Drunken Mistake

By CaelShinMoon

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SU#1SERIES SECTION1#6 SERIES One night of one mistake lead to a non ending discussion and complicated relatio... More

Author's POV
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By CaelShinMoon

Mavie Reins

Another day of school project and activities. Damn. What a bull.

I just wanna go home and watch my babies- Bangtan Boys. Especially my baby V!

Arrgh! Screw school and school activities!

I'm now inside our clubroom; writing another article for the last school achievements. It was about Hannah Touza, My angel of a classmate winning the National Quiz Bee. She's advancing to the Finals then Internationals.

Pretty awesome right? Well She's really awesome anyway. Reaching that far, You need a really long time studying.

"Sir Dame, Can I take a break? I'll send you my reports later."

Sir Dame look at me, His eyebrows perked up before softening his features.

"Go ahead just make sure to send it today. I'll give you two case if you failed to meet the deadline Reins."

Scary! I nodded vehemently before exiting the clubroom. Stretching my sore muscles at the process. Fudge, Being locked up on that place for 4 hours really is tiring.

I immediately turn to head to cafeteria, I need to eat. I feel like my beauty is detoriating.

Before I could enter the cafeteria my phone rings. Who the fuck would disturb my sanctuary time?

Liam Antony Kim

What does this guy want? My eyebrows scrunch before I answer the call.

"Baby!" He greeted with a full enthusiasm. Wow. He's full of energy.

"Who? You sure you call the right person?"

Baby amp. He's been courting me since Filipino Month, It was weeks ago. And until now I haven't made up my mind to answer him besides its too early.

Well he never really ask- yet.

"You're my baby Reins. Who else?"

And since then, I've discovered a lot of his side. To others he's a total snob and attitude guy. But to his friend his bubbly and a ball of sunshine.

I know his little habits, gesture and what he means in his every expression. It feels like I've known him for years and it really scares and amazes me at the same time.

Like right now. I knew by his voice that he's annoyed and pouting.

"Enlighten me Kim. As far as I'm aware, I'm already 15, A perfect age for teenagers. How come you call me baby?"

I feel my lips turned into a full smile. I could literally feel his scowl and frown. Damn him and he's effect on me. I entered the cafeteria, spotting JM alone eating.

For the past months JM and I grew close too and Liam really hates him. For whatever reason is- he's just jealous for all I know.

"Yeah. You're still my baby. End of discussion. "

I didn't stop myself from laughing when he said that. He's cute Damn!

"Whatever. So what do you need from me? I have a really busy sched Liam."

"Tch. Liar, I knew you left your clubroom just now."

What? How did he know that? I momentarily stop from walking, looking around if he's around watching.

"Are you stalking me Mister Kim?"

This time, I'm the one who heard his chuckle, low and sensual.

"No way. Have Mica already stuck on you Reins. You sound just like her."

Tch. I let a pout but still answer him .

"So where are you? How did you know?"

"Hmmm. Well, I'm at my clubroom. We're practicing for the incoming English Month Festival. As for how I knew your location- It's a secret."

"What?! Why!"

When the lady from the cafeteria gave me my cup of noodles, I made my way to JM. He's eating his lunch I guess.

I nudged his knee, Causing him to look at me.

"Well If it isn't Miss Reins. What do I owe the pleasure of grazing your presence to humble lil me?"

As I let the cup of noodles rest on the table I smack his head. Muttering a low shut up, and point on the phone on my ears.

He nodded, watching me sit.

"I'm eating Liam. I'll call you later."

I ended the call, hearing him say his goodbyes and sweet nothings.

"You're still seeing the guy?"

I look at JM, He's wearing our uniform. Why is he here anyway? It's 11 Am, Still early for class.

"Yeah. Why?"

He shrugged and continued eating so I decided to ask him while mixing my own food.

"Why are you here anyway? It's still early, Don't tell me your waiting for Andianne?"

Letting out a small scowl at the mention of the girls name, I knew there's something wrong.

"Don't even mention her. It irks me."

I laughed, The day Liam told me He was jealous. I let JM go and told Andianne that he's alone and If she could accompany him. Since then, the two has been constantly seeing each other. Now I wonder what happened.

"So why did you two fight?"

He choke on his food, reaching for the glass of water before lookung at me, bewildered.

"What the fuck Mavie? How did you know?"

"Oh please! You're face screams it all. You're awfully quiet and irritated by the mention of her name instead of blushing. Tch, Even kids would know."

He still look surprised but when he realized that I really want to know, He sighed.

"I was late for freakin 2 minutes last time we hang out. And then she told me I was standing her up- Damn! It wasn't my fault that the traffic was bad!"

He look so damn frustrated right now, I want to laugh. But being a good friend I am, I eat my food. Looking like he grew two heads.

"Haven't you heard about the phrase 'Girls are always right' ?"

Why is it that all guys are so clueless? Ofcourse Andianne would be mad!

"Why?! What did I do?!"

Oh please! I look at him irritated.

"Gosh! Make sure to remember every fuckin words I'll tell you."

Despite looking reluctant, He nodded. So I drew a deep breathe,

"First, Andianne is a girl JM, I'm sure she spent hours picking up a nice clothes to make her look pretty and for all I know you didn't even compliment her. Secondly, It's a common knowledge for a guy to fetch the lady or atleast arrive on time yet you arrive late and fought with her! The nerve. Tsk! Third, When she told you you were wrong, You were wrong. No question ask. That's it. Fourth, If you knew that you would be late atleast give her a gift or something to lighten up her mood right? And the reason goes on. Why are you so stupid?"

He looks at me dumbly before muttering some incoherent curses.

"I guess I was wrong then."

"Yeah right."

We ate in silence, He contemplating how to make it up with Andianne, While I ate enjoying the spiciness of my noodles.


