his good-for-nothing hooligans and breathed a content sigh, if he was stuck with them for 2 more years, he guessed it wouldn't be that bad. He began the lesson, and all seemed well. It was a boring subject, the financial side of being a freelance artist, even Mr Aizawa seemed to be nodding off to sleep with boredom, even though that was the norm with that sleepy teacher. The clock felt like it was moving in slow motion, and each chalk scrape that Aizawa painful dragged across the board felt like an eternity. A very boring class indeed. Aizawa wasn't use to the silence to the class whilst the class were waiting for something extravagant to happen, often glassing at the crippled couple as they usually attract some sort of chaos. It was nearing the end of the class when aizawa suddenly received an email, making him jump from the sudden notification in his pocket. The class perked up with curiosity, hoping that this was something to start some sort of conversation within the group. The only one who didn't perk up were midoriya and bakugo, as the green-haired boy was too envolved into his work and the blond haired bitch had his hearing aids turned off, unable to hear the pinging noise that set off everyone curiosity in the first place. Aizawa reaches for his phone, searching for the reason why is oh-so boring class was interrupted. The class watched impatiently as their teacher's eyes lit up, go back down again as he sighed a somewhat relieved breath. 

"The cast list for the school play is up." Aizawa said nonchalantly, rubbing the back of his neck until he was promptly interrupted by shouts of disbelief. "WHAAAA ? !!" The class yelled , catching Aizawa, midoriya and bakugo off guard, who could see the sudden surprised face that was plastered on his teachers face, warranting him to turn his aids back on just before the class' roar. Aizawa was shaken, but was somewhat glad that his class was as chaotic as usual. "They had a bit of trouble casting the leads, so I guess it took longer than expected. Furthermore, they turned it into a god forsaken musical in the last minute, so I'll have to warn you, we will be obligated to sing as an ensemble wether or not you got a main role. It's on the school website, go look on there if you want to see what you have been cast with. Obviously after clas-" the poor teacher's explanation was intervened by the entire class whipping out their phones simultaneously. They frantically tapped on their screens, heading straight to the school's website, only to be met with a surprising discove- "WHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!!." the class erupted with astonishment, snapping their heads in one direction and one direction only.

"Bakugo and midoriya have the main roles !!!!"

It wasn't that surprising... I mean... this is literally the most normal thing to ever occur in their live. But still, after all they have been through, the world did not seem to give them a shred of tranquility. Uraraka spoke first, clutching onto her phone with confusion and desperation to know more. "It seems like bakugo is playing 'The Dragon King' and midoriya is playing....... deku ? Why did they just use his stage name ?" She scratched her head, still in shock with the outlandish information. Tsu turned around the face her, though Iida's large body was in the way, who was equally as complexed. "Probably because bakugo doesn't have one so they just kinda gave role name." She explained bluntly, placing her comically oversized index finger over the crevasses of her bottom lip. Jirou joined in with the ladies conversation, even though everyone else was listening with curious ears.
"Don't you think this is a tad unfair on them ? They just got settled in, do you think it's wise for them to be put under so much pressure alr-" suddenly, the sound of high-fives and the creaking of chairs scraping interrupted the purple haired girl's worries, as bakugo and midoriya had taken the liberty to double high-five guys each other with celebration. "FUCK YEA BUN WE DID IT !!" Bakugo exclaimed, not even realising his PDA couple nickname slipped out whilst deku was nodding profusely with exclamation. 'They are not even trying to pretend that they aren't excited!' The rest of the class thought in unison, watching the unusually happy and energetic couple start bouncing around like children. Momo stood up, not wanting to interrupted the couple's euphoria, but wanting to assert herself so that her voice could be heard by her teacher. "Hey, it seems like all the main roles and supporting roles are mostly from this class ? Is that ok ? We don't want this to be one-sided." Momo carefully expressed her worries, which warranted the rest of the class to re-check the list and nod with agreement. Their shaggy teacher sighed, not actually wanting to talk or be involved at that given time. But he knew his class deserved an explanation, after all, they did work hard. "You were chosen according to your outstanding performances during the auditions. As sad as it may be considering you are all first year, this class is truly ahead of the curve." He genuinely complimented his students, feeling a hint of pride pang in his heart for watching his problem children grow.

