EraserMic Oneshots

بواسطة crookedheartpanda

82.1K 1K 2.7K

Erasermic one shots this is just a collection of my erasermic one shots. it does contain smut/ NSFW content... المزيد

Hot showers (NSFW)
fighting (NSFW)
One night stand
forgiveness is a good thing (NSFW)
Don't carry your baggage alone (pt.1)
Don't carry your baggage alone (pt. 2)
Don't carry your baggage alone (pt.3)
Don't carry your baggage alone (pt. 4)
Don't carry your baggage alone (pt.5)
DCYBA pt.6
broken hearts
just pretend
Echoes of Redemption

When You Find Out Your Teachers Are Married (class 1A edition)

4.4K 77 129
بواسطة crookedheartpanda

I'm not really used to writing about several people at once so this was interesting. But yeah, this is basically hiw class 1A found out about erasermic.

Aizawa entered the classroom of 1A for his first class of the day. Most of the students were talking loudly to each other, not noticing the presence of their homeroom teacher. Ilda was the first to notice him, yelling at the rest of the class to sit down and be quiet until he was the only one still standing.

Aizawa let out a pleasant grunt and took a sip of the coffee cup he was holding. He walked up to his desk to put down the stack of papers he was holding and was about to start the lesson when Kaminari raised his hand.

"Yes, Kaminari?" Aizawa said in his normal unenthusiastic voice. He wasn't really in the mood for questions today, or any day for that matter. He hadn't gotten much sleep last night, and all he wanted was to hand out the papers with today's assignment so he could nap for the rest of the class.

"I was just wondering if you were done grading our papers yet?" the blond asked.

"The test was three days ago, so no. I haven't had the time."

"Oh," Kaminari said, looking confused. "I was just wandering because yesterday, when Mic-sensei came by the dorms, you said he was going to help you grade our papers."

The blond stared at him expectantly. Aizawa froze completely for a second. He hadn't expected this outcome when he had told them that yesterday. His brain was frantically trying to come up with an excuse as to why he hadn't graded the papers, but he couldn't think of any. Present Mic had indeed come by the dorms the night before, but they hadn't actually graded any papers, to put it that way.

"Yeah, it sounded like you two were grading and discussing all night," Hagakure joined in. "And Mic-sensei didn't leave until the morning."

"The papers were only one page, it shouldn't take that long?" Yaoyorozu said, and Aizawa couldn't really argue with the logic.

"Okay, enough everyone," Aizawa said activating his quirk and the students fell silent. His hair fell back down around his shoulder and he let out a sigh. "I promise, the papers will be done by tomorrow. I just have a few left. Now, let's start todays class and if anyone else interrupts, you will be expelled."

Several parts of that statement were lies. First off, he hadn't even touched the stack of papers on the desk in his office yet, let alone started grading them. Second, he couldn't actually expel any of them because Nezu had revoked his expelling privileges after he had expelled that entire class last year. However, his student didn't need to know that either of them were lies.

Luckily, none of the students seemed suspicious of why Mic had been at the dorms the night before if it hadn't been to grade papers. Aizawa didn't actively keep his relationship with the fellow pro hero a secret but he also didn't want his students snooping around in his personal life either. If they found out they would just start asking a million questions and never shut up about it.


Later that day, when Aizawa was done with his classes for the day, he walked up to Present Mic's desk in the staff room. The blond was leaning back in his chair, reading some article in english on his computer. Aizawa took half the stack of paper he was holding and slammed them on the desk. "Here, grade these," he said as he sat down at his own desk.

"What?" Mic looked up at him, questioningly. "Why?"

"When you came over last night, I told the students you were going to help me grade their papers. And now they are wondering why they are not done." Aizawa looked at the blond accusingly, like this was his fault.

"Hey, you were the one who told them we were gonna grade papers." The blond said defensively.