"The Festival Dance would be held, 4 months from now, December 1 to be exact."

The whole class gasp, and we look at Mich. Her birthday would be hectic then.

"Why? Is there a problem with the date?"

Maybe Sir Virgil notice our sudden reaction, He's looking at us with a raised eyebrow. Damn. He look so hit just like that! But he's a sadist.

Imagine, The first day of school he gave us a fuckin assignment to draw Monalisa. And I got a score of 7 out of 10. Just how fuck up is that?

The next day he gave us a task to bring a soap and made us carved something on it. Anything for freakin 30 minutes.

And the list goes on.

"Mich's birthday is on the same day Sir. We suppose it can't be help."

It was Chennee who said it. Our classroom president. Sir Virgil let out a small laugh,

"It can't be help I guess."

The next minutes we planned our next moves regarding the festival. The whole class vote for Manolito or I must say Third to direct and create the choreograph.

"Well If that's the case. Since the whole thing will be 4 months from now, I guess. For the first month, I'll have Cine to help me organize the whole presentation and props. Is that fine?"

Our gay friend- yes that's right. Manolito Hughley the third is a gay. Tsk. It's a shame- he's so fuckin hot, what a waste. But he's really a nice person.

"Yeah. You can go at my house for starter."

They made a fist bump as if to seal the thing off.

"So the next thing is props and costumes. "

Third look at Mica and Mica sighed,

"Fine. I'll help you arrange a few thing here and there. But I'll have Kate and Ahvon help me out."

The two mentioned nodded. Already talking how they want to arrange the costume. We'll be doing a Sinulog Festival so I just hope they choose a nice custome. I don't like wearing uncomfortable nor short clothes.

"And the last two months we'll be practicing, So for the first two months We'll plan the dance and everything. The last two months We'll put it into action. Agreed?"


And the Mapeh Class end just like that. Ma'am Marriane entered afterwards.

Carrying her lesson plan. We change seat since each class we have our own seating arrangement.

I sat next to Jimwhel, And Ryan. Liza is on my back.

Well the whole class, I can't understand a single thing. It's really complicated, I'll just ask Mica to teach me later at home.

As we move on to the next class, A few of my classmate groan in complain. Our next class is Literature or History. And our History Teacher is really boring not that he us boring to me, To be honest I find his lessons so interesting, I don't know what my classmate's problem is.

"Goodmorning Class."

We stand up, Noting our usual greeting before sitting up. He started class with a new topic about Demand and Supply.

And extended the class for about 15 minutes until he let us go. Damn, Now I know why the class hates him. He really takes a lot of time, Even tho the bell already rings his still continuing the lecture.

"Let's go?"

Liza has a tired look on her face. Must be because of Council Work.

We all nodded and head to Mica's Car, We used it to go to school. The Lijie pair sit on the back seat while Mivie - Mica and I on the front. Mica being the driver.

"Do you like to order guys? Or Let's order drive thru?" Mica

"Let's just order drice thru and eat it at home. I'm tired too." Vie

"Well, Let's order at the Jollibee down the road."

I said, looking at the two on the rearview mirror.

They're really tired.

"What made you two so tired?"

Maybe Mica noticed too, and she asked. Eyes on the road. I'm just thankful that Mica learned to drive properly already. Last time she made the car fly and it almost kill me! No kidding.

"Yeah. You two look so tired. Did you do something heavy?"

I added. The two look at each other- and Just by the look of it. I know it was something they can't tell us and pretty sure they would lied about it. Saying they're fine. Heck.

We just let it slide like how we always do. The thing is- we can't really do anything about it. The irony right?

We're all living together but I rarely know anything about these two. Mica is an open book person. She would tell you anything you wanted to know as long as you're close to her. But that ends a year ago. Back in Third year highschool.

"We're here. You order Mavs."

Before I notice it, We're already in the drive thru, Mica move the car right beside the counter. Thankfully I responded of instinct, Ordering a bucket of chicken, Spaghetti and Coke Float. Enough for us.

Damn. I'm so distracted nowadays.

"Thank you!"

I smile while receiving the foods we order. Giving my credit card to pay for it before qe all went home. The tide is silent- one of many.

We've really grow apart. It's pathetic.

Mica opened the door and we all went inside flopping myself on the sofa before checking my phone-

Oh shit!

Liam called me and bomber my phone with text messages.

Wow. What the fudge is his problem?

I excuse myself with the three, Mica even wink at me. What a dork. The two doesn't know about my relationship with Liam. Heck I think only Mica know.

I'm not a kind of person who will tell everyone about a piece of my life, I value my privacy- a lot.

Well, I don't know about Liam, for the past weeks that he's courting me, We've only went out 2 times. The last one was days ago, I'm busy with school activities and club duties.

While he has singing gigs and band practice.

Calling his number, He answered it on the first ring.

"Where are you? Are you fine? Do you need something? What Mavie?!"

Wth?! Liam is practically yelling at me so I remove the phone in my ears. Damn. What the fuck?

"Easy tiger. What do you need?"

If you think that in a relationship the girl is the clingy one- you should meet this guy. Damn. If it wasn't for his age and look, I would really think that he's acting like my dad jeez.

"Where are you?"

"Apartment of course, Where else it's already past 6. "

I gulp when I heard him laugh on the other line. Dang! That was a major turn on!

"Well, I'm here. Outside your building. Can you come?"

Huh? The fuck? Peeking from the balcony I saw his black Mercedes from a distance.

"What are ypu doing here?!"

Oh shit! What if Liza saw him? Damn! They will ask! There is a reason why I purposely didn't tell them. Damn.

"Wait for me! Don't come!"

Before he could even say anything I already ended the call.

Oh freak! I hope the two won't notice!

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