The class seemed content with that, whilst also feeling happiness well up inside. The class resumed to ideal chatter, the classroom filling up with words of disbelief and excitement. "Man... bakugo and deku managed to snag the leading roles after their game must have been rusty. These guys are on a whole other level!!" Kirishima whispered over towards sero, who smiled back at him with a toothy grin. "Brings a whole new meaning to a power couple." Sero remarked, a clever quip that was all too true. "Quite down problem children !! In case you have forgotten but we are in the middle of a class ! Rehearsals will be every Tuesday and Thursday in the great hall, that was all I needed to tell you. Now, let proceed-" Aizawa sighed, as the bell had interrupted his proceedings for the lesson, but alas, it was lunch time which only meant that he could go and have a long deserved nap in the meantime. "Nethermind... bugger off the lunch then.... I need a nap." He spoke, before exiting the classroom with his hands in his pockets, leaving the class to their twisted excited shenanigans.


"WOAH YOU GUYS!! THAT IS SUPER AWESOME !!! YOU CHARACTERS SOUND SUPER AWESOME!!" Kirishima practically screeched from the top of his lungs, piercing the eardrums of most of his classmates who gathered around the congratulated couple. They were bombarded with questions, most without any answers or logic, just over exaggerated conspiracies on how the hell they got the main roles on their first try, especially considering it's a whole school production. Third years usually get priority, but considering the big three were already chosen to be the directors, the rest of the third year talent line up was slim. Nonetheless, the class were left with a mixture of feeling baffled and not surprised at the same time, a confusing feeling that made everyone ask unnecessary questions. The class sang the duo's praise, which the ones in question just stood there, one more anxious and timid than the other.

"Yea, I mean, I expect nothing less from you two legends !" Sero exclaimed, putting his arm around Kirishima's shoulder whilst having his eye poked out by the sharpness of his locks. A purple ball haired boy looked out behind midoriya, peeking over the delicate boy's shoulder like the small child he was. "Indeed, that's the kinda role ladies would be all over!" He exclaimed, fist pumping the air and drooling at the sight of woman clinging onto him with desperation. His salivating thoughts however were quickly put on hold by a strong pink haired girl picking him up by the shirt, making his small feet dangle towards the ground. "Mineta we talked about this... pay up." She shook her head in disappointment and flexed her free hand out outwards in exchange for the money that he owed her. Every time he would make some sort of sexual remark, a little bit of cash would find its way into a cookie jar. He had been trying so hard, but old habits die hard. "Sorrry." He wined, putting 100 yen into the crevasses of his classmates hand.

Deku rubbed the back of his neck with anxiety, his timid persona was able to shine through as he waves his palms around with gratitude and eagerness. "Thanks you guys !! It's super nerve wracking but it think this is gonna actually really fun !" He expressed his enthusiasm, his brightness was able to make the class go blind. "Haha nerd." Bakugo laughed behind his breath, his arms crossed with a confidence that had not been seen by the rest of the class for some time. Deku whipped his head to face Katsuki's, blankly staring at him with a playful attitude. "I swear to god if I wasn't so fucking crippled, I'd whoop yo ass." He commented, making the class pause with fear. What the hell did this pure innocent one say ? And why was kaminari finding it so hard to suppress a chuckle. Katsuki blinked a couple times before smirking and leaning closer towards him with a flirtatious look in his eye. "Is that a threat or a promise?" Deku just rested his fist on the edge of his chin with a devilishly smirk that seemed to be unexpected from the small anxious green haired boy. "An invitation." He quickly commented, before the couple began to pick up there things and head out the classroom, the green haired boy trotting along holding onto the forearm of the blond boy who laid smitten, completely ignoring the baffled group of teenagers left in their path.