"But you took part in the 'not-grading-papers' activity, didn't you?" Aizawa said, quickly looking through the rest of the stack on his own desk to be graded. Mic frowned but grabbed a pen to start grading.


A little over a week later, most of class 1A was gathered in the common area of the dorms watching a movie. It wasn't super late, but late enough that some of the students were already in bed.

When a sound came from the door they all turned to see what it was, their hero reflexes kicking in. Aizawa had already announced he was going to sleep in his dorm room so there were no reason for someone to be at the door. Then again, if it was an intruder, they probably wouldn't have used the door anyway.

They all looked surprised when a tall man with long blond hair pulled up in a half bun walked through the door. At first, neither of the students recognized the man, although he seemed kind of familiar.

"Wait, is that Mic-sensei?" Kirishima said when Present Mic walked in. It didn't seem like the pro hero had noticed the students before now but he flashed them a smile and some finger guns as he walked past them.

"Oh, hey there listeners!" He said, a little louder than necessary . "Hope I didn't scare ya there? I didn't want to wake you up, in case you were sleeping."

"It's fine, sensei." Mina said. "We just didn't recognize you at first." The teacher wasn't wearing his usual hero outfit, instead he wore a white button up and black jeans, his hair not in the banana shape it normally was. The only indication that it was in fact their english teacher was his yellow signature glasses he was still wearing, and his little mustache, which according to Aizawa looked 'ridiculous' and 'stupid'.

"What are you doing here this late, sensei?" Midoriya asked from where he was sitting on the floor. It wasn't uncommon for teachers to came by to talk to their home room teacher about something now and then, but it was usually not this late.

"Oh, eh-" Mic scratched his neck. "I was just..."

"I'm going to help him grade some papers." Everyone turned to see Aizawa leaning against the doorway to his dorm room. He looked annoyed as usual. "Come on, Mic. I don't have all night. And you kids should all go to bed, it's late," he said. He turned and walked back into his room. Present Mic quickly followed after him, giving the students another set of finger guns before closing the door behind them.

"Anyone else thinks that was a little weird?" Sero said, after a while. Everyone nodded.

"Yeah, why would Mic-sensei come by this late just to get Aizawa's help grading some papers?" Mina asked.

"He may just be helping out a long term friend, Midoriya suggested. "I mean, they were in the same class when they went to UA, right? He's probably just returning the favour from when Mic helped him grade out papers."

All the students seemed to think about it. It had been weird that Mic-sensei had visited Aizawa-sensei this late, plus the fact that he for once did not wear his hero gear. But then again, this wasn't the weirdest thing their english teacher had done. Maybe he was just helping a colleague grade papers.


After a while, Present Mic's visits had become a regular thing. The students of 1A didn't think much of it whenever the english teacher would come over to their dorms. Normally he just went straight to Aizawa's room with the excuse he had to help him with something. The first few times it had been to 'grade papers', then to 'drop off some documents' or 'bring him a message from Nezu'.

However, Mic was horrible at excuses and some of the students started to get a little suspicious. Kaminari had suggested that Jiro used her quirk to eavesdrop on them, but Ilda had made a whole speech about how that was inappropriate and that they should respect their teachers privacy, so they had quickly discarded that idea.

"Maybe Mic-sensei likes Aizawa-sensei," Uraraka suggested one evening Mic had come to visit. The rest of class 1A looked at her, waiting for her to explain further. "I mean, that would explain why he always makes up excuses to see Aizawa-sensei."

"And Aizawa-sensei doesn't seem to mind the company," Mina said. "What if he likes him back!" All the girls squealed at that, and started to talk about how they would make such a cute couple.

"That's stupid," Bakugou said from where he was seated beside Kirishima.

"I think it's manly," Krishima said, looking over at Bakugou.

"Shut up, Shitty Hair," Bakugou said. "Besides, why would he need to come here all the time. They literally see each other every day at school."

"Kacchan may be onto something," Midoriya said looking through his notebook.

