Discover Love

By Doodlly

394K 14.7K 413

Amelia was working in her dream job. Good job, good pay, and good boss! Then, something changes and life take... More

Hello Everyone!
New Beginning?
Busy First Week
Working Weekend
Bon Appétit
Purple Lounge
Workaholic Week
Intruding Intruders
Birthday Plan
Brian Busted
Thank You
Regina Peterson
Miss Me?
Chinese Delegates
Incoming Conference
Conference Venue
Devious Plan
Goof Up
Conference Saga
Return Trip
Confused Mind
Stubborn One
Convince Me
Convince Me Harder
Final Decision
Questions & Answers
Terms & Conditions
Friends & Family
Welcome Home
Travel Plan
Welcome to Family
Golden Jubilee
Deadly Doubts
Family Trip
A Night to Remember
Happily Ever After

Engagement Ring

7.2K 300 2
By Doodlly

As I woke up, the first awareness was about my surroundings. The mattress was just perfect, neither too hard nor soft. The bed sheets were light like a feather. The duvet was mushy and just the right amount of warmth. The light poured in but not very strongly due to the screen. Everything was different. Even the air smelled different.

I sat up straight and looked at the other side. Alex wasn't there, as expected. His side of the bed was rumpled, though. I couldn't hear any noise from the bathroom either.

'Did he leave already? Shit! What time is it?' I took my mobile phone from the side table only to realize that it was switched off. No wonder my alarm didn't ring.

'Argh! How could I be so stupid.'

I clambered down from the bed looking for a clock.

'Is there no bloody clock in this bedroom?'

I plugged in my mobile for charging and dashed to the bathroom to get fresh. After the quick shower, I realized that I didn't take my clothes to change. I never used to take my dress to the bathroom as I would dress up in my room. An image of myself in a white towel, facing Alex popped in my mind. God! That was so embarrassing. I should stop doing this. Then I remembered the connecting door to the closet. What an ingenious idea. I walked into the closet. Such a simple solution, isn't it?

I took my formals only to realize that it needs a good ironing.

'Fuck! Everything is going wrong today'

I pulled out my Jeans and a green top and quickly dressed up. I need to go down and ask the housekeeper about the iron box. My mobile charged up a bit and I got a mini heart attack when I saw the time. It was already noon. I slumped down on my bed. There's no point in going to the office now. By the time I get the things ready and reach there, it would be the time for evening coffee break. I mentally kicked myself.

'What should I do? Shouldn't I let Mr. Grumpy know?'

'He knows it already Dumbo. He would've seen you sleeping like a log!'

I wonder how I would have been sleeping? I decided to send across the message anyways.


'Hey! You're up!'

'I'm sorry, I overslept.'

'Don't worry, I know you slept by dawn.'

'How do you know that?'


'I need you to buy an engagement ring. 

Martin will take you to the jewelers. 

You can select whatever you want to.'


I walked down the stairs and found Elise in the kitchen. She was an elderly lady with her salt pepper hair pulled back into a tight bun. She smiled generously and I immediately felt comfortable.

'Shall I serve you brunch now Madam?' her voice was soft and tone motherly. I smiled and watched amazed as she kept different delicacies in front of me. After I finished my food, she introduced me to Grace, a girl of about my same age, who was to be my personal maid. Why would I need a personal maid though?

"Elise, could you tell me where the iron box is?"

"Don't worry Madam. Grace will take care of it." So that's why there's a personal maid. I felt a bit uncomfortable for I have taken care of myself all the time but I didn't argue.

I decided to finish the task of engagement ring. Martin was already waiting for me. He stopped the car outside a luxuriously decorated shop. I rechecked my bag to feel my Debit card. Imagine the situation wherein I buy the ring only to realize that I can't pay for it.

As I walked in, the shop assistant walked towards me. He was courteous and asked what I'd like to buy today. As I mentioned 'Engagement Ring' his eyes lit up.

"Would you be Ms. Amelia Wilson?" He asked

"Err... Yes." How does he even know my name?

"Mr. Holden mentioned that you would drop by though he didn't mention when." Well, of course, Mr. Grumpy would have made all arrangements. "Please have a seat while I give you our catalog" He made me sit on a posh couch and gave me a big catalog of rings.