"What...... have I just w-witnessed?" Jirou stuttered, feeling the need to stop at the local grocery store to collect a bottle of bleach to use on her eyes later. The class just blinked with confusion, unable to place what exactly they had been accustomed to. Was that really their shy little classmate who use to be too anxious to take another slice of pizza after having only one? It felt.... wrong but.... deserved? Like this confidence was nothing to what they knew about the boy but it felt like it's what he needed ? A sharp and elongated whistle broke the ever confused silence that the class had fallen over, the high pitch sound coming from a small figure that was still dangling from mina's grasp. "That my friend, is what I like to call.... sexual tension." He said with a smirk on his face, which only resulted on the class collectively sighing and Mina holding out her hand again. "Mineta.... jar.... Now!" She sighed, whilst mineta fell limp with defeat whilst reaching into his pocket. "Yes ma'am"

"Is it me... or has midoriya gained a lot of confidence since they met up with bakugo's parent." Sero whispered toward kaminari and Kirishima, as the rest of the class began to disburse back to their daily lives. Both boys nodded in agreement rapidly, both still in shock by the very open display of flirtation that they would have not otherwise expected. "dude, he has. It's quite amazing. But like.... he's not the kinda mean confident... just more .... talkative ?" Kaminari added, crossing his arms whilst waving his hands around as if to find the right words to say without sounding like a dumbass. Kirishima gave a gesture of agreement, before rubbing the back of his neck with contentment. "it's nice.... he's less of a blank canvas now." The fake red haired boy concurred, before being leaned on by kaminari, who found himself needing a connection like usual. Sero just stood there and shrugged, feeling like it was his duty to express the elephant in the room.

"That's probably because of the scars and gunshot wounds." Sero said bluntly, which resulted on his counterparts giving him extremely shocked and appalled death glares. "DUDE!" They simultaneously whisper shouted, Sero waving his hands around in defence as his wipe away the negative energy coming from the two other classmates. "No no, I'm being serious. Shit like that can change people, it's seems like he's been accepting his problems which has changed him for the better. Maybe theirs nothing more that we can say." They took a minute to let the lanky boy's word sink in, only to realise that he was completely right. As expected of humans, people can change, and midoriya being midoriya, was not new to adapting. Maybe he really was given a lucky break this time, maybe the class shouldn't over think things too much, they wouldn't want to run the risk of being patronising. The two compassionate teenagers sighed, realising maybe there really wasn't much to worry or theorise about, maybe they just should let this development blossom into something that shows the real midoriya.

"Good for him I guess.... I'm just hoping he hasn't forgotten about.... other things." Kirishima declared, making a face as if the others already should know what he was talking about. "What do you mean?" Kaminari cocked his head to the side with confusion, whilst Sero just crossed his arms shaking his head with uncertainty on what the sharp toothed boy was talking about. Kirishima huffed, before making a not so elegant pointing gesture towards a specific candy-caned man who remained near his seat this whole time. "Todoroki? What's the problem with-..." before Sero could finish his sentence, it dawned on the two boys who shared a brain cell.... Todoroki... midoriya's and bakugo's relationship being leaked.....
"OOOOOHHHH." They practically sang. Kirishima just hushed them, as he hung his head in shame for talking about a close friend behind his back.... which was funny because he was literally behind them instead. "Yea.... I'm just wondering if they have actually liked..... talked since then." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, ungracefully talking quick glances at the multi-coloured boy who just sat there aloofly eating his cold soba.

"Let's just hope for the best.... I still see those looks that that candycain looking ass gives him... I wonder if he is still crushing." Sero spoke in a hushed tone, whilst beginning to pack his own bag away with the fact that they could easily miss lunch with this over exaggerated conversation. "I doubt it.... after all that happened." Kaminari continue to pry, trying to reassure Kirishima that maybe it was all in his dyed little head. "Your right.... I just..... want this all to end you know ? I hope they at least talk it out."


Todoroki had a weird and twisted life for a half and half haired teenager. When he was a preteen , he found that he was stuck to regulations, schedules, expectations and especially demands. If there was anyone that felt a robot their entire life, it was him. A very vengeful robot indeed. Todoroki today you will do this! He felt trapped in his own heritage, especially when his mum 'left', leaving his reddish side of his face and hair make him feel like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Todoroki today you will do that! He began to move like clockwork, complying to his father's demands whilst simultaneously rebelling against the use of his voice, resentment controlling his stubborn actions. Todoroki you better do this or I swear- His father is what broke his spirit, that small childish voice inside him that yearned for salvation. -I swear-. However, no matter how hard Todoroki tried to release that desperate voice inside of him.

"I swear you will end up in the same place as your mother."
His dad would always bring him right back.