"What do you mean 'may be'," Bakugou yelled, and Kirishima had to hold him back so he wouldn't end up blow up the entire common area. "I'm always right, you damn nerd!"


The following days the students kept a close eye on their teachers for any indications that the two men liked each other. Unfortunately, Aizawa and Mic didn't talk a lot to each other at school, or at least not around the students. Whenever Mic came to teach them English, he would send Aizawa a flashy smile and some finger guns and the latter would just stare back at him tiredly before either taking a nap or walking out of the classroom.

The students had almost given up. Maybe their teacher didn't have the hots for each other, maybe they were just childhood friends after all. But then again, if they were just friends, why didn't Present Mic just say he was visiting his friend?

However, the investigation of their teachers' relationship took a turn when Kaminari one night woke up in the middle of the night to get some water. He went downstair to the kitchen but on his way he saw two people standing in the front door. He stopped dead in his tracks, trying to make out who the two dark shapes were. He soon realized it was Aizawa and Mic, and he breathed out in relief. He was about to walk over to them to ask what they were doing, but decided against it.

The two teachers were standing close, talking quietly, probably to not wake any students. Kaminari watched as Mic put his hands around Aizawa, probably to give him a goodbye hug. However, the student's eyes widened as Mic's hands moved down to Aizawa's ass, squeezing it as he leaned down to kiss the homeroom teacher. Yeah they were definitely not just hugging.

At this point, Kaminari had forgot all about his errand in the kitchen and ran back upstairs as quietly and quickly as possible, praying that the two teachers hadn't noticed him.


"Oh my god," Mina squealed. Kaminari had gathered the students of 1A in their classroom before class started to tell them what he'd seen last night.

"Do you think they finally got together?" Sero asked.

"Or maybe they were already together," Yaoyorozu suggested.

"That's so manly!" Kirishima grinned. "But don't you think we would have noticed if they were dating?"

"Well, it's not like Aizawa-sensei ever tells us anything about his personal life," Midoriya pointed out.

"We should try to ask Mic-sensei," Jiro suggested. "He's more likely to tell us something." The rest of the class seemed to agree. They debated back and forth what to ask about to not be to obvious, until they heard someone clearing their throat in the doorway. They turned and saw their homeroom teacher and the students quickly found their way back to their assigned seat.

As Aizawa walked up to his desk, there was a weird tension in the room, like when you walk in on someone talking about you. That was quite literally the case, although Aizawa didn't know that. The teacher just shrugged it off. It was far from the weirdest thing his students had done. He gave the students assignments for the day, and then took out his sleeping bag to take a nap.

He was woken up by Present Mic entering the classroom about an hour later. The blond walked over to the sleeping man and poked him in the side with his foot, like he usually did to wake him up. Aizawa grunted and opened his eyes.

The two teachers had a hushed discussion for a moment, before Aizawa zipped his sleeping bag back up and went back to sleep while Present Mic went up to the desk to start his class. If it hadn't been for the fact that the students were now keeping an extra close eye on the two teacher, neither of them would have thought twice about it. It wasn't exactly rare for aizawa to sleep in the classroom, even during Present Mic's classes.

With his back against the students, Present Mic wrote some sentences in English on the board. Jiro put her hand in the air, but the teacher didn't seem to notice.

"Uhm, Mic-sensei, can I ask you something?" Jiro said. Mic turned around with a big smile, putting down the marker he was writing with.

"Of course, young listener!"

"I was just wondering if heros have families," she said, stealing a glance at her classmates who were all waiting in anticipation. "Can we get married or have kids while we're heros, or is it too dangerous?"

Mic seemed to be a little takes aback by the question. "Well, that's a heavy topic you got there, female listeners," he said. He glanced over at Aizawa who was still asleep on the floor, and took a moment to choose his words carefully.

"It's hard to have any kind of relationship when you are a hero. Friends and loved ones can often become targets for villains. Or if you are dating another hero, you have to live with the fear that one day they might not make it home. I'm constantly worried that my partner won't come home whenever they are out on patrol."