Did you know there are varieties of rings as well? There are cocktail rings, statement rings, flexi rings, casual rings, and multi-finger rings. Phew! There was a complete catalog for engagement & bridal rings alone and apparently, people could create their own designs. I knew one could write the name of the ring but to make it from scratch was a different ball game altogether.

The prices were not mentioned and although I knew that the Black card could afford anything, I couldn't make myself buy something at his expense. Isn't that why I am also paid money in my account? That's why I took my debit card.

The catalog was too confusing and so I decided to take a look at the rings. I could probably pick something from what I like. Once I sat in front of the ring displays, I realized that selecting a ring was an equally challenging task. I wish I had my friends with me. Chris would have been an apt person. Ideally, I should have selected this with my fiancé but since that was not possible, I resigned and focused on the job at hand.

My eyes widened as I asked the price. I had no clue that these could be so costly. I mean I knew that jewelry is costly but this costly? I liked a particular ring which had a big stone in the center but the price was more than two year's salary of mine. I understood that the bigger the stone, the higher the price. I know I have a million dollars in the bank but what's the point of spending money on something which is not even real?

I had kept a budget for myself - two month's salary for the ring. I went through a few and finally after about an hour of ring hunting later, I decided on a simple one. It was a gold ring that had a small diamond in the middle. Tiny diamonds ran through the entire length of the ring. It wasn't flashy at all but it was very graceful. It also suited my fingers.

"18k yellow gold wedding band set with 0.62tcw old European cut diamonds. Very apt choice Ma'am" The assistant smiled. "This ring could be clubbed with two others. You can decide to go solo with this ring on your finger or throw two more similar bands and stack up. Would you like me to show that?" He looked at me expectantly.

"No. This would do" This ring itself is about $15,000, which is a bit above the budget I set. I could indeed afford another one but my heart wouldn't just allow me. I contemplated whether or not to wear the ring now itself. I decided otherwise. They packed the ring in a lovely box which I decided to keep in my handbag itself. I don't want it to be lost.

The billing was quick and within the next 15 minutes, I was out. I decided to get some dresses, slacks, and inners for me as well. Martin dropped me at Macy's. I got some essentials and splurged a bit on shoes and perfumes but I made sure that I use my debit card and not the Black Card. I easily spent more than a couple of hours there. It was time to leave. I called Martin and reached home.

Grace came running as soon I came out of the car. She picked up all my shopping bags even when I told her not to.

"I shall arrange all these in your closet Madam. Meanwhile, Master waits for you in the study" She gushed.

"Alex is early today?" I was surprised.

I went to study and knocked. I heard a 'Come In' and went inside. Alex stood up from his table.

"Amelia, you need not knock." He walked towards me.

"Habit, I guess?" I shrugged.

"Why didn't you buy the ring?" He enquired. I was happy there are at least somethings that he wasn't aware of.

"But I did. In fact, I have it here with me." I fished out the black and golden ring box from my handbag and extended the box towards him.

He took the box mystified "There was no swipe on your Black Card."

"I spent my own money." I raised my chin. Technically, it wasn't my money but I'm not going to debate on that.

He opened the box, stared at it for a really long time. I was now a bit anxious. I squirmed.

'Is it good? 

Is it bad? 

Is it too costly? 

Did you want in white gold? 

Say something dammit!'

After an eon of silence, he looked at me. I couldn't read the emotions in his blue eyes. Then he removed the ring from the box. He asked my hand and as I extended my hand, he ever so gently held my hands and slipped the ring into my ring finger. I wasn't expecting him to do so. It felt intimate. My hands shivered a bit. My face reddened and I unknowingly moistened my lips.

"Wait here." He turned, went to his table, and yanked open the drawer. He had a similar black & gold ring box. He came closer to me and extended it to me

"If you'd do the honors." He looked at me.

My hands shook as I picked the ring from the box. It was a plain gold wedding band. The ring was embossed and as I brought it closer to me, I could read the wordings. A tiny diamond twinkled as the dot of 'i'.


It was a beautiful ring and as I looked at it, my eyes moistened. This should and would have been such a precious moment, only, all of this was an act. I blinked my eyes to push away the tears. I trembled a bit as I held his hand and slid the ring in.

Forever and ever?

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