"Todoroki?..... Todoroki?!" Suddenly, a small and rather scarred hand interrupted his train of thought, causing him to bash his hands down onto the keys of the piano (which he didn't quite know how long he had been in front of) with surprised. The scarred face whipped his head towards the new figure with fear, not knowing who could possibly interrupt at such a tim-.... of course it was midoriya. There stood a rather awkward figure with his glasses half way slid down his nose due to his own jump of surprise, which he inelegantly adjusted, as he held out a small and frantic wave. Todoroki took a sigh.... perfect just the person he wanted to see at the moment. "O-oh.....hey." He stuttered, reciprocating a small shy wave whilst turning back to his piano. It was after school and the practice rooms were free, so he took this opportunity to take some time alone, he truly was not expecting this.

"What are you doing here alone ? Isn't it a bit late to be in the practice rooms ?" Deku further questioned, taking it upon himself to scrape over a chair from the other side of the piano to sit next to the candy-cane boy. Todoroki just playfully scoffed and nervously played with the edges of the black keys that mocked him with how awkward he was being. "I could ask you the same thing ?" He quietly chuckled, still finding it ridiculous that it was midoriya of all people to find him in such a vulnerable state. Midoriya hissed with defeat, leaning back so he could mimick an arrow being shot into his chest. "Ooooh you got me there...." he laughed nervously, and all Todoroki could do was keep his eyes away, separated from the obviously adorable sight. This felt wrong, this felt very wrong. He could NOT develop more feelings, he really did like the relationship between bakugo and midoriya, he doesn't want to ruin something special. But his heart couldn't take so much pressure all at once, especially after being too weak to stop both of them from being kidnapped. There was a lot on his plate at the moment.

"What are you practicing?" Deku scooted closer, eager to see even more talent from the other scarred boy, his overwhelming positive energy making Todoroki sweat. He paused, does he really want to drop any more exposition on the boy? After all he has been through, especially after all he put him through. He took a moment to lick his lips and sigh, proceeding to rub the back of his neck with unease. "My.... my father made me go through many different instruments to improve my musicality, I was just passing through and saw this old thing... brought back old memories." He settled on a short explanation, pressing the much anticipated G note with content. "Not good ones I assume by that melancholy tune you were just playing when I walked in." Deku continued the conversation, which Todoroki was confused because he didn't even remember playing. Guess his emotions got the better of him. "Meh.... old memories can't always be painted over with a crooked rainbow smile." He joked, raking through his two toned hair with ease at how perfectly slick it was. Deku just patiently chuckled, placing his cheeks into the palm of his hands, seemingly staring off the space. "Ain't that the truth."

Todoroki really was not in the mood for a conversation, but the feeling of silence unnerved him, especially considering how Midoriya seemed to be so distant compared to the rest of the day. He couldn't help but scratch the feeling that something was off, and the boy in front of him was keeping something in. "What about you ? What brings you here rather than with your play date family." He tried to joke around, but then was unsure if that sounded rude or not. "My famil-?..... oh oh yea. Kacchan his currently having a bakusquad night, kaminari's orders. Eri is with Aizawa, trying to have some good quality new-adoptive-father and daughter bonding time by having her paint his nails. And finally Kota has a homework assignment due and Mandalay refused for him to leave their appartment until it's done. I was left to contemplate with my newly found free time ?" Deku's first instinct of confusion was quickly washed away with a kind of reminiscence as if he was grandma with an old war time story to be shared. He jokingly threw up his arms, looking around the area, as if he was still searching for his activities for today, though that wasn't the case at all. "And you choseeee ..?" Todoroki elongated the final words so that Midoriya could finish the sentence for him. The green haired boy sighed and his eyes relaxed as he stared into the fissures of the ceiling.

"Singing... it will always be singing ." There was no hidden deceitful meaning to his words, everything in his life had been built around the dream of singing and performing, it was always an added prize that he could be with Katsuki of all people. Performing was his main motivation to keep on going through his entire crappy life, it was something that was so built into his DNA that his mind would automatically jump to make him practice whenever he had proper alone time. It was a comfort, it was also a survival tactic. Singing made time go quicker, singing made the sound of his stomach rumbling just a little bit quieter, singing made the pain go numb as he carted his body back to his shitty apartment after that one faithful night. Todoroki could see that singing was Midoriya's knockoff version of paracetamol, but he wasn't going to judge him, after all, he would be a hypocrite considering he used his vengeful thoughts as ketamine. "I see you are really passionate."