The student looked at each other. Their english teacher already had a partner? Was Mic cheating on his partner with their home room teacher? Or did that mean he and Aizawa were already together? Or had they students just read too much into their actions.

"You have a wife?" Kaminari blurted out.

The English teacher looked at him and smiled. "Husband, actually"

"Oh, so you're married?" Kaminari asked, before he realized what the teacher had just revealed. "Wait, you're gay?"

The majority of the class looked surprised. Present Mic wasn't out to the entire school, but the voice hero also didn't really make an effort to hide the fact that he was gay either.

"Duh," Aizawa said unenthusiastically from inside his sleeping bag. "Have you seen him? That man is as straight as a circle." Mic kicked him jokingly in the side.

"Wait, wait, wait," Kaminari said. "So when you kissed Aizawa yesterday, you were cheating on your husband?"

"WHAT?" The two teachers said in unison. Aizawa looked petrified and Present Mic bursted out laughing. The students looked between the two teachers, unsure of what was going on.

Aizawa kicked Mic in the leg to get him to stop laughing. The English teacher managed to collect himself, wiping away a tear from his eye. Aizawa was glaring at him and, again, the two teachers seemed to have a silent argument. It seemed like Mic won because Aizawa sighed and got out of his sleeping bag.

"You care to explain?" Mic said to Aizawa, looking quite amused. The dark haired teacher looked like he was ready to murder someone, preferably Mic. He turned to the class who was still confused by this whole situation.

"Okay, I'll only say this once so listen up. I know you'll probably have a thousand questions which I will not be answering. You can ask Mic later." He cleared his throat.

"Cheating is wrong and is not something you should ever do or encourage. Mic did not cheat on his husband because," Aizawa reached into his scarf and pulled out a chain with a thin golden ring on it. "I'm his husband. We are married and have been for years."

The class was deadly silently before the classroom exploded as everyone started asking questions, congratulating them or squealing/fangirling like high school girls. Aizawa activated his quirk to quiet them down.

"Now as I said, you can direct all your questions to my lovely husband instead." With that the home room teacher grabbed his sleeping bag and walked out of the classroom, leaving his husband to answer all the questions alone. As he walked past Mic he shot him a look as to say 'you put this on yourself'.

Mic turned back to the class, smiling nervously. "Any questions?"

Twenty hands shot up in the air immediately.

"How long have you two been married?" Midoriya asked, pen and notebook ready.

"A little over six years now," Mic smiled.

"When did you start dating?" Uraraka asked next.

"Since high school." That answer got a round of  'awwwww's from some of the girls.

"Aizawa-sensei is your high school sweet heart? That so cute!"

"Yeah, you probably wouldn't believe it but Aizawa was totally different person back then," Mic said, smiling bittersweet at the memory of their high school days.

"You mean he wasn't always this grumpy?"

"Oh no, he was grumpy even back then," Mic laughed. "He would probably kill me for telling you this but he had a little problem with believing in himself back then."

The questions kept flooding in and Mic answered them all patiently. Honestly, he kinda loved having an excuse to talk about his relationship with the other teacher. It wasn't often he got to do that.

When the bell rang, signalling that the class was over, the students started packing up their things to head out for lunch.

"Oh, but before you take lunch young listeners, can you promise me something?" Mic asked and the students looked at him. "What I said about relationships when you are hero was true. It is dangerous if you're not careful. The hero commission knows about me and Sho, but it could be dangerous if that sort of information got out to the public. So don't go telling everyone about this okay?"

"Of course," Yaoyorozu said.

"And thank you for entrusting us with such important information," Iida said bowing. "We will not disappointed you."

"Thank you," Mic laughed. Iida really was a mini version of his older brother. "Class dismissed. Go, while the cafeteria still has some seats left."

This has been in my drafts for soooo long. It was also one of the ideas someone suggested earlier so here you go!


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