"Oh I always have been. It was my only drive during middle school. Coming and being here still feels like a dream. I found that many people have forgotten about my... 'tragic' upbringing due to other reasons. At the end of the day, I'm still an scrawny teenager who is way over his head." Deku continued, finally returning back to reality whilst playing with the tips of his thumbs in embarrassment. Todoroki didn't really know what to say, or what to do. They both clearly had came to be alone for a while, and yet here they were, making idle chitchat with each other. Should he ask if Midoriya wanted to be alone ? Should he just move to a different room? Or ( due to the awkwardness of it all) move to another country? Maybe he should just talk like a normal teenager for once, but even that seems to be outside his grasp. Deku began to stand, walking towards the cupboard that kept held of all different kinds of instruments. Todoroki took a breather, assuming that the small boy would take his exit not long after. But alas, the broccoli haired boy came waltzing right back with a nervous grin and an acoustic guitar clutched in his right scarred hand. "I also like times like this to practice my newly written songs. I never usually like company.... but would you like to listen ?"



Todoroki didn't really know why he agreed but his mouth went into autopilot the second Midoriya asked if he would listen to his newest song. He hated that his mind always seemed to be elsewhere whenever that curly green haired boy seemed to be involved, he knew it was a dangerous feeling indeed. So when he watched the smaller boy begin to prepare for his private performance, Todoroki almost turned his head in shame. Emphasis on almost, because no matter now much he wanted to look away, midoriya's presence was ten times stronger than anything against it, like a magnet his eyes stayed put, locked on to his delicate target. He was a force to be reckoned with, an emotionally confusing force that Todoroki wanted to disobey against. But it was too late, he was down the rabbit hole of forcing himself to painfully listen to the elegant voice of his forbidden crush. Deku didn't even seem to notice the beads of sweat that nervously ran down the other teenager's forehead, probably because he removed his glasses just before taking his seat infront of the straight-haired boy. Instead he peacefully began to strum his guitar, as if he didn't even need to see the chords that he was playing. He was ready, ready to express his new lyrics that haven't been heard by anyone before, which there was a specific reason for doing so. After a few more bars of the intro and the sounds of Todoroki nervously adjusting himself on the plastic seat below him, Midoriya began to sing.

You say there's so much you don't know
You need to go and find yourself
You say you'd rather be alone
'Cause you think you won't find it tied to someone else

Todoroki felt his brain go numb, as the music began to wash away his troubles. He would always forget how calming deku's voice was, it truly was like an angel's. He felt himself sink into his chair, listening to each phrase, each word, each syllable. He knew it was dangerous, but he didn't really care, he just kept falling in. The calming picking sounds of the guitar had perfectly showcased Midoriya's silky voice, which occasionally broke into ad libs. That intertwined with the loving phrasing made Todoroki's heart melt like butter. Everything about the first verse sounded loving, which both frightened and excited the poor half and half haired boy.

Ooh, who said it's true
That the growing only happens on your own?
They don't know me and you

Midoriya had only just reached the bridge, and Todoroki had already felt like he was swept off his feet. He wasn't dumb enough to misread the intentions of the song, it was clear that even though the words were written as a love song, deku's intention as he sang was quite the opposite. This was more of a brotherly kind of love, one that speaks of only admiration and kindness. It was breathtaking. All Todoroki could do was eagerly watch as he anticipated the chorus, as he didn't expect anything less than emotional perfection coming from the small freckled boy.

I don't think you have to leave
If to change is what you need
You can change right next to me
When you're high, I'll take the lows
You can ebb and I can flow
And we'll take it slow
And grow as we go
Grow as we go

It was like waking up from a coma for the first time, that blissful moment of freedom from your own slumbered imprisonment.... but then shortly realising you got into a coma by something as little as walking straight into a lamppost. Todoroki felt awakened but then automatically wanted to punch himself in the face for his stupidly selfish decisions. Grow as we go huh ? It was clear that Todoroki was the one who needed to grow up the most. Making his friend's life painful for the sake of a stupid crush, then narrowly trying to avoid him after having him suffer through kidnapping and torture? What a great influencer he will become. Pathetic.... truly pathetic. Todoroki could feel his eyes glisten in beat with the music, watching how careful and loving each lip movement was, which was a risky analysis from his part. He found that every and each line was constantly reflecting in his mind. He wanted to say something, he wanted to interrupt and say how stupid he had been and that he will right the wrongs but the small boy seemed so in the moment that cutting it off would be rude, and besides, he wanted to hear the perfection of his voice for just a little bit longer.

You won't be the only one
I am unfinished, I've got so much left to learn
I don't know how this river runs
But I'd like the company through every twist and turn

It can't be deku's song without him undermining himself yet again. Todoroki just couldn't understand, surely this little cinnamon roll can see how perfect he was.... right ? Does he not see how he is a literal positivity and kindness factory ? Of course he doesn't, he's only human. Everyone hates themselves just a little bit, and that's ok. Maybe it was about time Todoroki should see that. When deku has repeated the chorus, it was as captivating as it was the first time, except he could see Midoriya began to really sink into his word, his eyes now open even though they weren't even able to look around, just dazily staring at the ceiling with passion.

I don't know who we'll become
I can't promise it's not written in the stars
But I believe that when it's done
We're gonna see that it was better
That we grew up together

Todoroki realised that this middle 8 section was directly meant for him. His words were so carefully picked that from an outsider's perspective, this could have been anyone that he was talking to. However, Todoroki knew it was for him, he could tell that this wasn't a song of undying love, like most of them did as they were surrounded around his dearly beloved 'kacchan'. But instead this song was a plead, a hand reaching out yelling out to an family member to never let go. That spoke volumes to Todoroki, and it was was enough for him, he was satisfied with just that. Because after all, it was Midoriya who helped him out of his imprisonment of resentment, freeing him for a life of solitude. He was struggling to fight back against the tears that threatened to stream down his scarred face, but decided against it, because it wasn't worth it. Though he didn't understand why.... he took the hand that reached out to him with altruistic love, and accepted it with blind admiration.

Tell me you don't wanna leave
'Cause if change is what you need
You can change right next to me
When you're high, I'll take the lows
You can ebb and I can flow
We'll take it slow
And grow as we go
Grow as we go
Grow as we go
Grow as we go

Maybe he would take that request,
Maybe they could grow old together.
Not as partners granted....
But as friends.


"Earth to Todoroki? How was it ?" A delicate palm seemed to display itself in front of Todoroki's flabbergasted face. He must have dissociated for a hot minute, because midoriya was frantically waving his hand to catch the half and half teenager's attention. There wasn't much difference between Todoroki's emotional detachment state and his normal state, so when he 'regained awareness' once again, all that was proof of his ability to listen once again, was a small nod with an shocked looking resting face. Deku sighed, scared that he might have done something that would have offended him, or at the very least confused to poor Kuudere teenager. The small boy rubbed the back of his neck as if he had a guilty conscious, feeling as if he had just dumped a year's worth of emotion bagage onto the guy he was trying to make amends with, which probably wasn't the best idea considering how distraught Todoroki was about the whole ideal. Deku shook his head with embarrassment, un-grasping his nape so he could wave his hands in somewhat denial, trying to play off everything that just happened.

"Sorry about that. It's just a rough draft so-" deku began to explain himself and started his onslaught of apologies, until he was swiftly interrupted by a soft murmur from the candy caned boy. "It was I-intense", he stuttered through his paralysis. His face didn't even change, just stayed perfectly still, encapsulating that semi-shocked position. Deku stopped the need of going into a rambling fit. Feeling his face heat up from even more embarrassment as he rapped his delicate arms around his head. "Yeaaaaaa... I get that a lot at the moment." Todoroki felt bad for not being able to say more, to express his amazement, his gratitude, but all he could do was stare, falling deeper and deeper into a rabbit hole he desperately didn't want to be a part of. But even still, throughout that entirely moving performance, he had come to a realisation that he contently excepted.

It was very clear he mistook his so called 'crush' as something as simple as admiration. He didn't LOVE izuku, he didn't know the true izuku well enough to truly love him. He was thankful towards the small boy for helping him through the right path, and he respected the hard work and dedication he put into everything he was passionate about. But other than that, his feelings flew thin. He felt even more stupid and guilty for putting the poor boy through so much, just because he misplaced the feeling of admiration. Maybe if he was more wise, Midoriya would not have had to suffered through abuse after abuse. But even Todoroki couldn't see that the poor boy's pain was inevitable.

"Well, I guess it's because I need to release my intensity somehow right ? I got a lot of different emotions that need to be evenly distributed. Why not do it through song.... besides, i feel like some things I want to say to people are better off said through song.... you know ?" Deku had once again broken Todoroki out of another trance, though it wasn't obvious he was back in his dark mind in the first place. Todoroki was a hard-to-read broken shell of a man, which made even the likes of katsuki bakugo feel like an open book. Deku felt very perplexed by this, unable to read the room as easily as he usually does. He began to panic, feeling the awkwardness seep into the crevasses of his anxiety ridden mind. He began to pack his things away and looking at an invisible watch on his wrists, trying his best not to appear rude. "Oh damn look at the time !! Kacchan will have found a way to politely murder the others by now, I should really head back..... it was nice speaking to you agai-"

"Why did you let me hear your song?" Todoroki cut off deku right in his tracks, leaving him speechless and ever so slightly confused. Deku turned around only to be met with a standing Todoroki, who's face had twisted into something unrecognisable for the duo coloured haired boy, but a face that deku knew all too well. Desperation. "W-why are you acting so nice to me after all I have done?" Todoroki stuttered over his words, as all the lyrics suddenly swamped his brain causing it to malfunction. Grow as we go, grow as we go. Why would he want to be anywhere near him after everything he has caused. "I've been nothing but a nuisance to you, so why do you care so much about me?"

Deku sighed and placed his bag back down onto the cold wooden floor.... before immediately startling the emotionally distraught teenager by throwing himself into Todoroki for a giant embrace. "Because you are also a part of my family and families can't simply be broken through a singular mistake." Deku warmly hugged the poor confused teenager, who's body layed dormant within his arms as he could feel the stresssed boy relax into them. Whatever deku was saying, it was working. He outstretched his arms and placed his hands onto Todoroki's shoulders, forcing Todoroki to look deku dead in his cold damaged eyes from a considerable distance. "We still have time to grow, we make conflicts and we fight against it. We are too young and foolish to pretend that it's the end of the world over something so petty. It's only when resentment is allow to be distributed, that it begins to flood. I'm not leaving anyone behind, we can move together." Deku's words were as warm as his smile. He had such a way with encouraging words, a way that could only be described as..... deku's. He was a poet with a broken writing hand, unable to be heard to his fullest potential, but when he is, it's mesmerising. Todoroki internally wondered if deku knew how mesmerising he truly was.

The small began to stand, at first leaving the emotionally drained teenager on his knees, feeling vulnerable. The now standing freckled boy graciously offered his hand out, his warm smile was highlighted by the light that outline his curly perimeter. Todoroki accepted the help and admitted defeat, standing up and rubbing his neck with embarrassment. Deku just chuckled carefully, before softly punching the side of Todoroki's shoulder with a brotherly touch. "Don't let that bump hit you anymore than it has, let yourself grow. You are good guy shoto." And with that, the benevolent presence of the all too caring deku relocated his bag onto his shoulder and carefully exited the practice room, leaving a vulnerable Todoroki to pick up the pieces of the experiences he had just been subjected to. He re-placed himself in front of the piano and carefully stroked the black keys with content. And he smiled a grateful smile that only a certain Broccoli boi could leave behind.

"So are you izuku... so are you."

..- .--. / -. . -..- - / -.-.-- -.-.-- / -. . .-- / -.-. .-. .. -- .. -. .- .-.. / ... .-- . . .--. .. -. --. / - .... . / -.-- --- ..- - ..- -... . / ... -.-. . -. . / .-- .. - .... / .. -. - . .-. . ... - .. -. --. / -. . .-- / ...- .-.. --- --. ... -.-.-- -.-.-- / ... - .- -.-- / - ..- -. . -.. .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.-

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